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CONTEXT: We addressed the assessment of professional behaviour in tutorial groups by investigating students' perceptions of the frequency and impact of critical incidents that impede this assessment and 5 factors underlying these critical incidents. METHODS: A questionnaire asking students to rate the frequency and impact of 40 critical incidents relating to effective assessment of professional behaviour on a 5-point Likert scale was developed and sent to all undergraduate medical students in Years 2-4 of a 6-year undergraduate curriculum. RESULTS: The response rate was 70% (n = 393). Important factors underlying critical incidents are: lack of effective interaction; lack of thoroughness; tutors' failure to confront students with unprofessional behaviour; lack of effort to find solutions, and lack of student motivation. Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good model fit. Because the relationship between frequency of occurrence and degree of impediment varies, the best information about the true impact of critical incidents and the underlying factors is provided by the product of frequency and degree of impediment. Frequency of occurrence remains stable and degree of impediment increases in Years 2-4. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study can be used to design and improve faculty development programmes aimed at improving assessment of professional behaviour. Training programmes should motivate tutors by providing background information as to why and how sound assessment of professional behaviour is to be performed and encourage tutors to confront students with and discuss all aspects of professional behaviour, as well as provide appropriate feedback.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In 1998 we reported on the rise and fall of medical student communication skills during the 4 years of medical school. Since then, the University of Connecticut School of Medicine has completed a major curriculum renewal project with an emphasis on early clinical work, lifelong learning and more ambulatory training. The goals of this study were to compare students' interviewing and interpersonal skills in standardised patient (SP) assessments in the old and new curricula and to assess the success of the new curriculum in preventing a decline in student skills in this domain. METHODS: The clinical skills of 202 students were measured longitudinally during encounters with SPs in each of their 4 years of medical school. Students in this study and the earlier study were evaluated using the Arizona Clinical Interviewing Rating (ACIR) Scale. RESULTS: Compared with students from the previous curriculum, students on the new curriculum in this study showed an improvement in ACIR scores. Year 1 mean ACIR scores (1 = poor to 5 = excellent) were, respectively, 3.6 for the old curriculum cohort and 4.0 for the new curriculum group. In Year 4 the mean score for the old curriculum cohort was 3.7 and that for the new curriculum group was 3.8. Students on the new curriculum still showed a decline in ACIR scores from Years 1 to 4, but it was not as severe a decline as it had been previously. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-clinical medical students perform better on measures of interpersonal communication than their clinical counterparts. The students who participated in the new curriculum demonstrated an earlier acquisition of and a less steep decline in interviewing and interpersonal skills during the course of medical school.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Considerable research has been conducted recently into the notion of patient-centred consulting. The primary goal of this approach is to establish a clear understanding of the patient's perspective on his or her problem, and to allow this understanding to inform both the explanation and planning stages of the consultation. The quality of this understanding is largely determined by the empathic accuracy achieved by the doctor; the primary benefit is a therapeutic rapport between doctor and patient. METHODS: To highlight the role of empathy and communication skills in establishing rapport, we initially developed a model which seeks to draw the various motivational and skill elements identified in separate research papers into a comprehensive model of the journey towards shared understanding between doctor and patient. We then conducted an initial validation of the model via qualitative analysis involving general practitioners (GPs) and clinical psychologists. RESULTS: The validation offered encouraging support for the principal elements of the model. Specific suggestions for clarification and extension were then incorporated in a revised model. CONCLUSIONS: The model appears to capture the dynamic process of establishing a therapeutic relationship (rapport) between doctor and patient, defined by the quality of the doctor's understanding of the patient's perspective on his or her problem. Arguably, the most important contribution of the model is to highlight the fact that 'empathy' and consequent 'rapport' are not mystical or exclusive concepts but, rather, involve the use of specific skills accessible at some level by all.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: As a rule, undergraduate medical students experience everyday work in health care as spectators. They are not allowed to participate in real-life interaction between professionals and patients. We report on an exception to this rule. