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Behrman A  Sulica L  He T 《The Laryngoscope》2004,114(10):1693-1700
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To assess factors that may be predictive of patient perception of dysphonia severity, as quantified by the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) score. We hypothesize that 1) level of vocal demand; 2) auditory-perceptual evaluation of dysphonia severity; and 3) vocal function, as defined by phonatory glottal closure and mucosal wave vibration, are the most significant predictors of VHI score. STUDY DESIGN:: Retrospective review of 100 patients with benign vocal fold lesions. METHODS: Variables assessed for predictive value to VHI score are level of vocal demands, auditory-perceptual evaluation of dysphonia severity, integrity of mucosal wave vibration and phonatory glottal closure, lesion type, duration of current complaint, smoking, age, and sex. Harmonic to noise ratio was assessed in a subset of 50 patients. RESULTS: Patients with routine voice use had significantly lower VHI scores than those with more intensive (nonsinging/acting) vocal demands. Patients who quit smoking had greater VHI scores than those who currently smoke or never started. Patients with long-standing dysphonia tended to have lower VHI scores than those with shorter duration vocal complaints. Auditory-perceptual assessment of dysphonia severity and harmonic to noise ratio were weak predictors of VHI score. Age, sex, lesion type, phonatory glottal closure, and mucosal wave vibration were not significant predictors of VHI score. CONCLUSIONS: Patient perception of dysphonia severity is independent of many factors commonly assessed during the evaluation of voice disorders. It appears to be an important independent element in the assessment of the effect of a benign vocal fold lesion and critical to therapeutic decision-making.  相似文献   



To evaluate through a multidimensional protocol voice changes after voice therapy in patients with benign vocal fold lesions.


65 consecutive patients affected by benign vocal fold lesions were enrolled. Depending on videolaryngostroboscopy the patients were divided into 3 groups: 23 patients with Reinke's oedema, 22 patients with vocal fold cysts and 20 patients with gelatinous polyp. Each subject received 10 voice therapy sessions and was evaluated, before and after voice therapy, through a multidimensional protocol including videolaryngostroboscopy, perception, acoustics, aerodynamics and self-rating by the patient. Data were compared using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Kruskal–Wallis test was used to analyse the mean variation difference between the three groups of patients. Mann–Whitney test was used for post hoc analysis.


Only in 11 cases videolaryngostroboscopy revealed an improvement of the initial pathology. However a significant improvement was observed in perceptual, acoustic and self-assessment ratings in the 3 groups of patients. In particular the parameters of G, R and A of the GIRBAS scale, and the noise to harmonic ratio, Jitter and shimmer scores improved after rehabilitation. A significant improvement of all the parameters of Voice Handicap Index after rehabilitation treatment was found. No significant difference among the three groups of patients was visible, except for self-assessment ratings.


Voice therapy may provide a significant improvement in perceptual, acoustic and self-assessed voice quality in patients with benign glottal lesions. Utilization of voice therapy may allow some patients to avoid surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Self‐assessment of voice therapy for chronic dysphonia The effects of voice therapy in a group of chronically dysphonic patients are determined using two quality‐of‐life (QOL) instruments: the Voice Handicap Index (VHI), and a simple three‐item outcome scale (three visual analogue scales). Both instruments measure changes in the quality of the voice itself and in the extent of impairment resulting from the dysphonia as experienced by the patient in social and occupational settings. Statistical tests conducted on pre‐ and post‐treatment data indicated significant improvements on both instruments for the group as a whole. At the individual level, however, the effects were diverse. For roughly 50% of the subjects, a significant improvement could be established. The positive changes as measured with the three‐item scale were greater than those measured with the VHI. The results suggest that the two QOL instruments measure slightly different aspects of the subjective perception of the therapy effects. In order to obtain a general evaluation of the patient's handicap, it may suffice to ask some simple questions.  相似文献   

Benign vocal cord lesions affect vibratory vocal fold function resulting in significant dysphonia. A prospective study of 30 patients with benign vocal fold lesions was undertaken at our centre to compare the pre and post operative voice using videostroboscopy, voice analysis and voice handicap index. The vibratory pattern of the cord improved as evidenced by the stroboscopic parameters-symmetry, mucosal wave and glottic closure (p<0.05). Voice analysis showed a trend towards normalcy but the values obtained did not attain statistical significance. Voice handicap index showed a reduction in the total and the subscales scores. Videostroboscopy along with acoustic analysis and voice handicap index are useful tools in the objective and subjective assessment of the effectiveness of treatment in patients with benign vocal cord lesions. Their routine use in a voice clinic is recommended.  相似文献   

