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K Ogita  T Suzuki  Y Yoneda 《Neuropharmacology》1989,28(11):1263-1270
Binding of radiolabelled glycine, a putative inhibitory neurotransmitter in mammalian lower central structures, was examined by using the synaptic membranes of the brain of rat, treated with Triton X-100. This treatment with Triton markedly potentiated the binding of [3H]glycine detected at 2 degrees C and 30 degrees C. However, this binding was not affected by three different convulsants, strychnine, picrotoxin and bicuculline. The binding was saturable at 2 degrees C, with increasing concentrations of [3H]glycine up to 1 microM. Scatchard analysis revealed that the binding sites consisted of a single component with a Kd of 202 nM and a Bmax of 1.74 pmol/mg protein. The binding was inhibited, not only by various amino acids structurally related to glycine, including D- and L-serine and D-, L- and beta-alanine, but was also eliminated by some peptides containing glycine, such as gamma-D- and gamma-L-glutamylglycine, glycine methylester and N-methyl-glycine. In addition, the strychnine-insensitive binding of [3H]glycine was significantly abolished by numerous quinoxaline antagonists for excitatory amino acid receptors in the brain. These results suggest that synaptic membranes of brain, treated with Triton X-100, are useful to detect the strychnine-insensitive binding of [3H]glycine and superior to untreated membranes in terms of the freedom from the confounding effects of some endogenous amino acids.  相似文献   

The pharmacological characteristics of the binding of [3H]8-OH-DPAT ([3H]8-hydroxy-2(di-n-propylamino)tetralin, [125I]CYP ((-)[125I]iodocyanopindolol) (in the presence of 30 microM (-)isoprenaline) and [3H]mesulergine to 5-HT1 recognition sites were studied in rat and pig brain membranes. [3H]8-OH-DPAT bound in rat and pig cortex to the 5-HT1A recognition site characterized by high affinity for 5-CT (5-carboxamido-tryptamine), 8-OH-DPAT, 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) and low affinity for pirenperone, ketanserin and mesulergine. [125I]CYP bound in rat but not in pig cortex to the 5-HT1B site which shows high affinity for (-)21-009 (4[3-ter-butyl-amino-2-hydroxy-propoxy]indol-2-carbonic acid isopropyl ester), (+/-)ICYP (3-I-cyanopindolol), 5-HT, RU 24969 (5-methoxy-3-[1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridon-4-yl]1H-indole) and low affinity for 8-OH-DPAT, mesulergine and pirenperone. [3H]Mesulergine bound in pig choroid plexus and in rat cortex (besides binding to 5-HT2 sites in rat cortex) to the 5-HT1C recognition site characterized by high affinity for metergoline, mesulergine, 5-HT and methergine and low affinity for (-)21-009, ICYP, 8-OH-DPAT and spiroperidol. The pharmacological profile of 5-HT1A sites in rat and pig cortex appears to be identical; 5-HT1C sites in pig choroid plexus and rat cortex show no differences. In contrast, it was not possible to label 5-HT1B sites with [125I]CYP in pig brain membranes indicating that like 5-HT2 receptors, 5-HT1 recognition sites show species differences. The pharmacological profiles of the three 5-HT1 recognition sites are clearly different from one another. Furthermore, the pharmacological profile of each individual 5-HT1 recognition site is also different from that of the 5-HT2 receptors labelled with [3H]ketanserin in rat cortex membranes although some similarities exist between 5-HT2 and 5-HT1C sites. Finally, the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist (-)21-009 which has different affinities for 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B and 5-HT1C recognition sites, yielded triphasic competition curves for [3H]5-HT binding in rat cortex membranes providing evidence that [3H]5-HT labels three distinct 5-HT1 sites in these membranes.  相似文献   

