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目的探讨Delorme术式治疗直肠脱垂的临床效果。方法对2004年1月至2010年10月26例完全性直肠脱垂患者采用Delorme手术治疗的临床资料作回顾性分析。结果零死亡率,复发率为7.69%(2/26)。80%(16/20)肛门失禁患者肛门控便能力提升(最大肛管静息压、最大肛管自主收缩压、最大耐受容积明显增加)。平均住院时间7d(6~10d)。术后无疼痛16例(61.5%),中度7例(26.9%),高度3例(11.5%)。手术满意度高18例(69.2%),中5例(19.2%),低3例(11.5%)。结论 Delorme术式治疗完全性直肠脱垂有术后疼痛轻、复发率低、手术满意度高、肛门控便能力提升等特点。  相似文献   

目的探讨Delorme手术和经腹直肠悬吊固定术治疗直肠脱垂的临床效果。方法对天津市人民医院肛肠外科2008~2012年期间收治的采用上述两种术式治疗35例直肠脱垂的患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果Delorme术较经腹直肠悬吊固定术住院天数明显缩短(13.76±4.55比23.61±6.39d,P=0.00),且住院费用明显降低(14511.00±5034.71比21812.00±5199.97元,P=0.00),术后便秘的患者也明显较少发生(2/17比5/13,P=0.042),两种术式其他术后并发症发生率差异无统计学意义,Delorme术组有3例患者手术治疗无效,总的手术疗效较经腹直肠悬吊固定术组较差(P=0.047),两组术式中最大静息压、最大压榨压术后较术前明显增大(P〈0.05),最大耐受容积术后较术前明显下降(P〈0.05),两种术式初始容积术后和术前无明显差异(P〉0.05)。结论两种术式术后直肠肛门功能均明显改善,Delorrae手术组住院天数少,手术费用低,术后便秘并发症发生率较低,但其复发率较高,临床医生术前应对患者仔细评估病情,选择恰当的手术术式。  相似文献   

目的探讨一种有效治疗完全性直肠脱垂伴随肛门失禁的外科治疗方法。方法2000年1月至2009年12月,30例完全性直肠脱垂伴发肛门失禁患者入院后进行肛门指诊、肛门测压(最大静息压MRP和最大收缩压MSP)和排粪造影的评估,30例均进行了直肠悬吊固定和肛提肌折叠术。观察术中的手术时间、出血量、并发症、复发情况及手术前后肛门测压值的变化。结果30例患者手术均顺利完成,平均手术时间65.5(60~90)min,出血量75(60—100)ml,本组无手术死亡发生,但术后1例切口感染,2例尿潴留,并发症发生率为10%。29例大便失禁改善,术后3个月所有患者MRP和MSP均改善,术前及术后MRP分别为2-30(26.6±2.40)mmHg和2~60(32.5±2.23)mmHg(P=0.007),MSP术前及术后分别为8-152(69.3±6.50)mmHg和35~158(79.5±4.18)mmHg(P=0.001)。平均随访69个月,效果满意,均无复发。结论直肠悬吊固定和肛提肌折叠术不仅治愈了直肠脱垂而且改善了大便失禁,此术式安全有效。  相似文献   

为观察改良Delorme术治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂的疗效,对16例成人完全性直肠脱垂患者行改良Delorme术治疗。结果显示,16例均顺利完成手术,无手术死亡病例。平均手术时间为75min(60∽110min),平均住院时间为6d(5~9d)。15例一次性手术治愈,1例在随访过程中复发,再次采用PPH治愈。结果表明,改良后的Delorme术式治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂,患者痛苦小,手术操作简便,手术时间和住院时间明显缩短,住院费用低,手术安全性高,且术后控便能力明显提高,复发率低,患者满意度高。  相似文献   

为探讨吻合器痔上黏膜环切术(PPH)治疗直肠黏膜内脱垂的安全性及疗效,回顾性分析40例直肠黏膜内脱垂患者行PPH治疗的临床资料。结果显示,治愈11例,好转21例,无效8例,有效率为80%。1例术后第7天出现吻合口出血,经缝扎止血。术后随访0.5~3年,无肛门狭窄和肛门失禁。结果表明,PPH治疗直肠黏膜内脱垂安全、有效。  相似文献   

