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Continuously moving table MR imaging has been successfully evaluated for whole‐body tumor staging and metastasis screening. In previous studies it was demonstrated that three‐dimensional (3D) slab‐selective excitation with lateral readout can provide very efficient k‐space coverage when the longitudinal field of view (FOV) is limited. To reduce respiratory artifacts, data acquisition in the thoracoabdominal region of the patient typically must be performed during one single breath hold. This consequently restricts acquisition time and thus spatial resolution. In this work, a novel reconstruction method is introduced for axial 3D moving table data acquisition with lateral readout. The method features table position correction completely in k‐space and is compatible with autocalibrated parallel imaging (GRAPPA). Parallel imaging can be applied to increase spatial resolution while maintaining the breath‐holding time. A sophisticated protocol for whole‐body moving table MRI was developed. The impact of gradient nonlinearity on the featured imaging method was evaluated in phantom and volunteer experiments. Finally, the protocol was optimized toward minimizing residual artifacts. Moving table whole‐body MRI with lateral readout was performed in 5 healthy volunteers and was compared with lateral readout data acquired with a GRAPPA accelerated protocol providing increased spatial resolution. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method is presented in which an extended longitudinal field of view (FOV), as required for whole-body MRI or MRA peripheral runoff studies, is acquired in one seamless image. Previous methods typically either acquired 3D data at multiple static "stations" which covered the extended FOV or as a series of 2D axial sections. The method presented here maintains the benefits of 3D acquisition while removing the discrete nature of the multistation method by continuous acquisition of MR data as the patient table moves through the desired FOV. Although the technique acquires data only from a homogeneous central volume of the magnet at any point in time, by spatially registering all data it is possible to extend the FOV well beyond this volume. The method is demonstrated experimentally with phantoms, in vivo angiographic animal studies, and in vivo human studies.  相似文献   

Acquisition of MR angiographic data of the peripheral vasculature during continuous table motion offers certain advantages over fixed station approaches, such as the elimination of wasted time moving between stations and the ability to form a seamless image of the extended field of view. However, it has recently been demonstrated that there is an approximate twofold reduction in contrast bolus velocity as it moves from the thighs to the calves. This can potentially cause a mismatch of the moving table with the contrast peak, resulting in the table outpacing the contrast bolus distally. In this work we describe a modification to the continuous table motion technique allowing two table velocities: a high (ca. 3.6 cm/sec) velocity from the abdomen to the thighs and a low (ca. 1.6 cm/sec) velocity distally. Implications of the nonconstant velocity on k-space sampling are described, and it is shown that lateral resolution is improved for the low-velocity region. Correction for table deceleration during the transition time between high and low velocities is demonstrated. Contrast-enhanced studies in 15 volunteers are free of table-motion-related artifact and suggest improved depiction of the contrast bolus distally.  相似文献   

In applications where precise image section positioning is vital, the interactive section rotation and offset capabilities of interactive MRI should be valuable. However, due to the independent nature of these two adjustments, the desired structure may often not be visible in the image after a rotation. Valuable time is wasted during relocation. An algorithm is presented that automatically alters the section offset after a rotation to provide continuous viewing of a marked structure, greatly improving section orientation efficiency. The technique is illustrated in the determination of double oblique angulation for through-plane imaging of the portal vein. This algorithm is expected to prove useful in applications of interactive MRI requiring precise positioning.  相似文献   

