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BACKGROUND: This study assesses the safety and efficacy of the novel human anti-human CD154 monoclonal antibody ABI793 in rhesus monkeys. METHODS: Outbred rhesus monkeys were used for renal transplantation from major histocompatibility complex-mismatched donors. Seven recipients were treated with ABI793, and six untreated recipients were used as controls. Graft function was monitored by urine output, serum creatinine, and renal biopsy. Phenotypic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes and mixed lymphocyte reaction were performed before transplantation and periodically after transplantation. Anti-donor major histocompatibility complex class I antibody levels were measured at the time of sacrifice. RESULTS: Monkeys in the treated group demonstrated prolonged graft survival compared with controls. One monkey was sacrificed because of a urine leak on postoperative day 13. Three monkeys were sacrificed because of acute rejection (days 44, 149, and 158). Two monkeys were sacrificed because of chronic active rejection (days 154 and 221). One monkey was sacrificed on day 139 without rejection to observe the effects of ABI793 in the absence of rejection. There were no obvious clinical side effects of ABI793, but microscopic thromboembolic changes were observed in two monkeys. Lymphocyte subsets remained unaltered in all monkeys. Mixed lymphocyte reaction showed nonspecific suppression 6 weeks after transplantation. The monkeys with chronic active rejection showed relatively strong alloantibody responses. CONCLUSIONS: ABI793 induces prolonged renal allograft survival in rhesus monkeys. Nevertheless, thromboembolic complications may occur and chronic allograft nephropathy may develop after anti-CD154 treatment is discontinued.  相似文献   

肝移植急性排斥反应的诊断与治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 总结肝移植术后急性排斥反应(AR)的诊治经验。方法 回顾性分析57例肝移植患者术后AR的发生率和治疗结果。结果 21例患者术后因肝功能异常而行38次移植肝活检(术后6~91d),11例15次发生AR,其中8例为单次,3例为两次或两次以上,轻度11次,中重度4次,AR发生率为19.3%(11/57)。20次为单纯保存-再灌注损伤(PRI)。3次为药物中毒。所有AR均经激素冲击或调整FK506剂量后缓解。结论 移植肝活检对于AR的诊断与鉴别诊断有重要意义,只要给予及时的诊断与治疗,AR一般是可逆的。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Achieving immunological tolerance to transplanted myoblasts would reduce the adverse effects associated with the sustained immunosuppression required for this experimental therapeutic approach in Duchenne muscular dystrophic patients. METHODS: Mdx mice were transplanted with fully allogeneic BALB/c myoblasts in the tibialis anterior muscles. Seven days before transplantation (-7), host mice received 107 total donor spleen cells i.v. (donor-specific transfusion, DST) with 500 microg of anti-CD154 mAb i.p. on days -7, -4, 0, +4. RESULTS: Results showed a high level of dystrophin expression in 83, 60, and 20% of the mice 1, 3, and 6 months, respectively, after transplantation of myoblasts. No antibodies against the donor cells were produced up to 3 months after transplantation. However, abundant activated cytotoxic cells were present in muscles still expressing high percentage of dystrophin positive fibers. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the DST + anti-CD154 mAb treatments effectively prolonged myoblast survival, but this treatment could not develop tolerance to complete allogeneic myoblast transplantation.  相似文献   

OKT3 is a murine monoclonal antibody that recognizes the T3 surface antigen present on mature T cells, and it has been used to successfully treat renal allograft rejection. We report our experience with OKT3 in the treatment of cardiac allograft rejection. Eight patients with endomyocardial biopsy evidence of moderate or severe rejection were given fourteen daily intravenous treatments of OKT3. Six of the eight patients had complete recovery following OKT3 therapy; one required additional steroid therapy for recurrence and one patient failed to respond. Five of the six patients with a complete response have experienced no further rejection (mean follow-up 437 days). Adverse reactions to OKT3 were common early in the treatment course, but were well tolerated. We concluded that OKT3 is a safe and effective treatment of cardiac allograft rejection and that a majority of patients experience long-term rejection-free periods.  相似文献   

肝移植后急性排斥反应的诊断和治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨肝移植术后急性排斥反应的诊断和治疗。方法 1996年5月至1998年2月成功地进行了4例同种异体原位肝移植术,术前诊断:1例肝炎后肝硬变,3例肝豆状核变性。术后均采用环孢素A,硫唑嘌呤和甲基泼尼松龙三联免疫抑制疗法。结果 4例肝移植后共出现5次急性排斥反应。急性排斥反应时血清游离IL-2R明显升高,CD4/CD8比值减小,嗜酸性粒细胞增加,2例胆汁IL-2R也升高,而IL-6,IL-8,  相似文献   