目的 比较STARR术与Bresler术治疗出口梗阻型便秘(ODS)的短期疗效.方法 回顾性分析并比较由直肠前突和/或直肠内脱垂引起的女性出口梗阻型便秘患者行STARR手术或者Bresler手术的临床资料各30例.结果 STARR术平均手术时间14~31 min,平均(23±4)min,术中出血量5~15 ml,平均(10±3)ml.术后住院时间4~7d,平均5d.术后2例直肠肛门疼痛,其中l例持续至术后6个月;5例轻度大便失禁(肛门失禁评分小于3),均自行恢复;1例吻合口轻度出血.术后均随访6个月,临床疗效评估满意度为76%.Bresler术平均手术时间15~30 min,平均(22±5)min,术中出血量5~15 ml,平均(10 ±2) ml.术后住院时间4~6d,平均5d.术后3例直肠肛门疼痛,其中1例持续至术后6个月;4例轻度大便失禁(肛门失禁评分小于3),均自行恢复;2例直肠切割线轻度出血.术后均随访6个月,临床疗效评估满意度为73%.两种手术方式在平均手术时间、术中出血量、术后平均住院时间以及短期临床效果评估上差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 对经严格筛选的ODS患者,两种手术方式短期治疗效果相当,但二者长期疗效比较尚需进一步论证.  相似文献   

目的探讨Delorme手术治疗完全性直肠脱垂的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2010年4月至2012年4月实施Delorme手术治疗直肠脱垂14例患者(女性8例、男性6例)。使用SPSS 13.0软件分析,采用χ2检验,对比Delorme术对14例患者术前术后便秘和失禁两方面变化,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果 14例患者手术成功,平均手术时间50 min(40~80 min)。随访平均20个月(6~26个月),随访率100%。1例患者(7.1%)术后5个月复发。3例术前便秘患者1例好转,失禁患者未见改变,经过术前术后便秘和失禁两方面对比研究发现,Delorme手术对患者便秘和失禁没有明显改善,(χ2=0.235、0.551,P>0.05)。结论 Delorme手术治疗直肠脱垂手术安全,并发症少,因为病例数较少是否能够改善便秘和失禁尚不确切。  相似文献   

目的:比较 Delorme 术与 PPH 联合直肠周围三间隙硬化剂注射术治疗Ⅱ度直肠脱垂的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析 30 例Ⅱ度直肠脱垂患者,15 例应用 Delorme 术治疗,15 例应用 PPH 联合直肠周围三间隙硬化剂注射术治疗,比较两种手术方法治疗Ⅱ度直肠脱垂的临床疗效及手术相关问题。结果:两组在总有效率、平均住院时间、术后肛门功能改善方面无显著差异(P>0.05)。Delorme 术组术中出血量(100.0±15.5)mL、手术时间(60.0±11.3)min、治疗费用(8023.5±201.5)元与 PPH 术组术中出血量(25.0±8.6)mL、手术时间(45.0±9.2)min、治疗费用(11 016.5±276.9)元比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:两组手术治疗Ⅱ度直肠脱垂均安全有效,手术操作均相对简单,各有优缺点,Delorme 术组在病例选择面及费用方面占优,PPH 术组在手术时间、出血量方面占优。二组术后均可改善肛门功能,但改善程度不一,个体差异较大。  相似文献   

目的评估改良Gant-Miwa联合肛门环缩手术治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂的疗效。方法回顾性分析2005年9月至2012年1月间在杭州市第三人民医院接受改良Gant-Miwa联合肛门环缩手术治疗的3l例成人直肠脱垂患者的临床资料。通过肛管直肠测压和Kirwan分级来评价术后肛门功能。结果31例患者手术顺利,手术时间50-165(平均75)min,术中失血量20-80(平均50)ml。术后直肠脱垂症状均消失,无大出血、肛周脓肿、肛瘘、腹腔感染及泌尿生殖功能障碍等并发症发生及围手术期死亡病例,7例出现尿潴留。术后便秘症状缓解率为61.5%(8/13),排粪困难缓解率为69.6%(16/23)。术后2个月,28例患者接受肛管直肠测压,结果显示,直肠感觉阈值和直肠最大耐受量较术前明显降低.肛管静息压和肛管收缩压与术前相比无明显改变。术后6个月,30例患者进行肛门功能Kirwan评级,Ⅰ级22例,Ⅱ级8例。术后26例患者接受了平均2.5年的随访,2例直肠脱垂复发。结论改良Gant-Miwa联合肛门环缩术治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂操作简便、创伤小、术后并发症少、复发率较低,对于年老体弱、合并基础疾病、一般情况欠佳以及不愿经腹手术的患者尤为适宜。  相似文献   

