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In the previous 2 papers, we focused on the selective affinities that growth cones display for specific axonal pathways. Little is known, however, about how this orthogonal scaffold of axonal pathways in the CNS is established in the first place, and what, if any, role glia might play in these events. Here we show an important relationship between pioneering growth cones and primitive glial cells in the developing longitudinal connectives and peripheral nerve roots of the grasshopper embryo. We describe a preformed glial pathway for the formation of the intersegmental nerve, one of the major roots exiting the CNS. The growth cones that pioneer this nerve display a selective affinity for the segment boundary cell (SBC), a primitive glial cell that establishes the location of this nerve root. Similar glial cells are also found along the pathway where the longitudinal connectives form, and they too may play an important role in the formation of the first longitudinal axonal pathways. Experimental analysis shows that when the SBC is ablated, the growth cones that normally turn laterally to pioneer the intersegmental nerve do not do so, thus confirming the importance of the guiding role of this glial cell. We postulate that a simple orthogonal scaffold of primitive glia is involved in the initial patterning of axonal pathways within and exiting the insect CNS; this concept is remarkably similar to the blueprint hypothesis proposed by Singer et al. (1979) to explain the development of axon pathways in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Guidepost cells are specific cellular cues in the embryonic environment utilized by axonal growth cones in pathfinding decisions. In the embryonic Drosophila CNS the RP motor axons make stereotypic pathways choices involving distinct cellular contacts: (i) extension across the midline via contact with the axon and cell body of the homologous contralateral RP motoneuron, (ii) extension down the contralateral longitudinal connective (CLC) through contact with connective axons and longitudinal glia, and (iii) growth into the intersegmental nerve (ISN) through contact with ISN axons and the segmental boundary glial cell (SBC). We have now ablated putative guidepost cells in each of the CNS pathway subsections and uncovered their impact on subsequent RP motor axon pathfinding. Removal of the longitudinal glia or the SBC did not adversely affect pathfinding. This suggests that the motor axons either utilized the alternative axonal substrates, or could still make filopodial contact with the next pathway section's cues. In contrast, RP motor axons did require contact with the axon and soma of their contralateral RP homologue. Absence of this neuronal substrate frequently impeded RP axon outgrowth, suggesting that the next cues were beyond filopodial reach. Together these are the first direct ablations of putative guidepost cells in the CNS of this model system, and have uncovered both pathfinding robustness and susceptibility by RP axons in the absence of specific contacts.  相似文献   

We have identified the neurons that pioneer the major CNS axon tracts in the Drosophila embryo and determined their trajectory and fasciculation choices using serial section electron microscopy. Although Drosophila pioneer neurons make choices similar to those of their grasshopper homologs, there are interesting differences that reflect the much smaller nervous system size and the much faster rate of development characteristic of Drosophila. For example, where 2 longitudinal tracts are pioneered independently in grasshopper, only one is formed in Drosophila. This change is due to a change in fasciculation affinity of the pCC growth cone. Additionally, the intersegmental (IS) nerve is pioneered by a different neuron in Drosophila (aCC) than in the grasshopper (U1) because the smaller Drosophila CNS places the IS nerve within filopodial reach of the aCC soma, while in the grasshopper it is not. Drosophila growth cones explore a much more confined neuropil volume than do grasshopper growth cones but can also sample a larger fraction of the CNS as well. For this reason, some cell-cell recognition events critical to pathfinding in the grasshopper embryo may not be as essential in Drosophila. Nevertheless, many specific cellular affinities have been retained through the evolutionary divergence of these 2 species.  相似文献   

