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Vascular diseases of the brain (functional transient and ischemic apoplexy, circulatory encephalopathy) in 79 patients were treated by UHF electromagnetic field of millimetric wave range. 14 patients entered the control group. The treatment results are indicative of clear-cut trend to a decrease of arterial pressure, normalization of blood glucose level, arrest of DIC syndrome development.  相似文献   

低功率毫米波对于红细胞生物物理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者用低强度毫米级(波长6mm,频率50GHz,照射强度为100mW)电磁波照射15例健康人离体血样,照射时间分别为15分钟、30分钟和60分钟等。实验系统对照测试了正常组与照射组红细胞的多项流变学及生物物理学指标,包括血液粘度、红细胞变形性及聚集性、红细胞溶血脆性、红细胞膜的阴离子通透性以及红细胞的形态等,从生物物理学角度研究了低强度毫米波对生物组织非效应的影响程度,并初步讨论了这种作用的生理机制和意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨F波反应频率测定在运动神经元病(MND)中的诊断价值及其意义。方法:对43例MND患者(MND组)及18例对照组个体作F波反应频率、相同及不同形状F波反应频率、F波潜伏期、运动神经传导速度(MCV)、感觉神经传导速度(SCV)测定及对比分析。结果:MND组总的F波反应频率正中神经和尺神经分别为15%和28%,明显低于对照组(均为81%,P=0.001,P=0.00);MND组正中神经和尺神经相同形状及不同形状F波比率与对照组比较明显下降(P=0.00);与对照组比较,MND组正中神经与尺神经平均F波潜伏期都明显延长(P=0.00),正中神经和尺神经的MCV均减慢,差异有显著意义(P=0.00,P=0.01);两组的SCV比较差异则无显著意义(P=0.21,P=0.71)。结论:F波反应频率检测对MND的诊断及损伤程度判断可提供客观的电生理学依据。  相似文献   

本实验用频率36.11GHz、功率密度为10.0mW/cm~2的毫米波,在小鼠怀孕6~15d时进行2h/d的照射,在孕期终了用足孕期畸形学指标进行分析。结果显示,毫米波照射可导致足孕期孕鼠体重、体重增加数和胎鼠体重的明显降低,胎盘重明显减轻,足孕时胎仔身长及尾长均减短,照射未导致孕鼠脑、肝、肾、卵巢等脏器重量(右肾除外)及脏器/体重比值、活胎数、死胎数、吸收数等指标发生明显变化,亦未导致胎鼠外表发生畸形、内脏发生畸形,或骨骼畸形增多。  相似文献   

Simple statistical analysis is applied to the evaluation of the output measurements of equipment used in radiotherapy. The calibration frequency is calculated based on the stability of the equipment and the performance parameters required by the quality control criteria.  相似文献   

目的研究极高频电磁复合波对晚期恶性肿瘤患者外周血辅助淋巴细胞亚群Th1/Th2免疫应答平衡的影响。方法对32例恶性肿瘤患者化疗后进行极高频电磁复合波幅照,并采用ELISA法检测幅照治疗前、后外周血中的IFN-γ和IL-4水平变化;另对30例恶性肿瘤化疗后患者,同比进行细胞因子检测;再分别对上述患者外周血进行IFN-γ和IL-4水平变化的自身对照研究,以评价极高频电磁复合波对恶性肿瘤患者化疗后免疫功能的影响。结果①恶性肿瘤化疗后第8天,患者IFN-γ水平(24.66±12.85)pg·mL-1低于化疗后第3天水平(27.88±17.07)pg·mL-1,但未见显著性差异(P>0.05);而IL-4水平(54.80±28.56)pg·mL-1则明显地高于化疗后第3天水平(44.97±27.53)pg·mL-1,P<0.05。②极高频电磁复合波幅照的化疗患者,化疗后第8天,IFN-γ水平(34.79±27.23)pg·mL-1远高于化疗后第3天水平(20.39±12.67)pg·mL-1,P<0.05;IL-4水平变化研究结果显示,化疗后第8天,患者的IL-4水平(43.49±34.04)pg·mL-1高于化疗后第3天水平(35.77±22.23)pg·mL-1,但其间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。③恶性肿瘤患者化疗后第3天至第8天,细胞因子IFN-γ/IL-4水平比值降低,其间有显著性差异(P<0.05);经极高频电磁复合波幅照后,其比值明显升高[从(0.57±0.44)pg·mL-1升至(0.80±0.67)pg·mL-1],P<0.05。结论恶性肿瘤患者化疗后第3天至第8天,细胞因子IFN-γ水平降低,而IL-4水平则明显升高,反映恶性肿瘤化疗后患者Th细胞的存在异常(Th2)漂移;但极高频电磁复合波幅照治疗,可干预或阻抑恶性肿瘤患者化疗后Th细胞的异常漂移。  相似文献   