Association of [3H]zacopride with 5-HT3 binding sites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An assay was developed for [3H]zacopride binding to 5-HT3 specific sites in membranes from rabbit ileum muscularis. The binding was rapid, saturable, reversible, salt-insensitive, unaffected by pH between 6.5 and 9.5, and of high affinity (apparent KD = 0.65 +/- 0.15 nM). ICS 205-930, a potent 5-HT3 antagonist that inhibited competitively, was utilized to define 5-HT3 specific binding. Other 5-HT3 antagonists and agonists, although exhibiting marked differences in potency, were also effective inhibitors; whereas, antagonists of other classes of serotonin receptors, guanyl nucleotides and numerous receptor-specific ligands, including peptide hormones, were inactive. Vagus nerve exhibited the greatest amount of 5-HT3 specific binding amongst rabbit tissues and virtually all of the [3H]zacopride was bound to 5-HT3 binding sites. In rabbit, rat and ferret a fairly uniform distribution of 5-HT3 binding sites was observed along the muscularis of the small bowel. [3H]Zacopride is a high-affinity ligand for detecting 5-HT3 binding sites and rabbit small bowel muscularis membranes are a sensitive system for evaluating the potency of 5-HT3 antagonists or agonists.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of several non-benzodia-zepine drugs with [3H] diazepam binding to benzodiazepine receptors in rat brain synaptosomal membranes was investigated. Baclofen, benzoctamine, hydroxyzine, chlorpromazin, haloperidol, imipramine, and amitriptyline displace specific [3H] diazepam binding, but the concentrations needed are too high to explain pharmacological effects of these drugs by an interaction with benzodiazepine receptors. The most potent non-benzodiazepine drug for inhibiting specific [3H] diazepam binding was methaqualone (IC50 value of 150 M). It is suggested that interactions with benzodiazepine receptors may account for the anxiolytic and anticonvulsive side effects of this drug. The analeptic drug pentylenetetrazole interacts with benzodiazepine receptor binding with an IC50 value of about 1 mM, which is possibly too high to explain its convulsive properties by an antagonism at the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   

1. The effect of nociceptin (NC) on 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release was studied in rat cerebral cortex slices preincubated with [3H]-5-HT and electrically stimulated (3 Hz, for 2 min) at the 45th (St1) and the 75th (St2) min of superfusion. 2. NC (0.1 - 3 microM), present in the medium from the 70th min onward, concentration-dependently reduced electrically evoked [3H]-5-HT efflux (pEC50=6.54, Emax -54%). The inhibition was not antagonized by naloxone (1 microM) ruling out the involvement of opioid receptors. 3. Phe1psi(CH2-NH2)Gly2]NC(1-13)NH2, which acts as an opioid-like receptor (ORL1) antagonist at the peripheral level, behaved as a partial agonist in cerebral cortex slices i.e. it inhibited [3H]-5-HT efflux when added before St2, however, when present in the medium throughout the whole experiment, [Phe1psi(CH2-NH2)Gly2]NC(1-13)NH2 prevented the action of NC added at the 70th min. 4. The non-selective ORL1 receptor antagonist, naloxone benzoylhydrazone (3 microM), in the presence of 10 microM naloxone, did not modify the St2/St1 ratio but completely abolished the NC effect. 5. These findings demonstrate that NC inhibits 5-HT release from rat cerebral cortex slices via ORL1 receptors, suggesting its involvement in central processes mediated by 5-HT.  相似文献   

In order to fully resolve the binding profile of [3H]rauwolscine to membranes from the cortex of the rat, saturation, competition and association-dissociation data were analysed by means of computerised curve-fitting techniques. The binding isotherm for [3H]rauwolscine was best fitted to a two-component model consisting of a high-affinity, saturable site (approx. Kd 1.8 nM) and a low-affinity, apparently non-saturable, component. Displacement experiments revealed shallow inhibition curves for both antagonist and agonist ligands with a rank order of potency indicative of an interaction at the alpha 2-adrenoceptor. Inclusion of spiroperidol, but not prazosin, markedly steepened the antagonist, but not the agonist inhibition curves. In addition, spiroperidol attenuated, but did not eliminate, the low-affinity component in saturation experiments. Dissociation and association data revealed a biphasic paradigm, the more slowly-associating/dissociating component of which was sensitive to spiroperidol. It was concluded that [3H]rauwolscine binds to two sites on membranes of the rat cortex; a high-affinity site corresponding to alpha 2-adrenoceptors and a low-affinity, spiroperidol-sensitive component. The possible identity of the low-affinity site is discussed with particular emphasis on displacement data for [3H]rauwolscine and the interaction with rauwolscine in isolated organs.  相似文献   

