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目的 :探讨正常人听觉P30 0 与智商之关系 ,评价P30 0 在智力测验中的应用价值。方法 :对 38例病人采用oddball刺激序列检测P30 0 ,采用中国修订韦氏成人智力量表全量表测定智商。结果 :全组 38例 ,P30 0 潜伏期为 35 7 9± 2 6 4ms ,波幅 12 5± 5 9μⅴ ;智商测定言语智商 113 7± 13 2分 ,操作智商10 8 7± 11 3分 ,总智商 111 9± 12 5分。相关分析显示P30 0 潜伏期与各智商间均呈显著负相关 (r =-0 2 73~ - 0 32 9,P <0 .0 5 ) ,波幅与言语智商及总智商呈显著正相关 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :P30 0 潜伏期在表达智商方面具有显著意义。 相似文献
赵旭 《临床神经电生理学杂志》1998,(4)
目的:探讨与作业不相关的新奇性刺激于额-中央区产生的P3a的特性。方法:采用视觉具有新奇性刺激的oddball作业,记录了61名健康右利手小学生的事件相关电位(ERP)和Fz、Cz、Pz、C3、C4、P3、P4的脑电图以及左侧眼电图,分析了各导、各刺激平均ERP和脑电地形图分布。结果:正确检测靶刺激产生于Pz的P3b潜伏期较长(417-425ms);峰幅值最高(22.7-23.9μV);新奇性刺激于额-中央区产生最大的P3a,潜伏期比P3b短(402-416ms)。结论:新奇刺激产生的P3a有独立的特性和脑内起源。 相似文献
本研究采用了3种不同记忆负荷视觉信息选择的作业,对4个年龄组(9.8±0.7、12.0±0.7、14.1±0.8和17.1±0.8),共259名正常青少年各作业时的工效,以及事件相关电位(ERP)进行了分析。结果表明,在相同记忆负荷条件下,随年龄增长工效显著提高;反应时(RT)和ERP的P_(300)潜伏期(PL)明显缩短。在年龄相同情况下,随记忆负荷加大,工效显著下降;RT和ERP的P_(300)PL明显延长。RT和P_(300)的PL与年龄呈负相关(r=-0.6);与作业负荷呈正相关(r=0.9)。信息处理工效与ERP综合分析,能有效地评价脑功能,适用于临床及工效学研究。 相似文献
本研究的目的是了解幼儿在人像再认过程中P3波幅变化规律,为幼儿认知发育提供神经电生理的依据。结果证明幼儿无任务P3波幅比任务p3波幅低,P3的引出与低概率刺激有关。再认熟悉人P3波幅大于再认陌生人,推论再认熟悉人的场合修正量大于再认陌生人。幼儿P3波幅的部位效应表现为从Oz至Fz渐次降低。P3波幅变化还与幼儿记忆、注意等心理过程有关。 相似文献
以往事件相关电位(ERP)研究主要对峰波幅和峰潜伏期进行测量,本研究用人像照片按一定概率编排成刺激序列,成功诱发幼儿ERP,并在此基础上对P3面积进行了测量。结果证明,低概率非靶刺激在幼儿可以诱发出P3,与任务P3相比波面积小,提示幼儿P3波面积有明显的任务效应,再认熟悉人的P3面积大于再认陌生人,波面积比波幅更合理地反映场合修正量。幼儿在高度选择注意时,P3面积大。幼儿P3波面积以Pz、Oz电极所描记的为大。 相似文献
幼儿事件相关电位(ERP)对研究儿童心理发展有重要意义,因试验难度大,国内外至今未见报道。本研究以4~5岁幼儿为研究对象,用母亲照片和陌生女人照片按一定概率编排成刺激序列,分别在三个试验中成功诱发ERP。结果证明幼儿P3平均潜伏期符合成人P3定义范围;幼儿P3潜伏期Fz长于Pz、Oz;无任务P3潜伏期短于任务P3;高度选择注意时P3潜伏期长;再认母亲与再认指定陌生人照片P3潜伏期无显著差异,是幼儿记忆发育良好的表现。反应时间长于P3潜伏期可以做为幼儿思维支配行为的佐证。 相似文献
运动神经元病患者的智能,记忆及事件相关电位研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:了解运动神经元病(MND)患者认知障碍的特点。方法:采用韦氏成人智力量表、临床记忆量表和体感刺激诱发的事件相关脑诱发电位,对18例MND患者和24例健康人进行了测验比较。结果:MND患者可出现不同程度的智能、记忆障碍。其中语言智商(33.3%)、操作智商(38.9%)、全量表智商(27.8%)和记忆商(38.9%)在边界以下。本组患者表现为皮质兼皮质下智能障碍的特征。其认知电位P300的潜伏期与对照组相比明显延长(p<0.001),波幅明显降低(p<0.001)。 相似文献
目的研究飞行员及神经衰弱患者人格特征、心理健康状况及事件相关电位特点,为飞行员的选拔、心理保健、神经衰弱的预防提供依据。方法运用16PF及MMPI测试量表进行个性及心理健康状态测试,用诱发电位仪描记听觉事件相关电位。结果飞行员个性因素中聪慧性(B)、恃强性(E)、兴奋性(F)、敢为性(H)均显著高于普通人;飞行员癔病(Hs)、疑病(Hy)分增高;神经衰弱患者人群的个性特征中稳定性(C)、自律性(Q1)、有恒性(G)三种个性特征的分数低于常模,而忧虑性(O)、紧张性(Q4)分数高于常模。与普通人比较,飞行员的P3(P300)波幅最高,潜伏期最短,神经衰弱者则相反。结论神经衰弱者大脑皮质功能受抑制,其发生个性基础;可将人格及事件相关电位测试列为飞行员选拔及神经衰弱诊断的辅助依据,优先选拔个性特征好、P3波幅高而潜伏期短者;飞行员有心理调适障碍的倾向,应引起重视。 相似文献
不同记忆负荷水平下执行控制的ERP效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:通过被试在倒数n项测验(n-back task)任务中的行为与事件相关电位(event-related potentials,ERP)表现,分离执行控制不同加工环节的神经电生理指标,探讨在逐步增加的记忆负荷水平下各ERP成分的时间进程及脑区分布变化规律。方法:正常成人20名参加n-back(n=0、1、2)工作记忆任务的ERP实验,同时记录行为数据及EEG脑电信号。离线处理数据后,比较被试在低、中、高工作记忆负荷下的行为表现及ERP成分的差异。结果:0、1两种记忆负荷水平下被试的反应时与正确率无显著差异,2-back任务时的正确率低于0-back与1-back[(87.7±9.9)/(98.7±2.2)、(96.3±3.5),P〈0.05],反应时长于0-back与1-back[(1077.0±247.2)/(729.5±83.7)/(837.3±144.7)msP〈0.05)]。三种记忆负荷水平的任务均诱发出了明显的P3成分。P3波幅随记忆负荷的逐步增加呈现等级下降规律,潜伏期则未随记忆负荷变化而改变。高记忆负荷与低记忆负荷的任务相减均得到一差异波N450成分,主要分布于额区及顶区。1-0及2-0差异波的N450平均波幅差异在顶区显著。结论:执行控制的注意分配、刷新、编码等成分在刺激后300ms开始,约700ms处结束。P3成分的等级下降规律反映被试有效地进行了注意的分配及转移。高负荷与低负荷差异波N450成分在额区及顶区同步出现,分别反映了执行功能中的更新与编码环节,以及短时贮存过程。 相似文献
目的探讨精神分裂症患者的记忆障碍的现状及其病因,并介绍了某些记忆测验,为精神分裂症的研究和治疗提供科学依据。方法以最近10年国外有关精神分裂症研究的成果为基础,采用文献研究法分析总结了40余篇有关的研究成果。结果精神分裂症的记忆障碍涉及工作记忆、情节记忆、言语记忆、视觉记忆、空间记忆等等。神经生理方面的ERPs及神经影像学方面的fMRI显示精神分裂症存在记忆损伤。结论精神分裂症患者存在记忆障碍。 相似文献