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine undergraduate students' experiences in developing their first professional-patient relationships on the basis of being responsible for the care of patients. METHODS: The study involved 2 cohorts (2002 and 2003) of medical students, amounting to 503 students. They had all worked in hospitals and/or nursing homes for 4 weeks at the end of their first year of study. Subsequent to this, they produced a case presentation of experiences in this work they perceived as important. These important experiences were the focus of our analysis. RESULTS: Five categories of important experiences were identified. Four of the 5 categories are logically interrelated in that they collectively cover the range of players involved in a caring situation and provide student insights into the interaction between these players. The fifth category is a heterogeneous residue category. Analysis and quantification of these 5 categories reveals a general similarity: students, to an overwhelming degree, are concerned with developing patient-centred care. DISCUSSION: If they are given real responsibility for patient care, undergraduate medical students, of their own accord, tend to develop patient-centred relationships in accordance with the principles of the new professionalism, sometimes in opposition to institutional and/or collegial constraints.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: The use of simulated patients (SPs) in teaching communication and practical skills at medical schools is mostly limited to single-case use: a student has 1 consultation with an SP and receives feedback afterwards. Very little literature is available that describes consecutive consultations between the same student and SP. In this study, we explored the experiences of SPs in a new, longitudinal SP programme in which SPs met the same Year 3 students ('GP') in 4 consecutive consultations during the year. The SPs suffered from a chronic disease in their patient roles. METHODS: Four focus group discussions were conducted with 23 SPs (8 men, 15 women; average age 60.9 years) who had performed in the new programme. Discussions were semi-structured and followed a pre-established interview guide. Data were categorised by 3 independent raters. RESULTS: The SPs described the development of a more familiar relationship with students under the new programme, compared with single-case consultations. They developed specific expectations of students' performances. The SPs enjoyed participating in the programme and felt it was more realistic than single-case consultations. Feedback changed and became more detailed as SPs were able to compare consultations; students' response to feedback could be experienced during the next consultation. DISCUSSION: Practising the development of a realistic, longitudinal doctor-patient relationship may help prepare students for real practice. Longitudinal feedback is now possible; it may be of higher quality and of benefit to SPs as well. These findings suggest new possibilities for SP-based education and research. Future studies should focus on quantitative analysis and students' perspectives.  相似文献   

Objectives  Communication skills training in undergraduate medical education is considered to play an important role in medical students' formation of their professional identity. This qualitative study explores Year 1 students' perceptions of their identities when practising communication skills with real patients.
Methods  A total of 23 individual semi-structured interviews and two focus group discussions were conducted with 10 students during their first year of communication skills training. All interviews and discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed for emergent themes relating to identity.
Results  Students struggled to communicate professionally with patients because of a lack of clinical knowledge and skills. Consequently, students enacted other identities, yet patients perceived them differently, causing conversational ambiguities.
Discussion  Students' perceptions challenge educational goals, suggesting that there is limited potential for the formation of professional identity through early training. Teacher-doctors must acknowledge how students' low levels of clinical competence and patients' behaviour complicate students' identity formation.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Medical schools have responded to the increasing diversity of the population of the USA by incorporating cultural competency training into their curricula. This paper presents results from pre- and post-programme surveys of medical students who participated in a training programme that included evening clinical sessions for refugee patients and related educational workshops. METHODS: A self-assessment survey was administered at the beginning and end of the academic year to measure the cultural awareness of participating medical students. RESULTS: Over the 3 years of the programme, over 133 students participated and 95 (73%) completed pre- and post-programme surveys. Participants rated themselves significantly higher in all 3 domains of the cultural awareness survey after completion of the programme. CONCLUSIONS: The opportunity for medical students