During development, the axons of olfactory receptor neurons project to the CNS and converge on glomerular targets. For vertebrate and invertebrate olfactory systems, neuron-glia interactions have been hypothesized to regulate the sorting and targeting of olfactory receptor axons and the development of glomeruli. In the moth Manduca sexta, glial reduction experiments have directly implicated two types of central olfactory glia, the sorting zone- and neuropil-associated glia, in key events in olfactory development, including axon sorting and glomerulus stabilization. By using cocultures containing central olfactory glial cells and explants of olfactory receptor epithelium, we show that olfactory receptor growth cones elaborate extensively and cease advancement following contact with sorting zone- and neuropil-associated glial cells. These effects on growth cone behavior were specific to central olfactory glia; peripheral glial cells of the olfactory nerve failed to elicit similar responses in olfactory receptor growth cones. We propose that sorting zone- and neuropil-associated glial cells similarly modify axon behavior in vitro by altering the adhesive properties and cytoskeleton of olfactory receptor growth cones and that these in vitro changes may underlie functionally relevant changes in growth cone behavior in vivo.  相似文献   

Glial cells are a large component of the developing nervous system, appearing before the onset of axon outgrowth in a variety of developing systems. Their time of appearance and their location in conjunction with developing axon pathways may allow them to define the position of axon pathways. Specific glial cells may be utilized as guideposts by growing axons, allowing them to recognize the appropriate pathway, or conversely, glial cells may inhibit axons from growing along an inappropriate pathway. The 7F7 monoclonal antibody labels a subset of glial cells in grasshopper embryos that may play a role in defining the location of selected axonal pathways. This antibody recognizes the REGA-1 molecule, a cell-surface antigen with a molecular weight of 60 kDa, which is regionally expressed on developing glial cells. REGA-1 is expressed around the edges of clusters of glial cells and on lamellae extending from glial cells to line the edges of some axonal pathways. REGA-1 expression is first seen in the neuroblast sheet, surrounding neuroblast 4-1. Slightly later in development, 2 glial cells extend processes that express REGA-1 and demarcate the caudal edge of the anterior commissure. As the animal matures, cell processes expressing REGA-1 line the edges of the longitudinal connective, then expand to surround the central neuropil of the segmental ganglia. REGA-1 expression is also seen in conjunction with axons leaving the segmental ganglia via the segmental nerves and the intersegmental connectives. REGA-1 expression is limited to a subset of glial cells; some known glial cells such as the segment boundary cell do not express REGA-1. Glial cell processes expressing REGA-1 are seen only in association with axons, which suggests that these processes may act as borders or guard rails confining axons to the appropriate regions of the developing CNS. Axons navigating a path through the CNS may be prohibited from growing into inappropriate regions based on their inability to cross the boundaries established by glial cells expressing REGA-1.  相似文献   

Sepp KJ  Schulte J  Auld VJ 《Glia》2000,30(2):122-133
To study the roles of peripheral glia in nervous system development, a thorough characterization of wild type glial development must first be performed. We present a developmental profile of peripheral glia in Drosophila melanogaster that includes glial genesis, developmental morphology, the establishment of transient cellular contacts, migration patterns, and the extent of nerve wrapping in the embryonic and larval stages. In early embryonic development, immature peripheral glia that are born in the CNS seem to be intermediate targets for neurites that are migrating into the periphery. During migration to the PNS, peripheral glia follow the routes of pioneer neurons. The glia preferentially adhere to sensory axonal projections, extending cytoplasmic processes along them such that by the end of embryogenesis peripheral glial coverage of the sensory system is complete. In contrast, significant lengths of motor branch termini are unsheathed in the mature embryo. During larval stages however, peripheral glia further extend and elaborate their cytoplasmic processes until they often reach to the neuromuscular junction. Throughout the embryonic and larval developmental stages, we have also observed a number of similarities of peripheral glia to vertebrate Schwann cells and astrocytes. Peripheral glia seem to have dynamic and diverse roles and their similarities to vertebrate glia suggest that Drosophila may serve as a powerful tool for analysis of glial roles in PNS development in the future.  相似文献   

Midline glia are a source of cues for neuronal navigation and differentiation in the Drosophila CNS. Despite their importance, how glia and neurons communicate during the development is not fully understood. Here, we examined dynamic morphology of midline glia and assessed their direct cellular interactions with neurons within the embryonic CNS. Midline glia extend filopodia-like "gliopodia" from the onset of axogenesis through the near completion of embryonic neural development. The most abundant and stable within the commissures, gliopodia frequently contact neurites extending from the neuropil on either side of the midline. Misexpression of Rac1N17 in midline glia not only reduces the number of gliopodia but also shifts the position of neuropils towards the midline. Midline-secreted signaling protein Slit accumulates along the surface of gliopodia. Mutant analysis supports the idea that gliopodia contribute to its presentation on neuronal surfaces at both the commissures and neuropils. We propose that gliopodia extend the range of direct glia-neuron communication during CNS development.  相似文献   