目的 探讨脑血管性痴呆智商与P300之间的关系。方法 对32例脑血管性痴呆患者和30例健康者进行韦氏智力测验和P300测定,并将两组结果进行比较。结果 痴呆组P300异常率为75%,P300各波(P2、N2,P3)潜伏期及P3波幅,与正常对照组有显著性差异。结论 P300与智决有一定平行关系,与智商合起来对脑血管病痴呆的诊断有一定的价值。 相似文献
Guila Glosser Lynne Cole Upama Khatri Lynn DellaPietra Edith Kaplan 《Archives of clinical neuropsychology》2002,17(1):25-35
Material-specific memory dysfunction was assessed using a nonverbal, visuospatial, supraspan learning test, the Biber Figure Learning Test-Extended (BFLT-E), in 71 left-hemisphere language-dominant epilepsy patients prior to anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) and in 48 age-matched healthy subjects. Two matched forms of the BFLT-E yielded comparable scores, indicating that this task may be used to track memory performance over time in individual patients. Right temporal lobe epilepsy (RTLE) and left temporal lobe epilepsy (LTLE) patients performed below healthy subjects on all free-recall measures. RTLE, but not LTLE, patients also differed from healthy subjects in recognition memory discrimination. Furthermore, the RTLE patients performed below LTLE patients on measures specific to long-term memory abilities. The BFLT-E appears to be a useful clinical tool for assessing different components of visuospatial memory in patients with lateralized mesial temporal lobe (MTL) dysfunction. The test is sensitive to visuoconstructional problems associated with various types of brain damage, but it also distinguishes material-specific, nonverbal, visuospatial memory impairments in patients with neurological dysfunction in the non language-dominant right temporal lobe. 相似文献
Renata Avila Salma RibeizFábio L.S. Duran Jony P.J. ArraisMarco A.A. Moscoso Diana M. BezerraOmar Jaluul Claudio C. CastroGeraldo F. Busatto Cássio M.C. Bottino 《Neurobiology of aging》2011,32(10):1857-1867
To compare the volume of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus in elderly individuals with and without depressive disorders, and to determine whether the volumes of these regions correlate with scores on memory tests.Method
Clinical and demographic differences, as well as differences in regional gray matter volumes, were assessed in 48 elderly patients with depressive disorders and 31 control subjects. Brain (structural MRI) scans were processed using statistical parametric mapping and voxel-based morphometry. Cognitive tests were administered to subjects in both groups.Results
There were no between-group gray matter volume differences in the hippocampus or parahippocampal gyrus. In the elderly depressed group only, the volume of the left parahippocampal gyrus correlated with scores on the delayed naming portion of the visual-verbal learning test. There were also significant direct correlations in depressed subjects between the volumes of the left hippocampus, right and left parahippocampal gyrus and immediate recall scores on verbal episodic memory tests and visual learning tests. In the control group, there were direct correlations only between overall cognitive performance (as assessed with the MMSE) and the volume of right hippocampus, and between the total score on the visual-verbal learning test and the volume of the right and left parahippocampal gyrus.Conclusions