to work with refugees in the provision of health care presents many opportunities for students, including lessons in communication, and scope to learn about other cultures and practise basic health care skills. An important issue to consider is the power differential between those working in medicine and patients who are refugees. To avoid reinforcing stereotypes, medical programmes and medical school curricula can incorporate efforts to promote reflection on provider attitudes, beliefs and biases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To develop and psychometrically assess the feasibility, reliability and validity of an assessment tool in which both doctor and patient perceptions of the communication that occurred in a single office visit are captured. METHODS: Two 19-item (5-point scale) questionnaires, with parallel content, were developed for doctor and patient completion following a visit. Both process and content were queried. Family doctors and specialists across Canada were recruited to provide data from 25 visits. We assessed feasibility by examining recruitment and percentages of people 'unable to assess' each item. Evidence for validity was examined through exploratory factor analysis, the correlations between doctor and patient data and linear regression. Reliability was assessed through internal consistency reliability and generalisability coefficient analyses. RESULTS: Data from 1845 doctor-patient dyads (91 doctors) showed similarly high ratings (> 4/5) for both doctors and patients, with few unable-to-assess items. There were low correlations between items and questionnaires. The principle components analysis indicated 2 factors, process and content, accounting for 52% and 7% of the doctor variance and 60% and 6% of the patient variance, respectively. The linear regression showed that only gender accounted for any of the variance in ratings. Cronbach's alphas for both doctor and patient questionnaires were > or = 0.96. The G analysis provided a G = 0.98 and 0.40 (standard errors of 0.003 and 0.02) for doctors and patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest this is a feasible tool with which to assess communication skills and that there is evidence for its validity and reliability.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated the influence of harsh grading by tutors on tutor performance rating by students. METHODS: A total of 187 tutors assessed students' professional behaviour in tutorial groups. Students rated tutor performance after receiving their grades for professional behaviour. In addition, students were asked to indicate whether they perceived their professional behaviour grades as too positive, adequate or too negative. This was considered to reflect tutors' harshness of grading. Students also rated the quality of the feedback they received from tutors with respect to their grades. RESULTS: Professional behaviour grades that students perceived as too negative, adequate or too positive were associated with tutor performance ratings of 7.4 (SD = 0.9, scale 1-10, n = 33), 7.7 (SD = 0.9, scale 1-10, n = 95) and 7.5 (SD = 0.8, scale 1-10, n = 59), respectively. Harshness of grading did not influence tutor performance ratings significantly. Tutor ratings were predicted more effectively by the quality of the feedback tutors provided on grades than by the harshness of grading. CONCLUSIONS: Tutor performance ratings were not related significantly to harshness of grading. Two explanations can be given: (1) tutor performance ratings were based on rating by groups of students and (2) the percentage of tutors who rated students' professional behaviour as unsatisfactory was low. The strong relationship between tutor performance ratings and the adequacy of the feedback given by tutors suggests that the tutor performance ratings collected in this study are a valid measure of the quality of their teaching, although, for a full picture of teaching quality, more measures will be needed.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Self-assessment promotes reflective practice, helps students identify gaps in their learning and is used in curricular evaluations. Currently, there is a dearth of validated self-assessment tools in rheumatology. We present a new musculoskeletal self-assessment tool (MSAT) that allows students to assess their confidence in their skills in and knowledge of knee and shoulder examination. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to validate the 15-item MSAT, addressing its construct validity, internal consistency, responsiveness, repeatability and relationship with competence. METHODS: Participants were 241 Year 3 students in Newcastle upon Tyne and 113 Year 3 students at University College London, who were starting their musculoskeletal skills placement. Factor analysis explored the construct validity of the MSAT; Cronbach's alpha assessed its internal consistency; standardised response mean (SRM) evaluated its responsiveness, and test-retest, before and after a pathology lecture, assessed its repeatability. Its relationship with competence was explored by evaluating its correlation with shoulder and knee objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs). Results The MSAT was valid in distinguishing the 5 domains it intended to measure: clinical examination of the knee; clinical examination of the shoulder; clinical anatomy of the knee and shoulder; history taking, and generic musculoskeletal anatomical and clinical terms. It was internally consistent (alpha = 0.93), responsive (SRM 0.6 in Newcastle and 2.2 in London) and repeatable (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.97). Correlations between MSAT scores and OSCE scores were weak (r < 0.2). CONCLUSIONS: The MSAT has strong psychometric properties, thereby offering a valid approach to evaluating the self-assessment of confidence in examination skills by students. Confidence does not necessarily reflect competence; future research should clarify what underpins confidence.