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先天性心脏病的疾病经济负担研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对先天性心脏病(简称先心病)的经济负担进行测算,以便对先心病的预防和控制策略进行规划。方法课题组于2004年对上海、石家庄和西安三地的先心病病人的家属进行卫生服务调查。经济负担调查包括直接医疗费用、直接非医疗费用和间接费用(如劳动收入损失)的调查。采用发病率法,对2003年我国每一新发先心病病例生命周期的经济负担进行测算。结果课题组共调查了303位先心病病人家属。从社会学角度看,每一新发先心病病例生命周期的经济负担平均是9.7万元,其中病人早亡经济损失所占比重为64%,直接卫生保健费用占32%。生存率和人均GDP等因素对疾病的经济负担有影响。结论先心病病人使家庭和社会承受了沉重的经济负担。因此,亟需对先心病病人及家庭提供社会支持,以降低其经济负担。  相似文献   

我国唐氏综合征的疾病经济负担   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过研究疾病经济负担,描述唐氏综合征系统康复和预防的重要性。资料主要来源于文献评阅和流行病学调查,采用发病率法测算得出2003年我国所有新发唐氏综合征患者整个生命周期的疾病经济负担约为52.44亿-81.69亿元,平均为66.22亿元;每一新发病例的例均费用为39.06万元。以患者本人劳动损失和家属误工收入损失为主是疾病经济负担最显著的特点,二者合计占总负担的98.01%。要降低疾病经济负担,提供全面系统的康复是有效的,推广产前诊断、避免患儿出生仍是根本途径。  相似文献   

目的了解乙型病毒性肝炎(简称乙肝)病例家庭经济负担。方法通过多阶段随机抽样确定研究对象,以调查问卷的形式,以家庭为单位,估计乙肝造成的疾病经济负担。估算指标乙肝病例伤残调整生命年(DALYs),包括疾病死亡导致的损失(YLLs)和疾病造成失能所导致的健康寿命年损失(YLDs)。评估乙肝病例家庭疾病经济负担,包括直接经济负担与间接经济负担等。结果共调查179个乙肝家庭,农村地区占50.28%。调查发现平均每个家庭上一年度经济损失39 363.57元,其中直接经济损失最大,达32 587.00元,占82.78%。而直接经济负担中,又以门诊治疗费用和住院治疗费用为主。门诊治疗较普遍,过去的一年中,95.53%的患者曾在门诊治疗过。在过去的一年中,约三分之一的患者曾住院治疗,平均住院费用达32 598.13元。间接经济负担以YLD产生负担为主。结论乙肝对患者家庭的影响是巨大的,它会带来非常严重的直接和间接经济负担。  相似文献   

目的:了解住院心境障碍患者的特点,测算其经济负担情况,为促进精神卫生资源的合理运用和优先投入提供参考依据。方法:采用现况研究,对上海某三级精神专科医院2009年3月1日—12月31日期间出院的所有符合入组标准的心境障碍患者及其主要照料者进行问卷调查,征得知情同意原则,共收集了226例患者和197例主要照料者的相关资料;采用EpiData 3.1和SPSS 13.0软件对数据进行录入与统计分析。结果:调查对象的年人均总费用为70 387.4元,其中间接费用、直接医疗费用、直接非医疗费用分别占64.0%、30.0%、6.0%。结论:心境障碍给患者个人、家庭及社会造成的经济负担是巨大的,其中间接费用导致其经济负担更加沉重。  相似文献   

