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Adherence of erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum to microvascular endothelial cells (sequestration) is considered to play an important role in parasite virulence and pathogenesis. However, the real importance of sequestration for infection and disease has never been fully assessed. The absence of an appropriate in vivo model for sequestration has been a major barrier. We have examined the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS in mice as a potential model. Erythrocytes infected with this parasite adhere in vitro to purified CD36, a critical endothelium receptor for binding P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. P. c. chabaudi-infected erythrocytes adhere in vitro to endothelial cells in a gamma interferon-dependent manner, suggesting the involvement of additional adhesion molecules in the binding process, as is also the case with P. falciparum-infected cells. Furthermore, plasma or sera from infected and hyperimmune mice, respectively, have the ability to block binding of infected erythrocytes to endothelial cells. In vivo, erythrocytes containing mature P. c. chabaudi parasites are sequestered from the peripheral circulation. Sequestration is organ specific, occurring primarily in the liver, although intimate contact between infected erythrocytes and endothelial cells is also observed in the spleen and brain. The results are discussed in the context of the use of this model to study (i) the relationship between endothelial cell activation and the level of sequestration and (ii) the primary function of sequestration in malaria infection.  相似文献   

Cytoadherence by Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (PRBC) to microvascular endothelium is, in part, mediated by the specific interaction between a parasite-derived erythrocyte surface ligand and a specific binding site on human CD36. We describe the selection for increased adhesion of PRBC to bovine CD36 and demonstrate that the molecular interaction between PRBC and bovine CD36 is independent of and distinct from the OKM5/8 monoclonal antibody epitopes which block PRBC-human CD36 binding.  相似文献   

Twenty-two sugars and related compounds, nine neoglycoproteins, dopamine, four polyamines and oligomers of glucosamine were examined for their effect on the cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to melanoma cells. Inhibition of cytoadherence was high in the presence of the amino-sugars, glucosamine, galactosamine and mannosamine, and dopamine, and significant, although lower, in the presence of the polyamines, spermine, spermidine and putrescine. N-acetylated amino-sugars and the other compounds were not significant inhibitors of cytoadherence.  相似文献   

The role of the erythrocyte anion exchanger, band 3 protein (AE1), in the adhesion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to CD36 and thrombospondin (TSP) was studied. Two specific anion exchange inhibitors that bind covalently to different regions of the band 3 molecule affected cytoadherence in dissimilar ways. Modification of lysine 539 by diisothiocyanostilbene sulfonic acid (DIDS) resulted in a significant reduction in the adhesive properties of parasitized erythrocytes for CD36, but not TSP, whereas treatment with fluorescein-5-maleimide, which modifies lysine 430, was without effect on both TSP and CD36 binding. The adhesive properties of the DIDS binding region (DBR) was demonstrated by competition experiments using synthetic peptides and by direct interaction of such peptides with CD36 transfected CHO cells. The results suggest that host membrane proteins such as AE1 contribute to the adhesion of malaria-infected erythrocytes to CD36.  相似文献   

OKM5 antigen and thrombospondin are currently under investigation as potential receptors on the surface of human monocytes, endothelial cells, and melanomas responsible for the cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. We have studies the binding capacity of six human melanoma cell lines and related this property to the cytoplasmic and surface expression of the OKM5 antigen and thrombospondin by using indirect immunofluorescence assays on methanol-fixed and nonfixed melanomas. The presence of OKM5 antigen was detectable only in the melanoma lines which bound P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Thrombospondin was present in the cytoplasm of all the melanoma lines but was not detectable on the surface of any cells. Our work demonstrates a direct correlation between surface OKM5 antigen and cytoadherence in vitro. While our results do not exclude thrombospondin as a mediator of cytoadherence to endothelial cells in vivo, they showed no correlation between the presence of thrombospondin and the ability of melanoma cell lines to cytoadhere in vitro.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte-infected erythrocytes are characterized by their ability to sequester in the microvasculature of various organs, primarily the spleen and bone marrow. This phenomenon is thought to play a critical role in the development and survival of the sexual stages. Little is known, however, about ligands on the gametocyte-infected erythrocyte. Infection of erythrocytes with mature asexual stages of P. falciparum (trophozoites and schizonts) has been shown to induce modification of the erythrocyte anion transporter, band 3, and this has been linked to the acquisition of an adherent phenotype. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that immature gametocyte-infected erythrocytes also express modified band 3. In vitro binding assays demonstrate that gametocyte-infected erythrocytes of the 3D7 strain utilize this surface receptor for adhesion to C32 amelanotic melanoma cells via the host cell receptor CD36 (platelet glycoprotein IIIb). Adhesion of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes to CD36-transfected CHO cells is also dependent on modified band 3. However, modified band 3 does not mediate adhesion of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes to intercellular adhesion molecule 1, a second host receptor for gametocytes expressed on C32 cells.  相似文献   

