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Sdmg1 is a conserved eukaryotic transmembrane protein that is mainly expressed in the gonads where it may have a role in mediating signaling between somatic cells and germ cells. In this study we demonstrate that secretory exocrine cells in the pancreas, salivary gland, and mammary gland also express Sdmg1. Furthermore, we show that Sdmg1 expression is up‐regulated during pancreas development when regulated secretory granules start to appear, and that Sdmg1 colocalizes with secretory granule markers in adult pancreatic acinar cells. In addition, we show that Sdmg1 co‐purifies with secretory granules during subcellular fractionation of the pancreas and that Sdmg1 and the secretory granule marker Vamp2 are localized to distinct subdomains in the secretory granule membrane. These data suggest that Sdmg1 is a component of regulated secretory granules in exocrine secretory cells and that the developmental regulation of Sdmg1 expression is related to a role for Sdmg1 in post‐Golgi membrane trafficking. Developmental Dynamics 238:223–231, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

12- to 36-hours-old newborn CBA mice were intraperitoneally injected each with 10 X 10(6) allogeneic spleen cells of adult C57Bl mice. Control mice received syngeneic spleen cells of adult CBA mice either in the same way or remained untreated. The animals were killed 1, 3, 7, 14 or 21 days after the spleen cell injection. The pancreas was studied histologically and electron microscopically by common methods. Together with an interstitial lymphohistiocytic infiltration of the pancreas different acinar cell alterations were observed in the mice treated with allogeneic spleen cells: 1. Acute lethal pancreatic cell damages on the day after the intraperitoneal injection of allogeneic spleen cells. 2. Membrane-lined inclusion vacuoles between the 7th and 21st experimental day. 3. Atrophy of pancreatic acinar cells in the terminal stage of a severe graft-versus-host disease. The pathogenesis of the observed pancreatic changes seems to be due to nonimmunological and immunological processes. The membrane-lined inclusion vacuoles of the acinar cells could be the consequence of a cell-mediated immune process in the graft-versus-host reaction.  相似文献   

Environmental insults and misfolded proteins cause endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and activate the unfolded protein response (UPR). The UPR decreases endogenous cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mRNA levels and protein maturation efficiency. Herein, we investigated the effects of the folding-deficient deltaF508 CFTR on ER stress induction and UPR activation. For these studies, we developed and characterized stable clones of Calu3deltaF cells that express different levels of endogenous wild-type (WT) and recombinant deltaF508 CFTR. We also present a novel RT-PCR-based assay for differential quantification of wild-type CFTR mRNA in the presence of deltaF508 CFTR message. The assay is based on a TaqMan minor groove binding (MGB) probe that recognizes a specific TTT sequence (encoding phenylalanine at position 508 in human CFTR). The MGB probe is extremely specific and sensitive to changes in WT CFTR message levels. In RNA samples that contain both WT and deltaF508 CFTR mRNAs, measurement of WT CFTR mRNA levels (using the MGB probe) and total CFTR mRNA (using commercial primers) allowed us to calculate deltaF508 CFTR mRNA levels. The results indicate that overexpression of deltaF508 CFTR causes ER stress and activates the UPR. UPR activation precedes a marked decrease in endogenous WT CFTR mRNA expression. Furthermore, polarized airway epithelial cell lines are important tools in cystic fibrosis research, and herein we provide an airway epithelial model to study the biogenesis and function of WT and deltaF508 CFTR expressed within the same cell.  相似文献   