The medial-olivocochlear (MOC) acoustic reflex is thought to provide frequency-specific feedback that adjusts the gain of cochlear amplification, but little is known about how frequency specific the reflex actually is. We measured human MOC tuning through changes in stimulus frequency otoacoustic emissions (SFOAEs) from 40-dB-SPL tones at probe frequencies (f(p)s) near 0.5, 1.0, and 4.0 kHz. MOC activity was elicited by 60-dB-SPL ipsilateral, contralateral, or bilateral tones or half-octave noise bands, with elicitor frequency (f(e)) varied in half-octave steps. Tone and noise elicitors produced similar results. At all probe frequencies, SFOAE changes were produced by a wide range of elicitor frequencies with elicitor frequencies near 0.7-2.0 kHz being particularly effective. MOC-induced changes in SFOAE magnitude and SFOAE phase were surprisingly different functions of f(e): magnitude inhibition largest for f(e) close to f(p), phase change largest for f(e) remote from f(p). The metric ΔSFOAE, which combines both magnitude and phase changes, provided the best match to reported (cat) MOC neural inhibition. Ipsilateral and contralateral MOC reflexes often showed dramatic differences in plots of MOC effect vs. elicitor frequency, indicating that the contralateral reflex does not give an accurate picture of ipsilateral-reflex properties. These differences in MOC effects appear to imply that ipsilateral and contralateral reflexes have different actions in the cochlea. The implication of these results for MOC function, cochlear mechanics, and the production of SFOAEs are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential for using natural frequency (NF) as an indicator for assessing the stability of a magnetic keeper device used in prosthodontic treatment. A three-dimensional finite element (FE) model of a root keeper-cement-dentine system was established for NF analysis. The model was first validated against a series of in vitro experiments. Then, NF values of the first vibrational mode of the FE model with various boundary conditions were calculated. The in vitro results showed that the measured NF values of the root keeper-incisor units decreased significantly (p<0.01) from 9.07±0.37 to 5.73±0.10 kHz when the units were embedded in simulated bony tissue. Results obtained from FE simulations demonstrated that the root keeper would fully loosen when the constant values of the spring elements were lower than 104 N-m−1. Furthermore, a linear increase in the NF values of the model was observed from 6.16 to 15.52 kHz, when the constant was increased from 104 to 107 N-m−1, and the values then reached a plateau. The results indicate that the NF value of a root keeper has the potential to be used for monitoring the stability of such a device.  相似文献   

人体脉搏波中含有丰富的生理病理信息,在脉诊客观化进程中,对脉搏波信号的分析尤为重要。本文对脉搏波时域分析法和频域分析法进行了简要介绍,重点梳理了频域分析法中共振理论的研究进展,包括动脉径向振动方程、器官共振频率、物理生物实验等。通过对共振理论的分析,发现其存在动脉径向振动方程实用性差、证明脉搏波谐波-器官频率匹配的实验不充分等问题,并进一步指出了今后的研究要点,以期有助于该理论的发展和临床应用。  相似文献   

共振频率分析在口腔种植稳定性测量中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共振频率分析已经成功地应用到种植体稳定性测量上,并证明是一种测量种植体稳定性比较客观科学的方法,近年来一直被国内外种植界关注。系统地介绍了共振频率分析在口腔种植体稳定性测量上的应用,分析了应用的原理和方法,简要地介绍了在其他口腔领域的应用,最后探讨了共振频率分析应用于种植体稳定性测量的优势及存在的一些不足。  相似文献   

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