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目的 观察嚼服二甲基硅油片在常规结肠镜检查肠道准备中的应用价值。方法 选择在我院行常规结肠镜检查患者181例,随机分为研究组84例和对照组97例。对照组口服单瓶磷酸钠盐口服溶液,研究组在口服单瓶磷酸钠盐口服溶液后嚼服二甲基硅油片。观察两组BBPS评分、肠道准备有效率、肠腔气泡评分、肠腔气泡满意率和全结肠息肉检出率。结果 两组各节段及全结肠BBPS评分、肠道准备有效率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。研究组右半结肠、横结肠和全结肠肠腔气泡评分分别为(0.48±0.67)分、(0.36±0.59)分和(0.95±1.35)分,低于对照组的(0.81±0.96)分、(0.61±0.81)分和(1.61±2.03)分,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组右半结肠和全结肠肠腔气泡满意率分别为90.48%和84.52%,高于对照组的76.29%和71.13%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组全结肠息肉检出率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 嚼服二甲硅油片在结肠镜检查肠道准备中具有较好的祛泡效果,且不会影响肠道准备质量,但不能提高息肉检出率。  相似文献   

盛珺  姜莉  安然 《医学信息》2018,(22):166-168
目的 探讨复方聚乙二醇联合二甲硅油在结肠镜检查中的应用效果。方法 选取我院收治的100例接受无痛肠镜检查的患者,随机分为对照组和实验组,每组50例。对照组口服复方聚乙二醇电解质散,实验组在行肠道准备后口服复方聚乙二醇散以及二甲硅油,对比两组患者的肠道内气泡量存在程度、检查操作总时间以及肠道清洁程度。结果 实验组患者的检查操作总时间为(11.60±1.50)min,短于对照组的(17.10±2.31)min,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组患者肠道清洁程度Ⅰ级+Ⅱ级46例,Ⅲ级+Ⅳ级4例;而对照组患者肠道清洁程度Ⅰ级+Ⅱ级47例,Ⅲ级+Ⅳ级3例,组间对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。实验组患者肠道内气泡量Ⅰ级49例,Ⅱ级1例,而对照组患者肠道内气泡量Ⅰ级15例,Ⅱ级21例,Ⅲ级10例,Ⅳ级4例,组间比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 复方聚乙二醇联合二甲硅油用于肠道检查前的肠道准备的效果较为显著,可以有效降低肠道内的气泡量存在程度,且视野的清晰度更高,操作时间也更短。  相似文献   

目的:研究二甲双胍对糖尿病患者血糖(BG)、胰岛素(Ins)、血清纤溶酶原激活物抑制因子-1(PAI-1)及血脂水平变化的影响分析。方法选取2010年1月至2012年12月于本院就诊治疗的糖尿病患者124例,以数字法随机分为对照组(62例)和观察组(62例)。对照组患者行格列齐特缓释片治疗,观察组在对照组基础上加用二甲双胍进行治疗。观察2组患者BG、Ins、PAI-1及血脂水平变化,并对其进行对比分析。结果观察组患者治疗后BG、Ins及PAI-1值分别为(7.6±4.7)、(9.2±2.8)、(60.2±17.9)μg/L,均显著低于对照组的(10.4±3.6)、(12.5±4.7)、(69.6±22.3)μg/L,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患者胆固醇、三酰甘油以及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平分别为(2.09±0.58)、(4.48±0.51)、(2.14±0.59) mmol/L,均显著低于对照组的(2.41±0.47)、(5.17±0.63)、(3.07±0.62) mmol/L,差异亦均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患者正常R-R间期标准差(SDNN)、相邻正常的R-R间期差值均方的平方根(RMSSD)与相邻R-R间期差值大于50 ms心搏数所占百分比(PNN50)分别为(48.4±8.5) ms、(23.7±5.4) ms、12.1%±0.6%,均显著高于对照组的(35.6±7.8) ms、(16.6±5.1)ms、8.7%±0.9%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论二甲双胍对糖尿病患者BG、Ins、PAI-1及血脂水平均能进行有效控制及改善,对患者而言十分有利,且其安全性好,值得临床推荐。  相似文献   

