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目的 了解上颌窦前外侧壁动脉位置、窦壁骨分隔的解剖特点,以减少上颌窦提升等种植手术并发症。方法 术前拍摄155名种植患者的CBCT,测量上颌窦前外侧壁动脉的位置、直径、缺牙区距离牙槽嵴顶颊侧的距离;测量上颌窦内骨分隔的发生率、骨分隔高度及位置。结果 血管检出率57.96%±10.09%,位于骨内占比58.82%±13.64%,直径0.5~1mm占51.80%±5.84%,直径1~1.5mm占37.89%±4.43%。缺牙区血管距牙槽嵴顶颊侧距离第一、二磨牙小于第二前磨牙。共分析310例上颌窦分隔,分隔发生率19.03%,其中上颌窦下部占比最高为42.37%,分隔高度为(6.68±2.60)mm。结论 上颌窦外侧壁动脉的检出率较高。上颌窦骨分隔的存在影响种植手术的设计,需谨慎处置。  相似文献   

目的:对于长期缺牙或者患有骨质疏松的患者,易致颌骨骨量不足。上颌后牙区,由于特殊解剖结构因素,其种植外科手术常临床工作中的难点。而颌骨曲面断层片由于拍摄角度、放大倍率的因素,常会发生误读与误判颌骨情况。本研究旨在利用锥形束状CT对颌骨结构进行三维重建,对术区进行准确定位,分析可利用的骨量,确定手术方案。方法:针对拟行上颌后牙区种植修复且伴骨高度不足的患者,在术前利用CBCT影像诊断系统对其口腔上下颌骨进行扫描并MPR多平面重建,测量并分析术区颌骨高度及宽度,颌骨的骨质密度情况。结果:CBCT图像清晰直观,测量精准,可在术前就能预判颌骨情况,选择短种植体还是上颌窦提升术,内提升还是外提升。讨论与结论:CBCT宜作为上颌后牙区伴骨高度不足种植治疗的常规术前检查,对手术方案的选择有极大帮助。  相似文献   

目的:探讨采用一种新型改良内提升工具盒提升上颌窦同期植入植体的临床效果.方法:对27例剩余骨高度3~6 mm上颌后牙使用改良内提升工具盒提升上颌窦后同期植入种植体.结果:术后除1例感染外其余种植体均发生良好的骨结合,窦底提升高度可,4个月后顺利进行二期修复,疗效可靠.结论:采用改良上颌窦内提升工具盒提升上颌窦膜,同期植...  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌后牙区即刻种植及同期上颌窦内提升的临床效果. 方法:选择上颌后牙区即刻种植病例57例,其中上颌后牙区上颌窦底骨高度为(3.2±0.6)mm,微创拔除患牙后,行单纯上颌窦内提升同期牙种植术,植入德国XIve种植体21枚,德国Ankylos种植体45枚,种植体与拔牙窝骨壁之间的间隙植入自体骨或人工骨代用品,缝合固定胶原塞以关闭拔牙窝. 种植手术后至少5~6个月完成永久修复,随访6~24个月. 结果:临床随访期内种植体存留率100%,57例患者上颌窦底提升高度3~5 mm. 66枚种植体成功负载,种植体稳定,骨结合状况良好. 57例患者均达到良好的临床和放射学上的骨结合并成功负载. 结论:上颌后牙区即刻种植及上颌窦内提升术不仅能有效治疗上颌窦底牙槽骨高度不足的上颌后牙区,而且缩短治疗过程,简化手术操作,获得较为理想的临床效果.  相似文献   

目的:观察上颌窦内提升术在上颌后牙区种植修复的临床效果和植入后一年的骨吸收量.方法:对本院2008年8月-2011年12月20例上颌后牙区骨萎缩患者行上颌窦内提升术,同期植入ITI种植体27枚.术前及术后1月,3月,6月,12月临床复查及X线片检查骨垂直高度.结果:3例发生上颌窦粘膜穿破,3例发生崩瓷.20例患者术前平均剩余垂直骨高度(RBH)为6.5±1.2mm,提升高度为3.7±1.3mm,均形成良好初期稳定性.术后半年与一年骨吸收的平均值为(0.48±0.21)mm, (0.65±0.28)mm,无显著性差异.结论:上颌窦内提升术创伤小但存在穿破上颌窦粘膜风险.术前严格掌握适应症可降低风险,可取得较好的治疗效果.  相似文献   

