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目的探讨同步多频听觉稳态诱发反应(auditory steady-state responses to multiple simultaneous stimuli,MSS-ASSR)与听性脑干诱发电位(auditory brainstem response audiometry,ABR)的关系。方法受试者为不同程度听力损失的儿童70名(140耳),年龄范围为3月龄~6岁。测试状态为水合氯醛镇静睡眠。仪器采用美国INTELLEGENT HEARING的诱发电位仪,MSS-ASSR及ABR测试的软件分别为SMART ASSR和SMART EP,刺激声信号的载波频率为0.5kHz、1kHz、2kHz及4kHz。左耳上述各个载波频率的调制频率分别为77Hz、85Hz、93Hz、101Hz,右耳为79Hz、87Hz、95Hz、103Hz。测试时,双耳八个调幅调制声信号经ER-3A标准插入式耳机同时给出。ABR的刺激声为短声,极性为交替波,刺激速率为19.3次/分,耳机也是ER-3A插入式耳机。受试儿先进行ABR测试、然后进行MSS-ASSR的测试,分别以降10升5法得出二者的反应阈。将MSS-ASSR 0.5kHz、1kHz、2kHz和4kHz的反应阈与ABR反应阈比较,以SPSS 10.0软件进行相关性分析。结果除去58耳ABR无反应外,剩余82耳ABR反应阈与MSS-ASSR 0.5kHz、1kHz、2kHz、4kHz的反应阈相关性具有显著性意义(P=0.000)。Pearson相关系数分别为0.757,0.854,0.906,0.912。结论MSS-ASSR作为儿童听力定量诊断的客观方法有很大的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

多频稳态诱发反应是近年来用于临床的一种稳态诱发电位测听方法,其客观性高,最大输出强度大,而且可双耳8个频率同时测量,与纯音测听和听性脑干反应(ABR)阈值等有较高的相关性,是一种很有临床应用价值的测听方法。本文将对这一新方法进行综述。  相似文献   

听力正常成年人同时多频听觉稳态诱发反应研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
目的 了解正常听力成人同时多频听觉稳态诱发反应的特性。方法  32名受试者 (6 4耳 ) ,年龄 2 2~ 32岁 ,平均 2 8.3岁 ,男 12名 ,女 2 0名 ,双耳纯音听阈测试各频率听阈在 2 0dB以内。以载波频率为 0 .5、1、2和 4kHz的纯音 ,调制频率分别为 77、85、93和 10 1Hz(左耳 )以及 79、87、95、10 3Hz(右耳 )的调幅声作为测试信号 ,双耳 8个频率同时给声刺激 ,同时自动判定并记录反应。各载波频率的阈值、反应幅度等数据采用SPSS统计软件分析。结果 ①同时多频听觉稳态诱发反应阈高于纯音听阈 7~ 19dB。②反应阈经双因素方差分析 (侧别×频率 ) ,左右耳之间无显著性差异 (F =1.94 2 ;μ 1,179;P =0 .16 5 ) ,但各频率之间有显著性差异 (F =31.2 5 4 ;μ 3,179;P =0 .0 0 0 ) ,各频率反应阈均值之间进一步的两两比较显示 0 .5kHz反应阈与其它频率之间存在显著性差异。③以 6 0dBSPL作为分析强度 ,男女受试者在各个频率的反应幅度的差异经双因素方差分析 (性别×频率 )有显著性差异 (F =2 .94 8;μ 3,175 ;P =0 .0 34) ,0 .5kHz反应幅度最低 ,4kHz最高。性别之间有显著性差异 (F =16 .4 90 ;μ 1,175 ;P=0 .0 0 0 ) ,男性反应幅度高于女性。④各频率不同状态下背景噪声的差异经双因素方差分析 ,提示清醒状  相似文献   

目的:了解多频听觉稳态诱发反应(MASSR)对骨导客观听阈及对传导性聋评估的准确性。方法:对30例传导性聋患者进行气、骨导MASSR及纯音测听,并将MASSR反应阈和纯音听阈进行比较。结果:气、骨导MASSR反应阈和纯音听阈之间具有较好的相关性,MASSR对传导性聋评估的准确性和纯音测听相似。结论:MASSR可用作传导性聋患者客观听阈的评估。  相似文献   