二甲双胍对多囊卵巢综合征患者胰岛素抵抗及排卵的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胰岛素增敏剂二甲双胍对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的胰岛素抵抗及排卵的治疗效果。方法把60例月经稀发或闭经的PCOS患者,随机分成三组,20例给予克罗米酚治疗(克罗米酚组),20例给予二甲双胍治疗(二甲双胍组),20例给予二甲双胍及克罗米酚联合治疗,在用药8周后比较各组治疗前后体重指数、腰臀比、黄体生成素(LH)、黄体生成素(LH)与卵泡刺激素(FSH)比值、睾酮及血清胰岛素水平与排卵率的变化。结果经用二甲双呱治疗8周后,测定血LH、LH/FSH、睾酮、血清胰岛素水平有明显下降,差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。二甲双胍组中有8例诱发排卵,克罗米酚组有12例诱发排卵,联合治疗组有18例诱发排卵。结论二甲双胍能改善并诱发排卵功能,并增强多囊卵巢综合征患者对克罗米酚的敏感性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨二甲双胍对精神分裂症肥胖患者的体重及糖脂代谢的影响。方法:将66例精神分裂症肥胖患者随机分成研究组和对照组各33例,研究组给予二甲双胍片0.75g/d,对照组给予安慰剂治疗,疗程6个月。于治疗前及治疗6个月末测定空腹血糖(FBG)、胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)及低密度脂蛋白(LDL),测量身高和体重,计算体重指数(BMI)。结果:治疗6个月末两组比较,在BMI、FBG、TC、HDL、LDL 5个指标上差异有统计学意义(t=2.54,6.56,7.03,3.86,3.86;P均0.05),而TG水平差异无统计学意义。结论:二甲双胍能有效改善精神分裂症肥胖患者的体重增加及糖脂代谢紊乱,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨4-对二甲氨基酚(4-DMAP)对常氧和缺氧犬外周血高铁血红蛋白(MHb)、PQ间期(PQd)和QRS间期(QRSd)等参数的作用差别。方法四川杂种家犬12只,随机分为常氧组、缺氧低、中、高剂量组,每组3只。常氧组吸入空气,缺氧组吸入81.8%:18.2%氮-氧混合气体,1 h后为动物肌肉注射4-DMAP,常氧组注射剂量为3.25 mg/kg,缺氧低、中、高剂量组注射剂量分别为1.95、3.25、5.00 mg/kg,取静脉血测定MHb含量,记录Ⅱ导联心电图,测量PQd、QRSd。结果注射等剂量4-对二甲氨基酚(3.25 mg/kg)后,缺氧组血液MHb含量明显高于常氧组(P〈0.05),且一直维持在较高水平;注射3.25 mg/kg的4-对二甲氨基酚后,动物PQd缩短,QRSd延长,缺氧状态时更为明显。结论缺氧可加强4-对二甲氨基酚形成高铁血红蛋白的能力及其对心脏的副作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨二甲双胍对奥氮平治疗精神分裂症患者血脂及体质量的影响。方法将服用奥氮平所致的体质量增加≥10%的64例精神分裂症患者随机分为治疗组(给予二甲双胍口服)及对照组各32例。治疗观察期均为8周。两组患者于治疗前及治疗后第4,8周末测定体质量、体质量指数(BM I)、空腹血糖及血脂水平并进行比较。结果治疗8周后治疗组患者在体质量、BM I、TC、TG、HDL值均明显降低,差异均有统计学意义(t=2.324~4.251,P<0.05或<0.01);而对照组患者的体质量在治疗8周末明显升高,差异均有统计学意义(t=2.571,P<0.05)。两组间同期相比较,治疗后治疗组体质量、BM I、TC、TG、HDL值均较对照组有显著的差异(t=2.743~5.481,P均<0.01)。结论二甲双胍治疗奥氮平所致体质量增加及血脂代谢紊乱有效。  相似文献   