目的 了解2004年全国(未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区,下同)麻疹、风疹、流行性腮腺炎(腮腺炎)病例所造成的经济负担,为探索合适的疫苗使用策略提供参考.方法 对2004年国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统报告的1 945例麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎病例进行回访调查,收集患者发病期间的经济损失情况.经济负担主要包括直接经济负担、间接经济负担和其它相关费用.结果 2004年平均每例麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎造成的总经济负担(人民币)分别为1 996.1元、604.7元、584.9元,2004年全国由这三种传染病给国家和家庭造成的经济损失分别为1.41亿元、0.15亿元、1.33亿元.2004年平均每例麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎病例的间接费用分别为610.9元、257.8元、171.7元,分别占其总经济负担的30.6%、42.6%、29.4%.结论 2004年全国因麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎造成的经济损失2.89亿元,不仅消耗了大量的医疗资源,而且给家庭和个人带来沉重的经济负担,应探索合适的免疫策略,以控制麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎的流行.  相似文献   

上海市甲型H1N1流感患者经济负担估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:了解上海市甲型H1N1流感(甲流)大流行期间流感患者的经济负担情况.方法:2009-2010年上海市甲流大流行期间,随机选择流感轻症病例进行问卷调查,所有的甲流重症和死亡病例采用住院病历回顾和流行病学调查相结合的方法,收集流感患者就医相关费用和间接导致的误工旷学等,估计流感病例的经济负担.结果:研究共调查甲流轻症病例132人,重症病例119人,死亡病例9人.甲流轻症病例人均门诊花费265.5元,此外,多数患者还产生了交通、转诊和营养费等,人均直接花费达356.5元,间接经济损失约96314元.甲流重症病例住院治疗之前,平均就诊3.4次,转诊1.5次,住院费用约为20 712.2元,直接经济支出高达23 832.9元.间接经济损失至少1 962.9元.死亡病例的直接费用则更高,达49 320.2元,所有死亡病例因早死所致间接经济损失合计达1 427.6万元.结论:甲流大流行期间上海市流感患者,尤其是重症患者的经济负担较重,有必要在高危人群中开展疫苗接种工作.  相似文献   

目的估计广州市严重急性呼吸道综合征(SARS)临床确诊病例的直接经济负担和间接经济负担,为急性传染性疾病疾病负担估计建立方法。方法收集2003年SARS暴发流行期间1059例SARS确诊病例的有关资料。对399例愿意配合的患者进行问卷调查;将伤残调整寿命年(DAJLYs)和误工损失通过入力资本法折算为经济损失。评估SARS病例的直接和间接的经济损失。结果1059例SARS确诊病例的人均住院费用20263.56元,日均住院费用1160.57元;339例SARS病人的人均门诊费用为463.43元,人均复查费用848.28元;自行购买营养品、药品等人均花费2646.91元。推算广州市2003年1283例SARS病例的直接经济负担为3107.59万元;SARS死亡病例因早死造成的寿命损失年(YLLs)为654.71,经济损失1489.43万元;SARS存活病例平均误工时间为51.76d,经济损失为577.48万元,间接经济损失共2067.44万元。有34.2%被调查者回答愿意倾全部财产避免罹患SARS,表明SARS给患者造成的伤害无法用金钱衡量;另有26.3%的病人愿出1万元以上换取不患SARS。结论综合直接经济负担和间接经济负担,广州市SARS临床确诊病例的总经济负担为5175.03万元,人均4.03万元。  相似文献   

目的了解住院肺癌患者的特点,测算其经济负担情况,为促进卫生资源的合理运用和优先投入提供参考依据。方法采用现况研究,对上海某三级专科医院在2010年12月1日—2011年3月31日期间从内科病房出院的符合入组标准的肺癌患者及其主要照料者进行问卷调查,征得知情同意原则,共收集了402例患者及其主要照料者的相关资料。结果研究对象的年人均总费用为156 950.09元,其中直接医疗费用、直接非医疗费用、间接费用分别占49.34%、16.86%、33.80%。结论肺癌给患者个人、家庭及社会造成的经济负担是巨大的,其中由直接医疗费用引起的经济负担最重。  相似文献   