Lam PK  Chan KM  Ho WK  Kwong E  Yiu EM  Wei WI 《The Laryngoscope》2006,116(7):1192-1198
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Recent developments in voice assessment propose the use of quality of life measurements. The Voice Handicap Index (VHI) is one of the most psychometrically robust and well-studied instruments among the various instruments for measuring quality of life. Two versions of VHI (VHI-30 and VHI-10) have been shown to be valid instruments for distinguishing dysphonic from nondysphonic individuals and also for documenting treatment effect for dysphonic patients. The VHI has been used worldwide; however, the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of VHI remains untested. This study aimed to investigate such properties of the Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10 in the Hong Kong Chinese population. STUDY DESIGN: Psychometric analysis of the Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10 in dysphonic patients and control subjects. METHODS: The original VHI-30 was translated into Chinese and was completed by 131 dysphonic patients and 54 nondysphonic individuals. The dysphonic patients also self-rated their dysphonic severity. RESULTS: Results showed high test-retest reliability and high item-total correlation for both Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10. Both Chinese versions could be used to distinguish different dysphonic groups and between dysphonic and nondysphonic groups. Significant correlation was found between the VHI scores and the patients' self-rated dysphonic severity. CONCLUSION: The present study supported the original three-factorial structures of the VHI-30 and the use of the VHI for the Chinese population. It is shown that the Chinese VHI-10 is a strong representation of VHI-30 and is recommended for use in clinics because of its validity and ease of use by patients.  相似文献   

Objective The larynx may receive high doses of radiation even in the absence of disease. Preliminary investigation has provided evidence that significant voice alterations exist in patients who received radiotherapy (RT) for non‐laryngeal tumors of the head and neck. This study evaluates subjective and objective parameters of vocal function in this patient population compared with a control group of patients irradiated for early glottic tumors. Study Design Retrospective cohort study. Methods Vocal function in patients irradiated for non‐laryngeal and early glottic tumors was assessed in a comprehensive manner and compared. Microanalytical and macroanalytical acoustic analyses, aerodynamic measurements, and videostroboscopy were performed on vowel production data. The Voice Handicap Index was administered for self‐assessment of voice quality. All subjects were male, smokers, and greater than 12 months post‐RT. Results Seventeen patients with non‐laryngeal tumors and 13 patients with early glottic tumors were evaluated. Microanalytical acoustic parameters were worse for 75% (6 of 8) of the acoustic measures of vowel production in the non‐laryngeal group. These include jitter, relative amplitude perturbation, amplitude perturbation quotient, normalized noise energy, pitch amplitude, and spectral flatness ratio. Macroanalytical acoustic analyses revealed no difference in fundamental frequency but numerically smaller phonational frequency range in the non‐laryngeal group. All aerodynamic measures, including mean phonation time, mean airflow, and vocal fold diadochokinetic rate, were decreased in the non‐laryngeal group. Videostroboscopy demonstrated increased supraglottic activity in the non‐laryngeal group. Voice handicap was significantly greater in the non‐laryngeal group. Conclusions When compared with patients receiving RT for early glottic tumors, there is objective and subjective evidence of vocal dysfunction in patients treated with wide‐field RT for non‐laryngeal tumors.  相似文献   