为探讨经吻合器痔上黏膜环切术(PPH)治疗直肠黏膜内脱垂的效果,采用吻合器对76例直肠黏膜内脱垂患者行PPH,术后随访6~24个月。结果显示,治愈65例(85.5%),显效8例(10.5%),无效3例(4.0%),总有效率96.0%。其中2例3个月后再行PPH,术后均显效。手术时间20~30min,住院时间3d,无1例出血。结果表明,PPH治疗直肠黏膜内脱垂效果确切,创伤小,操作简便,恢复快。  相似文献   

Long-term follow-up of the modified Delorme procedure for rectal prolapse   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
HYPOTHESIS: The modified Delorme operation is a safe, effective, and durable treatment for complete rectal prolapse. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of outcomes in adult patients undergoing the modified Delorme operation. SETTING: Community-based tertiary referral center with a 5-year general surgery residency program. PATIENTS: A total of 52 consecutive patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of complete rectal prolapse during the 26-year period ending December 2001. INTERVENTIONS: Modified Delorme operation.Main Outcomes Measured Method of anesthesia, morbidity, mortality, recurrence rates, length of follow-up, and incontinence. RESULTS: In the 52 patients, the mean length of prolapse was 8.2 cm. The mean operating time was 75 minutes. Forty-five patients were administered general anesthesia, 4 were administered spinal anesthesia, and 3 were administered local anesthesia. The mean postoperative stay was 4.9 days for 1975 through 2001 and 2.8 days for 1990 through 2001. No patients died as a result of the procedure. Patients were followed up for 61.4 months. Major medical comorbidities occurred in 40 patients. Preoperative incontinence was present in 12 patients, 10 of whom improved after the procedure, and postoperative incontinence in 8. The recurrent postoperative prolapse rate at 5 years was 6% (3/52) and the recurrent postoperative prolapse rate to the end of the study was 10% (5/52). Two patients (4%) had complications that required operative intervention in the postoperative period. CONCLUSIONS: The modified Delorme operation is a safe and effective surgical treatment for complete rectal prolapse. The risk of recurrent prolapse is low, and the procedure may be safely performed in patients with significant medical comorbidities.  相似文献   

The results of surgical treatment of rectal prolapse in 50 consecutive adult patients were evaluated. The mean age of the patients was 51.8 +/- 15.9 years. 8 of the patients were males. 13 of the patients had recurrent prolapse after operations performed earlier elsewhere. There were 4 types of operations: Delorme's mucosal sleeve resection (n = 21), perineal rectosigmoidectomy (n = 7), low anterior resection (n = 12) and abdominal rectopexy (n = 10). There was no operative mortality. The main postoperative complications were perforation or stricture of the rectum in the Delorme group and ileus and anastomotic complications in the low anterior resection group. The frequency of postoperative complications was clearly highest in the low anterior resection group (67%). Follow-up examination was performed 5.2 +/- 3.9 years postoperatively. The recurrence rate of prolapse was highest after perineal operations. Fecal incontinence was almost always associated with recurrence of prolapse and its incidence increased with reoperation. In conclusion, abdominal rectopexy was superior to other forms of operation in the treatment of rectal prolapse. Successfull correction of rectal prolapse does not necessarily rule out the need for later surgery for faecal incontinence.  相似文献   