The structures of the developing eye-stalk and the relationships of early retinofugal fibers as they pass through the stalk, chiasm, and tract have been studied by light and electron microscopical methods in fetal ferrets aged 23–27 days. The early eye-stalk can be divided into two parts: a narrow extracranial part has a narrow lumen and is lined by few cells, whereas a thicker intracranial part has a wider lumen and is lined by several rows of cells. At the earliest stages no axon bundles are recognizable in the stalk, but fibers of the supraoptic commissure are already beginning to cross the midline in the diencephalon. Subsequently, as retinofugal axons invade the stalk, the glia of the extracranial part of the stalk have an interfascicular distribution and axon bundles are separately encircled by glial cytoplasm. In the intracranial part, as in the chiasm and tract, the glial cells occupy a periventricular position and send slender radial cytoplasmic processes to the subpial surface; these pass between groups of axons that here lie immediately deep to the subpial glia. Whereas axonal growth cones have no evident preferred distribution in the extracranial stalk, they tend to accumulate near the pial surface intracranially. The boundary between the two types of organization shifts as development proceeds so that the interfascicular glial structure of the early extracranial stalk first encroaches upon the intracranial parts and later appears in the chiasm. The characteristic adult arrangement of fibers in an age-related order in the optic chiasm and tract, but not in the optic nerve, can be understood if axonal growth cones are guided toward the pial surface by radial glia but not by interfascicular glia. From the distribution of the growth cones, this is what appears to happen.  相似文献   

R N Cole  R J Morell  B Zipser 《Glia》1989,2(6):446-457
Glial processes, bearing a unique 130 kD surface protein, are located at key sites of morphogenic movement and neuronal differentiation in the leech germinal plate. A midline glial fascicle resides at the primary axis of embryonic symmetry, alongside which teloblasts move as they generate their bandlets of stem cells. The n-bandlets straddle the midline glia and are known to produce most of the central neuroblasts. The midline glia then defasciculates as neuroblasts begin to aggregate into neuromeres. The defasciculated processes expand into these neuromeres, molding the future central neuropile. Neuroblasts will initiate primary axons toward the midline glia. As the neuromeres mature, midline glial process thin out to demarcate the orientation of the future connectives, which are the major longitudinal axon tracts along the midline. Next, segmental but still primordial glia appear in the neuromeres. Initially, they also project longitudinally, then transversely, demarcating the other two major axonal pathways--the central commissures and peripheral roots. Finally, macroglial processes proliferate as massive axon growth invades the central and peripheral nervous system. Thus, glial processes with different developmental histories accompany different aspects of leech neurogenesis. In other systems, glia have been shown to promote the differentiation and the guidance of neurons. It remains to be seen whether the glial-specific 130 kD protein is a receptor mediating these typical glial functions in the leech germinal plate.  相似文献   

