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Earlier studies have indicated that cannabis use and alcohol problems should be related. This paper reports a test of this hypothesis using multivariate analyses with two separate samples — one adult and one student. In both analyses alcohol problems were the best predictors of cannabis use. The results indicate the need to consider cannabis use to be often part of a larger set of problems around drugs.  相似文献   

Studies consistently indicate that inhalant use is associated with increased mental health problems in adolescents, but few investigations have focused on the potential relationship of inhalant use to suicidality (ideation or attempt). This study examined how different levels of volatile solvent use relate to suicidal ideation and attempted suicide among 723 incarcerated youth (mean age=15.5, S.D.=1.2; 87% male) in Missouri, and whether any associations between solvent use and suicidality differ by gender. In bivariate analyses, severity of inhalant use was positively associated with histories of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt for both boys and girls. In multivariate analyses, inhalant use disorders remained significantly associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempt histories even after adjusting for general level of psychiatric symptoms, prior trauma, other substance use, gender, and additional potential confounders. Inhalant use without abuse or dependence also significantly related to suicidal ideation in multivariate analyses, but an interaction between gender and inhalant use signified this relationship was stronger for girls. Inhalant use disorders in incarcerated youth, as well as inhalant use without abuse or dependence (particularly in girls), may signal elevated suicide risk. Suicide risk assessments should, therefore, include questions about inhalation of volatile solvents such as paint, gasoline, and household cleaners.  相似文献   

New trends in drug use in the United States of America have usually started in populations of young users in California. The use of hallucinogenic drugs (psychedelics), phencyclidine (PCP) and the smoking of cocaine free base were all first detected in populations of young Californian users. Five patterns of youthful drug use are described: experimental, social-recreational, circumstantial-situational, intensified and compulsive. These patterns are supported by several myths whereby users tend to trust the appearance and folklore surrounding specific drugs. New trends in drug use detected in a sample population of young users in California include increased use of cocaine, psilocybin mushrooms, psycho-active phenylisophropylamines, PCP, fentanyl, and codeine combined with glutethimide. Other evidence suggests that future trends are likely to include increased use of cathinone, yohimbine, fentanyl analogues and ephedrine.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere are growing concerns over the high rate of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use and decreases in perceived harm of marijuana use among youth. We seek to identify risk factors associated with e-cigarette and marijuana use among U.S. middle and high school students.MethodsEstimates of e-cigarette use only, marijuana use only, dual use of both substances as well as frequency of substance use were calculated for 8th, 10th and 12th grades with the typical age of 13, 15, 17 years old respectively by using the 2014 Monitoring the Future survey (n = 16,184).ResultsOverall, 7.9% of students only used e-cigarettes, 9.3% of students only used marijuana, and 6.6% of students used both e-cigarettes and marijuana in the last 30 days. E-cigarette use only was most prevalent among 8th and 10th graders while marijuana use only was most prevalent among 12th graders. The dual use of e-cigarettes and marijuana rapidly increased from 8th graders (2.6%) to 10th graders (7.3%) and maintained a high level for 12th graders (8.5%). Students' sociodemographic factors, school performance and work intensity were associated with e-cigarette and marijuana use in the multivariate analysis. Being a dual user of e-cigarettes and marijuana was associated with increased risk of a medium level or a high level of e-cigarette use and a medium level of marijuana useConclusionsThis study raised the possibility that youth start to use e-cigarettes at an earlier age and then progress to other substances. Education campaigns with tailored messages to prevent youth from vaping and drug use are critically needed.  相似文献   

Correlates of drug use were examined in a continuation high school sample (n = 1.315), using canonical correlation analysis. Fourteen demographic, attitudes/belief, and psychosocial pressure/ anxiety-type variables were included as concurrent predictors. Eight drug-use-related measures were also placed into the analysis as outcome variables. Two factors were revealed. White ethnicity, not being Latino, all attitude/belief measures, and family conflict and depression showed relatively high loadings on the first predictor factor, and were associated with all drug-use measures. Latino ethnicity and being relatively unacculturated (i.e., tending to speak Spanish), most of the attitude/belief measures (but not sensation seeking or spirituality), and perceived peer approval to use drugs, trait anxiety, and depression showed relatively high loadings on the second predictor factor, and were associated with the hard-drug-use measures. These results suggest that there is a subgroup of unacculturated Latino youth who are anxious, who perceive they will achieve peer approval by using drugs, and who tend to use hard drugs. Indicated drug abuse prevention strategies may need to be tailored to this subgroup when developing and implementing programming.  相似文献   