目的:探讨二甲双胍对类风湿关节炎(RA)成纤维样滑膜细胞(FLS)增殖及分泌炎性细胞因子的影响。方法:取我院行关节镜手术治疗的RA患者关节滑膜组织,采用改良组织块法培养原代FLS,用不同浓度二甲双胍(10、20、30μmol/L)干预FLS细胞,分别记为小剂量、中剂量、高剂量组,以常规养的FLS细胞为对照组。采用CCK-8法检测各组细胞处理24h、48h、72h后细胞增殖情况,采用ELISA检测各组细胞处理72h后上清液中促炎细胞因子:肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-17(IL-17)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)和抗炎细胞因子:白细胞介素-10(IL-10)水平,比较组间各指标水平的差异。结果:与对照组相比,72h后,中剂量组、高剂量组FLS增殖水平均降低(P<0.05);高剂量组上清液中TNF-α、IL-6、IL-17水平降低,IL-10水平升高(P<0.05)。结论:高剂量二甲双胍具有抑制FLS增殖和促炎细胞因子分泌、促进抗炎细胞因子分泌的作用,对治疗RA具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨甘精胰岛素与二甲双胍联合治疗对2型糖尿病患者的疗效、氧化应激指标和血糖的影响.方法 选取我院从2016年7月至2017年7月收治的90例2型糖尿病患者,按照随机数字表法随机分为两组:对照组45例,给予甘精胰岛素治疗;观察组45例,在对照组的基础上给予二甲双胍治疗.治疗2个月后,观察比较两组的总有效率、氧化应激指标、血糖指标、胰岛功能指标以及药物不良反应等.结果 治疗2个月后,两组患者总有效率分别为95.6%和77.8%,观察组明显高于对照组(P<0.05);两组活性氧簇(ROS)、丙二醛(MDA)、空腹血糖(FBG)、两小时餐后血糖(2hPG)以及糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)较治疗前明显降低(P<0.05),且观察组患者比对照组患者下降更加显著(P<0.05);两组谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、空腹C肽和餐后2小时C肽较治疗前明显升高(P<0.05),且观察组患者比对照组患者升高更加显著(P<0.05).两组不良反应差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 甘精胰岛素与二甲双胍联合治疗对2型糖尿病患者的疗效显著,不仅可以有效降低患者血糖,还可以改善患者氧化应激状态和胰岛功能,安全可靠,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to test the effect of changing the base of support (BoS) size in the initial posture on the performance of a pointing task and the associated "anticipatory postural adjustments" (APAs). Subjects performed series of arm pointing tasks at maximal velocity, from five postures that differed by the antero-posterior (AP) distance between the heels. This distance was increased stepwise from 0 cm (P0 condition) to 40 cm (P40 condition). Kinetics data were collected with a large force-plate, and kinematics data of the pointing were collected with a bi-axial accelerometer (AP and vertical direction) fixed at the wrist. ANOVA showed that the amplitude and the efficiency of the APAs, as well as the performance of the pointing, all statistically increased from P0 to P40 (with 0.0001相似文献   

Whole-body reaching movements are accomplished through a combination of anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) and focal movements. Two different modes of central organization is usually proposed for this coordination: first, a single-process control, where the APAs and the focal movements would share a common command; second, where the APAs and the focal movements would be independently controlled through parallel commands (dual-process control). Here, we investigated which one of these modes of control could better explain the coordination between the trunk and the upper limb for standing subjects reaching for a target located beyond arm’s length. This was done evaluating the effect of changing the APAs settings on the arm movement. The APAs modification was achieved by shifting the subject’s centre of mass prior to the focal movement onset; this was done by adding an asymmetric load on either side of the head (a control condition with the load fixed centrally at the top of the head was also performed). As it changed the body mass distribution, the muscular torques and the orientation of the head inertia tensor, it is assumed that the addition of the asymmetric load led to a change in the APAs. Analyses indeed showed that both the initial head and trunk displacement towards the supporting side (during the unloading of the moving leg) were smaller when the load was fixed on the side of the supporting leg than when it was fixed on the side of the moving leg. However, changing the initial conditions, and therefore the APAs settings, had no significant effect on the path and kinematics of the focal hand movement. Therefore, subjects cancelled out the effect of the trunk motion on the hand-in-space motion through compensatory arm movements. These results support the dual-process control hypothesis for the postural and the focal components.
Laurence MouchninoEmail:

This study investigated hemisphere-specific processing of visually aimed movements and associated postural adjustments while controlling for handedness and eyedness. Eleven right-handed, right-eyed and right-footed healthy adult volunteers performed, from a standing position, an aiming task under two hand (right and left hand) and three visual conditions (binocular vision, right and left eye monocular vision). Centre of pressure (CoP) displacement, hand kinematics and the target's position were synchronously recorded during performance of the aiming task. Analysis revealed a lower RMS error, a later postural adjustment onset and a smaller centre of pressure dispersion when aiming was performed with the dominant right compared to the non-dominant left hand. On the other hand, no differences on either aiming performance or postural adjustments were noted under the three visual conditions. These results suggest a strong handedness and absence of an eyedness effect on the accuracy of aiming and associated postural adjustments.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe study aimed to investigate how pain severity in the shoulder region affects balance ability, postural stability and fall risk.Material and methodsSixty participants with shoulder pain, aged 42.45 ±6.51 years, were assessed using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS); they were divided into 2 subgroups as a mild pain group (group 1) and a moderate/severe pain group (group 2). According to VAS-at rest the mild-pain group included 39 and the moderate/severe-pain group included 21 subjects. According to VAS-during movement, the mild-pain group included 19 and the moderate/severe-pain group included 41 subjects. Balance ability-postural stability, fall risk and fear of falling were assessed by the Sportkat System, Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and Fall Efficacy scale (FES) respectively. Differences of variables between mild pain and moderate/severe pain groups were analyzed by the independent groups t-test in groups conforming to a normal distribution and the Mann-Whitney U test for the variables that did not fit a normal distribution.ResultsA positive relationship was found between VAS-at rest and double-foot static balance test score right-left (RL) ratio, while a negative relationship was found between VAS-at rest and BBS score (p < 0.05). Significant differences were found between right foot static balance left score and RL ratio according to pain at rest (p < 0.05).ConclusionsThe results indicated that shoulder pain severity affects balance parameters. As pain level at rest increases, postural sway increases in a medio-lateral direction, and towards the left while standing on the right foot. Approaches regarding increasing balance and postural instability should be included in physiotherapy and rehabilitation programs of patients with shoulder pain at an early phase to protect patients from balance problems and fall risk.  相似文献   

This study compared the mean signal change method and the voxel count method in evaluating the sensitivity of individual variability in visuospatial performance using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Sixteen right-handed male college students (mean age 23.2 years) participated in this study as subjects. Functional brain images were scanned with a 3T MRI single-shot EPI method during a visuospatial task. No correlation was found between visuospatial performance and the number of activated voxels in the activated brain areas. Significant positive correlations, however, were found between visuospatial performance and the mean signal changes of activated voxels in the parietal, frontal and other areas. In conclusion, the mean signal change is more sensitive to individual variability in visuospatial performance than the number of activated voxels.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of neck flexion on discriminative and cognitive processing in postural control during bilateral arm movement while standing, using event-related potential (ERP) and electromyogram. Fourteen healthy subjects flexed their arms to the target stimuli with a 20% probability in neck resting and flexion positions. Amplitude and latency of N2 and P3, anterior deltoid (AD) reaction time, onset time of postural muscles with respect to AD activation, and peak amplitude and latency of all muscles were measured. With neck flexion, N2 and P3 amplitudes increased, N2 and P3 latencies and AD reaction time shortened, and onset times of all postural muscles became earlier. No significant differences in peak amplitude and latency of each muscle were found between neck positions. Significant positive correlations were found in changes with neck flexion between P3 latency and AD reaction time, and between N2 latency and onset time of erector spinae. These suggest that with neck flexion, attention allocation to discriminative and cognitive processing increased, and the processing speed increased with shortening of reaction time in focal muscles. In addition, the onset time of postural muscles became earlier without changing the activation pattern, which was associated with the hastened discriminative processing.  相似文献   