目的 了解慢性血吸虫病家庭负担和经济负担.方法 收集2006年湖北省阳新县监测点226例慢性血吸虫病确诊病例的有关资料,并对其中219例愿意配合的患者进行问卷调查.采用家庭负担量表(FBS)评价其家庭负担.直接经济负担由现场调查获得,间接经济负担采用健康寿命损失年(YLD)与人力资本法相结合估计.结果 调查发现,FBS量表的家庭经济负担和家庭娱乐活动2个维度的阳性回答率较高,分别为54.8%和47.0%.其他4个维度的阳性同答率较低,均低于40.0%.219例慢性血吸虫病患者当年经济损失总计353 480.59元,人均1614.07元;其中直接经济损失为61 679元,人均281.64元;间接经济损失为291 801.59元,占总负担的82.55%,人均1332.43元.结论 慢性血吸虫病的家庭负担较重,其经济负担相对于当地居民的家庭年纯收入水平较重,尤以间接经济负担为主,应作为重点干预对象.  相似文献   

目的调查了解水痘门诊病例的经济负担。方法在山东、湖南、甘肃省,按照经济水平在市、县、乡分层抽样,抽取≤14岁、临床诊断水痘的811例门诊病例,进行经济负担分析。结果每例≤14岁水痘门诊病例的费用为493.66元(其中直接损失219.52元,间接损失274.14元)。2007年全人口的门诊水痘病例的经济负担是23.1亿元。在损失的总费用中,医疗费用等直接费用占44.5%,陪护人员劳动力损失等间接费用占55.5%。结论中国目前水痘的经济负担较重。  相似文献   

A preliminary study into the economic burden of cerebral palsy in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: To measure the economic burden of cerebral palsy (CP) in China is to provide information on CP's societal impacts to policy-makers. METHODS: The economic burden of CP includes direct healthcare costs, direct non-healthcare costs, developmental costs and indirect costs such as productivity loss. The incidence approach is employed to estimate the lifetime economic burden of a new CP birth and that of all new cases in China in 2003. Caregivers of 319 CP patients were interviewed in specialty hospitals in five cities in 2004. Average expenditure and utilization rates for different services by age groups from this sample were obtained to estimate the economic burden of CP. Chinese CP patients' life expectancy and survival rate were simulated with reference to Australian data with Human Development Index adjustment. RESULTS: From the societal perspective, the average lifetime economic burden of a new CP case in China was US$ 67,044 in 2003, and the life-span total economic loss due to all new CP cases in 2003 amounted to US$ 2-4 billion. Indirect (productivity) costs are responsible for 93% of total economic loss, and direct healthcare and developmental costs make up 3% each. There are several factors which contribute to the extraordinarily high economic burden of CP, including productivity loss, reduced life expectancy, dependency, progressive deterioration of motor physical function, and recurrent use of rehabilitation services. CONCLUSION: The economic burden of CP in China is substantial for the family of a CP patient, as well as to society. Public provision and financing of necessary preventive and rehabilitative services is urgently needed to mitigate this heavy burden for patients and their families.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite preventive efforts, influenza epidemics are responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality every year in the United States (US). Vaccination strategies to reduce disease burden have been implemented. However, no previous studies have systematically estimated the annual economic burden of influenza epidemics, an estimate necessary to guide policy makers effectively. OBJECTIVE: We estimate age- and risk-specific disease burden, and medical and indirect costs attributable to annual influenza epidemics in the United States. METHODS: Using a probabilistic model and publicly available epidemiological data we estimated the number of influenza-attributable cases leading to outpatient visits, hospitalization, and mortality, as well as time lost from work absenteeism or premature death. With data from health insurance claims and projections of either earnings or statistical life values, we then estimated healthcare resource utilization associated with influenza cases as were their medical and productivity (indirect) costs in $2003. RESULTS: Based on 2003 US population, we estimated that annual influenza epidemics resulted in an average of 610,660 life-years lost (undiscounted), 3.1 million hospitalized days, and 31.4 million outpatient visits. Direct medical costs averaged $10.4 billion (95% confidence interval [C.I.], $4.1, $22.2) annually. Projected lost earnings due to illness and loss of life amounted to $16.3 billion (C.I., $8.7, $31.0) annually. The total economic burden of annual influenza epidemics using projected statistical life values amounted to $87.1 billion (C.I., $47.2, $149.5). CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight the enormous annual burden of influenza in the US. While hospitalization costs are important contributors, lost productivity from missed work days and lost lives comprise the bulk of the economic burden of influenza.  相似文献   