Early commissural axons in the zebrafish spinal cord extend along a pathway consisting of a ventrally directed ipsilateral, a contralateral diagonal, and a contralateral longitudinal segment. The midline floor plate cell is one important cue at the transition from the ipsilateral to the contralateral pathway segments. In order to identify additional guidance cues, the interactions between commissural growth cones and their substrates were examined at the electron microscopic level in the different pathway segments. The growth cones extended near the superficial margin of the spinal cord, within filopodial reach of three bilateral longitudinal axon pathways that were ignored irrespective of whether other axons were already present. Ultimately the commissural growth cones pioneered an additional independent longitudinal pathway in the dorsolateral spinal cord. Neuroepithelial cells were extensively contacted in the lateral marginal zone of the dorsal spinal cord and are thus in a position to contribute to the establishment of the longitudinal commissural pathway segment. The extent of contact with neuroepithelial cells in the ventral spinal cord was dependent on whether commissural growth cones had already crossed the ventral midline: ipsilateral, but not contralateral, growth cones showed extensive contacts with neuroepithelial processes and minor contacts with the basal lamina. In marked contrast, commissural growth cones that had already crossed the ventral midline and entered the diagonal pathway segment showed major appositions to the basal lamina. Extensive contact with the basal lamina was first established in the ventral midline region, where crossing growth cones always inserted between the basal lamina and the base of the midline floor plate cells. This indicates that a change occurs in the response characteristics of commissural growth cones as they cross the ventral midline of the spinal cord. Such a change could help to explain why the growth cones extend first toward but then away from the ventral midline. 1994 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Neurons of the Drosophila larval brain are formed by a stereotyped set of neuroblasts. As differentiation sets in, neuroblast lineages produce axon bundles that initially form a scaffold of unbranched fibers in the center of the brain primordium. Subsequently, axons elaborate interlaced axonal and dendritic arbors, which, together with sheath-like processes formed by glial cells, establish the neuropile compartments of the larval brain. By using markers that visualize differentiating axons and glial cells, we have analyzed the formation of neuropile compartments and their relationship to neuroblast lineages. Neurons of each lineage extend their axons as a cohesive tract ("primary axon bundle"). We generated a map of the primary axon bundles that visualizes the location of the primary lineages in the brain cortex where the axon bundles originate, the trajectory of the axon bundles into the neuropile, and the relationship of these bundles to the early-formed scaffold of neuropile pioneer tracts (Nassif et al. [1998] J. Comp. Neurol. 402:10-31). The map further shows the growth of neuropile compartments at specific locations around the pioneer tracts. Following the time course of glial development reveals that glial processes, which form prominent septa around compartments in the larval brain, appear very late in the embryonic neuropile, clearly after the compartments themselves have crystallized. This suggests that spatial information residing within neurons, rather than glial cells, specifies the location and initial shape of neuropile compartments.  相似文献   

Morphological diversity and development of glia in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hartenstein V 《Glia》2011,59(9):1237-1252
Insect glia represents a conspicuous and diverse population of cells and plays a role in controlling neuronal progenitor proliferation, axonal growth, neuronal differentiation and maintenance, and neuronal function. Genetic studies in Drosophila have elucidated many aspects of glial structure, function, and development. Just as in vertebrates, it appears as if different classes of glial cells are specialized for different functions. On the basis of topology and cell shape, glial cells of the central nervous system fall into three classes (Fig. 1A-C): (i) surface glia that extend sheath-like processes to wrap around the entire brain; (ii) cortex glia (also called cell body-associated glia) that encapsulate neuronal somata and neuroblasts which form the outer layer (cortex) of the central nervous system; (iii) neuropile glia that are located at the interface between the cortex and the neuropile, the central domain of the nervous system formed by the highly branched neuronal processes and their synaptic contacts. Surface glia is further subdivided into an outer, perineurial layer, and an inner, subperineurial layer. Likewise, neuropile glia comprises a class of cells that remain at the surface of the neuropile (ensheathing glia), and a second class that forms profuse lamellar processes around nerve fibers within the neuropile (astrocyte-like or reticular glia). Glia also surrounds the peripheral nerves and sensory organs; here, one also recognizes perineurial and subperineurial glia, and a third type called "wrapping glia" that most likely corresponds to the ensheathing glia of the central nervous system. Much more experimental work is needed to determine how fundamental these differences between classes of glial cells are, or how and when during development they are specified. To aid in this work the following review will briefly summarize our knowledge of the classes of glial cells encountered in the Drosophila nervous system, and then survey their development from the embryo to adult.  相似文献   