目的 观察灵芝孢子粉对链脲佐菌素(STZ)糖尿病大鼠糖耐量和肠道菌群的影响.方法 将用STZ诱导的糖尿病模型大鼠分为灵芝治疗组和模型对照组,分别灌胃灵芝孢子粉(每天250mg/kg)和等体积的蒸馏水,连续10周,而后检测两组大鼠血糖及肠道菌群的变化.结果 治疗组大鼠糖耐量基本恢复正常,肠道菌群中的双歧杆菌数量有所回升,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 灵芝孢子粉对实验大鼠有一定降血糖及菌群调节作用.  相似文献   

文题释义: 玷污层:牙体预备时由于车针的高速切割和挤压,牙本质表面形成厚1-5 μm的玷污层,它由无机物碎屑和凝固的胶原纤维碎屑组成。切割碎屑深入牙本质小管口形成管塞。磷酸酸蚀处理能够去除牙本质表面的玷污层及污物,而自酸蚀粘接剂则因为酸性较弱仅能对牙本质表面的玷污层及杂质进行部分溶解,并最终将剩余的玷污层包含在内形成混合粘接层。 甲基丙烯酰癸氧基二氢磷酸酯(10-MDP):是一种性能优良的酸性功能单体,与羟基磷灰石反应生成的难溶性钙盐形成“纳米层状结构”,强烈吸附于牙本质表面,这一特点被认为能够增强粘接性能,并且对胶原纤维有保护作用,长期观察发现其可以提高粘接剂的耐久性。 背景:当用旋转式或手动器械处理牙表面时,在牙釉质和牙本质上由切割和磨损产生的碎片形成了玷污层。玷污层是影响牙和修复材料之间粘接的重要因素,明确玷污层对不同种类粘接剂的影响对口腔医生的临床选择与正确使用具有重要的临床意义。 目的:评价使用不同金刚砂车针预备的试件在人工唾液中存储24 h与100 d后,对4种粘接剂与牙本质粘接强度的影响。 方法:获取离体人磨牙80颗,分别进行600号碳化硅砂纸(对照)、中细粒度金刚砂车针、标准粒度金刚砂车针、粗粒度金刚砂车针4种牙本质表面处理,每种处理20颗;每种处理方法内分4个亚组,分别以两步法自酸蚀粘接剂Optibond Versa(VSA组)、一步法自酸蚀粘接剂Optibond All in One(AIO组)、通用型粘接剂Single Bond Universal(SBU组)及全酸蚀粘接剂Bond 5(GLU组)进行树脂粘接。粘接完成后,将试件置于人工唾液中37 ℃储存24 h及100 d,随后进行微拉伸强度测试,使用扫描电镜观察牙本质端断裂面,并对断裂模式进行分析。 结果与结论:①储存24 h:使用两步法粘接剂或全酸蚀粘接剂的情况下,不同表面处理组间的粘接强度比较差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);使用一步法粘接剂或通用型粘接剂的情况下,仅粗粒度车针组粘接强度低于砂纸组(P < 0.05)。使用砂纸或中细粒度车针的情况下,仅AIO组与VSA组粘接强度比较无差异;使用标准粒度车针的情况下,仅AIO组与VSA组、GLU组与SBU组粘接强度比较无差异(P > 0.05);使用粗粒度车针的情况下,VSA组与AIO组、GLU组、SBU组粘接强度比较差异均有显著性意义(P < 0.05),其余组间比较无差异(P > 0.05);②储存100 d:使用两步法粘接剂或全酸蚀粘接剂的情况下,不同表面处理组间的粘接强度比较差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);使用一步法粘接剂的情况下,仅粗粒度车针组粘接强度低于砂纸组(P < 0.05);使用通用型粘接剂的情况下,仅标准粒度车针组、粗粒度车针组粘接强度低于砂纸组(P < 0.05)。使用砂纸或中细粒度车针的情况下,仅VSA组与SBU组粘接强度无差异(P > 0.05);使用标准粒度车针的情况下,仅SBU组与VSA组、GLU组与SBU组、GLU组与VSA组粘接强度无差异(P > 0.05);使用粗粒度车针的情况下,仅VSA组与AIO组粘接强度无差异(P > 0.05);③仅在使用两步法粘接剂的情况下,不同表面处理组100 d后的粘接强度与24 h比较差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);④与浸泡24 h相比,VSA组、SBU组、GLU组浸泡100 d后的粘接界面断裂和混合断裂比例略有增加,其中VSA组变化最大;与其他组比较,GLU组浸泡24 h与100 d的粘接界面断裂和混合断裂模式比例均超过50%;⑤结果表明,使用不同粒度车针预备产生了不同的玷污层,对一步法自酸蚀粘接剂粘接强度产生了显著影响,对两步法自酸蚀粘接剂和全酸蚀粘接剂未产生显著影响;存储时间对不同粘接剂产生了显著影响。 ORCID: 0000-0002-1639-6498(郑适泽) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程  相似文献   