IntroductionVocal fold polyp is a benign proliferative disease in the superficial lamina propria of the vocal fold, and vocal microsurgery can improve the voice quality of patients with vocal fold polyp. In preliminary studies, we found that vocal training could improve the vocal quality of patients with early vocal fold polyp.ObjectiveThis study aimed to compare the efficacies of vocal training and vocal microsurgery in patients with early vocal fold polyp.MethodsA total of 38 patients with early vocal fold polyp underwent 3 months of vocal training (VT group); another 31 patients with early vocal fold polyp underwent vocal microsurgery (VM group). All subjects were assessed using laryngostroboscopy, voice handicap index, and dysphonia severity index, and the efficacies of vocal training and vocal microsurgery were compared.ResultsThe cure rates of vocal training and vocal microsurgery were 31.6% (12/38) and 100% (31/31), respectively. The intragroup paired-sample t-test showed that the post treatment vocal handicap index, maximum phonation time, highest frequency (F0-high), lowest intensity (I-low), and dysphonia severity index in both the VT and VM groups were better than those before treatment, except for the jitter value. The intergroup independent-sample t-test revealed that the emotional values of vocal handicap index (t = ? 2.22, p = 0.03), maximum phonation time (t = 2.54, p = 0.013), jitter (t = ? 2.11, p = 0.03), and dysphonia severity index (t = 3.24, p = 0.002) in the VT group were better than those in the VM group.ConclusionsBoth, vocal training and vocal microsurgery could improve the voice quality of patients with early vocal fold polyp, and these methods present different advantages.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Micronized Alloderm (Cymetra) is a relatively new product used for vocal fold augmentation. Previous studies evaluating possible long-term effectiveness of this product have shown mixed results. The objective of this present study is to reassess possible long-term results of Cymetra injection laryngoplasty in patients with unilateral true vocal fold paralysis. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of patients with unilateral true vocal fold paralysis who received Cymetra injection laryngoplasty between March 2001 and March 2004. METHODS: Preoperative voice samples and videostroboscopic findings were compared with the most recently available postoperative data to assess efficacy of the procedure. A panel of voice experts analyzed both vocal and vibratory function in these samples. In addition, pre- and postoperative voice-related quality of life measures and patients' self-ratings of voice outcomes were compared. RESULTS: Twenty patients (7 male, 13 female; 14 with left-sided paralysis, 6 with right-sided paralysis) were identified in the study population. Cymetra injection was performed an average of 45.1 months after onset of vocal fold paralysis (range -216 months), and average follow-up postinjection was 11.2 (range -35) months. Comparing pre- and postoperative measures, voice quality (P < .0001), glottal closure (P < .0001), and degree of vocal fold bowing (P < .0001) were all improved by injection. Quality of life measures and patients' self-perceptions of vocal quality were also improved (P < .01). Fifteen (75%) patients showed long-lasting results. Eight patients showed improvement for more than 12 months after injection. CONCLUSION: Cymetra injection laryngoplasty offers improved vocal and vibratory function to patients with unilateral true vocal fold paralysis. The benefits of such medialization may be longer lasting than previously reported, and further long-term study is warranted.  相似文献   

Unilateral vocal cord palsy can result in a weak breathy voice and an inability to communicate effectively. This study was designed to assess prospectively the efficacy of polymethylsiloxane elastomer (Bioplastique?) medialization injection therapy in patients with vocal cord palsy and terminal disease with particular regard to quality of life issues. Patients with unilateral vocal cord palsy secondary to malignant disease were offered Bioplastique? injection. A digital voice recording was taken preoperatively and at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months postoperatively. Maximum phonation time (MPT) was recorded at the same intervals, and patients completed two questionnaires: the voice handicap index (VHI) and SF 36 general health questionnaire. Sixteen patients were entered into the study. There was a significant improvement in voice score, MPT, VHI and in three subgroups of the SF 36 at 1 month postoperatively, and the improvement was maintained in the small number who survived to 3 and 6 months. Bioplastique? injection for unilateral vocal cord palsy produces a significant improvement in quality of life in addition to measured voice quality in patients with terminal disease. It should be recommended in patients even when the life expectancy is short.  相似文献   

Objective/Hypothesis: To investigate the quality of life (QoLF) status of Taiwanese adults with unilateral vocal cord paralysis (UVCP). Study Design: A prospective, QoLF survey in a tertiary referral voice center. Methods: Fifty‐five consecutive UVCP patients were evaluated with Medical Outcome Study Short Form‐36 (SF‐36) Health Survey and the voice outcome survey at entry. Results: UVCP patients have significantly lower scores in all eight SF‐36 subscales (P < .05) than do normative Taiwan adult population, particularly in role functioning‐physical problems, social functioning, and role functioning‐emotional problems. Shimmer parameter is a robust and consistent predictor for bodily pain (β = ?20.8), role functioning‐emotional problems (β = ?27.9), and social functioning (β = ?20) general health dimensions. Shimmer is also predictive of UVCP‐related total voice outcome survey score (β = ?8.6, P < .05). Conclusions: UVCP can seriously compromise phonation, swallowing, and social functions; thus significantly impacting a patient's general health status. Voice physiological function is also a QoLF outcome indicator.  相似文献   

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