The study investigated cannabis use among 200 opiate misusers attending out-patient treatment services at two sites. Three groups were classified according to the frequency of their cannabis use in the previous month; 40.5% were non-users, 40% daily users and the remaining 19.5% were classified as occasional users (they had used on between 1 and 29 days in the previous month). Non-users of cannabis had used heroin in the previous month on more occasions than either daily or occasional users (p < 0.001). Non-cannabis users also reported the highest average frequencies of use of alcohol (p < 0.01) and crack cocaine (p < 0.05). In contrast, daily users of cannabis reported more symptoms of anxiety (p < 0.01) and depression (p < 0.01) than either of the other groups. Finally, daily cannabis users were more likely to report dietary problems than either occasional users or non-users of cannabis. While cannabis use is highly prevalent among opiate misusers in treatment, its relationship to treatment outcome is complex and requires greater research scrutiny.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore prevalence and predictors of current and lifetime substance use, substance abuse disorder, and polysubstance use among older youth in foster care. Interviews were conducted with 406 17-year old youth (90% of those eligible) in one state's foster care system between December 2001 and June 2003. Forty-five percent of foster care youth reported using alcohol or illicit drugs within the last six months; 49% had tried drugs sometime during their lifetime and 35% met criteria for a substance use disorder. Having a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder and/or living in an independent living situation significantly increased the likelihood of current and lifetime substance use and disorder. A diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also predicted increased likelihood of polysubstance use and substance abuse disorder. In conclusion, older youth in the foster care system report similar levels of lifetime alcohol and illicit substance use when compared to the general adolescent population. However, rates of substance use disorder are high. Particularly at risk for both high rates of use and disorder are youth in independent living situations and youth with a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  相似文献   

Predictors of substance use among homeless youth in San Diego   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined the frequency of substance use among 14- to 24-year-old homeless youth (N=113) recruited from two community drop-in centers and explored the relationship between substance use and hypothesized psychosocial predictors. Audio-computer-assisted self-interviewing (A-CASI) was used for assessment. Including alcohol and tobacco, the mean number of different drugs used was 3.55 for lifetime and 2.34 for the last 3 months. A three-block hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to determine potential predictors of overall drug use (the sum of all different drugs used) during the last 3 months. Block 1 included demographic variables, Block 2 included a parental monitoring variable, and Block 3 included peer and environmental variables derived from learning theories. Parental monitoring (-) and peer variables (+) predicted overall 3-month drug use. The final model explained 36% of the variance in overall drug use. Results suggest that homeless adolescent drug use exists at high levels and is related to parental monitoring and peer modeling of other risk behaviors. These results may inform future prevention strategies for homeless youth and other high-risk populations.  相似文献   

This study represents one of the first efforts to examine substance use among American Indian (AI) youth in an Eastern city. As part of a school-based study in metropolitan Columbus, Ohio, 596 self-identified AI youth (grades 6-12) completed surveys describing their use of alcohol, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, marijuana and inhalants. Net of gender, grade and family structure, AI youth were more likely than their white peers to regularly use most substances while overall prevalence resembled estimates from studies of urban AI youth in the Western United States. These findings highlight the complex interactions of geography, identity and risk behavior among ethnic minority adolescents.  相似文献   

The current (2.9%), annual (19.6%), and lifetime (34.3%) prevalence of inhalant use among 475 youth (M age = 15.5; SD = 1.5; 87.4% male) on probation in a western state of the United States was assessed. Inhalant users reported significantly less family support and cohesiveness and lower self-esteem, and significantly more lifetime thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts, neighborhood gang activity, peer and parental substance abuse, intentions to engage in illegal behavior, substance-related criminality, and substance abuse than did nonusers. Ethnicity, self-esteem, suicidality, number of substance-using peers, and extent of substance-related criminality significantly discriminated inhalant users from nonusers in a logistic regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that age, perceived school ability, age at initiation of alcohol use, self-esteem, and substance-related criminality significantly predicted age at onset of inhalant use (R2 = .30). Age at initiation of inhalant use, gang membership, truancy, and substance-related criminality significantly predicted lifetime frequency of inhalant use (R2 = .20). Study findings indicate that inhalant-using delinquents evidence significantly greater antisocial attitudes, personal and familial dysfunction, and substance abuse, than do their non-inhalant-using counterparts.  相似文献   