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In 2003 the Dutch Central College of Medical Specialties presented guidelines for the modernisation of all medical specialty training programmes in the Netherlands. These guidelines are based to a large extent on the CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists) 2000 model, which defines 7 roles for medical specialists. This model was adjusted to the Dutch situation. The roles were converted to 7 fields of competency: Medical Performance; Communication; Collaboration; Knowledge and Science; Community Performance; Management, and Professionalism. OBJECTIVE: As changes in postgraduate training will probably be most effective if future trainees recognise their value, we set out to determine how senior medical students rated these fields of competency in terms of their importance. METHODS: We carried out a study at University Medical Centre (UMC) Utrecht, the Netherlands, in which 80 Year 6 medical students answered a questionnaire in which they rated the importance of each of 28 key competencies within the 7 competency fields. RESULTS: Although all key competencies were regarded as important (averages > or = 3.8), Professionalism and Communication scored highest on the student ratings. Management was assessed as least important. CONCLUSIONS: It is interesting that medical students acknowledged the importance of competencies other than those involving medical expertise and performance. It confirms the opinion that educating doctors is currently viewed as much more than providing theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills. The CanMEDS framework is appreciated by Dutch medical students. The fact that all competencies are seen as important adds to their face validity and therefore to their usefulness as a basis for postgraduate training.  相似文献   

APPROACH: Theme-oriented discourse analysis looks at how language constructs professional practice. Recordings of naturally occurring interactions are transcribed and combined with ethnographic knowledge. Analytic themes drawn primarily from sociology and linguistics shed light on how meaning is negotiated in interaction. Detailed features of talk, such as intonation and choice of vocabulary, trigger inferences about what is going on and being talked about. These affect how interactants judge each other and decisions are made. Interactions also have larger rhetorical patterns used by both patients and doctors to persuade each other. EXAMPLES: Two settings are used to illustrate this approach: genetic counselling and primary care consultations in multilingual areas. In genetic counselling, interactions are organised around the tension between the risks of knowing and the risks of occurrence. This can lead to a 'rhetorical duel' between health professionals and patients and their families. In intercultural primary care settings, talk itself may be the problem when interpretive processes cannot be taken for granted. Even widely held models of good practice can lead to misunderstandings under these conditions. CONCLUSION; Through discourse analysis, the talk under scrutiny can be slowed down to show the interpretive processes and overall patterns of an activity. Discourse analysts and health professionals, working together, can look at problems in new ways and develop interventions and tools for a better understanding of communication in medical life.  相似文献   

Context  Subjective rating scales for communication skills may yield more personally meaningful responses than more standardised rating schemes. It is unclear, however, whether such evaluations may be overly biased by respondents' rating styles, which may lead to unreliable measurement of examinees' communication skills.
Methods  Our study involved 212 students from the classes of 2005 and 2006 at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. All students were rated by actors depicting standardised patients (SPs) on the same seven cases using the 19-item Rochester Communication Rating Scale (RCRS). Different students were assigned to different actors playing the same SP. We assessed the extent to which actors' personal rating styles influenced the scores they assigned to students. Main outcome measures were: between-actor variability in responses; the degree to which actors' response styles contribute to overall scores, and improvements in reliability achieved by standardising actors' ratings.
Results  There were statistically significant differences between actors in their mean assigned scores. Scores aggregated over 18 separate SP cases have an expected generalisability coefficient of 0.79. If raw RCRS scores are used, a total of 27 replications of the RCRS are required to achieve a Cronbach's alpha of 0.8; standardisation reduces this number to 18.