The properties of glial cells in lesioned nerves contribute quite substantially to success or failure of axon regeneration in the CNS. Goldfish retinal axons regenerate after optic nerve lesion (ONS) and express the L1-like cell adhesion protein E587 antigen on their surfaces. Goldfish oligodendrocytes in vitro also produce E587 antigen and promote growth of both fish and rat retinal axons. To determine whether glial cells in vivo synthesize E587 antigen, in situ hybridizations with E587 antisense cRNA probes and light- and electron microscopic E587 immunostainings were carried out. After lesion, the goldfish optic nerve/tract contained glial cells expressing E587 mRNA, which were few in number at 6 days after ONS, increased over the following week and declined in number thereafter. Also, E587-immunopositive elongated cells with ultrastructural characteristics of oligodendrocytes were found. Thus, glial cells synthesize E587 antigen in spatiotemporal correlation with retinal axon regeneration. To determine the functional contribution of E587 antigen, axon-oligodendrocyte interactions were monitored in co-culture assays in the presence of Fab fragments of a polyclonal E587 antiserum. E587 Fabs in axon-glia co-cultures prevented the normal tight adhesion of goldfish retinal growth cones to oligodendrocytes and blocked the preferential growth of fish and rat retinal axons on the oligodendrocyte surfaces. The ability of glia in the goldfish visual pathway to upregulate the expression of E587 antigen and the growth supportive effect of oligodendrocyte-associated E587 antigen in vitro suggests that this L1-like adhesion protein promotes retinal axon regeneration in the goldfish CNS. GLIA 23:257–270, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the mature vertebrate nervous system, central and peripheral nervous system (CNS and PNS, respectively) GLIA myelinate distinct motor axon domains at the motor exit point transition zone (MEP TZ). How these cells preferentially associate with and myelinate discrete, non‐overlapping CNS versus PNS axonal segments, is unknown. Using in vivo imaging and genetic cell ablation in zebrafish, we demonstrate that radial glia restrict migration of PNS glia into the spinal cord during development. Prior to development of radial glial endfeet, peripheral cells freely migrate back and forth across the MEP TZ. However, upon maturation, peripherally located cells never enter the CNS. When we ablate radial glia, peripheral glia ectopically migrate into the spinal cord during developmental stages when they would normally be restricted. These findings demonstrate that radial glia contribute to both CNS and PNS development and control the unidirectional movement of glial cell types across the MEP TZ early in development. GLIA 2016. GLIA 2016;64:1138–1153  相似文献   

We have analyzed the morphology of over 5000 Ti1 pioneer growth cones labeled with anti-HRP, which reveals the disposition of axons, growth cone branches, and filopodia. Ti1 axon pathways typically consist of a sequence of 7 characteristically oriented segments, with a single, distinct reorientation point between each segment. Growth cones exhibit the same orientations and reorientations in a given region as do axon segments at later stages. The single, distinct reorientations suggest that growth cones make discrete switches between guidance cues as they grow. Ti1 growth cones are guided by various types of cues. A set of 3 immature identified neurons serves as nonadjacent guidepost cells and lies at the proximal end of 3 of the axon segments. To form another segment, growth cones reorient along a limb segment boundary within the epithelium. Growth cones also respond consistently to, and orient toward, a specific mesodermal cell, which may be a muscle pioneer. Thus, growth cones respond to at least 3 different types of cells in the leg. Ti1 growth cones exhibit a hierarchy of affinity for these cues. Guidepost neurons are the dominant cues in that contact with them reorients growth cones from guidance by the other types of cues. Growth cone branches are exclusively oriented to specific cues. Growth cones reorient by extending a branch directly to the cue of highest affinity and by withdrawing any branches that are extended to a cue of lesser affinity. A single filopodium in direct contact with a guidepost neuron can reorient a growth cone that still has multiple filopodia or even prominent branches specifically oriented to a previous cue of lesser affinity. These observations suggest that growth cone steering may not result simply from passive adhesion and filopodial traction, but may involve more active processes.  相似文献   