These findings highlight different patterns of relationship between cognitive performance and volumes of medial temporal structures in depressed individuals and healthy elderly subjects. The direct correlation between delayed visual-verbal memory recall scores with left parahippocampal volumes specifically in elderly depressed individuals provides support to the view that depression in elderly populations may be a risk factor for dementia. 相似文献14.
EEG interictal epileptiform discharges in temporal lobe epilepsy are associated with magnetic fields. The maxima of magnetic spikes recorded over the spherical portions of the head appear fairly symmetric, whereas those over the lower temporal region often have irregular shapes. Furthermore, their magnitude is often unequal with the extremum over the lower temporal region usually of lower magnitude than the extremum over the upper temporal region. This lack of symmetry in shape and magnitude may be due to non-sphericity of the skull over the temporal region or to variations in conductivities of intervening tissues. We present our observation in two patients suggesting that the surface contours of the head contribute to the apparent asymmetries of the field pattern but that the head contours alone may not account for the asymmetries seen in the clinical data. 相似文献
目的:观察耐药性颞叶癫痫患者记忆功能的损害并分析其影响因素。方法:采用韦氏记忆量表对32例耐药性颞叶癫痫患者记忆功能进行评估,并与32例普通癫痫患者进行比较,同时对可能的影响因素如发病年龄、发作频度、海马体积、脑电图异常放电范围、病程持续时间等进行相关性分析。结果:与普通癫痫患者比较,耐药性颞叶癫痫患者记忆功能普遍降低,尤其以短时记忆为明显。在其各种可能因素中,起病年龄、发作频度、抗癫痫药的种类和海马痫样放电的范围对记忆商(MQ)具有显著影响。结论:耐药性颞叶癫痫患者有明显记忆损害,起病年龄、发作频度、服用抗癫痫药的种类和海马痢样放电的范围是影响记忆功能的主要因素。 相似文献
Robert Savage Dennis R Combs James B Pinkston Claire Advokat Wm Drew Gouvier 《Archives of clinical neuropsychology》2002,17(4):305-318
Differences in verbal and nonverbal olfactory identification and recognition were examined among three groups with brain impairment. A left cerebrovascular accident (LCVA) group, a right CVA (RCVA) group, and a traumatic brain injury (TBI) group were compared with two nonimpaired age-matched comparison groups on olfaction identification and recognition abilities. Odors were presented to the left and right nostrils, which maximized hemispheric differences in olfactory processing. Results showed that persons with LCVA demonstrated the greatest impairment on the verbal identification of odors, while persons with RCVA showed the most impairment on the nonverbal identification of odors. Persons with TBI showed an inconsistent impairment across both verbal and nonverbal odor identification tasks. Odor recognition was impaired in both CVA groups as well. In contrast, persons with TBI performed better on the delayed odor recognition tasks. Results are discussed in relation to hemispheric differences in processing olfactory information. 相似文献
Intelligence quotient profile in myotonic dystrophy, intergenerational deficit, and correlation with CTG amplification. 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4