肝移植后急性排斥反应的诊断和治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The monoclonal antibody OKT3 (Ortho Pharmaceutical, Raritan, NJ) was utilized in two separate protocols for treatment of acute renal allograft rejection in patients receiving cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone for maintenance immunosuppression. In Group I, 54 patients received steroids for primary treatment of acute rejection with OKT3 used for resistant rejections and second rejection episodes. In Group II, 34 patients received OKT3 as primary treatment of acute rejection while steroids were used for rescue and second rejection episodes. OKT3 successfully reversed 82% of initial acute rejection episodes in Group II as compared with a 63% reversal with steroids in Group I. Rescue treatment was required in only 15% of Group II patients compared with 33% of Group I patients. Overall patient survival was 96% and 94%, respectively, for steroid primary and OKT3 primary treatments. Allograft survival at 3 months was identical, 74% in both groups. Based on allograft survival data, OKT3 is equally effective either as primary treatment for allograft rejection, or for rescue therapy if initial corticosteroid treatment fails.  相似文献   

OKT3 monoclonal anti-T cell antibody was used during the first 2 weeks following cadaveric renal transplantation to prevent rejection. When compared with a control group receiving triple immunosuppression with cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone, the OKT3, azathioprine, and prednisone group had significantly fewer acute rejections during the first month (6% v 50%; P less than 0.01), and the mean time of onset of the first rejection was significantly delayed (day 47 v day 8; P less than 0.01) in the OKT3 prophylaxis group. OKT3 was administered intraoperatively safely and without complications on the day of transplantation. The well-reported first dose reaction to OKT3 was similar in these patients when compared with patients receiving OKT3 for treatment of rejection. Anti-OKT3 antibody development occurred in half of the patients receiving OKT3, and did not prevent the subsequent use of OKT3 in these patients, whose rejections following OKT3 prophylaxis were steroid reversible. There were no deaths among the patients receiving prophylactic OKT3, and during a 15-month follow-up, only three of 34 kidneys were lost for any reason. In addition to its use for primary and steroid-resistant rejection, OKT3 may be useful early after transplantation to prevent rejection.  相似文献   

目的探讨细胞毒T淋巴细胞相关抗原4免疫球蛋白(CTLA4-Ig)和抗CD40L单克隆抗体对异基因大鼠胰腺移植后急性排斥反应的作用及其相关机制。方法建立大鼠的胰十二指肠移植模型,供者为F344大鼠,受者为经链尿佐菌素诱导为糖尿病模型的Lewis大鼠,受者移植后分为4组,每组12只。A组:为应用生理盐水对照组;B组:应用CTLA4-Ig200μg;C组:应用抗CD40L单克隆抗体200μg;D组:联合应用CTLA4-Ig和抗CD40L单克隆抗体各200μg。各组分别于术后第2d腹腔注射相应的药物。术后1、4、7、10d分别取各组的移植胰腺,进行常规病理检测;采用逆转录聚合酶链(RT-PCR)法检测移植物白细胞介素2(IL-2)、白细胞介素4(IL-4)、白细胞介素10(IL-10)、γ干扰素(IFN-γ)的表达;术后第1、4、7、10d取受者外周血,采用流式细胞术计数T细胞亚群CD3^+、CD4^+和CD8^+;术后第4d取移植胰计数CD4^+CD25^+T细胞。结果病理检测显示:与A组相比,B、C组排斥反应明显减弱,D组几乎未发生排斥反应;B、C、D组IL-2的表达高峰延迟,且表达水平较A组有不同程度的降低,D组又较B、C组表达水平下降,差异有统计学意义;B、C、D组IFN-γ的表达水平较A组有不同程度的降低,但D组与B、C组的差异不显著;B、C组IL-4的表达水平较A组有不同程度的升高,D组较A、B、C组表达水平下降,差异有统计学意义;B、C组IL-10的表达水平较A组有不同程度的升高,D组与A组差异不显著;B、C、D组CD3^+、CD4^+和CD8^+T细胞数均相对减少,CD4^+CD25^+T细胞数有不同程度升高,与A组比较,D组的差异最为显著。结论联合应用CTLA4-Ig和抗CD40L单克隆抗体能更有效地抑制大鼠胰腺移植后排斥反应,其机制可能与Th1/Th2型细胞因子偏移及CD4^+CD25^+调节性T细胞增多等有关。  相似文献   

