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[目的]探讨内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)治疗结直肠病变术后发热的危险因素。[方法]回顾性分析行结直肠ESD的347例患者的临床资料,对病例的年龄、性别、既往病史、病变位置、病变大小、病理、术中不良事件、ESD操作时长、术后创面处理、围术期抗生素使用情况、ESD后住院时间、术后不良事件等进行单因素及多因素分析,总结术后发热的危险因素。[结果]347例患者术后发热率为4.6%(16/347),发热最高体温(38.1±0.4)℃,发热天数(2.6±1.5)d。通过单因素及多因素分析,术中出血或术中穿孔(OR=0.481,95%CI=0.267~0.867,P=0.015)、术后迟发出血或迟发穿孔(OR=0.323,95%CI=0.105~0.991,P=0.048)以及病灶累及固有肌层(OR=0.320,95%CI=0.143~0.716,P=0.006)是结直肠EDS后发热的独立危险因素。[结论]术中出血或术中穿孔、术后迟发出血或迟发穿孔以及病灶累及固有肌层是结直肠EDS后发热的独立危险因素,应给予此类患者更多的观察及处理,以期降低术后发热率。 相似文献
目的 探讨内镜下黏膜剥离术(ESD)治疗直径≥20 mm的结直肠侧向发育肿瘤(LST)并发出血、穿孔的影响因素。方法 纳入2016年1月~2019年12月病变直径≥20 mm且行ESD治疗的结直肠LST患者172例,根据术后是否并发出血或穿孔,将172例患者分别分为出血组(9例)和非出血组(163例)、穿孔组(14例)和非穿孔组(158例)。对入组患者并发出血、穿孔的危险因素进行分析。结果 出血发生率为5.23%,穿孔发生率为8.14%,手术时间≥120 min是ESD治疗直径≥20 mm结直肠LST并发出血的独立危险因素(OR=0.205,95%CI 0.051~0.822,P=0.025),高龄(OR=0.945,95%CI 0.897~0.996,P=0.035)及病灶纤维化(OR=0.105,95%CI 0.027~0.405,P=0.001)是ESD治疗直径≥20 mm结直肠LST发生穿孔的独立危险因素。结论 在ESD治疗直径≥20 mm的结直肠LST过程中,手术时间≥120 min为术后并发出血的危险因素,高龄及病灶纤维化会增加穿孔发生的可能。 相似文献
随着内镜治疗技术的发展,内镜黏膜下剥离术(endoscopic submucosal dissection,ESD)被证实为一种治疗结直肠肿瘤的安全、有效的治疗技术。与内镜黏膜切除术相比,ESD可明显提高大直径病变的整块切除率,使充分病理评估成为可能。与传统外科手术相比,ESD具有创伤小、并发症少、恢复快、费用低等优势,且二者疗效相当,五年生存率均可达90%以上。本文就ESD治疗早期结直肠癌及癌前病变的最新进展进行综述。 相似文献
目的探讨内镜黏膜下剥离术(endoscopic submucosal dissection,ESD)治疗结直肠侧向发育型肿瘤(laterally spreading tumor,LST)手术时长的影响因素。方法回顾性纳入于2013年6月—2019年3月在北京市消化疾病中心行ESD治疗的结直肠LST患者。对ESD手术时间延长(≥60 min)的影响因素先进行单因素分析,对于其中有统计学差异的因素再纳入多因素Logistic回归分析独立危险因素。结果纳入了201位患者,年龄(65.05±10.44)岁,其中男性占53.73%。患者有病变213处,病变长径(2.52±1.67)cm。病变整块切除率、完整切除率和治愈性切除率分别为93.90%、84.04%和79.81%。术中穿孔率、迟发穿孔率和迟发出血率分别为1.88%、0.94%和1.41%。单因素分析显示,病变直径≥3 cm(OR=13.48,P<0.001)、结节混合型(OR=25.28,P=0.002)、颗粒均一型(OR=9.00,P=0.045)、位于直乙部位(OR=3.08,P=0.002)以及抬举征阴性(OR=3.40,P=0.012)与ESD手术时间延长相关。多因素Logistic回归分析表明,直径≥3 cm(OR=9.29,P<0.001)、结节混合型(OR=8.80,P=0.043)和抬举征阴性(OR=3.43,P=0.043)是手术时间延长的独立危险因素。ESD手术时间延长,病变的完整切除率(69.56%比88.55%,P=0.003)和治愈性切除率(63.64%比85.50%,P=0.002)显著降低,发生癌变的风险显著升高(86.96%比51.91%,P<0.001)。结论当LST直径≥3 cm、结节混合型或抬举征阴性时,ESD的手术时间延长。手术时间越长,ESD的切除效率越低,病变发生癌变的风险越高。 相似文献
内镜黏膜下剥离术(endoscopic submucosal dissection,ESD)是治疗消化道早癌及癌前病变的一种有效方法,已广泛应用于临床实践.结直肠因管腔窄、肠袢弯曲角度大、黏膜薄等解剖特点,该部位的ESD操作难度较大,出血及穿孔等并发症的发生率也较高.如何有效地减少结直肠ESD术后并发症的发生一直是临床... 相似文献
高岩;孙希珍;蓝宇;贾纯增 《中华内科杂志》2024,(1)
目的比较经典内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)与简化ESD在治疗结直肠上皮来源性肿瘤中的临床效益。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2021年4月在北京积水潭医院接受ESD的患者418例。根据手术方式分为经典ESD组和简化ESD组, 研究指标包括病变的整块切除率和完全切除率。用SPSS 26.0软件进行统计学分析, 方差齐的正态分布数据采用独立样本t检验进行分析。方差不齐或非正态分布的数据使用Kruskal-Wallis非参数检验进行分析。分类数据用卡方检验或Fisher精确检验进行分析。通过多因素logisitc回归分析得出相关危险因素。结果简化ESD组与经典ESD组相比, 整块切除率[89.4%(84/94)比 87.0%(194/223), χ2=0.34, P=0.558]和完全切除率[85.1%(80/94)比82.1%(183/223), χ2=0.33, P=0.510]差异无统计学意义。简化ESD手术时间更短[22(7, 213)比 47(12, 680)min, Z=0.23, P<0.001], 剥离速度更快[0.14(0.02, 0.32)比0.10(0.02, 0.41)cm2/min, Z=0.08, P<0.001], 穿孔率更高[9.6%(9/94)比2.2%(5/223), χ2=2.67, P=0.006]。侧向发育型肿瘤中的结节混合型、假凹陷型、平坦隆起型(OR=2.826, P=0.012)及肿瘤是否跨越组织边界(OR=6.970, P=0.005)是简化ESD组能否完全切除的影响因素。结论简化ESD与经典ESD相比, 治疗结直肠上皮来源性肿瘤的完全切除和整块切除率相似, 但手术时间较短。简化ESD完全切除失败的影响因素包括病变大体类型和跨越组织边界。 相似文献