The effects of actinomycin D were studied in cultured grasshopper embryos at different stages of development by following the outgrowth patterns of identified neurones known as aCC, pCC, and Q1. When administered at stages occurring before 31% of embryonic development, actinomycin D (0.05-0.10 μM for 24-48 hours) prevented axon extension, whereas it did not affect the development of the nervous system in embryos older than 34% of development. At 31--34% of development, actinomycin D perturbed pathfinding of aCC without blocking axon extension. Thus, only 22% of the aCCs (n=271) in embryos treated with actinomycin D extended an axon along the intersegmental nerve as in control embryos. In the remaining embryos, aCC failed to turn into the intersegmental nerve root; its growth cone remained in the longitudinal connective, above or below the turning point. Neurones of the group caudal to the intersegmental nerve root could extend along either the anterior or posterior commissure of the next posterior segment. In contrast to the observations made with aCC, only 1.2% of pCC (n=166) and 0.0% of Q1 (n=45) in embryos treated with actinomycin D showed axon growth along aberrant pathways. The position of the growth cones of most pCCs and all Q1s observed were in various points along their normal pathway. Both pCC and Q1, as a population, showed an extension rate significantly lower than that of their control counterparts. The effect of actinomycin D on aCC pathway choice was probably mediated by inhibition of RNA synthesis, because incorporation of uridine into RNA was reduced by 40%. The labelling of several monoclonal antibodies (1C10, 3B11, 7F7) that recognise surface glycoproteins (lachesin, fasciclin I, and REGA-1) involved in nervous system development of grasshopper embryos was suppressed. Our results suggest that the navigation of some axons along different pathways requires the synthesis of new mRNA. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Development of identified glia that ensheathe axons in Hirudo medicinalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interaction between neurons and glia may contribute to the formation of characteristic nerve bundles formed by axon elongation along stereotypic pathways. This study reports the temporal and spatial distribution of identified ensheathing glia during embryonic development in the leech. The development of connective glia was followed 1) using an immunohistochemical probe (monoclonal antibody Lan3-13), which recognized connective glia, and 2) using electron microscopy. Embryonic glia were initially located in the medial region of the lateral connectives and contained intermediate filaments. Glia cells continued to develop throughout embryogenesis; the number and size of glial processes increased, and they ensheathed smaller bundles of axons. The glial cell recognized by Lan3-13 first appeared after axons had already begun to form the connectives. This suggests that these particular glial cells may not function in the initial guidance of axons along stereotypic pathways. However, another cell that contained small bundles of intermediate filaments and glycogen granules was present at early stages of connective formation. These cells may be undifferentiated or transient glia, which could contribute to the formation of characteristic nerve bundles.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS) about 10% of the cells are of glial nature. A set of molecular markers has allowed unraveling a number of genes controlling glial cell fate determination as well as genes required for glial cell differentiation. Here we focus on the embryonic CNS glia and review the recent progress in the field.  相似文献   

Glial cell types were classified less than 100 years ago by del Rio-Hortega. For instance, he correctly surmised that microglia in pathologic central nervous system (CNS) were “voracious monsters” that helped clean the tissue. Although these historical predictions were remarkably accurate, innovative technologies have revealed novel molecular, cellular, and dynamic physiologic aspects of CNS glia. In this review, we integrate recent findings regarding the roles of glia and glial interactions in healthy and injured spinal cord. The three major glial cell types are considered in healthy CNS and after spinal cord injury (SCI). Astrocytes, which in the healthy CNS regulate neurotransmitter and neurovascular dynamics, respond to SCI by becoming reactive and forming a glial scar that limits pathology and plasticity. Microglia, which in the healthy CNS scan for infection/damage, respond to SCI by promoting axon growth and remyelination—but also with hyperactivation and cytotoxic effects. Oligodendrocytes and their precursors, which in healthy tissue speed axon conduction and support axonal function, respond to SCI by differentiating and producing myelin, but are susceptible to death. Thus, post-SCI responses of each glial cell can simultaneously stimulate and stifle repair. Interestingly, potential therapies could also target interactions between these cells. Astrocyte–microglia cross-talk creates a feed-forward loop, so shifting the response of either cell could amplify repair. Astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes/precursors also influence post-SCI cell survival, differentiation, and remyelination, as well as axon sparing. Therefore, optimizing post-SCI responses of glial cells—and interactions between these CNS cells—could benefit neuroprotection, axon plasticity, and functional recovery.  相似文献   

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