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目的:了解医院引进海外高层次医学人才遴选要求、需求偏好,比较不同医院间存在的共性和差异。方法:于2020年10月以江苏省医院人力资源管理专业委员会为平台,对江苏省各医院相关部门的管理人员开展问卷调查。结果:医院引进海外医学人才对学历要求普遍较高,三级医院对博士及以上学历的要求较其他等级医院高;对复合型人才需求大,综合医院和三级医院需求更大;大多医院看重海外工作经历,尤其是在知名医疗机构工作经历;普遍关注海外医学人才的科研能力和临床技术水平,但不同性质和地域医院间要求不同。结论:医院需加大对高层次医学人才的引进和培养,构建适合的海外高层次医学人才遴选标准,拓宽引进海外高层次医学人才的途径,充分发挥吸引海外高层次医学人才的优势。  相似文献   

人才是当代社会发展最重要的资源,医疗行业的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,人才已然是一个医院综合实力的象征,成为医院兴衰的决定性因素.近年来,我院十分重视人才工作,积极实施人才兴院战略,加大人才引进力度,通过人才引进有效地促进了医院学科发展,充实了临床科室队伍,全面提高了医疗、教学、科研水平.在积极引进人才,特别是引进高层次人才方面,我院经过一系列的探索,积累了一些宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

通过建立人才引进和培养机制,创新人才发展体制,可以保证人员引进质量,还能提升管理层工作效率与水平,实现医院高素质队伍的建设.因此,医院应积极改革管理人才招聘与培养机制,健全人才管理体制.文章对当前医院管理人才引进和培养存在的不足和问题进行分析,并从医院管理人才引进和培养机制方面提出改善策略,为医院全面提高管理人才专业水...  相似文献   

从人才引进与自身培养相结合的人才政策、创新人才使用机制、科学管理人才等多角度出发,就如何加强人才队伍建设进行了系统的阐述,从而实现医院可持续发展.  相似文献   

探讨医院的人才管理问题.通过总结分析某院的人才管理工作经验,提出人才是医院最重要的资源,新形势下医院人力资源配置模式要发生新的变革,要从人才的引进、培养、使用和再提升上,构建系统的人才工程,以优势的人才力量推动医院快速发展.  相似文献   

医院的人才引进和使用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析现阶段医院人才引进和使用中存在的一些问题,探讨建立科学的人才引进和使用机制,以促进医院人才引进和使用更加合理.  相似文献   

医药卫生体制改革进入了新阶段,随着现代医院管理制度的建立健全,医院竞争的焦点也逐渐转向人才的竞争,人才的引进和自我的培养是医院人才管理工作科学有效开展的重要保证.但考虑到人才培养成本非常高,周期又特别长,所以各大医院往往更加倾向选择人才引进.以人才引进为发展战略,以高层次人才队伍为引领,已成为医院建设的坚实基础和医院发...  相似文献   

深入分析了医院在人才引进与跟踪考核方面存在的问题及原因,结合医院的实际,对当前医院人才引进和考核的有效途径和方法进行了有益的探索,阐述了医院在这方面的一些做法和经验。  相似文献   

人才兴,则事业兴;人才强,则医院强。近年来,南通市第六人民医院针对医院发展转型期高层次人才的引进、培养困境,借助与上海市肺科医院、上海市第十人民医院的紧密协作,柔性引进大批高层次医学人才,构建了名誉学科带头人制度、后备人才导师制度等一整套柔性引才制度,在较短时间内发挥了人才集聚效益,为医院跨越发展、内涵发展提供了强有力的智力支持和人才保证。  相似文献   

本文通过对医院人才柔性引进的SWOT分析认为,由于新疆社会环境和地理位置的特殊原因,以柔性引才的方式引进高层次人才,即以智力服务为核心,请进来和走出去,能够解决医院实际问题,对促进医院人才培养、提高科研能力和医疗技术水平有重要的意义。  相似文献   

现行农村卫生服务一体化中,乡镇卫生院相对村卫生室没有医疗技术优势,业务间竞争关系没有改变,乡镇卫生院人浮于事的现象仍然存在,村医的收入下降,没有改变"重医轻防"的局面。因此,利用分类管理的原理,提出了构建以医疗、康复为主的县乡卫生服务一体化和以公共卫生为主的乡村卫生服务一体化的设想。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study hospital nurses' perceptions of public health based on a pedagogical exercise. A qualitative study, lead by students of a training institute for nursing care (IFSI), was conducted using semi-directed interviews of hospital nurses from different departments of a provincial hospital. The main results show that for one-third of the nurses interviewed, the hospital is not a setting for public health practice. In terms of their definition of public health, it is closely linked to the concept of prevention, with primarily individual approaches. This definition is very close to the public health activities that they conduct at the hospital and which are centred on information and disease prevention, on education related to pathologies and the relationship between the provision of care and listening to the patients and their families. Few nurses place their public health activities within the scope of the areas of hospital cleanliness, the welcoming of the patients, the organisation of services, and the improvement of the quality of care. The potential tracks which have emerged from this work lead to the need for the strengthening of training in patient education, in the hospital's work networking with external partners, and in better development of public health activities undertaken in the hospital setting.  相似文献   

新医改中公立医院改革的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对卫生管理体制、公立医院公益性、医疗资源合理使用等三个问题提出笔者的观点,认为管理体制改革关键是要进一步按照大部制改革的方向推进医疗、医药、医保统一管理,以理清政府"管"和公立医院法人"办"的职能界面为方向推进管办分开;强化公立医院公益性,关键是要科学设计一系列激励和约束机制;促进医疗资源合理使用,关键是要逐步建立分级医疗制度。  相似文献   

