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噬血细胞综合征1例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
患儿 ,女 ,10月 ,发热 4d。 4d前开始无明原因发热 ,体温 37~ 40℃ ,有时呕吐 ,余无异常。既往史、个人史及家族史无异常。查体 :体温 38℃ ,一般状况好 ,面色苍黄 ,巩膜黄染不明显 ,无皮疹 ,双侧耳后、颈部及腹股沟区均可扪及数个淋巴结 ,直径 2~ 6mm ,活动度好 ,无触痛 ,咽稍红 ,心肺无异常 ,腹软 ,肝肋下 3~ 4cm ,剑下 2cm ,质韧 ,表面光滑 ,脾肋下3cm ,质韧 ,均无触痛 ,余无异常。予对症、支持疗法 ,仍持续发热 ,肝脾进行性增大 ,呕吐加重。血WBC(1.0~ 1.5 )×10 9/L ,N 0 .41~ 0 .47,L 0 .34~ 0 .42 ,M 0 .11~…  相似文献   

小儿噬血细胞综合征是一组组织细胞疾病,表现组织细胞在骨髓或其他淋巴组织中异常增多,并伴有活跃的吞噬自身血细胞的行为.临床表现为持续高热,肝脾肿大,血象2系以上减低,肝功能异常,凝血障碍,高甘油三脂血症,骨髓涂片可见组织细胞增多并可见吞噬血细胞现象.该病进展快,预后差,病死率高.而早期诊断治疗很关键.现对我院2000年至2004年收治的10例噬血细胞综合征做回顾性分析.  相似文献   

儿童噬血细胞综合征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
噬血细胞综合征(hemophargocytic syndrome,HS或HPS)又称噬血细胞淋巴组织细胞增生症(he_mophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,HLH),归属于组织细胞增生症(histiocytosis)这一大类疾病。目前认为HLH是单核/巨噬细胞系统反应性疾病,病理特征为组织细胞良性增生伴吞噬血细胞现象。HLH临床表现与过去命名的恶性组织细胞病(malignanthistiocytosis,MH)相似。两种疾病均可表现为发热、肝脾肿大、淋巴结肿大、血细胞减少、肝功能异常、出血等,在骨髓、淋巴结、肝、脾组织中可以见到吞噬红细胞或血小板的噬血组织细胞。以往按照细胞形态将两个…  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童HLH的临床特征、发病危险因素、实验室特点以及采用HLH-2004方案治疗的疗效和预后情况。方法回顾分析2011年1月至2014年12月收治的40例HLH患儿的临床资料。诊断标准和治疗方案按照国际组织细胞协会HLH-2004方案。结果 40例HLH患儿中,男24例、女16例,发病中位年龄1岁(4个月~10.5岁);2例有明确家族史,27例有明确诱因。主要临床表现为发热、肝脾肿大、出血、肺浸润、胸腔积液、中枢神经系统病变、皮疹等。实验室检查血细胞减少、肝功能异常、凝血异常、高三酰甘油血症、铁蛋白升高,骨髓可见噬血细胞。35例患儿采用HLH-2004方案治疗。存活26例,死亡14例。死亡原因主要为感染、弥散性血管内凝血和多脏器衰竭。结论儿童HLH病情凶险,临床表现复杂,须尽早采用HLH-2004方案诊疗。  相似文献   

噬血细胞综合征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  

噬血细胞综合征:附10例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
噬血细胞综合征属于组织细胞增生性疾病,特征为组织细胞异常增生并具有吞噬细胞现象。本文报道的10例病列中,7例发现与感染相关,1例与肿瘤相关,2例未发现相关疾病。  相似文献   

噬血细胞综合征亦称“噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症”,临床特点为高热、肝脾肿大、全血细胞减少和凝血功能障碍,病死率极高。现将本院收治的2例噬血细胞综合征报道如下。  相似文献   

