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There are few data available on the dynamics of heterosexual human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission among women whose only risk factor is sexual contact with intravenous drug-using males. Unlike models which rely on unconfirmed estimates regarding sexual partner selectivity and contact rates between infected and uninfected populations, data from a survey conducted between November 1988 and February 1989 of 1,842 women in New York City provide empirical values for these variables which the authors use in a straightforward estimation model. The authors estimate that the number of new infections among women aged 15-44 years in New York City during 1988 was between 876 and 1,668 and that the number of women already infected through heterosexual contact with male intravenous drug users is between 5,390 and 10,230 among the 1,844,285 women in this age group. These conclusions indicate that male-to-female transmission in New York City is of substantial magnitude and that prevention efforts among male intravenous drug users and their female sexual partners must be appropriately directed.  相似文献   

In a population based survey conducted in France in 1988, 41 respondents reported present or past intravenous drug use. Controlling for age and gender, intravenous drug users (IDUs) engage in more high risk sexual behavior than the general population (sex with other IDUs, multiple partners), but they do not use condoms more frequently. They are five times more likely to have had an HIV test.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

For the study of the impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody testing on high-risk sexual behavior with nonsteady and steady sexual partners, 307 homosexual men (118 seronegative, 75 seropositive, and 114 untested) were interviewed at three consecutive six-month intervals between July 1985 and December 1986. From the results, it appears that among seropositives the percentage who performed anogenital insertive intercourse with nonsteady partners remained constant (73, 64, and 61% during the first, second, and third intervals, respectively (nonsignificant]. Among seronegatives and those who were untested, the percentages who practiced anogenital receptive intercourse with nonsteady partners decreased from 44 to 29% and from 54 to 20%, respectively (p less than 0.05). The percentage who performed anogenital insertive intercourse and anogenital receptive intercourse with their steady partner remained constant in all groups: seropositives, +/- 70%; seronegatives, +/- 60%; and untested, +/- 55%. Seropositives were more likely to use condoms during anogenital insertive intercourse with their nonsteady and steady sexual partners than were seronegatives and untested persons during anogenital receptive intercourse with these partners (p less than 0.05). In the majority of cases, condoms were not used antibody testing in the three groups studied. The generalizability of these results, however, is limited.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to describe sexual behaviors and drug use and other factors that inhibit condom use and needle cleaning among impoverished women who are injection drug users (IDUs) or sexual partners of IDUs. This study also investigated whether risky sexual behavior or barriers to risk reduction differ with ethnicity and level of acculturation. Survey instruments to assess drug and sexual activity were administered to 378 African American and Latina women recruited primarily from homeless shelters and drug recovery programs. The most commonly cited barriers to condom use were belief that partners did not have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), lack of knowledge about where to get and how to use condoms, and discomfort discussing condom use with partners. African American women were more likely to report having multiple partners and unprotected sex, and more likely to report barriers in using, discussing, and obtaining condoms. Latina women were more likely to report partners'' dislike of condoms. African American and highly acculturated Latina women were more likely to be IDUs than less acculturated Latina women. The most pervasive barriers for needle cleaning were not having personal needles, being high and not interested in needle cleaning, and not having disinfectant available. In a multiple logistic regression analysis for engaging in unprotected sex and cleaning needles, not ethnic or acculturation differences were found after controlling for selected demographic characteristics and risk factors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的了解广西男性吸毒人群吸毒前后性行为改变及其影响因素。方法采用方便抽样的方法选取3市1县434名吸毒者进行面对面的问卷调查,问卷内容包括吸毒人群社会人口学特征、吸毒行为特征、性行为特征、吸毒前后性行为改变及其影响因素。结果 434名调查对象在吸毒前每月性行为频率平均值为(15.34±4.65)次/月,吸毒后为(4.62±1.61)次/月。25~45岁年龄组、>45岁年龄组吸毒后每月性行为频率均降低(均有P<0.05)。吸毒后安全套使用频率升高(Z=-10.24,P<0.001)。多因素Logistic回归模型分析显示,>45岁的调查者中,文化程度为初中及以上(OR=12.123,95%CI:1.828~80.380)、初次性行为年龄≥18岁(OR=14.175,95%CI:1.568~128.150)、月均收入小于1 000元(OR=7.873,95%CI:1.324~46.827)者吸毒后性行为频率更容易降低。结论药物滥用可导致性功能的损害。文化程度、初次性行为年龄、月均收入对大于45岁的男性吸毒者性行为频率下降有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