In patients with fulminant liver failure requiring emergency liver transplantation, the only donor organ that becomes available may be ABO incompatible. The risk of graft failure because of antibody-mediated acute rejection is high, but can be reduced by various means. We reported a deceased donor ABO-incompatible liver allograft recipient who was treated with antigen-specific immunoadsorption in combination with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody and conventional plasmapheresis and immunosuppression. The patient was a 33-yr-old male with blood group A who presented with subacute liver failure of unknown aetiology and received a blood group AB liver graft. Pretransplant he underwent plasmapheresis and received one dose of rituximab. The immunosuppressive regimen consisted of methylprednisolone, tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. Despite regular post-operative plasmapheresis sessions, anti-B antibody titres increased. Antigen-specific immunoadsorption with depletion of anti-B antibodies was performed from day nine to day 17. Thereafter, anti-B IgM and IgG antibody titres remained low. After one month the patient was reoperated with hepaticojejunostomy because of bile duct necrosis and with reconstruction of a stenotic hepatic artery. A mild rejection was successfully treated with methylprednisolone four months post-transplant. At six months post-transplant there was a stricture of the biliary-enteric anastomosis, but the graft was well functioning. We conclude that antigen-specific immunoadsorption can be an important adjuvant therapy to control recipient anti-A/B antibody levels and prevent acute rejection in ABO-incompatible deceased donor liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Experience with the use of Orthoclone OKT3 monoclonal antibody for the treatment of acute cellular rejection in a series of 130 human orthotopic liver transplantations is reviewed. Treatment was highly effective in reversing rejection, in reducing the rate of retransplantation, and in lowering patient mortality. OKT3 was also useful for cyclosporine sparing in patients with poor renal function, hypertension, or CNS toxicity. There was a significant incidence of opportunistic infection associated with the use of OKT3.  相似文献   

Treatment with the monoclonal antibody OKT3 specific for the CD3 complex associated with the T cell antigen receptor can reverse acute rejection of human renal allografts. However, efficacy of anti-CD3 antibodies for treatment of patients with acute graft-versus-host disease after marrow transplantation has not been established. The dose-limiting side effects resulting from T cell activation induced by some anti-CD3 antibodies in vivo have discouraged their use for this application. We now report a phase I-II study of GVHD treatment with the anti-CD3 antibody BC3, a monoclonal murine IgG2b that, unlike OKT3, does not activate T cells. Fourteen patients were treated with BC3 after progression of acute GVHD despite treatment with cyclosporine and corticosteroids, and three patients received BC3 as primary treatment for GVHD. BC3 was administered at a dose of 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day for seven or eight days. Five patients achieved complete resolution of GVHD, eight patients had partial improvement, two patients had no change, and two patients had progression of GVHD on therapy. Responses were sustained in 8 of 13 patients. Mild chills, fever, hypertension, and chest discomfort occurred in various combinations following 6 of 17 (35%) initial infusions of BC3 and following 4 of 99 (4%) subsequent infusions. In each instance it was possible to continue BC3 therapy without adjusting the dose or treatment schedule. In each patient treated, the absolute count of peripheral blood lymphocytes decreased transiently but returned to baseline within 22 hr after the first infusion. Circulating T cells had surface CD3 molecules saturated by the infused antibody in all but one patient. Four patients survived longer than one year after treatment with antibody BC3, and 13 patients died of infection or organ failure. Administration of the nonmitogenic anti-CD3 antibody BC3 was associated with improvement in the clinical manifestations of GVHD with minimal acute toxicity. Efficacy of antibody treatment did not depend on depletion of circulating T cells. Therefore, antibody BC3 may be achieving therapeutic immunosuppression by modulating T cell function. Controlled studies in patients treated earlier in the course of GVHD should determine whether antibody BC3 can improve survival.  相似文献   

达昔单抗预防肾移植术后急性排斥反应的效果   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 探讨达昔单抗 (Dac ,赛尼哌 )在预防肾移植术后急性排斥反应中的作用。 方法  2 92例肾移植患者随机分为达昔单抗治疗组 (94例 )与对照组 (198)例 ,分析 2组移植肾功能、急性排斥反应发生情况以及外周血T细胞亚群的变化。 结果 术后 1、6及 12个月时达昔单抗组移植肾功能优于对照组 ,术后 12个月时 2组SCr浓度分别为 (133.2± 4 6 .8)和 (16 5 .7± 5 5 .2 ) μmol/L ,差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。术后 6个月时达昔单抗组急性排斥反应发生率为 2 3.4 % ,对照组为38.4 % ,差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;术后 2组CD+ 3 与CD+ 4 表达均下降 ,但差异无统计学意义 (P>0 .0 5 )。 结论 达昔单抗可以降低急性排斥反应发生率 ,改善移植肾功能 ,对T细胞亚群无明显影响。  相似文献   

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