BackgroundSeasonal influenza is responsible for a large disease and economic burden. Despite the expanding recommendation of influenza vaccination, influenza has continued to be a major public health concern in the United States (U.S.). To evaluate influenza prevention strategies it is important that policy makers have current estimates of the economic burden of influenza.ObjectiveTo provide an updated estimate of the average annual economic burden of seasonal influenza in the U.S. population in the presence of vaccination efforts.MethodsWe evaluated estimates of age-specific influenza-attributable outcomes (ill-non medically attended, office-based outpatient visit, emergency department visits, hospitalizations and death) and associated productivity loss. Health outcome rates were applied to the 2015 U.S. population and multiplied by the relevant estimated unit costs for each outcome. We evaluated both direct healthcare costs and indirect costs (absenteeism from paid employment) reporting results from both a healthcare system and societal perspective. Results were presented in five age groups (<5 years, 5–17 years, 18–49 years, 50–64 years and ≥65 years of age).ResultsThe estimated average annual total economic burden of influenza to the healthcare system and society was $11.2 billion ($6.3–$25.3 billion). Direct medical costs were estimated to be $3.2 billion ($1.5–$11.7 billion) and indirect costs $8.0 billion ($4.8–$13.6 billion). These total costs were based on the estimated average numbers of (1) ill-non medically attended patients (21.6 million), (2) office-based outpatient visits (3.7 million), (3) emergency department visit (0.65 million) (4) hospitalizations (247.0 thousand), (5) deaths (36.3 thousand) and (6) days of productivity lost (20.1 million).ConclusionsThis study provides an updated estimate of the total economic burden of influenza in the U.S. Although we found a lower total cost than previously estimated, our results confirm that influenza is responsible for a substantial economic burden in the U.S.  相似文献   



Metabolic syndrome is an important etiologic factor in the development of certain types of cancers. The economic cost of the treatment of cancer has been steadily increasing. We therefore estimated the economic burden of cancers attributable to metabolic syndrome in Korea.


We reviewed metabolic syndrome-related cancers and relative risk and then calculated population attributable fractions. We analyzed insurance claims data for metabolic syndrome-related cancers in 2012 in order to estimate the direct costs associated with these cancers, including hospitalization, outpatient visits, transportation costs, and caregivers’ costs as well as indirect costs such as loss of productivity due to cancer treatment and premature death.


In 2012, 18 070 patients in Korea had cancers attributable to metabolic syndrome. The economic burden was USD 199.8 million and the direct and indirect costs were USD 124.5 million and USD 75.3 million, respectively.


We estimated the economic burden of cancers attributable to metabolic syndrome in Korea and the efforts are necessary to reduce this burden.  相似文献   

Objective : The aim of this literature review was to establish the economic burden of preventable disease in Australia in terms of attributable health care costs, other costs to government and reduced productivity. Methods : A systematic review was conducted to establish the economic cost of preventable disease in Australia and ascertain the methods used to derive these estimates. Nine databases and the grey literature were searched, limited to the past 10 years, and the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analysis) guidelines were followed to identify, screen and report on eligible studies. Results : Eighteen studies were included. There were at least three studies examining the attributable costs and economic impact for each risk factor. The greatest costs were related to the productivity impacts of preventable risk factors. Estimates of the annual productivity loss that could be attributed to individual risk factors were between $840 million and $14.9 billion for obesity; up to $10.5 billion due to tobacco; between $1.1 billion and $6.8 billion for excess alcohol consumption; up to $15.6 billion due to physical inactivity and $561 million for individual dietary risk factors. Productivity impacts were included in 15 studies and the human capital approach was the method most often employed (14 studies) to calculate this. Conclusions : Substantial economic burden is caused by lifestyle‐related risk factors. Implications for public health : The significant economic burden associated with preventable disease provides an economic rationale for action to reduce the prevalence of lifestyle‐related risk factors. New analysis of the economic burden of multiple risk factors concurrently is needed.  相似文献   