目的 探讨内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)治疗结直肠病变的安全性和有效性。方法 回顾性分析2012年6月至2016年6月在北京大学第一医院内镜中心接受ESD治疗的163例结直肠病变患者资料,对病变的临床病理特征、整块切除率、完全切除率、并发症发生率及复发率进行统计分析。结果 163例病变中黏膜病变118例,包括隆起型病变31例,平坦型病变22例,侧向发育型肿瘤65例;黏膜下病变45例,均为隆起型病变。病变中位直径2.2(2.0)cm,手术时间42(53)min。整块切除率92.6%(151/163),完全切除率86.5%(141/163),病变大小与整块切除率及完全切除率相关(P<0.05)。4例发生ESD相关并发症,其中2例为术中出血,1例为术后迟发出血,经内镜下确切止血后好转;1例术后迟发性穿孔,经外科手术治疗后好转。135例随访患者中4例出现复发,3例再次内镜下切除,1例手术切除。结论 ESD治疗结直肠病变是安全有效的。达到整块切除及完全切除的患者可获得良好的长期预后。 相似文献
Jiro Watari Toshihiko Tomita Fumihiko Toyoshima Jun Sakurai Takashi Kondo Haruki Asano Takahisa Yamasaki Takuya Okugawa Hisatomo Ikehara Tadayuki Oshima Hirokazu Fukui Hiroto Miwa 《World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy》2013,5(6):281-287
AIM: To evaluate clinical outcomes and risk factors for endoscopic perforation during endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in a prospective study.METHODS: We investigated the clinical outcomes and risk factors for the development of perforation in 98 consecutive gastric neoplasms undergoing ESD regarding. Demographic and clinical parameters including patient-, tumor-, and treatment-related factors, clinical parameters, and duration of hospital stay were analyzed for risk factors for perforation. In subgroup analysis, we also compared the clinical outcomes between perforation and “silent” free air without endoscopically visible perforation detected only by computed tomography.RESULTS: Perforation was identified in 8.2% of patients. All patients were managed conservatively by the administration of antibiotics. The mean procedure time was significantly longer in patients with endoscopic perforation than in those without. According to the receiver-operating characteristic analysis, the resulting cutoff value of the procedure time for perforation was 115 min (87.5% sensitivity, 56.7% specificity). Prolonged procedure time (≥ 115 min) was associated with an increased risk of perforation (odds ratio 9.15; 95%CI: 1.08-77.54; P = 0.04). Following ESD, body temperature and C-reactive protein level were significantly higher in patients with perforation than in those without (P = 0.02), whereas there was no difference between these patient groups on the starting day of oral intake or of hospitalization. In subgroup analysis, the post-ESD clinical course was not different between endoscopic perforation and silent free air.CONCLUSION: Only prolonged procedure time (≥ 115 min) was significantly associated with perforation. The clinical outcomes of perforation are favorable and are comparable to those of patients with or without silent free air. 相似文献
目的探讨消化道黏膜或黏膜下病变经内镜下黏膜剥离术后发热情况及其相关危险因素。方法回顾分析自2009年11月至2012年4月间270例因消化道黏膜或黏膜下病变行内镜下黏膜剥离术(ESD)患者的相关临床、内镜及病理资料,统计分析以下相关因素:(1)患者相关因素:如性别、年龄、糖尿病史、呼吸系统等其他慢性病史,吸烟史、过敏史、术前预防性使用抗生素情况、白细胞计数。(2)病变相关因素:病变位置、病变大小、浸润深度。(3)操作相关因素:麻醉方式、是否整块切除、术中出血量、操作时间、是否穿孔。结果纳入研究者总共有病例270例,病变275处。56例患者发生ESD术后发热,发生率为20.7%,其中31例(55.4%)在术后24h内发生,发热持续时间为1—8d,平均(1.7±1.4)d,通过单因素及多因素分析,术中穿孔(OR值7.121,95% CI: 1.740~29.151)及病变位于食管(OR值0.181,95%CI:0.091—0.361)是ESD术后发热的相关危险因素。结论术中穿孔及病变位于食管是ESD术后发热的危险因素,对于食管病变及术中出现穿孔的病例,应警惕术后发热,并予相应处理。 相似文献