目的利用听觉稳态诱发反应(auditory steady state evoked response,ASSER)联合听性脑干反应(auditory brainstem response,ABR)测试对婴幼儿进行听力检测,评价两种方法对婴幼儿听力损伤早期发现及损失程度评估的作用。方法对7 6例(1 5 2耳)畸变产物耳声发射(distortion product otoacoustic emission,DPOAE)复筛未通过的婴幼儿及门诊就诊疑有听力损失的婴幼儿进行ASSER和ABR测试,对结果进行比较。结果7 6例(1 5 2耳)婴幼儿ABR反应阈与ASSER高频反应阈比较,差异无统计学意义(P<0.0 5)。ABR在最大输出无反应而ASSER测试中各频率能引出反应。结论ASSER联合ABR检查可以更全面的评估婴幼儿的真实听力情况,对ABR无反应的患儿还应进行ASSER测试,有助于全面评估其听力损失程度。  相似文献   

正常青年人多频稳态听觉诱发反应测试   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 :测定正常青年人多频稳态听觉诱发反应 (ASSR)阈值 ,为临床诊断提供客观依据。方法 :选正常青年人 2 2例 (4 4耳 ) ,行ASSR阈值测试。结果 :在 0 .2 5~ 8.0kHz频区间 ,ASSR平均阈值约在 4 0~ 6 0dBHL之间 ,从低频到高频其阈值越来越高 ,0 .2 5kHz、0 .5kHz、1.0kHz处的ASSR平均阈值约为 4 0dBHL ,2 .0kHz处约为 4 5dBHL ,4 .0kHz处约为 5 0dBHL ,8.0kHz处约为 6 0dBHL。ASSR阈值与纯音听阈间差值多在2 5~ 5 5dBHL之间 ,从低频到高频其阈差值越来越高 ,0 .2 5kHz处的差值约为 2 5dBHL ,0 .5kHz处约30dBHL ,1.0kHz处约 35dBHL ,2 .0kHz处约 4 0dBHL ,4 .0kHz处约 5 0dBHL ,8.0kHz处约 5 5dBHL。结论 :正常青年人ASSR阈值与纯音听阈间有一定差值。利用这一差值 ,通过测试ASSR阈值可推断出被检查者纯音听阈的阈值  相似文献   

多频稳态反应及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
多频稳态反应(multiple steady state responses,MSSR),也称多频稳态电位(multi-frequency steady state potential,MF-SSP)、调幅跟随反应(amplitude modulation following response,AMF),有的也简称为听觉稳态反应(auditory steady state responses,ASSR),是由多个频率持续的或者说是稳态的声音刺激信号刺激产生的反应。最初的听觉稳态反应是Galambos等首先记录到的。当时他采用的是30.50Hz的刺激频率,  相似文献   

多频稳态听觉诱发反应测试的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:利用多频稳态诱发反应(MFSSR)测试聋儿的残余听力,比较该方法与听性脑干反应(ABR)之间阳性率的差异来说明这种客观测试法所具有的优点。方法:在睡眠状态下测试了278例聋儿的MFSSR及ABR,分析了MFSSR不同频率阳性反应出现率及阈值分布范围,并与ABR阳性反应出现率进行比较。结果:左右耳MFSSR在0.5kHz、1.0kHz、2.0kHz和4.0kHz的阳性率分别为33.0g%、70.50%、44.96%、19.42%和33.81%、66.91%、41.07%、17.63%,而ABR的阳性率为16.91%和17.27%,MFSSR后3个频率的阳性反应出现率要明显高于ABR。结论:MFSSR作为一种客观测试方法具有频率特性好、刺激强度高、结果由计算机自动判断等特点,是一种有价值的客观测试方法。  相似文献   

听神经病患者的多频听觉稳态反应特点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨听神经病患者的多频听觉稳态反应阈与纯音听阈之间的关系。方法对26例经纯音测听、声导抗、言语测听、听性脑干反应(ABR)和畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)确诊为听神经病的患者,行多频听觉稳态反应检查,并与纯音听阈进行比较。结果26例听神经病患者中多频听觉稳态反应同纯音听阈之间存在有明显的不一致性。多频听觉稳态反应阈较纯音听阈平均高44dB以上。结论多频听觉稳态反应阈同纯音听阈之间明显的不一致性是听神经病的又一项较为显著的听力学检查特征。  相似文献   