Background: To support vaccine decision-making we estimated from the societal perspective the potential health impact and costs averted through immunization with three vaccines – Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) and rotavirus vaccine (RVV). Methods: Based on variability in disease burden, strength of health system and economic status, we selected four states in India: Bihar, New Delhi, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. We used secondary data sources to estimate the number of under-5 deaths averted from Hib, pneumococcus and rotavirus in each state and back-calculated the total cases averted. We synthesized available data to estimate the disease burden, treatment cost, caretaker productivity loss and vaccine coverage in each state. A Delphi Survey and roundtable among Indian experts was conducted to reach consensus on model inputs. Results: By scaling up coverage of Hib, PCV and RVV, India could save over US$1 billion (uncertainty range: US$0.9–US$2.4 billion) in economic benefits and avert more than 90,000 needless child deaths each year. An estimated US$1 billion (US$0.9–US$2 billion) or 88% of the total amount of cost savings would be attributable to lost productivity due to premature pneumococcal death. Another US$112.8 million (US$105–297 million), or 10% of the total cost would be accounted by costs related to loss of productivity due to disability as a result of these diseases. Treatment costs of Hib, pneumococcal disease and rotavirus gastroenteritis, would account for US$8.4 million (US$4–12 million) or <1% of the total costs of these diseases. Finally, caretaker productivity loss from seeking care would represent US$1.5 million (US$ 1–4.9 million). Cost savings varied by vaccine, coverage scenarios and states. Conclusions: Hib, PCV and RVV vaccine introduction in India can result in immediate benefits to the government and households in terms of savings.  相似文献   

The cost of diabetes in Latin America and the Caribbean   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: To measure the economic burden associated with diabetes mellitus in Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS: Prevalence estimates of diabetes for the year 2000 were used to calculated direct and indirect costs of diabetes mellitus. Direct costs included costs due to drugs, hospitalizations, consultations and management of complications. The human capital approach was used to calculate indirect costs and included calculations of forgone earnings due to premature mortality and disability attributed to diabetes mellitus. Mortality and disability attributed to causes other than diabetes were subtracted from estimates to consider only the excess burden due to diabetes. A 3% discount rate was used to convert future earnings to current value. FINDINGS: The annual number of deaths in 2000 caused by diabetes mellitus was estimated at 339,035. This represented a loss of 757,096 discounted years of productive life among persons younger than 65 years (> billion US dollars). Permanent disability caused a loss of 12,699,087 years and over 50 billion US dollars, and temporary disability caused a loss of 136,701 years in the working population and over 763 million US dollars. Costs associated with insulin and oral medications were 4720 million US dollars, hospitalizations 1012 million US dollars, consultations 2508 million US dollars and care for complications 2,480 million US dollars. The total annual cost associated with diabetes was estimated as 65,216 million US dollars (direct 10,721 US dollars; indirect 54,496 US dollars). CONCLUSION: Despite limitations of the data, diabetes imposes a high economic burden to individuals and society in all countries and to Latin American and the Caribbean as whole.  相似文献   