Time‐of‐flight (TOF) MR angiography allows for noninvasive vessel imaging. To overcome the limited volumetric coverage of standard TOF techniques, the aim of this study was to investigate the combination of TOF and continuously moving table (CMT) acquisitions for peripheral vein imaging based on image subtraction. Two acquisition strategies are presented: a simple two‐step method based on 2‐fold CMT acquisition and an advanced one‐step method requiring only one continuous scan. Image quality of both CMT TOF techniques was evaluated by semiquantitative image grading and by signal‐to‐noise ratio and contrast‐to‐noise ratio analysis for veins of the upper and lower leg in 10 healthy volunteers. Results were compared to a standard stationary two‐dimensional (2D) TOF multistation acquisition. Image grading revealed good image quality for both CMT TOF methods, thereby confirming the feasibility of axial 2D CMT TOF to assess the veins of the lower extremities during a single scan. Quantitative evaluation showed no significant difference in signal‐to‐noise ratio and contrast‐to‐noise ratio compared to the stationary experiment. Additional measurements in three patients with postthrombotic changes and varicosities demonstrated the clinical applicability of the presented methods. CMT TOF provides promising results and permits the detection of various pathologic changes of the venous system. Magn Reson Med 63:1219–1229, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Continuously-moving-table MRI, in contrast to traditional multistation techniques, potentially can improve the scan time efficiency of whole-body applications and provide seamless images of an extended field of view (FOV). Contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) in particular requires high spatial resolution and at the same time has rigid scan time constraints due to the limited arterial contrast window. In this study a reconstruction method for continuously acquired 3D data sets during table movement was combined with a self-calibrated partial parallel imaging algorithm (generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA)). The method was applied to peripheral CE-MRA and compared with a standard continuously-moving-table MRA protocol. The gain in scan time was used to increase the data acquisition matrix and decrease the slice thickness. The method was evaluated in five healthy volunteers and applied to one patient with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). The protocols were intraindividually compared with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in selected vessel segments, as well as overall vessel depiction. The combination of the continuously-moving-table technique with parallel imaging enabled the acquisition of seamless peripheral 3D MRA with increased resolution and an overall crisper appearance.  相似文献   

In this work, 3D vastly undersampled isotropic projection (VIPR) acquisition is used simultaneously with continuous table motion to extend the superior/inferior (S/I) FOV for MR angiograms. The new technique is termed floating table isotropic PR (FLIPR). The use of 3D PR in conjunction with table motion obviates the need to locate and prescribe imaging volumes containing the major blood vessels over the large superior-inferior (S/I) ranges encountered in whole-body imaging. In addition, the FLIPR technique provides extended anterior-posterior (A/P) abdominal coverage, isotropic spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. In volunteer studies, FLIPR MR angiograms with 1.6-mm isotropic spatial resolution that approached whole body in extent were acquired in less than 2 min.  相似文献   

Breathing motion is one of the main sources of artifacts in MRI acquisitions that can severely impair diagnosis. In MRI with continuously moving table, the application of common motion compensation approaches such as breath holding or the synchronization of the measurement with the breathing motion can be problematic. In this study, a technique for the reduction of breathing‐motion artifacts for MRI with continuously moving table is presented, which reconstructs motion‐consistent volumes from data acquired during free breathing. Axial images are acquired rapidly compared to the period of the breathing motion and consistently combined using a combination of rigid and nonrigid slice‐to‐volume registration. This new technique is compared to a previously reported artifact reduction method for MRI with continuously moving table that is based on the same acquisition scheme. While the latter method only suppresses ghosting artifacts, the new technique is shown to additionally reduce blurring, misregistrations, and signal cancellations in the reconstructed images. Magn Reson Med 63:701–712, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A technique for extended field of view MRI is presented. Similar to helical computed tomography, the method utilizes a continuously moving patient table, a 2D axial slice that remains fixed relative to the MRI magnet, and a radial k-space trajectory. A fully refocused SSFP acquisition enables spatial resolution comparable to current clinical protocols in scan times that are sufficiently short to allow a reasonable breathhold duration. RF transmission and signal reception are performed using the RF body coil and the images are reconstructed in real time. Experimental results are presented that illustrate the technique's ability to resolve small structures in the table-motion direction. Simulation experiments to study the steady-state response of the fully refocused SSFP acquisition during continuous table motion are also presented. Finally, whole body images of healthy volunteers demonstrate the high image quality achieved using the helical MRI approach.  相似文献   