目的:评价上颌窦内提升术并同期植入种植体在上颌后牙区缺失修复中的应用效果。方法:2008年至2010年共完成上颌窦内提升术并同期植入种植体临床病例20例。男12例,女8例,年龄18-65岁。术前CT示:牙槽嵴顶至上颌窦底距离为5-8mm,行上颌窦内提升术,平均提升上颌窦底高度3.8mm(2-5mm),共植入38枚种植体,种植体植入6个月后完成义齿修复。结果:所有患者术后未出现上颌窦炎症,一例术中窦膜穿孔,将种植窝放入明胶海绵,同期植入种植体完成种植手术,术后3天术区疼痛,无其他明显症状。38枚种植体平均负载18个月,种植体稳定,行使功能良好,未见明显骨吸收。结论:对于骨高度不足的患者,行上颌窦内提升术,并同期植入种植体的方法可靠,具有好的疗效,可扩大种植牙的适应症范围。  相似文献   

目的:分析不植骨前提下上颌后牙区骨量不足患者上颌窦内外提升术的近远期效果.方法:纳入96例(种植体126颗)上颌后牙区骨量不足患者,依照入院顺序分组,A组患者48例接受上颌窦内提升术,B组48例接受上颌窦外提升术治疗;两组均在不植骨的前提下进行手术,对比两组治疗近(1年)远(5年)期效果.结果:术后24 h随访1年两组...  相似文献   

上颌窦提升植骨在上颌后牙区种植术的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价上颌窦提升、植入上颌结节自体骨加Bio-Oss骨粉在上颌后牙种植的方法和效果。方法对5例上颌后牙区垂直骨量不足患者行6侧上颌窦提升,植入上颌结节自体骨加Bio-Oss骨粉,同期种植体植入。结果6个月后X线片显示植骨区改建成新骨,种植体无松动脱落,与周围组织形成良好的骨性结合。结论上颌结节自体骨加Bio-Oss骨粉植入,提升上颌窦拓展了种植的应用范围。  相似文献   

目的探讨上颌窦内提升术并同期种植患者术中植骨的必要性。方法对就诊于我院的30例患者共36颗种植体,随机分为对照组(不植骨)和实验组(植骨),均采用内提升术和同期种植体植入。评价2年后的种植体存留率和种植体周围骨增加情况。结果对照组和实验组2年后的种植体存留率分别为89.5%和88.9%;两组上颌窦内种植体周围骨高度分别增加(2.5±0.7)mm和(2.8±0.8)mm,两组指标均没有统计学差异。结论是否植骨对上颌窦内提升同期种植的远期效果影响很小。  相似文献   

目的评价使用骨挤压器行上颌窦内提升术同期植入XIVE种植体的临床效果。方法27例37侧上颌后牙缺失患者,因牙槽骨高度不足,采用上颌窦内提升术植骨,同期植入XIVE种植体42枚。术后4-6个月行种植义齿修复。结果全部种植体植入后伤口一期愈合,无上颌窦炎发生,义齿修复后行使咀嚼功能12~36个月,41枚种植体稳定,1枚种植体二期手术时松动拔除。结论上颌窦内提升术创伤小,操作简便,对上颌后牙区牙槽骨高度不足者可以使用,经上颌窦内提升植骨同期植入XIVE种植体,短期观察成功率高。  相似文献   