目的  了解安徽省男男性行为人群(men who have sex with men,MSM)与其男性性伴和女性性伴的性行为特征及影响因素。 方法  以合肥、芜湖和六安3个城市为研究现场,采用滚雪球法和网络招募法招募MSM人群,对符合纳入标准的MSM进行匿名问卷调查。采用多因素Logistic回归分析模型分析MSM人群最近6个月发生异性性行为的危险因素。 结果  共招募1 200名MSM,最近6个月78.3% MSM与男性性伴有过肛交性行为,20.9%与女性性伴有过异性性行为,16.5%最近6个月与男性性伴、女性性伴均有过性行为。最近6个月异性性行为中的安全套坚持使用率(29.9%)明显低于同性性行为的安全套坚持使用率(53.0%),在最近一次异性性行为中的安全套使用率(52.2%)也明显低于同性性行为中的安全套使用率(79.6%)(均有P < 0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,已婚(包括在婚/同居/离异/丧偶)、在调查城市居住时间>2年、有同性商业性行为的MSM更容易发生异性性行为。 结论  MSM人群存在较高比例的双性性行为,且安全套坚持使用率较低,应该加强对他们的性健康教育、风险感知教育和行为干预。  相似文献   

Intravenous drug users are currently the second largest group to have developed the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the United States and Europe. Clearly, health communication plays an important role in the development of AIDS prevention programs directed at IV drug users. However, few public information campaigns have been developed to reach IV drug users or their sexual partners. In a recent campaign directed at these groups, the selection of messages to be used was based both on theory and on research into multi-media public information campaigns. The attempt was made to communicate basic facts about AIDS etiology and prevention. This included information that needle sharing and unprotected sex could spread the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, while bleaching needles and using condoms properly could reduce the risk of infection. A step-by-step diagram on how to bleach needles was provided. Posters, pamphlets, billboards, and out-reach workers were used to spread the word in inner-city neighbors, and coverage of the campaign was sought in the news media. Strategies incorporating practical and theory-based suggestions for future campaigns on IV drug use and AIDS are discussed.  相似文献   

Greater understanding of psychosocial predictors of the use of condoms among Hispanics is needed in prevention efforts related to the human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted disease epidemics among Hispanics in the United States. A telephone survey was carried out in nine States that have large populations of Hispanics, using a stratified clustered random digit dialing sampling strategy. The survey yielded interviews with 968 Hispanic men ages 18-49 years. Of them, 361 (37.8 percent) reported at least one secondary female sexual partner in the 12 months prior to the interview. Predictors were identified of condom use by those men with their secondary sex partners. Key predictors of the subjects'' condom use with secondary partners included carrying condoms; self-efficacy, or a measure of the subject''s perceived ability to use condoms under difficult circumstances; positive attitude toward condom use; having friends who used condoms; and lack of symptoms of depression in the week before the interview (R2 = 0.35). Significant predictors of condom carrying were being comfortable in sexual situations, positive attitude toward condom use, and self-efficacy to use condoms. Less acculturated men had more positive attitudes toward condom use and carried them more than did more acculturated men. The researchers found encouraging levels of condom use with secondary sexual partners among Hispanic men with multiple partners.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

[目的]了解跨境HIV阳性越南籍女性性工作者(以下称为FSWs)感染HIV相关高危性行为及原因,为中越跨境合作开展艾滋病防治提供依据。[方法]以河口县为调查点,目的抽样方法选取HIV阳性越南籍FSWs4名、嫖客、项目管理人员及外展各1名为调查对象,按照半结构访谈提纲进行个人深入访谈,收集其跨境、高危性行为及HIV感染原因等信息。[结果]越南籍FSWs都来自越南农村,文化程度低,都不会说汉语,经常被老板转租。与中国人、越南人发生高危性行为,大部分嫖客为中方当地居民及长卡司机。[结论]仅为跨境FSWs提供少量安全套是远远不够的,应考虑越语外展服务、宣传材料,以跨境合作方式强化综合艾滋病咨询检测、提供性病治疗、同伴教育、抗病毒治疗等综合服务,才能有效控制艾滋病跨境传播。  相似文献   