目的评估高校医院职工心理健康及人格特征,探讨提高医院职工心理素质的方法与途径,为医院职工心理健康和综合素质的提高提供参考依据。方法用SCL-90症状自评量袁和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对陕西师范大学医院58名职工进行问卷调查。结果医院职工在人际关系敏感、抑郁2个因子上的得分高于全国常模;不同性别、学历、岗位职工在部分SCL-90因子得分上的差异有统计学意义;非医生岗位职工的EPQ情绪性因子分高于医生岗位医务人员。结论医院职工在人际关系敏感、抑郁方面健康水平低于全国平均水平;医院职工心理健康受性别、学历、岗位影响;医生岗位职工情绪稳定性好于非医生岗位。  相似文献   

With each congressional budget debate, hospital and health system executives are reminded of their vulnerability to Medicare reimbursement rates. As health maintenance organizations (HMOs) have entered into Medicare risk contracts and negotiated separate hospital reimbursement rates, hospital and health system executives have recognized even less control of their Medicare reimbursement. One way for health systems to regain control of the Medicare dollar is to develop a Medicare risk contract that directly receives and distributes the Medicare risk premium. Before hospital and health system executives invest in the start-up and operational capital necessary to bid for a risk contract, careful analysis of the efficacy of the contract's contribution to the margin should be undertaken. The following will review observations and lessons from HMO Medicare risk contracting and introduce a methodology that health system executives can use to evaluate the annual financial impact of entering the business of direct Medicare risk contracting.  相似文献   

医院会计核算如何适应医疗卫生体制改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从卫生体制改革对医院改革与医院会计核算提出的全新要求入手,揭示了在资产计量、税务处理、所有权核算、会计信息披露等方面医院会计核算面临的全新课题,阐明了作者的观点。由此对医院会计核算如何适应医疗卫生体制改革的问题提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

Canada's health care system has undergone major changes since 1990. In Saskatchewan, 52 small rural hospitals funded for less than eight beds stopped receiving funding for acute care services in 1993. Most were subsequently converted to primary health care centers. Since then, concerns have been raised about the impact of the changes on rural residents' access to care, their health status, and the viability of rural communities. To assess the impact of hospital closures on the affected communities, we conducted a multi-faceted, province-wide study. We looked at hospital use patterns, health status, rural residents' perceptions of the impact of these hospital closures, and how communities responded to the changes. We found the hospital closures did not adversely affect rural residents' health status or their access to inpatient hospital services. Despite widespread fears that health status would decline, residents in these communities reported that hospital closures did not adversely affect their own health. Although some communities continue to struggle with changes to health care delivery, others appear to have adapted as a result of strong community leadership, the development of widely accepted alternative services, and local support for creating innovative solutions. Good rural health care does not depend on the presence of a very small hospital that cannot, in today's environment, provide genuinely acute care. It requires creative approaches to the provision of primary care, good emergency services, and good communication with the public on the intent and outcomes of change.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of focused interviews with child health and maternal health physicians in the public ambulatory care sector of a large Swedish city to describe (1) the organization of their work activities, (2) their perspectives on their work, and (3) their perspectives on the medical care system. Child health physicians (who were attached to a major teaching hospital) practiced in child health clinics for preschoolers and school health clinics. Each physician covered several such settings. Maternal health physicians were attached to local hospitals and practiced full time in maternal health centers. Child health physicians described their work in terms of preventive care, patient care, integration of ambulatory and hospital services, and technological sophistication; they described the system in terms of quality of care, quality of diagnosis and treatment, adequacy of resources, and distribution of services. Maternal health physicians described work in terms of a biophysical orientation, practice independence, relations with hospitals and other specialists, and dependence on nurses; they described the system in terms of technological sophistication, ambulatory and hospital care, and problems of other specialties. Both were more positive about both work and the system than were district general practitioners, and some interpretation is offered.  相似文献   

This article analyses the effect of working conditions on the health of hospital employees across Europe. Hospital employees often have demanding jobs that increase their stress levels and, consequently, their risk of health problems. Work control - typified by employee autonomy and working time flexibility - helps them cope with high levels of work stress. Researchers have traditionally studied the relationship between working conditions, coping strategies and occupational health from an individual perspective. We argue that the individual work-health relationship is closely connected with the social and institutional context. This study explores how work stress and work control influence the health of hospital employees and aims to understand cross-country differences in this respect. Using data on over 1500 hospital employees who participated in the study 'Quality of work and life in a changing Europe' (2007) in eight European countries, we used ordinal regression analyses to test a range of hypotheses. The results show that work stress has a negative effect on the health of hospital employees, while work control is not found to have any effect on their health. Comparative analyses reveal that the effects of working conditions on health vary across European countries. While working overtime is more closely related to poorer health in Eastern European countries, we found evidence of a positive relationship between job autonomy and health in Western Europe only, indicating that circumstances in the working environment have differing effects on employee health in Eastern and Western Europe.  相似文献   

健康促进医院——21世纪医院建设的发展方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为全面了解健康教育与健康促进在医院领域的进展与发展趋向,作者对近20年来相关文献进行回顾与综述。系统分析了健康促进医院的提出背景及其理论基础,国内外健康促进医院试点项目的实施原则、内容、策略与评价。研究表明,医院是实施健康促进干预的重要场所,创建健康促进医院是21世纪医院建设的发展方向。创建健康促进医院旨在保护和促进患者及其家庭、医护人员和社区群众的健康,提高医院的全面服务质量,促进医院可持续发展。  相似文献   

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