患儿 ,男 ,9岁。反复不规则发热、牙龈出血 10余天。既往体健 ,无家族史。体温 39℃ ,心率 110次 /min ,呼吸 2 8次 /min ,血压 95 / 6 5mmHg。全身浅表淋巴结大 ,皮肤黄染 ,心肺检查无异常 ;腹软 ,肝肋下 5 .0cm ,剑突下 3.0cm ,质中等 ,边缘钝 ,无压痛 ;脾肋下 7.0cm ,质中等  相似文献   

目的 探讨噬血性淋巴组织细胞增生症(HLH)的临床特点.方法回顾性分析2009年4月-2010年5月本院血液科收治的20例HLH患儿临床表现及血常规、肝功能、血液生化、病原学、免疫学检测、血清铁蛋白及骨髓涂片检查等实验室指标,参照HLH-2004治疗方案治疗.结果患儿主要表现为持续发热,肝、脾、淋巴结大,全血细胞减少,肝功能受损,凝血障碍,低纤维蛋白血症,高三酯甘油血症,自然杀伤细胞比例降低.12例中性粒细胞<1.0×109 L-1,16例Hb<90 g·L-1,18例血小板<100×109 L-1,血细胞二系降低者18例,三系同时降低12例.ALT升高20例,AST升高18例,LDH升高20例,胆碱酯酶升高13例.三酰甘油升高18例,血清铁蛋白>1 500 μg·L-1 8例,ESR增快9例;CRP增高11例,自然杀伤细胞比例降低12例,骨髓增生活跃17例,增生低下3例,12例骨髓涂片找到噬血细胞.20例发病与感染相关者中,与EB病毒感染相关性噬血细胞综合征3例,巨细胞病毒感染相关4例,铜绿假单胞菌感染1例.治愈3例,好转15例,疗效不佳自动出院2例.结论 HLH临床表现多样,及时诊治可改善预后.  相似文献   

噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症47例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症(HLH)的临床特点及预后,初步评价早期化疗疗效。方法除诊断所需检测项目外,患儿均常规行细胞及体液免疫功能检测、头部CT或MRI检测,并定期监测上述指标以评估疗效。患者化疗前均常规送检脑脊液生化及常规分类及爱泼斯坦病毒(EBV)、巨细胞病毒(CMV)、单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)、柯萨奇病毒(Cox-V)、埃可病毒(ECHOV)抗体检测。结果1.HLH48例患儿接受化疗,1例死亡,余47例均临床有效,8例因治疗过程中再次出现活动性病变放弃治疗,1例于化疗1.5年后病情再次恶化。25例进入停药观察期,其中3例复发。3年预期生存率为78%。2.疗效差12例中11例(92%)为EBV相关HLH。3.在所有监测指标中脾脏大小变化及铁蛋白可早期反映疾病转归,MRI对脑实质受累的检出率明显高于CT,二者具有非常显著差异(P=0.006)。结论1.化疗过程中应定期监测脾脏大小及血清铁蛋白。2.HLH患者确诊后应常规行头颅MRI检查,并在治疗不同阶段予以监测。3.EBV感染是预后不良因素之一,前期化疗疗效不满意的EBV-HLH应尽早接受干细胞移植。4.适时化疗可明显改善HLH患儿预后。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Data on 28 patients with malignant histiocytosis (MH), fourteen patients with virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome (VAHS) and two patients with familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FEL) were collected from 21 hospitals in Japan to study the serum ferritin levels and clinical features. At diagnosis, the serum ferritin values were a median of 3000 ng/ml (range, 59–270000 ng/ml) in MH and 10500 ng/ml (range, 44–68600 ng/ml) in VAHS/FEL. Clinical signs and symptoms were not substantially different between MH and VAHS/FEL. Thus, serum ferritin markedly increased in the majority of MH/VAHS/FEL patients and should be a useful marker of disease activity in either neoplastic or reactive histiocytic proliferative disorders.  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童EB病毒(EBV)相关噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症(EBV-HLH)患儿的EBV血清学抗体及病毒复制水平等特征.方法 对67例EBV-HLH患儿和60例原发性EBV感染所致的传染性单核细胞增多症(EBV-IM)患儿的临床资料进行分析,EBV特异性抗体和血清EBV DNA载量分别采用间接免疫荧光法和荧光定量PCR测定.结果 EBV-HLH患儿EBV特异性抗体结果:EBV-CA-IgM、EBV-CA-IgG、EBV-EA-IgG和EBV-NA-IgG的阳性率分别为28.8%、100.0%、51.5%和78.8%,EBV-VCA-IgG高亲和力为78.9%,低亲和力为12.1%;血清学抗体结果显示,71.2%的患儿为EBV再激活感染,其余为急性原发EBV感染;45.5%的EBV-HLH患儿可在血清中检测到EBV DNA,其拷贝数中位数为1.976×103 copies·L-1.EBV-IM患儿的EBV-CA-IgM、EBV-CA-IgG、EBV-EA-IgG和EBV-NA-IgG阳性率分别为100.0%、100.0%、58.3%和26.7%,EBV-VCA-IgG高亲和力为18.3%,低亲和力为81.7%,EBV DNA阳性率为10.0%,DNA拷贝数均值为8.495 copies·1-1.IM患儿均为EBV原发感染状态.结论 EBV-HLH可发生在EBV原发感染或既往EBV感染再激活时期,但多数患儿由既往EBV感染再激活所致.EBV-HLH患儿血清中EBV复制水平显著高于EBV-IM患儿.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We retrospectively studied the incidence of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) in children during the 16-year period 1971–86. First, all departments of pediatrics, pathology, and infectious diseases were enquired for children with FHL or disorders resembling FHL. Secondly, the causes of death of all children who died during the study period in Sweden ( n = 19 542) were also investigated. Files and histological specimens were further studied in selected children. By using a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria, we found 32 children with FHL. The incidence was 1.2/1000000 children per year. One child per 50 000 live borns developed FHL during this period. The sex ratio was close to 1:1. Prominent early clinical signs were fever (91%), splenomegaly (84%), hepatomegaly (90%), rash (43%), and lymph node enlargement (42%). Neurological symptoms, which developed in 47%, could totally dominate the clinical picture and develop prior to other symptoms and signs. Common laboratory findings were pancytopenia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypofibrinogenemia, elevated serum transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia, hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia, and a moderate spinal fluid pleocytosis. Chest X-ray often revealed mostly discrete pulmonary infiltrates. FHL is an underdiagnosed disease and in only 11/32 children was diagnosis made during their lifetime. It is important to be aware of the disorder as potential therapy now exists.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the cause of hypofibrinogenemia in familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL), formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the spleen obtained at autopsy were examined by using immunohistochemical methods for the presence of fibrinogen antigens, and such antigens were detected in approximately 10% of the histiocytes in a diffuse staining pattern. This finding indicates uptake of fibrin and/or fibrinogen molecules by activated histiocytes and suggests that hypofibrinogenemia of FHL is caused by the direct action of activated histiocytes on factor X through Mac-1 receptors, subsequent activation of the common pathway of the coagulation protease cascade, and uptake of fibrin and/or fibrinogen molecules by such cells.  相似文献   

Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare and fatal hematological syndrome that causes a disturbance of the immune system. Overall mortality of HLH is greater than 50% and the majority of patients who die do so within the first 8 weeks of chemotherapy treatment. To find clinical parameters relating to high-risk HLH patients, this study examined associations between an early fatal outcome and potential prognostic clinical factors and laboratory findings on admission. Eighty-nine pediatric HLH patients were prospectively recruited in Children's Hospital No. 1, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam, during the period from January 2010 to August 2012. Associations between early fatal outcome and clinical and laboratory findings, including a cerebrospinal fluid examination and virological test on admission, were examined. During the 8-week therapy, 25 (28%) HLH patients died. Persistent fever (>2 weeks), severe thrombocytopenia (<75 × 109/L), hyperbilirubinemia, and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) (>33 sec) were significant risk factors of early fatal outcome. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that thrombocytopenia and prolonged APTT (P for trend was 0.054 and 0.013, respectively) were independently associated with the early fatal outcome. Persistent fever, severe thrombocytopenia, hyperbilirubinemia, and prolonged APTT on admission will be useful and practical predictors to determine high-risk HLH patients.  相似文献   

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