Background Laparoscopic rectopexy offers the advantages of the open transabdominal approach while decreasing the surgical comorbidity. The aim of this prospective study was to assess the clinical and functional outcome of laparoscopic Wells procedure for full-thickness rectal prolapse. Methods Between 1999 and 2005, 77 patients underwent laparoscopic modified Wells procedure for full-thickness rectal prolapse. The patients were evaluated postoperatively for resolution of their prolapse and functional outcome, as well as for their satisfaction level regarding the procedure. Results Laparoscopy was successful in all but one case. There were no major intra- or postoperative complications and the mean hospital stay was 4.9 days. Approximately half of the patients had some degree of fecal incontinence preoperatively. At long-term follow up, 89 percent experienced alleviation of symptoms. Constipation was improved in 36% of cases. Eighteen percent of the patients suffered a new onset of constipation. Recurrent prolapse was observed in one patient. Ninety percent of the patients were satisfied at long-term follow-up. Conclusion The laparoscopic Wells procedure for rectal prolapse had good functional results, a low recurrence rate and proved to be a feasible and safe procedure. Postoperative constipation remains a problem, which should be solved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The main aim was to examine constipation and anal incontinence in patients before and after resection for external rectal prolapse. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty patients had ligament preserving suture rectopexy and sigmoid resection (resection rectopexy) for external rectal prolapse by laparoscopic (n = 15) or open (n = 5) technique during 2001-2005. They were prospectively evaluated for constipation and anal incontinence using validated incontinence and KESS-constipation scores. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Constipation score was significantly reduced from mean 7.7 (5.4-9.9) to 4.5 (2.5-6.4) after median 4 months (1-19) and to 4.3 (2.2-6.3) after median 17 months (4-51). Six and four patients were constipated preoperatively and 17 months postoperatively, respectively. The four symptoms feeling incomplete evacuation of stool, minutes in lavatory per attempt, use of enemas/digitation and painful evacuation effort were significantly reduced, whilst stool consistency increased. Fourteen patients (70%) had anal incontinence. Corresponding and significant reduction in their scores were from mean 12.5 (9.4-15.5) to 5.1 (2.1-8.1) and to 3.6 (1.3-5.9). Incontinence was improved in 13 and unaltered in one patient(s). Two patients with worse outcome had increased stool consistency and constipation scores. Resection rectopexy for rectal prolapse reduced anal incontinence and constipation.  相似文献   

目的:评价腹腔镜改良直肠前切除术治疗重度直肠脱垂的临床效果与应用价值。方法:回顾分析为25例确诊为成人完全型重度直肠脱垂患者行腹腔镜改良直肠前切除术的临床资料,分析治疗效果。结果:25例手术均获成功。手术时间平均(110.0±19.0)min,出血量平均(80.0±20.5)ml,切除标本长度平均(18.5±3.0)cm,术后平均住院(7.0±3.3)d。无严重并发症发生,平均随访(36.0±11.3)个月,23例(92.0%)无复发,2例(8.0%)轻度复发。结论:腹腔镜改良直肠前切除术治疗成人重度直肠脱垂安全、可靠,疗效确切,复发率低,具有明显的微创优势,临床疗效较满意。  相似文献   

We report the results of a procedure aimed at correcting the disorders of rectal and perineal tone responsible for the descending perineum syndrome (DPS). The procedure, carried out by the perineal approach, combines a posterior intersphincteric sacro-rectopexy, an anterior perineoplasty via a pre-anal levator myorraphie, a posterior perineoplasty using a post anal repair technique and a mucosal resection aimed at freeing the anal canal. 22 F and 1 M, mean age 68 years, with DPS were operated on. Digitised rectography demonstrated pathological perineal descent (greater than 3 cm) in all cases and posterior rectal angulation at rest of more than 25 degrees (normal less than 10 degrees) confirming an important deterioration in perineal tone. Results after a mean follow up of 12 months (6 to 30 months) were excellent, with objective improvement in rectal bleeding, pain, mucosal prolapse and anal incontinence. In spite of an almost constant return to normal in the number of stools and their facility of evacuation improvement in the dyschesic syndrome (78% of patients) was subjectively variable. Improvement was judged to be very good in 34%, good in 33%, fair in 11%. Healing of mucosal lesions: solitary ulcer (n = 2), rectal inflammation (n = 2), ulcerated mucosal prolapse (n = 3) occurred in all cases within 1 month. Post operative rectography demonstrated a significant decrease in posterior rectal angulation and ano-coccygeal distance confirming the efficacy of the anatomical correction. No serious complications, in particular, infections, were noted under appropriate prophylactic antibiotic cover (Piperacillin) continued up to D5.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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