In this study, a method for whole‐body diffusion‐weighted imaging (wbDWI) during continuous table motion has been developed and implemented on a clinical scanner based on a short‐Tau inversion recovery echo‐planar DWI sequence. Unlike currently available multistation wbDWI, which has disadvantages such as long scanning times, poor image quality, and troublesome data realignment, continuously moving table wbDWI can overcome these technical problems while extending the longitudinal field of view in MRI systems. In continuously moving table wbDWI, images are acquired consecutively at the isocenter of the magnet, having less geometric distortions and various possibilities of spatial and temporal coverage of an extended field of view. The acquired images, together with an apparent diffusion coefficient analysis, show that continuously moving table wbDWI can be used by appropriately adapting the table velocity, scan range, radiofrequency coils, slice resolutions, and spatio‐temporal acquisition schemes according to various clinical demands. Magn Reson Med, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method is presented for 3D MRI in an extended field of view (FOV) based on continuous motion of the patient table and an efficient acquisition scheme. A gradient-echo MR pulse sequence is applied with lateral (left-right (L/R)) frequency-encoding direction and slab selection along the direction of motion. Compensation for the table motion is achieved by a combination of slab tracking and data alignment in hybrid space. The method allows fast k-space coverage to be achieved, especially when a short sampling FOV is chosen along the direction of table motion, as is desirable for good image quality. The method can be incorporated into different acquisitions schemes, including segmented k-space scanning, which allows for contrast variation with the use of magnetization preparation. Head-to-toe images of volunteers were obtained with good quality using 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequences. As an example of magnetization-prepared imaging, fat/water separated images were acquired using chemical shift selective (CHESS) presaturation pulses.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the feasibility of three-dimensional (3D) whole-body, head-to-toe, water/fat resolved MRI, using continuously moving table imaging technology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experiments were performed on nine healthy volunteers, acquiring 3D whole-body head-to-toe data under continuous motion of the patient table. Two different approaches for water/fat separation have been studied. Results of a three-point chemical shift encoding and a spectral presaturation technique were compared with respect to image quality and performance. Furthermore, fast, low-resolution, whole-body water/fat imaging was performed in two minutes total scan time to derive patient-specific parameters such as the total water/fat ratio, the intraperitoneal/extraperitoneal fat ratio, and the body mass index (BMI). RESULTS: Good water/fat separation with decent image quality was obtained in all cases. The three-point chemical shift encoding approach was found to be more efficient with respect to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and acquisition time. CONCLUSION: Whole-body water/fat sensitive MRI using continuous table motion is feasible and could be of interest for clinical practice. Some improvements of the method are desirable.  相似文献   

The emergence of parallel MRI techniques and new applications for real-time interactive MRI underscores the need to evaluate performance gained by increasing the capability of MRI phased-array systems beyond the standard four to eight high-bandwidth channels. Therefore, to explore the advantages of highly parallel MRI a 32-channel 1.5 T MRI system and 32-element torso phased arrays were designed and constructed for real-time interactive MRI. The system was assembled from multiple synchronized scanner-receiver subsystems. Software was developed to coordinate across subsystems the real-time acquisition, reconstruction, and display of 32-channel images. Real-time, large field-of-view (FOV) body-survey imaging was performed using interleaved echo-planar and single-shot fast-spin-echo pulse sequences. A new method is demonstrated for augmenting parallel image acquisition by independently offsetting the frequency of different array elements (FASSET) to variably shift their FOV. When combined with conventional parallel imaging techniques, image acceleration factors of up to 4 were investigated. The use of a large number of coils allowed the FOV to be doubled in two dimensions during rapid imaging, with no degradation of imaging time or spatial resolution. The system provides a platform for evaluating the applications of many-channel real-time MRI, and for understanding the factors that optimize the choice of array size.  相似文献   