1. The radioligand binding characteristics of the 3H-derivative of the novel 5-HT3 receptor antagonist BRL46470 were investigated and directly compared to the well characterized 5-HT3 receptor radioligand [3H]-granisetron, in tissue homogenates prepared from rat cerebral cortex/hippocampus, rat ileum, NG108-15 cells, HEK-5-HT3As cells and human putamen. 2. In rat cerebral cortex/hippocampus, rat ileum, NG108-15 cell and HEK-5-HT3As cell homogenates, [3H]-BRL46470 bound with high affinity (Kd (nM): 1.57 +/- 0.18, 2.49 +/- 0.30, 1.84 +/- 0.27, 3.46 +/- 0.36, respectively; mean +/- s.e. mean, n = 3-4) to an apparently homogeneous saturable population of sites (Bmax (fmol mg-1 protein): 102 +/- 16, 44 +/- 4, 968 +/- 32 and 2055 +/- 105, respectively; mean +/- s.e. mean, n = 3-4) but failed to display specific binding in human putamen homogenates. 3. In the same homogenates of rat cerebral cortex/hippocampus, rat ileum, NG108-15 cells, HEK-5-HT3As cells and human putamen as used for the [3H]-BRL46470 studies, [3H]-granisetron also bound with high affinity (Kd (nM): 1.55 +/- 0.61, 2.31 +/- 0.44, 1.89 +/- 0.36, 2.03 +/- 0.42 and 6.46 +/- 2.58 respectively; mean +/- s.e. mean, n = 3-4) to an apparently homogeneous saturable population of sites (Bmax (fmol mg-1 protein): 39 +/- 4, 20 +/- 2, 521 +/- 47, 870 +/- 69 and 18 +/- 2, respectively; mean +/- s.e. mean, n = 3-4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

[3H]Ketanserin, a specific serotonin (5-HT) antagonist, was used to investigate whether 5-HT receptors increased in the uterine membranes of ovariectomized rats on administration of 17 beta-estradiol-3-benzoate (estradiol) and also to investigate the characteristics of specific [3H]ketanserin binding to the uterine membranes from estradiol-treated ovariectomized rat. Administration of estradiol significantly increased the amount of [3H]ketanserin specifically bound at equilibrium but did not change the apparent affinity of specific [3H]ketanserin binding. The specific [3H]ketanserin binding to estradiol-treated ovariectomized preparations was rapid and reversible. The Scatchard plots of the saturation curves of specific [3H]ketanserin binding to untreated and estradiol-treated ovariectomized preparations were convex. The apparent Ki values of various serotonergic agents deduced from displacements by these compounds of specific [3H]ketanserin binding to estradiol-treated ovariectomized preparations were two to four orders of magnitude smaller than those of adrenergic, dopaminergic and histaminergic agents. These results suggest that [3H]ketanserin binds mainly to 5-HT receptors in the uterine membranes of estradiol-treated ovariectomized rats.  相似文献   

Tritiated sertraline, a radiolabeled form of a potent and selective inhibitor of serotonin uptake, was found to bind with high affinity to rat whole brain membranes. Characterization studies showed that [3H] sertraline binding occurred at a single site with the following parameters:K d 0.57 nM,B max 821 fmol/mg protein,n h 1.06. This binding was reversible; the dissociation constant calculated from kinetic measurements (K d 0.81 nM) agreed with that determined by saturation binding experiments. [3H] Sertraline binding in the presence of serotonin, paroxetine, fluoxetine or imipramine suggested competitive inhibition of binding (large increase inK d with little change inB max). The rank order of potency of inhibition of [3H] sertraline binding was similar to that of inhibition of serotonin uptake for known uptake inhibitors and the 1-amino-4-phenyltetralin uptake blockers. A marked decrease in ex vivo [3H] sertraline binding in the brain of rats 7 days after treatment withp-chloroamphetamine was consistent with the loss of serotonin uptake sites induced by this agent. The results of our study indicated that [3H] sertraline labels serotonin uptake sites in rat brain.  相似文献   