不同听力损失耳听觉稳态诱发反应阈值与纯音听阈的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的研究不同听力损失耳的听觉稳态诱发反应(auditory steady-state evoked response,ASSR)与纯音听阈的关系,为客观的听力评估提供指导。方法对67例(103耳)不同听力损失耳分别行ASSR与纯音测听检查,比较ASSR分别在0.5、1、24、kHz频率处的反应阈值与纯音听阈的相关性及差值。结果ASSR的反应阈与纯音听阈在0.5、1、24、kHz频率处的相关系数分别为0.84、0.83、0.89、0.91,呈极显著相关(P<0.01);ASSR的反应阈与纯音听阈在0.5、1、2、4 kHz频率处的差值在轻度耳聋组分别为(11.2±3.5)dBHL、(12.9±3.7)dBHL、(13.6±4.1)dBHL、(13.4±4.5)dBHL;在中度耳聋组分别为(3.4±4.6)dBHL,(4.9±4.3)dBHL,(6.8±5.7)dBHL,(7.1±5.6)dBHL;在重度耳聋组分别为(1.5±3.1)dBHL,(3.4±2.1)dBHL,(2.9±2.3)dBHL,(1.2±2.6)dBHL;其中轻度耳聋组的ASSR的反应阈与纯音听阈的平均差值与重度耳聋组的平均差值有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论ASSR反应阈与纯音听阈有显著相关性,随着听力损失的加重,ASSR反应阈愈接近纯音听阈,ASSR可作为不同听力损失者客观的听力评估。  相似文献   

目的通过对感音神经性聋患儿的多频听觉稳态反应(multiple frequency auditory steady--state response,MFASSR)测试结果进行分析,并比较其在0.5 kHz处与40 Hz听相关电位(40Hz auditory event related potential,40 Hz AERP)对客观听阈评估的准确性,为MFASSR临床应用提供指导。方法对感音神经性聋儿进行纯音测听、ABR、40 Hz AERP和MFASSR测试。MFASSR与ABR、40 Hz AERP测试均在睡眠状态下进行。按照测试结果分为ABR未引出组与ABR引出组。结果①MFASSR在0.5 kHz处引出率比40 Hz AERP低。②0.5 kHz MFASSR反应阈对纯音听阈的评估较1、2、4 kHz MFASSR反应阈对纯音听阈的评估差。③以纯音听阈为标准,在0.5 kHz处MFASSR与40 Hz AERP对纯音听阈的评估差别具有统计学意义(P=0.001),说明,在0.5 kHz处MFASSR对纯音听阈评估的准确性不如40 Hz AERP。结论MFASSR反应阈对0.5 kHz处纯音听阈的预测需要结合40 Hz AERP来判断。  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential interactions of the simultaneous presentation of air- and bone-conducted stimuli on auditory steady-state responses (ASSR) amplitude in newborns. Design: Bone- and air-conducted stimuli were sinusoidal carrier tones of 500 and 2000?Hz respectively modulated in amplitude (95% depth). Air- and bone- conducted stimuli were either simultaneously recorded in the same ear using insert earphones and bone vibrator respectively, or recorded individually (single stimulation). Study sample: Sixty-nine well babies (135 ears) with ages ranging from 1 to 16 days (mean of 9.2?±?7.9 days) were tested in this study. Results: No significant changes in ASSR amplitude by air-conducted stimuli were observed when evoked by simultaneous or single stimulation. The same trend prevailed for ASSR amplitudes evoked by bone-conducted stimuli. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the simultaneous stimulation of air-and bone-conducted stimuli does not alter ASSR amplitude values in well babies. Therefore, the results support the use of this technique as a potential hearing screening tool to discriminate between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.  相似文献   