目的:比较牙颌面专用锥形束CT(CBCT)与普通X线曲面体层片在上颌后牙区种植治疗中的诊断价值.方法:对75例(89侧)上颌后牙区种植牙治疗患者采用CBCT进行种植前后的影像学检查,得到上颌骨多层面冠状及矢状位影像.将其与曲面体层片进行比较,判断其与CBCT检查结果的一致性.采用SPSS11.5软件包对数据进行X2检验.结果:牙槽骨量不足的阳性检出率,CBCT和曲面体层分别为30.34%和16.85%,P=0.034,差异有统计学意义;种植体未发生骨结合的检出率,CBCT和曲面体层片分别为4.95%和11.88%,P=0.413,差异无统汁学意义.结论:CBCT与曲面体层片相比,可以更准确评估术前上颌后牙区的牙槽骨骨量,并可在术后检查中更清晰地反应种植体周围骨质.  相似文献   

BackgroundSinus lift procedures have become a routine and reliable way to gain bone volume in the posterior maxilla for implant placement. The presence of an antral septum in the maxillary sinus increases the risk of complications and subsequent implant failure. This study was designed to estimate the prevalence of maxillary sinus septa and its correlation with age, sex, dentition status and the risk of perforating the Schneiderian membrane using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).MethodsThis retrospective, cross-sectional study consisted of a total of 178 CBCT images (100 male, 78 female), 63.0% were dentate, 36.0% partially dentate and 1.1% edentate subjects with a mean age of 35 ± 45 years was analyzed to determine the prevalence, height, location, and orientation of maxillary sinus septa. The septa were classified according to the modified Al-Faraje’s classification into VII septal patterns, and the risk of perforation of the Schneiderian membrane was estimated. The chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables, and Student’s t-test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used to compare continuous variables.ResultsSepta were present in 25.6% of the sinus segments (37.64% of the subjects). The mean septum height was 5.22 mm ± 2.06 in males and 6.27 mm ± 3.55 in females. The majority of septa were located in the middle 76.92%, while 4.40% were anterior, and 18.68% were posterior; 76.92% were in a buccopalatal direction, whereas 23.08% were in an anteroposterior direction. Class III was the most prevalent type. Overall, 60.4% had a moderate risk of membrane perforation, 30.8% had a low risk, and only 8.8% had a high risk.ConclusionThree-dimensional CBCT image analyses can be used as a diagnostic tool to provide accurate information that can help avoid unnecessary intra- and postoperative complications during sinus augmentation procedures by identifying the anatomic structures inherent to the maxillary sinus.  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌窦开窗植骨种植修复在上颌后牙区骨量不足患者中的临床应用效果。方法:2002年1月—2006年11月,使用上颌窦开窗植骨种植修复上颌后牙缺失40例,其中3例行双侧手术。男29例,女11例,平均年龄51.4岁(28~66岁)。共植入84颗种植体。采用埋入式愈合方式。种植体平均愈合11.8个月(8~19个月)后行永久修复。随访期为62.3个月(47~84个月)。结果:植入的84颗种植体在愈合和随访期内均未发生松动脱落,留存率达100%。4侧上颌窦黏膜在手术过程中发生穿破,但未发生上颌窦炎等并发症。随访期X线片显示种植体颈部骨吸收平均值为(0.63±0.33)mm。结论:上颌窦开窗植骨种植修复技术安全可行,是解决上颌后牙区骨高度不足区种植修复难题的有效方法。  相似文献   