Alberto Herreros de Tejada Luis Giménez-Alvira Enrique Van den Brule Rosario Sánchez-Yuste Pilar Matallanos Esther Blázquez Jose L Calleja Luis E Abreu 《World journal of gastroenterology : WJG》2014,20(28):9618-9620
Splenic rupture (SR) after colonoscopy is a very rare but potentially serious complication. Delayed diagnosis is common, and may increase morbidity and mortality associated. There is no clear relation between SR and difficult diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, but it has been suggested that loop formation and excessive torquing might be risk factors. This is a case of a 65-year-old woman who underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for lateral spreading tumor in the descending colon, and 36 h afterwards presented symptoms and signs of severe hypotension due to SR. Standard splenectomy was completed and the patient recovered uneventfully. Colorectal ESD is usually a long and position-demanding technique, implying torquing and loop formation. To our knowledge this is the first case of SR after colorectal ESD reported in the literature. Endoscopists performing colorectal ESD in the left colon must be aware of this potential complication. 相似文献
目的 分析内镜黏膜下剥离术( ESD)治疗消化道黏膜浅表性病变的有效性及并发症的危险因素.方法 前瞻性观测上海长海医院应用ESD治疗154例消化道浅表性病变的效果以及并发症发生情况,并对后者发生率较高的出血及其相关危险因素进行统计学分析.结果 完成ESD的145例中,一次性整块切除率100.0%,其中组织学完全治愈性切除率99.3%;9例因术中出血(5例)或穿孔(4例)未能完成ESD.发生术中大量出血6例(6/154,3.9%),少量出血5例(3.2%),术后延迟出血1例(0.6%),消化道穿孔4例(2.6%),消化道狭窄1例(0.6%),以上均经相应治疗后好转,无死亡病例.术后残留1例,经再次ESD治愈.术后8周复查,溃疡愈合率100%;平均随访10.6(8 ~18)个月,无局部复发.ESD出血并发症的独立危险因素为:病变部位(贲门胃底部),病变面积(随着病变面积增大其危险度提高).结论 ESD是治疗消化道浅表性病变安全、有效的方法,严格掌握手术适应证、个体化治疗,有助于降低并发症发生. 相似文献
Naohisa Yoshida Nobuaki Yagi Yuji Naito Toshikazu Yoshikawa 《World journal of gastroenterology : WJG》2010,16(14):1688-1695
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is efficient for en bloc resection of large colorectal tumors. However, it has several technical difficulties, because the wall of the colon is thin and due to the winding nature of the colon. The main complications of ESD comprise postoperative perforation and hemorrhage, similar to endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). In particular, the rate of perforation in ESD is higher than that in EMR. Perforation of the colon can cause fatal peritonitis. Endoscopic clipping is r... 相似文献
目的 探讨胃黏膜病变经内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)后出血情况及其相关危险因素.方法 回顾性分析自2009年1月至2011年10月间215例因胃黏膜病变行ESD患者的相关临床、内镜及病理资料,统计分析以下相关因素:(1)患者相关因素:如性别、年龄、伴发高血压、糖尿病及其他慢性病,既往服用抗凝药物等情况;(2)病变相关因素:病变大小、部位,表面溃疡或瘢痕情况,大体形态,病理类型;(3)操作相关因素:整块切除情况,创面喷洒猪源纤维蛋白粘合剂,操作时间等因素.结果 纳入研究病例对应病变共有223处,有13例患者(13处病变)发生ESD术后出血,其中7例(53.8%)于术后24h内发生出血,5例(38.5%)于术后1周内发生出血,1例(7.7%)发生于术后第16天.通过单因素与多因素分析,病变长度≥5.0 cm(OR值8.663,95%CI:2.081 ~ 36.075)是ESD术后出血的独立危险因素.结论 病变大小为ESD术后出血的独立危险因素,对于较大病变,ESD术中与术后应予重视,同时应优化ESD术前评估使病变最小化以预防术后出血. 相似文献
Sho Suzuki Akiko Chino Teruhito Kishihara Naoyuki Uragami Yoshiro Tamegai Takanori Suganuma Junko Fujisaki Masaaki Matsuura Takao Itoi Takuji Gotoda Masahiro Igarashi Fuminori Moriyasu 《World journal of gastroenterology : WJG》2014,20(7):1839-1845