正常听力成人骨导听性稳态反应的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的①通过正常听力成人乳突和耳后听性稳态反应(auditory steady--state response,ASSR)测试信号行为阈值的测试,研究骨振器位置与反应阈的关系并建立该信号骨导的正常听力级;②通过单频及多频刺激方式骨导ASSR的反应幅值及阈值的比较,研究刺激方式对骨导ASSR的影响。方法ASSR测试信号为0.5、1、2、4kHz短音(0.5kHz的上升/下降时间为4ms,1、2和4kHz为2ms,无平台),其重复速率分别为77、87、93、101Hz,经B71骨振器给出。将正常听力成人分为两组,实验1组(30人),分别记录0.5、1、2、4kHz ASSR测试信号在乳突、耳后的骨导行为阈值;实验2组(12人),分别采用单、多频刺激方式,记录其0.5、1、2、4kHz的反应阈以及刺激强度为50dBnHL时的反应幅值。结果①骨振器位于乳突与耳后的骨导行为阈值无显著性差异,0.5、1、2、4kHz的骨导行为反应阈分别为62.6&#177;4.8、47.1&#177;4.8、46.8&#177;6.2、32.4&#177;5.1dB re:1μN(ppe),取该反应阈的均值作为本研究所使用信号的骨导正常听力级,记作0dBnHL;②在刺激强度为50dBnHI。时,不同刺激方式间反应幅值差异有显著统计学意义;③单、多频刺激方式间骨导ASSR阈值差异无统计学意义,0.5、1、2、4kHz阈值分别为96.7&#177;9.7、70.3&#177;11.6、60.6&#177;7.4、52.8&#177;7.2dBr e:1μN(ppe),各频率间差异有显著统计学意义。结论①骨振器位于乳突与耳后对行为阈值没有显著性影响;②在刺激强度为50dB nHL时,单、多频刺激方式的反应幅值差异有显著统计学意义;③单、多频刺激方式下,骨导ASSR阈值差异无统计学意义。  相似文献   

The goal of our study was to identify the role of auditory steady-state responses for hearing assessment in patients with functional hearing loss. The study design was to compare auditory steady-state response thresholds and standard pure-tone audiometry thresholds between patients with functional or sensorineural hearing loss. Subjects comprised 16 patients (24 ears) with functional hearing loss and 17 patients (24 ears) with sensorineural hearing loss. Differences and correlations between auditory steady-state response thresholds and standard pure-tone audiometry thresholds at 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz were evaluated. In children with functional hearing loss, pure-tone audiometry thresholds and auditory steady-state response thresholds were significantly different at all frequencies and were not significantly correlated. In patients with sensorineural hearing loss, pure-tone audiometry thresholds and auditory steady-state response thresholds did not differ significantly at any frequencies and were significantly correlated. Auditory steady-state responses may have principal role in the assessment of auditory brainstem acuity, particularly at low frequencies in patients with functional hearing loss.  相似文献   

The influence of test duration on the precision of hearing thresholds estimated by recording multiple auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) was investigated. ASSR thresholds at four frequencies in both ears were assessed in 10 normal-hearing and 10 hearing-impaired subjects. The precision of the estimated hearing thresholds was compared for ASSR recordings of 5, 10 and 15 min per intensity level, corresponding to total test durations of approximately 30, 55 and 70 min for hearing-impaired ears. Furthermore, an intensity step size of 10 dB was compared to a step size of 5 dB. The mean difference scores averaged over the four frequencies were 15±10, 12±9 and 11±8 dB after recordings of 5, 10 and 15 min respectively. The corresponding Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.93, 0.95 and 0.96. Increasing the length of the separate recordings increases the precision of the estimates, independent of tested frequency. A compromise between both will have to be made. With a total test duration of approximately 1 h, four hearing thresholds in both ears can be estimated with a standard error of the estimate of 8dB.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: It was the aim of this study to explore the use of auditory steady-state response (ASSR) to multiple simultaneous stimuli for threshold estimation in young children. METHOD: The subjects consisted of 40 children, aged from 6 months to 5 years, with variant degrees of sensorineural hearing loss. Simultaneous tonepips (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz) with an amplitude modulated at different rates from 77 to 103 Hz were presented to both ears by insert phones. All children were tested with ASSR and age-appropriate behavioral tests. RESULTS: We found that (1) ASSR thresholds were usually higher than behavioral thresholds with a difference of 8-15 dB, (2) the behavioral thresholds were significantly correlated with ASSR thresholds (p = 0.000), and (3) there was a great difference between ASSR thresholds and behavioral thresholds found in a child with auditory neuropathy. CONCLUSION: Being objective, frequency specific and well correlated with behavioral thresholds, ASSR to multiple simultaneous stimuli was proven to be a good tool to predict behavioral hearing thresholds.  相似文献   

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