牙种植是近年来国内飞速发展的口腔医疗技术,锥形束CT(CBCT)的出现推动了牙种植的快速发展,而牙种植的快速发展又促进了CBCT诊断和治疗计划的应用。本文从CBCT图像中可以观察到的有关上颌窦的解剖结构的改变以及临床工作中的一些治疗体会进行总结,希望能够帮助国内广大口腔种植医生了解和更好地使用CBCT,进一步推进口腔种植的发展。  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the accuracy of measuring the cortical bone thickness adjacent to dental implants using two cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) systems. Material and methods: Ten 4 × 11 mm Astra Tech® implants were placed at varying distances from the cortical bone in two prepared bovine ribs. Both ribs were scanned in a reproducible position using two different CBCT scanners. Ten examiners each carried out four measurements on all 10 implants using the two CBCT systems: vertical distance between the top of the implant and the alveolar crest (IT–AC), and thickness of the cortical bone from the outer surface of the implant threads at 3, 6 and 9 mm from the top of the implant. Ground sections were prepared and bone thickness was measured using a light microscope and a graticule to give a gold standard (GS) measurement. Results: The examiner's measurements were significantly different between CBCT systems for the vertical and thickness dimensions (P<0.001) while measuring the cortical bone thickness between 0.3 and 3.7 mm. Within that range, i‐CAT NG® measurements were consistently underestimated in comparison with the GS. Accuitomo 3D60 FPD® measurements closely approximated the GS, except when cortical bone thickness was <0.8 mm. The mean percentage errors from the GS at 3, 6 and 9 mm measurement levels were 68%, 28% and 18%, respectively, for i‐CAT NG® and 23%, 5% and 6%, respectively, for Accuitomo 3D60 FPD®. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that i‐CAT NG® (voxel size 0.3) may not produce sufficient resolution of the thin cortical bone adjacent to dental implants and, therefore, the measurements may not be accurate; whereas, Accuitomo 3D60 FPD® (voxel size 0.125) may produce better resolution and more accurate measurement of the thin bone. To cite this article: Razavi T, Palmer RM, Davies J, Wilson R, Palmer PJ. Accuracy of measuring the cortical bone thickness adjacent to dental implants using cone beam computed tomography. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21 , 2010; 718–725.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2009.01905.x  相似文献   

头颅锥形束CT(CBCT)不仅能够提供便捷、准确的颅颌面三维影像,还具有扫描时间短、放射剂量小、费用低廉等优点,这使其近年来在正畸临床快速普及应用.本文结合我院CBCT临床应用的经验,对CBCT在正畸头影测量、埋伏牙、微种植体、气道测量、成人颞颌关节病及牙周病、正颌外科等方面的辅助诊断应用做一总结.  相似文献   

Facial imaging is used to study the facial shapeand its developmental changes over time.This isimportant to diagnose acquired malformations,to studynormal and abnormal growth and to differentiatebetween the results of treatment and normal growth,and to validate facial recognition.The two mainmethods to study and record facial imaging are bymeans of cephalometry and anthropometry[1].Cephalometrics is the scientific study of themeasurements of the head’s  相似文献   

《Saudi Dental Journal》2021,33(7):769-774
Background & objectiveIn current clinical dental practice radiographic imaging plays a major role in exploring the relationship between the maxillary sinus floor (MSF) and maxillary posterior teeth root apices, especially when there is an involvement of pathology in the periapical area that may lead to infectious, inflammatory or traumatic changes in the maxillary sinus (MS). It is also essential for exact implant placement, and therapeutic and surgical plans. The prevalence of different forms of anatomic relationship of the MSF to posterior root apices from one population to another is large. Hence the current research was conceived to evaluate the horizontal and vertical relationship forms of posterior root apices to the MSF in the Al-Qassim population of Saudi Arabia using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).Materials and methodsTo conduct the study, a total of 200 patients' data (100 male and 100 female) were taken from the archives. The linear distances of the root apices to the MSF were measured for maxillary posterior teeth. On cross-sectional CBCT images, the Kwak et al. criteria were used to assess the horizontal and vertical relationships between the root apices of maxillary posterior teeth and the MSF.ResultsThe mean distance between the apices of the maxillary second premolar ranged from 4.63 mm to 6.49 mm. The mean value of the distance between the apices of the posterior teeth and the MSF had a range of 0.68 ± 0.39 mm on the disto-buccal root (DBR) of the maxillary right second molar to 3.93 ± 1.26 mm on the palatal root (PR) of the maxillary left first molar. A similar result was observed in the maxillary second molar DBR in the male group (0.68 ± 1.17 mm) and the female group (0.69 ± 1.17 mm). The most frequently observed vertical relations were type 2 and type 2H horizontal relations.ConclusionThis study concludes that maxillary molar roots show greater proximity with the MSF when compared with premolars, and that the type 2 vertical and type 2H horizontal distribution suggests that the anatomy of each tooth and the maxillary sinus floor should be evaluated by CBCT prior to treatment planning.  相似文献   

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