目的:研究注射用清开灵冻干粉对临床分离致病菌的体外抗菌活性。方法:注射用清开灵冻干粉与市售清开灵注射液作比较,采用二倍稀释法,测定注射用清开灵冻干粉浓缩液对临床分离的47株致病菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)及最低杀菌浓度(憾),观察注射用清开灵冻干粉体外抗菌活性。结果:对金葡菌、大肠埃希菌、铜绿假单孢菌、肺炎克雷伯菌,注射用清开灵冻干粉与市售清开灵注射液均显示出良好的体外抗菌活性,注射用清开灵冻干粉体外抗菌活性强于市售清开灵注射液。按药液稀释度计算,注射用清开灵冻干粉浓缩液对金葡菌、大肠埃希菌、铜绿假单孢菌、肺炎克雷伯菌的MIC和MBC分别为市售清开灵注射液的1/4-1/2。结论:注射用清开灵冻干粉对临床分离的致病菌,具有较好的抗菌活性,且略优于市售清开灵注射液。  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that extensive spinal lesions at T12 in the rabbit [ventral hemisection (VHS) or 3/4-section that spares one ventral quadrant (VQ)] severely damaged the postural system. When tested on the platform periodically tilted in the frontal plane, VHS and VQ animals typically were not able to perform postural corrective movements by their hindlimbs, although EMG responses (correctly or incorrectly phased) could be observed. We attempted to restore postural control in VHS and VQ rabbits by applying serotoninergic and noradrenergic drugs to the spinal cord below the lesion through the intrathecal cannula. It was found that serotonin and quipazine (5-HT1,2,3 agonist) did not re-establish postural corrective movements. However, when applied during a 10-day period after lesion, these drugs produced a twofold increase of the proportion of correct EMG responses to tilts. It was also found that methoxamine (1 noradrenergic agonist), as well as the mixture of methoxamine and quipazine, did not re-establish postural corrective movements and did not increase the proportion of correct EMG responses. Serotonin (at later stages) and methoxamine induced periodical bursting in EMGs, suggesting activation of spinal rhythm-generating networks. Appearance of bursting seems to perturb normal operation of postural mechanisms, as suggested by methoxamine-induced abolishment of postural effects of quipazine. When applied in an intact animal, none of the tested drugs affected the value of postural corrections or evoked periodical bursting. We conclude that activation of the serotoninergic system (but not the noradrenergic one) causes selective enhancement of spinal postural reflexes during the earlier postlesion period.  相似文献   

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