AIM:To investigate the risk factors for delayed bleeding following endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)treatment for colorectal neoplasms.METHODS:We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 317 consecutive patients with 325 lesions who underwent ESD for superficial colorectal neoplasms at our hospital from January 2009 to June2013.Delayed post-ESD bleeding was defined as bleeding that resulted in overt hematochezia 6 h to 30d after ESD and the observation of bleeding spots as confirmed by repeat colonoscopy or a required blood transfusion.We analyzed the relationship between risk factors for delayed bleeding following ESD and the following factors using univariate and multivariate analyses:age,gender,presence of comorbidities,use of antithrombotic drugs,use of intravenous heparin,resected specimen size,lesion size,lesion location,lesion morphology,lesion histology,the device used,procedure time,and the presence of significant bleeding during ESD.RESULTS:Delayed post-ESD bleeding was found in14 lesions from 14 patients(4.3%of all specimens,4.4%patients).Patients with episodes of delayed postESD bleeding had a mean hemoglobin decrease of2.35 g/dL.All episodes were treated successfully using endoscopic hemostatic clips.Emergency surgery was not required in any of the cases.Blood transfusion was needed in 1 patient(0.3%).Univariate analysis revealed that lesions located in the cecum(P=0.012)and the presence of significant bleeding during ESD(P=0.024)were significantly associated with delayed post-ESD bleeding.The risk of delayed bleeding was higher for larger lesion sizes,but this trend was not statistically significant.Multivariate analysis revealed that lesions located in the cecum(OR=7.26,95%CI:1.99-26.55,P=0.003)and the presence of significant bleeding during ESD(OR=16.41,95%CI:2.60-103.68,P=0.003)were independent risk factors for delayed post-ESD bleeding.CONCLUSION:Location in the cecum and significant bleeding during ESD predispose patients to delayed post-procedural bleeding.Therefore,careful and additional management is recommended for these patients. 相似文献
Tomohiko Ohya Ken Ohata Kazuki Sumiyama Yousuke Tsuji Ikuro Koba Nobuyuki Matsuhashi Hisao Tajiri 《World journal of gastroenterology : WJG》2009,15(48):6086-6090
AIM: To evaluate the usefulness of a balloon overtube to assist colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) using a gastroscope.METHODS: The results of 45 consecutive patients who underwent colorectal ESD were analyzed in a single tertiary endoscopy center. In preoperative evaluation of access to the lesion, difficulties were experienced in the positioning and stabilization of a gastroscope in 15 patients who were thus assigned to the balloonguided ESD group. A balloon overtube was placed with a gastroscope to provide an endoscopic channel to the lesion in cases with preoperatively identified difficulties related to accessibility. Colorectal ESD was performed following