The adhesion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes is thought to play a central role in the pathogenesis of severe malaria. ICAM-1 has been identified as one of the host receptors for parasitized erythrocytes and has been implicated as being involved in progression to cerebral malaria. Thus, intervention strategies based on the reversal of this interaction could potentially be used to reduce morbidity and mortality. We have investigated the inhibition of the interaction between ICAM-1 and infected erythrocytes by using recombinant soluble ICAM-1 as competitor and find that we are unable to reduce adhesion to ICAM-1 in vitro.  相似文献   

Cell lines derived from human malignant melanoma tumors are susceptible to infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Within 5 days after inoculation of vesicular fluid, cytopathic changes appeared in melanoma cell monolayer cultures that were incubated at either 36 or 32 degrees C. The VZV isolates at the two temperatures were serially propagated by passage of trypsin-dispersed infected cells. A plaque assay was developed utilizing melanoma cell monolayers overlaid with nutrient medium containing carboxymethylcellulose. By this assay method, the growth cycle of a VZV isolate propagated at 36 degrees C was studied and compared with that of another VZV isolate grown at 32 degrees C. With equivalent infected-cell inocula at a ratio on one inoculum cell to eight uninfected cells, the yield of cell-free virus at an incubation temperature of 32 degrees C was slightly higher than at 36 degrees C, although the peak occurred 60 h, rather than 36 h, postinfection. It was also found that the titer of low-passage VZV propagated at 36 degrees C was 0.5 to 1 log higher when assayed at 32 degrees C rather than at 36 degrees C.  相似文献   

Infections with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are characterized by cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes to the venular endothelium of several organs. Video microscopy studies have shown that at the end of the asexual life of P. falciparum, the residual body containing haemozoin is released to the extracellular environment along with merozoites, leaving behind an infected erythrocyte “ghost”. It is possible that these infected erythrocyte “ghosts” could remain sequestered within the blood vessels of patients infected with P. falciparum even after merozoites have been released from infected erythrocytes. In this study an in vitro cytoadherence assay was developed to show that infected erythrocyte “ghosts” can interact with C32 melanoma cells. Adherent infected erythrocyte “ghosts” contain some of the subcellular compartments of the malaria-infected red blood cell such as the tubo-vesicular membrane network and remnants of the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane, but lack haemozoin. Received: 28 August 2000 / Accepted: 13 September 2000  相似文献   

During the intracellular development of the human malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, cryptic regions of the erythrocyte band 3 protein are exposed. Antibodies against these band 3-related neoantigens block cytoadherence, and peptides based on amino acid sequences of putative exofacial loops of band 3 protein block the in vitro and in vivo adherence of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. At present, it is not known whether reactivity to these antigens is related to exposure to the malaria parasite or is correlated with protective immunity. The reactivities of plasma to peptides containing amino acid sequences of putative exofacial loops 3 and 7 of human band 3 protein were determined for children and adults living in an area of perennial malaria transmission (Liberia) and for donors who had never been exposed to malaria (Denmark). Plasma samples from children and adults living in an area of intense malaria transmission showed a much higher reactivity with the band 3 peptides than did those from nonimmune individuals. High reactivity to the loop 3 peptide (amino acids 546 to 555) was correlated with lower mean parasite density in children in the 5- to 9-year-old age group. The presence of antibodies against loop 3 and 7 peptides was not associated with a low packed erythrocyte volume (hematocrit); in fact, higher-than-average reactivities to both peptides were positively correlated with high hematocrit values, indicating that antibodies which specifically recognize the band 3-related neoantigens are not involved in hemolysis (autoimmunity).  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are the main immune mediators inducing primary immune responses. DC generated from monocytes (MoDC) are a model system to study the biology of DC in vitro, as they represent inflammatory DC in vivo. Previous studies on the generation of MoDC in horses indicated that there was no distinct difference between immature and mature DC and that the expression profile was distinctly different from humans, where CD206 is expressed on immature MoDC whereas CD83 is expressed on mature MoDC. Here we describe the kinetics of equine MoDC differentiation and activation, analysing both phenotypic and functional characteristics. Blood monocytes were first differentiated with equine granulocyte–macrophage colony‐stimulating factor and interleukin‐4 generating immature DC (iMoDC). These cells were further activated with a cocktail of cytokines including interferon‐γ) but not CD40 ligand to obtain mature DC (mMoDC). To determine the expression of a broad range of markers for which no monoclonal antibodies were available to analyse the protein expression, microarray and quantitative PCR analysis were performed to carry out gene expression analysis. This study demonstrates that equine iMoDC and mMoDC can be distinguished both phenotypically and functionally but the expression pattern of some markers including CD206 and CD83 is dissimilar to the human system.  相似文献   

The autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) is characterized by non-malignant lymphoproliferation and signs of autoimmunity. A hallmark of ALPS are high amounts of circulating CD3+/CD4-/CD8- double negative T-lymphocytes (DN T cells). The origin of these cells remains elusive. To investigate the relationships of DN T cells and the single positive T cell populations (CD4+ and CD8+), we analyzed by spectratyping the complementarity determining regions 3 (CDR3) of the T cell receptors in sorted "single positive" (CD4+, CD8+) and DN T cells in a patient with ALPS type 1a. We observed signs for clonal expansion in all three T cell subpopulations. Strong and weak clonal expansions were to be seen in 16 and 14 for DN, 6 and 12 for CD8+, and 1 and 5 for CD4 + T cells, respectively. Most importantly, 24 out of 30 aberrant peaks in the spectratype histograms of the DN T cells where unique for this population and were not to be detected in the histograms of the single positive T cells. In contrast to published data, we conclude that expanded DN T cell populations in ALPS are not generally derived from expanded CD3+/CD4+ or CD3+/CD8+ populations.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes often sequester in the placenta of pregnant women, producing placental malaria, a condition that can compromise the health of the developing fetus. Scientists are hopeful that a vaccine can be developed to prevent this condition. Immunological mechanisms responsible for eliminating parasites from the placenta remain unclear, but antibodies to the carboxyl-terminal 19-kDa segment of the merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1-19), the ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (RESA), and an erythrocyte-surface ligand that binds chondroitin sulfate A (CSA-L) have been implicated. In addition, antibodies to sporozoite and liver-stage antigens could reduce initial parasite burdens. This study sought to determine if antibodies to the circumsporozoite protein (CSP), liver-stage antigen 1 (LSA1), RESA, MSP1-19, or CSA-L correlated with either the absence of placental parasites or low placental parasitemias. Using a frequency-matched case-control study design, we compared antibody levels in women (gravidity 1 to 11) with and without placental malaria. Results showed that women who were antibody negative for MSP1-19 were at a higher risk of having placental malaria than women with antibodies (P < 0.007). Furthermore, an association between high levels of antibodies that blocked the binding of infected erythrocytes to CSA and low placental parasitemias was observed (P = 0.02). On the other hand, women with high antibody levels at term to CSP, LSA1, and RESA were more likely to have placental malaria than antibody-negative women. Since antibodies to MSP1-19 and CSA-L were associated with reduced placental malaria, both antigens show promise for inclusion in a vaccine for women of child-bearing age.  相似文献   

Autoantibody formation against Factor H (FH) is found in 7–10% of patients who are diagnosed with atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS). These autoantibodies predominately target the C-terminal cell binding recognition domain of FH and are associated with absence of FHR1. Additional autoantibodies have also been identified in association with aHUS, for example autoantibodies to Factor I. Based on this, and that there are genetic mutations in other complement regulators and activators associated with aHUS, we hypothesised that other complement regulator proteins, particularly surface bound regulators in the kidney, might be the target for autoantibody formation in aHUS. Therefore, we assayed serum derived from 89 patients in the Newcastle aHUS cohort for the presence of autoantibodies to CD46 (membrane cofactor protein, MCP), CD55 (decay accelerating factor, DAF), CD35 (complement receptor type 1, CR1; TP10) and CD59. We also assayed 100 healthy blood donors to establish the normal levels of reactivity towards these proteins in the general population. Recombinant proteins CD46 and CD55 (purified from Escherichia coli) as well as soluble CR1 (CD35) and oligomeric C4BP-CD59 (purified from eukaryotic cell media) were used in ELISA to detect high responders. False positive results were established though Western blot and flow cytometric analysis. After excluding false positive responders to bacterial proteins in the CD46 and CD55 preparations, and responses to blood group antigens in CD35, we found no significant level of patient serum IgG reactivity with CD46, CD55, CD35 or CD59 above that detected in the normal population. These results suggest that membrane anchored complement regulators are not a target for autoantibody generation in aHUS.  相似文献   