The kinetic and pharmacological characteristics of the binding of the oxazoline antihypertensive drug, [3H]rilmenidine, to membranes of rat cerebral cortex have been determined. Computerised resolution of curvi-linear, equilibrium binding isotherms was consistent with the existence of two distinct binding sites for [3H]rilmenidine: Kd 17.3 +/- 7.41 nM, Bmax 0.197 +/- 0.06 pmol/mg protein and Kd 254 +/- 48 nM, Bmax 1.59 +/- 0.08 pmol/mg protein. Moreover, the resolution of two association and dissociation rates also suggested the existence of two binding site populations. Drug inhibition studies revealed that specific binding of [3H]rilmenidine (2 nM) was only inhibited by a maximum of 50% by the catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline, but was completely inhibited by some oxazolines, by guanabenz (a guanidino drug) and by several imidazoline compounds including naphazoline, oxymetazoline and clonidine. Binding isotherms for these drugs were also best fit by a two-site model. The relative Ki values at the high affinity site for [3H]rilmenidine and the number of these high affinity sites are consistent with this site being an alpha 2-adrenoceptor. The high affinity of oxymetazoline and low affinity of prazosin for high affinity [3H]rilmenidine binding sites together with the rank order of potency of oxymetazoline greater than phentolamine greater than SKF 104078 greater than ARC-239 greater than prazosin suggest that [3H]rilmenidine binds to the alpha 2A sub-type of adrenoceptor. Computer-resolved Ki values for drugs at the larger number of lower affinity binding sites were very similar to Ki values determined in the presence of 10 microM adrenaline (used to block alpha 2-adrenoceptor binding).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Characterization of [3H]-imidazenil binding to rat brain membranes.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. The binding of [3H]-imidazenil, an imidazobenzodiazepine carboxamide, to rat cerebellar membranes was characterized at different temperatures. 2. Specific binding was linear with tissue concentrations and reached maximum after 90, 30 and 5 min incubation at 0, 21 and 37 degrees C, respectively. The binding was of high affinity, specific and saturable; non linear regression and Scatchard analysis of the data was compatible with the presence of a single population of receptor sites with Bmax of 0.74 +/- 0.020, 0.90 +/- 0.011 and 1.0 +/- 0.036 pmol mg-1 protein at 0, 21 and 27 degrees C, respectively. Binding affinity decreased with increasing temperature: Kd were 0.29 +/- 0.051 nM (0 degrees C), 1.0 +/- 0.080 nM (21 degrees C) and 2.4 +/- 0.38 nM (37 degrees C). 3. At all tested temperatures, [3H]-imidazenil binding was reversible and the Kd calculated from the dissociation and association rate constants approximated the equilibrium Kd. 4. In the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), Kd increased 4 fold at 0 degrees C, whereas Bmax increased, albeit slightly, at all temperatures. 5. Benzodiazepines (BZDs), imidazopyridines and methyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (beta CCM) were effective inhibitors of [3H]-imidazenil binding. Conversely, GABAA antagonists, barbiturates, picrotoxin and peripheral BZD receptor ligands were devoid of any activity. 6. Comparing [3H]-imidazenil to [3H]-flumazenil binding in various brain areas, similar densities of recognition sites as well as like regional differences in the distribution of binding sites for both radioligands were observed (cortex = striatum > cerebellum > spinal cord).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of serotonin (5-HT) on the release of tritium from striatal synaptosomes previously loaded with [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) was studied. 5-HT stimulated both the spontaneous and Ca(2+)-evoked efflux of tritium in a concentration-dependent manner. This effect was not mimicked by the non-selective 5-HT agonist, d-lysergic acid diethylamide. Further, the stimulatory effects of 5 muM 5-HT were unaffected by the selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, MDL-72222 and GR-38032F. On the other hand, cocaine and the selective DA uptake inhibitor, nomifensine completely antagonized the effect of 5 muM 5-HT on spontaneous tritium efflux with IC50 values of 0.2 and 0.09 muM, respectively. The effect of 5-HT on Ca(2+)-evoked tritium efflux was also blocked by these DA uptake inhibitors, albeit at somewhat higher concentrations. These data support the hypothesis that 5-HT induces the release of DA from striatal nerve terminals via a mechanism involving the transport of 5-HT into the dopaminergic terminal, rather than by activating 5-HT3 receptors as has been proposed to account for the effect of 5-HT observed in striatal slices.  相似文献   