standard procedures. A submucosal fluid bleb was created with hyaluronic acid solution. A circumferential mucosal incision was made to marginate the lesion. The isolated lesion was finally excised from the deeper layers with repetitive electrosurgical dissections with needle knives. The success of colorectal ESD,procedural feasibility, and procedure-related complications were the main outcomes and measurements.RESULTS: The overall en bloc excision rate of colorectal ESD during this study at our institution was 95.6%.En bloc excision of the lesion was successfully achieved in 13 of the 15 patients (86.7%) in the balloon overtube-guided colorectal ESD group, which was comparable to the results of the standard ESD group with better accessibility to the lesion (30/30, 100%, not statistically significant).CONCLUSION: Use of a balloon overtube can improve access to the lesion and facilitate scope manipulation for colorectal ESD. 相似文献
Fujishiro M 《World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy》2009,1(1):32-38
Although endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) gains acceptance as one of the standard treatments for esophageal and stomach neoplasms in Japan, it is still in the developing stage for colorectal neoplasms. In terms of indications, little likelihood of nodal metastasis and technical resectability are principally considered. Some of intramucosal neoplasms, carcinomas with minute submucosal invasion, and carcinoid tumors, which are technically unresectable by conventional endoscopic treatments, may become good candidates for ESD, considering substantial risks and obtained benefits. ESD as a staging measure to obtain histological information of the invasion depth and lymphovascular infiltration is acceptable because preoperative prediction is difficult in some cases. In terms of techniques, advantages of ESD in comparison with other endoscopic treatments are to be controllable in size and shape, and to be resectable even in large and fibrotic neoplasms. The disadvantages may be longer procedure time, heavier bleeding, and higher possibility of perforation. However, owing to refinement of the techniques, invention of devices, and the learning curve, acceptable technical safety has been achieved. Colorectal ESD is very promising and become one of the standard treatments for colorectal neoplasms in the near future. 相似文献
Takashi Morimoto Kuang-I Fu Hironori Konuma Yuko Izumi Syujirou Matsuyama Kanako Ogura Akihisa Miyazaki Sumio Watanabe 《World journal of gastroenterology : WJG》2010,16(13):1676-1679
Lipoma is relatively common in the colon but is less often in the small intestine. Most lipomas are incidentally detected at endoscopy and are usually small and asymptomatic. However, some of them can present with obstruction and/or intussusceptions. Surgical resection is commonly recommended to remove such significant lipomas with a limited pedicle and larger than 2 cm in size, as endoscopic resection may result in unfavorable complications such as intestinal perforations. We report a case of 62-year-old m... 相似文献