The biochemical and morphological aspects of BALB/c mice with many features of the Niemann-Pick disease type C in man (NP-C mouse) have been studied extensively. However, the pulmonary pathology has not been studied extensively and we describe here some unique ultrastructural features of the lung in the NP-C mouse. Ultrastructurally, macrophages in younger mice contained osmiophilic dense granules and annulolamellar structures, but larger multilamellar concentric structures increased in the macrophages of older mice. In contrast, endothelial cells and type I pneumocytes showed membrane-bound bodies with dense granules and vesicular or vesiculogranular structures as well as amorphous materials. Type II pneumocytes were unremarkable throughout. Our study suggests that endothelial cells and type I pneumocytes are the major site of metabolic derangement resulting in pronounced morphological changes with granular and round membranous structures in the lungs of NP-C mouse. Alveolar macrophages with multilamellar concentric structures may be a result of disturbed disposal of surfactant material from type II pneumocytes rather than that from storage material of type I pneumocyte.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of aldehyde dehydrogenase (AHD) isozymes from C57BL/6J mouse tissues was examined using agarose-IEF zymogram methods. Mitochondrial isozymes (AHD-1 and AHD-5) were present throughout, increasing to high levels in liver, kidney and stomach by weaning (3 weeks). These activities remained high subsequently, except for kidney AHD-5, which decreased significantly after week 4. The appearance of the cytosolic isozymes was tissue specific and time dependent: liver AHD-2 was undetected until day 21, and increased subsequently; stomach AHD-4 was first observed at day 5, increasing to adult levels by day 21; AHD-6 was active in neonatal kidney and stomach extracts, but was undetected after day 8; and AHD-7 was observed in liver and kidney extracts from day 16. These results supported previous proposals for multiple genes encoding aldehyde dehydrogenases in the mouse, based upon the distinct developmental profiles for the liver, kidney and stomach isozymes.  相似文献   

Using a novel mouse model of early life neglect and abuse (ENA) based on maternal separation with early weaning, George et al. (BMC Neurosci 11:123, 2010) demonstrated behavioral abnormalities in adult mice, and Bordner et al. (Front Psychiatry 2(18):1–18, 2011) described concomitant changes in mRNA and protein expression. Using the same model, here we report neuroanatomical changes that include smaller brain size and abnormal inter-hemispheric asymmetry, decreases in cortical thickness, abnormalities in subcortical structures, and white matter disorganization and atrophy most severely affecting the left hemisphere. Because of the similarities between the neuroanatomical changes observed in our mouse model and those described in human survivors of ENA, this novel animal model is potentially useful for studies of human ENA too costly or cumbersome to be carried out in primates. Moreover, our current knowledge of the mouse genome makes this model particularly suited for targeted anatomical, molecular, and pharmacological experimentation not yet possible in other species.  相似文献   

Present state of knowledge, mostly based on heterologous expression studies, indicates that the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein bearing the F508del mutation is misprocessed and mislocalized in the cytoplasm, unable to reach the cell surface. Recently, however, it was described that protein levels and localization are similar between F508del and wild-type CFTR in airway and intestinal tissues, but not in the sweat glands. In this study, we used immunocytochemistry with three different anti-CFTR antibodies to investigate endogenous CFTR expression and localization in nasal epithelial cells from F508del homozygous patients, F508del carriers, and non-CF individuals. On average, 300 cells were observed per individual. No significant differences were observed for cell type distributions among CF, carrier, and non-CF samples; epithelial cells made up approximately 80% to 95% of all cells present. CFTR was detected mostly in the apical region (AR) of the tall columnar epithelial (TCE) cells, ciliated or nonciliated. By confocal microscopy analysis, we show that the CFTR apical region-staining does not overlap with either anti-calnexin (endoplasmic reticulum), anti-p58 (Golgi), or anti-tubulin (cilia) stainings. The median from results with three antibodies indicate that the apical localization of CFTR happens in 22% of TCE cells from F508del homozygous patients with CF (n = 12), in 42% of cells from F508del carriers (n = 20), and in 56% of cells from healthy individuals (n = 12). Statistical analysis indicates that differences are significant among all groups studied and for the three antibodies (p < 0.05). These results confirm the presence of CFTR in the apical region of airway cells from F508del homozygous patients; however, they also reveal that the number of cells in which this occurs is significantly lower than in F508del carriers and much lower than in healthy individuals. These findings may have an impact on the design of novel pharmacological strategies aimed at circumventing the CF defect caused by the F508del mutation.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the early ultrastructural changes during the development of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity. Doses at or near the threshold for hepatotoxicity were selected to permit comparison of early reversible effects to those which ultimately progressed to necrosis in the absence of early agonal effects or drug-induced mortality. Both 300- and 600-mg/kg doses resulted in similar declines in hepatic glutathione levels to 14 and 22% of control values, respectively, by 2 hours, with more rapid recovery after the low dose. Plasma sorbitol dehydrogenase activity was elevated after 600 mg/kg but not after 300 mg/kg. During the first 2 hours after acetaminophen there was cytomegaly with rapid progression to necrosis after 600 mg/kg but minimal progression after 300 mg/kg. Ultrastructurally, vesiculation, vacuolation and mitochondrial and plasma membrane degeneration culminated in scattered single cell death by 4 hours and widespread centrilobular necrosis by 8 hours after 600 mg/kg. The time course of lesion development was slower after 300 mg/kg with damage restricted to the first two to three rows of centrilobular cells and limited numbers of isolated necrotic cells by 8 hours. By 18 to 24 hours livers of mice given 300 mg/kg appeared normal. Results are consistent with the endoplasmic reticulum being the site of acetaminophen activation and initial attack. However, early ultrastructural changes in mitochondria and plasma membrane observed after the high dose were not prominent after the low dose. This suggests that early acetaminophen damage to these organelles may play a critical role in acetaminophen hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