Conclusions  Although actors are variable in their use of a standardised subjective scale of communication, such differences contribute to an acceptably small proportion of the total variance if scores are combined across a large number of cases. Reliability can be markedly improved by standardising scores across raters.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to measure the improvement in attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration of undergraduate health care students who have a single module of interprofessional problem-based learning (PBL) using real patients as triggers integrated into their curricula. DESIGN: A dedicated module, consisting of 5 PBL seminars, was integrated into the undergraduate medical, nursing and physiotherapy curricula at the participating institutions. Seminar groups consisted of students from a single profession in the control group, and of evenly distributed students from the participating professions in the intervention group. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale was used to measure improvements in attitudes towards interprofessional co-operation. Patients, faculty members and students were included in the evaluation of the interprofessional module and their comments examined for indications of adverse effects of the use of patients in this setting. RESULTS: A total of 177 students were recruited into the study and assigned to 1 of 16 seminar groups, all of which attended the complete module, 8 in control mode and 8 in intervention mode. Statistically significant improvements could be identified in the overall attitudes of male students in the intervention group, and in attitudes pertaining to the competence and autonomy of individuals in one's own profession in the intervention group as a whole. No significant improvements were detected in the control group. No adverse effects of the use of real patients came to light. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of an interprofessional educational module that requires limited student and faculty time in undergraduate health care curricula may be proven to have an effect. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale may be suitable for measuring such effect. Real patients may continue to contribute to education in this setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Non-verbal communication (NVC) in medical encounters is an important method of exchanging information on emotional status and contextualising the meaning of verbal communication. This study aimed to assess the impact of medical students' NVC on interview evaluations by standardised patients (SPs). METHODS: A total of 89 medical interviews in an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for post-clerkship medical students were analysed. All interviews were videotaped and evaluated on 10 non-verbal behaviour items. In addition, the quality of the interview content was rated by medical faculty on 5 items and the interview was rated by SPs on 5 items. The relationships between student NVC and SP evaluation were examined by multivariate regression analyses controlling for the quality of the interview content. RESULTS: Standardised patients were likely to give higher ratings when students faced them directly, used facilitative nodding when listening to their talk, looked at them equally when talking and listening, and spoke at a similar speed and voice volume to them. These effects of NVC remained significant after controlling for the quality of the interview content. CONCLUSIONS: This study provided evidence of specific non-verbal behaviours of doctors that may have additional impacts on the patient's perception of his or her visit, independently of the interview content. Education in basic NVC should be incorporated into medical education alongside verbal communication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine whether peer-assisted learning (PAL) can enhance clinical examination skills training. METHODS: Three student trainers studied small-group theory and clinical examination and provided PAL as extra tuition for 86 trainees. Trainees watched an examination video, were videotaped practising the examination and, after constructive feedback, repeated the examination. Responses to PAL were evaluated to attain an overview of trainee and trainer performance using visual analogue and Likert scale analyses. Year-group review was undertaken using questionnaires. RESULTS: Trainees evaluated all aspects of PAL highly, including their post-training confidence in examination skills (mean > 7.7 on a 10-cm scale), indicating that the PAL was effective. Written comments confirmed the students perceived the sessions as well structured and of high quality. Compared with trainees in the first groups, those from later groups gave all parameters similar or higher gradings. Those for interest (P = 0.03) and appropriateness (P = 0.01) were significantly higher, suggesting that trainers may improve their technique with time. Students with previous degrees gave similar or lower gradings than standard entry students, with answers about post-training confidence and recommendation to friends being statistically lower (P < 0.006). Six months later, year-group analysis showed that 90% of trainees rated PAL highly, and 86% wished to become trainers. Of the trainers' year group, 79% perceived that PAL training could improve examination skills. CONCLUSIONS: In the context of clinical skills training, PAL was highly evaluated across many parameters, including confidence after training. Student interest and enthusiasm supports suggestions that PAL could be a useful adjunct to clinical skills training.  相似文献   

Lee KH  Seow A  Luo N  Koh D 《Medical education》2008,42(11):1092-1099
Context Patient‐centredness is an accepted guiding principle for health system reform, patient care and medical education. Although these attitudes are strongly linked with cultural values, few studies have examined attitudes towards patient‐centredness in a cross‐cultural setting. Objectives This prospective study evaluated attitudes towards patient‐centredness in a cohort of Asian medical students and examined changes in these attitudes in the same students on completion of their junior clinical clerkships. Methods The study was conducted in a cohort of 228 medical students entering Year 3 in medical school. The Patient–Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS), a validated instrument which scores an individual’s level of patient‐centredness, was used. Results Being female and having personal experience of continuing care were significantly associated with higher scores. Students in the USA were previously reported to have similar ‘caring’ but higher ‘sharing’ scores on the same scale. At the end of the junior clinical clerkship, there were improvements in the ‘caring’ subscale, but no change or a reduction in ‘sharing’. Students who did not have previous personal experience with continuing care experienced a greater increase in overall PPOS score. Conclusions When compared with students in the USA, the students in our study appear to have a lower propensity to view the doctor–patient relationship as a partnership. This may be a reflection of differences in cultural norms and expectations of doctor–patient interaction in different societies. Our finding that attitudes towards patient‐centredness did not decline over the course of the year, which contrasts with findings of other studies, may be attributed to various factors and warrants further study.  相似文献   

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