In order to assess modes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIVV) transmission from heterosexual intravenous drug users (IVDUs) to their partners, condom use and sexual habits with both steady and occasional partners were investigated. A total of 349 heterosexual IVDUs (247 men and 102 women) who ignored, at the time of interview, their HIV serostatus were interviewed. Respondents were asked for information on condom use and sexual habits for the three year period prior to the interview. Nearly 40% of IVDUs reported sexual intercourse with both steady partners and occasional partners. Fifty-four percent of their steady partners and 48% of their occasional partners were individuals who did not belong to groups at risk for HIV infection. Anal intercourse with steady partners was reported by 29% of IVDUs and 24% of IVDUs with occasional partners. Condom use during vaginal intercourse was seldom reported: 83% of IVDUs never used a condom with steady partners and 75% did not use one with occasional partners. IVDUs who were 1) unmarried, 2) enrolled in the study after 1986, 3) partners of not at-risk individuals, 4) partners of a foreigner and, 5) aware of their partners HIV seropositivity showed significantly higher, albeit still low, frequencies of condom use with steady partners. Conversely, all these factors seemed to have little impact on condom use with occasional partners. Condom use and sexual habits were similarly reported by HIV-positive and HIV-negative IVDUs. The present study shows that high-risk sexual behaviours among IVDUs are very widespread and it stresses the need for intensive counselling to promote condom use among IVDUs.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. Data from 538 women in a cohort study recruited in 1988-1989 were analyzed to determined whether trading sex for drugs or money was independently associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence in a population of female intravenous drug users. METHODS. The women were grouped according to the number of partners with whom they reported trading sex for drugs or money during the previous 10 years: none, 1 through 49 (low), or 50 or more (high); the prevalence of HIV seropositivity in the three groups was 23.2%, 23.7%, and 47.6%, respectively. Logistic regression was used to compare the low- and high-trade groups separately with the group that reported no trading. RESULTS. Low trading was not associated with seroprevalent HIV infection. In a multivariate model, high trading (compared with no trading) was significantly associated with HIV seropositivity after adjustment for cocaine use, history of sexually transmitted diseases, and duration of intravenous drug use. CONCLUSIONS. These data indicate that, among intravenous drug-using women, high levels of trading sex for drugs or money were independently associated with HIV infection. This group needs to be targeted for further intensive intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Behaviors which entail high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among intravenous drug users can be significantly reduced through educational intervention. METHODS: The educational intervention was conducted by a health educator in a one-on-one format and provided information about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and strategies for reducing the risk of infection. Risk was assessed prior to the intervention and was compared to a follow-up assessment obtained approximately three months later (n = 322). RESULTS: The percentage who reported using drugs intravenously decreased from 92.2 to 70.5, and the percentage who reported sharing syringes dropped from 67.4 to 24.3. Reductions of these and other high-risk behaviors were detected across various demographic subgroups, and analyses show that the impact of the intervention endured for several months. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that intravenous drug users conform to a model of rational choice when confronted with accurate information about the devastating consequences of HIV infection.  相似文献   

目的通过了解昌吉州地区吸毒人群艾滋病相关性行为及吸毒行为,探讨建立新型的社区艾滋病防治模式。方法对2012-2015年昌吉州部分吸毒人群展开调查。结果吸毒者平均年龄33.08岁,77.25%的吸毒者发生过性行为,仅有23.07%的人采取了保护性措施,男性安全套的使用率(11.91%))低于女性(34.71%);54.89%的吸毒者近期注射过毒品;40.96%的人注射毒品时与他人共用针具。结论社区艾滋病防治体系可有效减少吸毒人群感染HIV风险和再传播风险,降低高危行为。  相似文献   

The Multnomah County (OR) Health Department received a National Institute on Drug Abuse grant to develop effective interventions and education to reduce the spread among injecting drug users of the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. One year into the project, new approaches were developed to locate the drug users for followup interviews. County data bases were accessed and arrangements were made to conduct interviews in jails and prisons. Similar techniques were employed to locate tuberculosis patients with positive results.  相似文献   

广东省吸毒者HIV感染状况和危险因素调查   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
目的 了解广东省吸毒HIV感染及相关危险行为因素。方法 对广东省戒毒所内戒毒和社区吸毒进行面对面调查,并采集静脉血5ml进行HIV、HCV抗体检测。结果 共调查655名吸毒,HIV感染率为29.0%,HCV感染率为91.6%;吸毒对有关艾滋病传播途径的综合知晓率为65.3%;在最近一个月中,98.6%的吸毒有静脉注射吸毒行为。且42.1%有共用针具行为。共用针具的主要原因是毒瘾发作时没有注射器,占80.5%;吸毒与临时性伴的安全套使用率为21.3%,与固定性伴的使用率仅为9.5%。结论 广东省吸毒有较高的HIV和HCV感染率,感染HIV的相关危险行为普遍存在。应尽快采取有效措施。控制艾滋病的进一步蔓延。  相似文献   

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