目的 明确深圳市乙型肝炎(乙肝)相关疾病的直接费用、间接费用和无形费用及探讨其影响因素.方法 采用时间阶段连续病例整群抽样方法,对符合条件的乙肝患者进行问卷调查;待患者出院后,收集住院费用及其相关信息.总费用包括直接、间接和无形费用.采用多元线性回归分析,对各种费用的影响因素进行探讨.结果 *乙肝所致相关疾病患者年均总费用为81 590.23元,其中直接、间接和无形费用分别为30 914.79元(37.9%)、15 258.01元(18.7%)和35 417.43元(占43.4%).原发性肝癌的总费用最高,为194 858.40元,其次为重型乙肝144 549.20元、失代偿期肝硬化120 333.60元、代偿期肝硬化79 528.81元、慢性乙肝66 282.46元、急性乙肝为39 286.81元.直接与间接费用之比为2.0∶1,其中原发性肝癌为0.7∶1、慢性乙肝2.2∶1、肝硬化2.5∶1、重型乙肝2.8∶1和急性乙肝3.3∶1;直接医疗费用大于直接非医疗费用(16∶1).乙肝相关疾病每例年均总费用占患者年均收入的比例为285.3%,占家庭年均收入的比例为75.4%;其中直接费用占患者和家庭年收入的比例分别为108.1%和28.6%.各类乙肝相关疾病患者间接费用合计为8123.38元,陪护间接费用为7134.63元,相应的误工天数分别为55.74 d和19.83 d.多元线性回归分析表明,年龄是各种费用的影响因素.结论 乙肝相关疾病患者和家庭承受着沉重的经济负担,随病情加重费用趋于增高;直接费用大于间接费用,直接医疗费用大于直接非医疗费用,患者误工费大于陪护误工费.  相似文献   

中国急性心肌梗塞的疾病经济负担   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
主要通过对急性心肌梗塞疾病经济负担的研究,总体描述进行二线预防的重要性。资料主要来源于中文文献检索、政府统计报表。主要利用直接医疗费用来计算疾病经济负担,而未考虑直接非医疗费用和间接费用。中日急性心肌梗塞的发病率约为45/10万。55/10万。城市高于农村,男性高于女性。在2000年,急性心肌梗塞的死亡率在城市为32.39/10万,农村为17.99/10万,其死亡率随年龄增长而相应增长。与发病率一样,城市高于农村,男性高于女性。25岁以上人群因急性心肌梗塞而损失的DALY在2000年为3.57DALYs/千人口。怎性心肌梗塞的直接医疗费用在国家卫生部部属医院为28257元/例,省级医院为8663元/例,县级医院为5447无/例。测算2000年急性心肌梗塞的疾病经济负担为13亿元。19亿元。但由于只有10.6%的急性心肌梗塞病人得到临床床治疗,因此,本测算结果可能低估了在中国实际发生的疾病经济负担。  相似文献   

The economic cost of senile dementia in the United States, 1985   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Senile dementia is a progressive and irreversible decline of mental functions. The symptoms are mental confusion, memory loss, disorientation, cognitive decline, and inappropriate social behavior. It is one of the most common, costly, and distressful diseases among the elderly in the United States. Information on the economic costs of senile dementia is essential for determining research priorities and the allocation of resources to support aging and medical research. Economic consequences, such as direct medical and nonmedical expenditures by patients' families and the amount of time by third parties in caring for patients with senile dementia, are substantial. However, little systematic accounting to estimate these consequences has been undertaken. This paper attempts to estimate various costs associated with the care of senile dementia, based on available secondary data. We have used the direct cost and indirect cost approach and avoided double counting to identify the additional economic costs due to senile dementia. The total, direct national cost of senile dementia is $13.26 billion, which includes $6.36 billion of medical care costs, $2.56 billion of nursing home care costs, and $4.34 billion of social agency service costs. The indirect cost for community home care alone is $31.46 billion, more than twice the total direct costs. The costs of premature death and loss of productivity due to senile dementia are about $43.17 billion. Although most of the indirect costs were imputed from the value of housekeeping or productivity loss, the magnitude of indirect costs reflects the serious consequences and burden on society's resources of this disease.  相似文献   

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