We describe the thorough characterisation of a new transgenic mouse line overexpressing the 695-amino acid isoform of human amyloid precursor protein harbouring the Swedish double familial Alzheimer's disease mutation. This line, referred to as TAS10, exhibits neuropathological features and cognitive deficits that are closely correlated to the accumulation of Abeta in their brain and that are reminiscent of those observed in AD.Data on the TAS10 line are presented at five time points: 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months in a longitudinal study. The TAS10 line is characterised by the following changes: i) significant age-related increases in the levels of total and individual species (1-40, 1-42) of beta-amyloid in the brains of transgenics compared with non-transgenic littermates; ii) transgenic mice showed pronounced spatial learning deficits in the Morris water maze at 6 months and working memory deficits by 12 months; iii) amyloid plaque and associated pathologies were observed by the 12-month time point and the burden increased substantially, particularly in the cortex, by 18 months; iv) electron microscopy of the hippocampus of transgenic mice showed evidence of abnormal ultrastructural features such as dystrophic neurites and lipid deposits that developed from 6 months and increased in number and severity with age. Morphometric studies demonstrate that the synapse to neuron ratio is higher in transgenics than in control mice at 12 months, but this ratio decreases as they age and synapse size increases. Thus, this mouse model exhibits a close correlation of amyloid burden with behavioural deficits and ultrastructural abnormalities and so represents an ideal system to study the mechanisms underlying the impact of amyloid pathology on CNS function.  相似文献   

Detailed ultrastructural studies of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) in the mouse model are needed to develop and characterize a small animal model of RVF for the evaluation of potential vaccines and therapeutics. In this study, the ultrastructural features of RVFV infection in the mouse model were analyzed. The main changes in the liver included the presence of viral particles in hepatocytes and hepatic stem cells accompanied by hepatocyte apoptosis. However, viral particles were observed rarely in the liver; in contrast, particles were extremely abundant in the CNS. Despite extensive lymphocytolysis, direct evidence of viral replication was not observed in the lymphoid tissue. These results correlate with the acute-onset hepatitis and delayed-onset encephalitis that are dominant features of severe human RVF, but suggest that host immune-mediated mechanisms contribute significantly to pathology. The results of this study expand our knowledge of RVFV-host interactions and further characterize the mouse model of RVF.  相似文献   

背景:光化学疗法对口腔组织可能具有伤害,在临床应用甲苯胺蓝O介导的光动力学疗法预防龋病前,需进行生物安全性评估。 目的:观察甲苯胺蓝介导的光动力学疗法产生的光敏作用对小鼠牙周组织健康的影响。 方法:将54只小鼠随机分为9组,分别用0,50,100 mg/L 甲苯胺蓝O联合二极管光照0,15,25 min。作用后72 h,切取牙周组织切片观察。 结果与结论:经光照治疗后小鼠的牙龈、牙槽骨和牙齿没有发现有坏死、溃疡、增生等异常改变。提示甲苯胺蓝介导的光动力学疗法一个安全的预防龋病的方法,对牙齿临近的牙周组织无破坏性影响。  相似文献   

Segregation of {Delta}F508 and normal CFTR alleles in human sperm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Single sperm typing provides an accurate method to order tightlylinked loci by single cell DNA high resolution segregation analysis.We have used similar methods to type individual sperm from aknown  相似文献   

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