An abbreviated Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised (WAIS-R) was used to assess verbal and arithmetical cognitive performance in 55 subjects with myotonic dystrophy (DM), covering all grades of disease severity, and 31 controls at 50% risk of inheriting DM. Scaled scores from the assessment were converted into an intelligence quotient (IQ) estimation on each person. Significant IQ differences were found between: (1) all 55 DM subjects (mean 90.2, SD 16.1) and 31 controls (102.6, SD 9.4), with no sex differences in either group; (2) 15 affected parents (99.3, SD 12.2) and their affected children (88.1, SD 17.2), where significance was dependent on parental sex being female; and (3) 15 pairs of affected sibs (89.6, SD 13.2) and their normal sibs (100.2, SD 7.6). IQ steadily declined as (1) the age of onset of signs and symptoms decreased, and (2) the CTG expansion size increased. The correlation appeared to be more linear with age of onset. The correlation of IQ difference and CTG expansion difference in both the DM parent-child pairs and normal sib-affected sib pairs was poor, indicating that CTG expansion is not a reliable predictor of IQ either in individual persons or families. Further analysis of cognitive function in DM is required to clarify specific deficits characteristic of this patient group. 相似文献
Different spatial memory systems are involved in small- and large-scale environments: evidence from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
L. Piccardi A. Berthoz M. Baulac M. Denos S. Dupont S. Samson C. Guariglia 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2010,206(2):171-177
Recent reports show that humans and animals do not acquire information about routes and object locations in the same way. In spatial memory, a specific sub-system is hypothesized to be involved in encoding, storing and recalling navigational information, and it is segregated from the sub-system devoted to small-scale environment. We assessed this hypothesis in a sample of patients treated surgically for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. We found double dissociations between learning and recall of spatial positions in large space versus small space. These results strongly support the hypothesis that two segregate systems process navigational memory for large-scale environments and spatial memory in small-scale environments. 相似文献
N Sonobe M Kanno M Ito M Uchiyama Y Takahashi Y Yashima H Kumashiro 《International journal of psychophysiology》1991,11(3):253-256
Eye movements in response to visual stimuli (Benton Visual Retention Test) were examined in 22 temporal lobe epileptics (TLEs), 10 primary generalized epileptics (PGEs), and 20 normal controls. In the normal controls, the percent fixation time on the left peripheral figure was higher than that on the right peripheral figure, a tendency also found in the PGEs. In TLEs with right-sided foci, the percent fixation time on the left peripheral figure was higher than that on the right peripheral figure, the direction of asymmetry found in the normal controls and PGEs. However, when calculated as laterality indices (the degree of asymmetry) TLEs with right-sided foci were significantly more negative than those of both the normal controls and PGEs. In TLEs with left sided foci, the percent fixation time on the right peripheral figure tended to be higher than that on the left peripheral figure, an asymmetry which differed significantly from the normal controls, PGEs and the TLEs with right-sided foci. The results here showed that TLEs with unilateral foci had distinct eye movements which varied with the laterality of the lesion in the direction of functional overactivation of the epileptogenic hemisphere. 相似文献