A method for axial multi‐slice imaging during continuous table motion has been developed and implemented on a clinical scanner. Multiple axial slice packages are acquired consecutively and combined to cover an extended longitudinal FOV. To account for the table motion during the acquisition, the RF pulse frequencies are continuously updated according to the actual table velocity and slice position. Different strategies for the spatial‐temporal acquisition sequence with extended FOV are proposed. They cover different regimes of scan requirements regarding table velocity, used scan range, and slice resolution. The method is easy to implement and compatible with most kinds of sequences. The robustness of the proposed approach has been tested in phantom studies and healthy volunteers using T1‐, T2‐, and STIR‐weighted multi‐slice techniques that are based on gradient and turbo spin echo sequences and compared to a stationary approach usually used in clinical routine. The method provides artifact free gradient echo based images during continuous table motion, while for turbo spin echo sequences limitations in choosing table translations occur due to gradient non‐linearity effects. Magn Reson Med, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A concept is proposed to simplify patient positioning and scan planning to improve ease of use and workflow in MR. After patient preparation in front of the scanner the operator selects the anatomy of interest by a single push‐button action. Subsequently, the patient table is moved automatically into the scanner, while real‐time 3D isotropic low‐resolution continuously moving table scout scanning is performed using patient‐independent MR system settings. With a real‐time organ identification process running in parallel and steering the scanner, the target anatomy can be positioned fully automatically in the scanner's sensitive volume. The desired diagnostic examination of the anatomy of interest can be planned and continued immediately using the geometric information derived from the acquired 3D data. The concept was implemented and successfully tested in vivo in 12 healthy volunteers, focusing on the liver as the target anatomy. The positioning accuracy achieved was on the order of several millimeters, which turned out to be sufficient for initial planning purposes. Furthermore, the impact of nonoptimal system settings on the positioning performance, the signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), and contrast‐to‐noise ratio (CNR) was investigated. The present work proved the basic concept of the proposed approach as an element of future scan automation. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An integration of SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) with continuously moving table (CMT) MRI for extended field-of-view (FOV) acquisitions is described. In this work, the approach in which receiver coils are attached to the object and move in synchrony with the scanner table is considered. Technical issues dealing with the implementation of SENSE-CMT are addressed, including coil calibration, correction for non-uniform magnetic gradients, and specific reconstruction steps. An explanation of combining SENSE with gradient non-linearity correction is given, as the latter becomes necessary in CMT acquisitions where a large sampling FOV is used. It is hypothesized that SENSE can provide at least a 2-fold improvement in lateral spatial resolution compared to non-accelerated CMT acquisitions. The hypothesis is tested in phantoms, where the effectiveness of both SENSE and gradient non-linearity correction to improve spatial resolution is shown. The SENSE-CMT technique is further demonstrated in vivo with contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the peripheral vasculature.  相似文献   

A combination of continuously moving table imaging and parallel imaging based on sensitivity encoding (SENSE) is presented. One specific geometry is considered, where the receiver array is fixed to the MR magnet and does not move with the table, which allows for head-to-toe imaging with a small total number of coils. Sensitivity maps are defined for the enlarged virtual field of view and are composed according to the k-space sampling scheme such that established parallel reconstruction techniques are applicable to good approximation. In vivo experiments show the feasibility of this approach, and simulations determine the application range. Three-dimensional head-to-toe imaging of volunteers is performed in 77 s with a SENSE reduction factor of 2 in a virtual field of view of 1800 x 460 x 100 mm(3).  相似文献   

Coronary artery MRI methods utilize breath holds, or diaphragmatic navigators, to compensate for respiratory motion. To increase image quality and navigator (NAV) gating efficiency, slice tracking is used, with more sophisticated affine motion models recently introduced. This study assesses the extent of remaining coronary artery motion in free breathing NAV and single and multi breath hold coronary artery MRI. Additionally, the effect of the NAV gating window size was examined. To visualize and measure the respiratory induced motion, an image containing a coronary artery cross section was acquired at each heartbeat. The amount of residual coronary artery displacement was used as a direct measure for the performance of the respiratory motion correction method. Free breathing studies with motion compensation (slice tracking with 5 mm gating window) had a similar amount of residual motion (0.76+/-0.17 mm) as a single breath hold (0.52+/-0.20 mm) and were superior to multiple breath holds (1.22+/-0.60 mm). Affine NAV methods allowed for larger gating windows ( approximately 10 mm windows) with similar residual motion (0.74+/-0.17 mm). In this healthy adult cohort (N=10), free-breathing NAV methods offered respiratory motion suppression similar to a single breath hold.  相似文献   

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