This study examines the psychosocial determinants of marijuana use among youth. A total of 7,488 African American middle and high school students from 133 metropolitan private and public schools completed a survey assessing psychosocial factors associated with annual marijuana use. The PRIDE survey, a nationally recognized survey on substance use, was used to assess the frequency of marijuana use and the influence of psychosocial factors on marijuana use among African American students. Results indicated that 18.5% of African American youth used marijuana in the past year. Males were significantly more likely than females to report using marijuana. Engaging in risky behaviors, such as getting in trouble at school and with police and attending a party with alcohol and other drugs, were significantly correlated with annual marijuana use. Conversely, having multiple parent, teacher, and school protective factors reduced annual marijuana use in this population. Such findings may assist prevention specialists in developing interventions to reduce and prevent marijuana use.  相似文献   


Background: Youth experiencing homelessness are at high risk for frequent substance use. This study examines individual, interpersonal, and contextual factors associated with substance use among such youth, age 13–24. Methods: Data were collected through computer-assisted structured interviews with participants (N?=?474) recruited at service agencies in Los Angeles. Results: Youth had experienced over two years of homelessness on average. Almost a third used substances frequently; significant risk factors included delinquency, sensation seeking, and ongoing homelessness. Time spent in clubs and organizations was protective. Conclusions: Providing housing and services to curb delinquency may help protect youth from becoming frequent substance users.  相似文献   

This paper reviews evidence on two hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis. The first hypothesis is that heavy cannabis use may cause a “cannabis psychosis”—a psychosis that would not occur in the absence of cannabis use, the symptoms of which are preceded by heavy cannabis use and remit after abstinence. The second hypothesis is that cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms. Evaluation of these hypotheses requires evidence of an association between cannabis use and psychosis, that is unlikely to be due to chance, in which cannabis use precedes psychosis, and in which we can exclude the hypothesis that the relationship is due to other factors, such as other drug use, or a personal vulnerability to psychosis. There is some clinical support for the first hypothesis. If these disorders exist they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of THC, the prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a pre-existing (but as yet unspecified) vulnerability. There is more support for the second hypothesis, in that a large prospective study has shown a linear relationship between the frequency with which cannabis has been used by age 18 and the risks over the subsequent 15 years of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It is still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia, whether it is a form of “self-medication”, or whether the association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is stronger evidence that cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Mental health services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use alcohol, cannabis and other drugs and advise them to abstain or to greatly reduce their drug use.  相似文献   

This study explored intentions to emigrate and substance use among youth (ages 14-24) from a central Mexico state with high emigration rates. Questionnaires were completed in 2007 by 702 students attending a probability sample of alternative secondary schools serving remote or poor communities. Linear and logistic regression analyses indicated that stronger intentions to emigrate predicted greater access to drugs, drug offers, and use of illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine, inhalants), but not alcohol or cigarettes. Results are related to the healthy migrant theory and its applicability to youth with limited educational opportunities. The study's limitations are noted.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Despite a large public health interest in substance use among athletes, only a few works have addressed illicit drug use in relation with sport practice. We have studied cannabis use to enhance both sportive and non-sportive performance among French sport university students. METHODS: An anonymous self-reported questionnaire was administered to a sample of students from six Sport Science Universities from Southern France. Information on sport practice and cannabis use (frequency, quantity, motives) was collected. RESULTS: Males were more prone to have already used cannabis to enhance non-sportive performance as well as sportive performance. The simultaneous equation model indicated that both kinds of enhancing-substance use were endogenous: cannabis use to enhance sportive performance leads to cannabis use to enhance non-sportive performance and reciprocally. Moreover, the relaxing properties of cannabis may be frequently used to enhance performance. Cannabis use to enhance sportive performance was positively related to the competitive level and to sliding sports. CONCLUSIONS: The present study helps to improve understanding on an empirical paradox about the relationship between doping agents use and so-called 'recreational' drug use among athletes. Indeed, people who use doping agents may also use 'recreational' drugs for a 'non-recreational' purpose.  相似文献   

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