It is shown here that B cells, in addition to CD4+ T cells, are necessary for the development of protective immunity to Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (P. chabaudi) in mice. Reconstitution of severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice with immune or normal CD4+ T cells protected the majority of mice against an otherwise lethal challenge but the mice were unable to clear their parasitemias. By contrast, transfer of the same T cell populations into athymic nu/nu mice enabled the recipients to control and clear their infections, immune CD4+ T cells being most effective. Furthermore, SCID mice given CD4+ T cells from immune and normal donors simultaneously with immune B cells also could eliminate their infection. Clearance of parasitemia correlated with the presence of malaria-specific antibodies in the serum. The role of B cells and CD4+ T cells in the protective immune response to P. chabaudi is discussed.  相似文献   

We affinity purified, from malaria-immune serum, antibody to the ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (RESA), using petri dishes containing a monolayer of Plasmodium falciparum ring-infected erythrocytes. Except for one out of eight samples, the purified antibody positive by RESA-immunofluorescent assay was not inhibitory to the in vitro invasion of merozoites into erythrocytes in three geographically distinct strains of P. falciparum. However, the initial high level of merozoite-inhibiting antibodies of the intact serum samples remained in the immunoglobulin G fraction from which the RESA antibodies had been removed by affinity chromatography. These results suggest that, although in some cases RESA-immunofluorescent assay-positive antibodies may be inhibitory to merozoite invasion, there are more important antibodies capable of merozoite invasion inhibition.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the pan CD28/cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen (CTL)A-4 antagonist CTLA4 immunoglobulin (Ig) inhibits eosinophilic airway inflammation in Schistosoma mansoni-sensitized and airway-challenged mice. In the present study, the importance of CD28 as well as the individual roles of CD80 and CD86 were examined in this system using wild-type and CD28 knockout (KO) mice. Unlike wild-type controls, CD28KO mice did not produce systemic IgE or eosinophilic airway inflammation after antigen challenge. However, a lymphocytic infiltrate and continued production of interferon-gamma was observed in these animals. Thus, CD28 is not essential for the initial recruitment of lymphocytes into antigen-challenged airways but critically regulates the allergic T-helper 2 phenotype. We next determined by polymerase chain reaction and flow cytometry that CD80 and CD86 molecules are constitutively expressed in the naive murine lung and on eosinophils in the allergic lung, suggesting a potential important role for both ligands in the development of asthma. Combined anti-CD80/anti-CD86 treatment throughout the antigen challenge period fully blocked the development of allergic airways, whereas a partial reduction was observed in mice treated with either anti-CD80 or anti-CD86 antibody alone. However, only anti-CD86 blocked systemic IgE production. Therefore, signaling through either CD80 or CD86 is sufficient to generate a partial local allergic response, whereas CD86 costimulation is essential to induce systemic allergic (IgE) reactions. Finally, combined anti-B7 monoclonal antibody treatment after sensitization reduced airway eosinophilia and interleukin (IL)-4/IL-5 cytokine secretion consistent with an ongoing role for CD28/B7 interactions in the effector phase of the disease. These results emphasize the importance of differential B7 expression on different cells and in different organs on subsequent CD28/B7-mediated immune events, including the potential for CD28/B7 blockade in the treatment of atopic airway disease in people.  相似文献   

Raji cells activate the alternative complement pathway (ACP) and fix C3 fragments when incubated in human serum (HS). Earlier experiments have shown that CR2 molecules are involved in this phenomenon and the opsonized cells have elevated sensitivity to the lytic effect of CR3-bearing NK cells. We show here that Raji cells treated with CR2 site-specific ligands, (C3d, OKB-7 and HB-5 mAbs, and a synthetic peptide which binds to CR2) generated and bound C3 fragments after exposure to HS. The elevated lytic sensitivity of HS-treated cells was not altered by the presence of the various CR2 ligands. Thus, the membrane-bound C3 fragments are not fixed at the C3dg receptor binding site.  相似文献   

In this study, optical techniques were used to characterize adhesion of hematopoietic cells to bone marrow (BM) stromal microenvironment in situ. Bone marrow cells (BMC) labeled with PKH membrane linkers were infused into nonconditioned femurs and were monitored by fluorescence microscopy through an optical bone window. Repeated infusions of BMC into the femoral lumen resulted in a progressive increase in the number of adherent cells (p < 0.01), indicating that the availability of hemopoietic niches in the nonconditioned BM was not a rate-limiting factor of early BMC seeding. Adhesion of hemopoietic progenitor and stem cells (HSPC) was 30-fold higher than lineage(+) BMC (p < 0.001), suggesting that adhesion molecules on the surface of HSPC have a higher propensity for adhesion. BMC antigen-matched to and disparate from BM stroma adhered at equal rates, opposing the idea of involvement of antigen barriers during early seeding. It is concluded that primary adhesion to BM stromal microenvironment is favorable for HSPC and is not restricted by antigenic barriers or availability of vacant niches.  相似文献   

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