1. The biochemical and pharmacological properties of 5-HT3 receptors in homogenates of NG108-15 and NCB-20 neuroblastoma cells and rat cerebral cortex have been ascertained by the use of [3H]-quipazine and [3H]-GR65630 binding. 2. In NG108-15 and NCB-20 cell homogenates, [3H]-quipazine bound to a single class of high affinity (NG108-15: Kd = 6.2 +/- 1.1 nM, n = 4; NCB-20: Kd = 3.0 +/- 0.9 nM, n = 4; means +/- s.e.means) saturable (NG108-15: Bmax = 1340 +/- 220 fmol mg-1 protein; NCB-20: Bmax = 2300 +/- 200 fmol mg-1 protein) binding sites. In rat cortical homogenates, [3H]-quipazine bound to two populations of binding sites in the absence of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) uptake inhibitor, paroxetine (Kd1 = 1.6 +/- 0.5 nM, Bmax1 = 75 +/- 14 fmol mg-1 protein; Kd2 = 500 +/- 300 nM, Bmax2 = 1840 +/- 1040 fmol mg-1 protein, n = 3), and to a single class of high affinity binding sites (Kd = 2.0 +/- 0.5 nM, n = 3; Bmax = 73 +/- 6 fmol mg-1 protein) in the presence of paroxetine. The high affinity (nanomolar) component probably represented 5-HT3 binding sites and the low affinity component represented 5-HT uptake sites. 3. [3H]-paroxetine bound with high affinity (Kd = 0.02 +/- 0.003 nM, n = 3) to a site in rat cortical homogenates in a saturable (Bmax = 323 +/- 45 fmol mg-1 protein, n = 3) and reversible manner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The characteristics of [3H]-prazosin binding in renal cortical membranes of the rat have been assessed under a variety of buffer conditions. At 37 degrees, in Krebs' phosphate and Tris buffer, [3H]-prazosin bound to two sites, a small population of high affinity sites with properties of alpha1-adrenoceptors and a much larger population of low affinity sites with different characteristics. High affinity [3H]-prazosin binding was insensitive to Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, but low affinity [3H]-prazosin binding was markedly increased in Krebs' phosphate or sodium phosphate buffer and further enhanced in membranes pretreated with EGTA. Binding was decreased in the presence of Ca2+, the decrease in binding mainly being due to a decrease in the number of low affinity sites labelled by the ligand. Low affinity [3H]-prazosin binding was increased at 37 degrees and relatively insensitive to alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists which were weak competitors while catecholamines failed to compete for low affinity binding. Scatchard plots of [3H]-prazosin binding performed using (-)-noradrenaline (1 mM) to define non-specific binding defined binding only to alpha 1-adrenoceptors. This provides a means of differentiating high and low affinity [3H]-prazosin binding.  相似文献   

The dissociations of [3H]imipramine, [3H]paroxetine and [3H]citalopram from the 5-HT (serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine) transporter were found to be markedly influenced by several drugs, although concentrations in the microM range were needed. Most of these drugs attenuated the dissociation rate, i.e. increased the affinity between the ligand and the binding site. A few increased the dissociation rate however. The binding of drugs to the affinity-modulating site was specific, although of low affinity and probably changing the conformation of the high-affinity binding site, thereby changing the fit between the ligand and the interacting amino acid side-chains. Although the drugs usually affected the dissociation rates of the three ligands in the same manner, there were some which had different effects on [3H]imipramine, [3H]paroxetine and [3H]citalopram. For example, 5-HT markedly attenuated the dissociation of [3H]imipramine, had a moderate effect on [3H]paroxetine and very little effect on [3H]citalopram dissociation. This indicates that the three ligands are bound to different domains on the 5-HT transporter. [3H]Citalopram dissociation from human brain and rat brain were differently affected by several drugs. Indalpine augmented the dissociation rate of the [3H]citalopram 5-HT transport complex in human brain but attenuated it in rat brain, thus revealing a species difference of the 5-HT transporter.  相似文献   

In addition to its action at cholinergic synapses acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been proposed to modulate neuronal activity by mechanisms unrelated to the hydrolysis of acetylcholine. We have investigated the effects of AChE on the binding of the specific AMPA receptor agonists (S)-[3H]5-fluorowillardiine ([3H]FW) and [3H]AMPA to rat cortical membranes. Pretreatment of membranes with AChE causes a dose-dependent increase in the binding of both radiolabelled agonists with a maximal increase to approximately 60% above control. This increase is completely blocked by the specific AChE inhibitors propidium, physostigmine, DFP and BW 284C51. AChE pretreatment had no effect on [3H]kainate binding. [3H]FW binding to membranes from young (15-day-old) rats is four orders of magnitude more sensitive to AChE modulation than membranes from adult rats (EC50 values of 4x10(-5) and 0.1 unit/ml, respectively) although the total percentage increase in binding is similar. Furthermore, the AChE-induced potentiation of [3H]FW binding is Ca2+ - and temperature-dependent suggesting an enzymatic action for AChE in this system. Saturation binding experiments with [3H]FW to adult membranes reveal high and low affinity binding sites and demonstrate that the main action of AChE is to increase the Bmax of both sites. These findings suggest that modulation of AMPA receptors could provide a molecular mechanism of action for the previously reported effects of AChE in synapse formation, synaptic plasticity and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The pineal hormone, melatonin, enhanced the sodium-independent binding of [3H]-gamma-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) and [3H]muscimol in the rat cerebral cortex in vitro. This effect was augmented by preincubation of synaptic membranes with melatonin but was abolished by preincubation with Triton X-100. Saturation binding studies using [3H]GABA (2.5 to 1000 nM) indicated that the melatonin-induced enhancement of binding is due to an increase in low-affinity GABAA binding sites. These findings suggest that the central effects of melatonin involve modulation of GABAergic function.  相似文献   

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