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Anterior glenoid fractures associated with glenohumeral instability are normally treated with open fixation of the fragment. However, recent technical development enables this procedure to be performed under arthroscopic control using screws or even suture anchors if the fragment is small enough. We developed a unique method of stabilizing a larger fragment with suture anchors and the use of a clear imaging method of three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) with the humeral head eliminated, preoperatively and postoperatively. In the present article, we report a detailed method of arthroscopic stabilization for a consecutive series of 8 patients, with an average of 27% bone loss (fragment size) against the lower part of the circular glenoid portion, using suture anchors.  相似文献   

The advancement of suture anchor design and technology has fostered the transition from open to arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Current suture-bridging constructs have greatly surpassed the biomechanical strength parameters of transosseous repairs and have shown impressive healing rates after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. This review describes this evolution and discusses the important characteristics of suture anchors.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic Bankart repair performed using suture anchors most closely mimics open repair techniques. One of the challenges with the arthroscopic technique is tying consistent, good-quality arthroscopic knots. The unique Knotless Suture Anchor (Mitek Products, Westwood, MA) and method of use for arthroscopic Bankart repair is described. The Knotless Suture Anchor has a short loop of suture secured to the tail end of the anchor. A channel is located at the tip of the anchor that functions to capture the loop of suture after it has been passed through the ligament. The ligament is tensioned as the anchor is inserted into bone to the appropriate depth. The doubled suture configuration that is created with the loop increases the suture strength in the Knotless Suture Anchor compared with standard suture anchors with the same size suture. To my knowledge, this article describes the first knotless suture anchor. A secure, low-profile repair can be created without arthroscopic knot tying.Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 17, No 2 (February), 2001: pp 213–218  相似文献   

Fractures of the coronoid process of the ulna generally occur in relatively high-energy injuries and are commonly associated with injuries to other structures around the elbow. Damage to the coronoid process in addition to other elbow structures may complicate treatment. Several approaches have been used in the management of coronoid process fractures. This paper reports a method of coronoid process fracture fixation using suture anchors.  相似文献   

With the arthroscope in the posterior portal, several suture loops are passed through the rotator cuff via the superior lateral portal before the first anchor is inserted. The suture loop is created by passing both free ends of a No. 2 monofilament (48-inch Prolene, Ethilon, or PDS; Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) suture into an arthroscopic suture passing device. The free ends and the loop of each suture loop are temporarily transferred into the anterior cannula. Anchor insertion and passage of the anchored sutures are performed from posterior to anterior. With standard suture anchors, the loop end of the suture loop must be located on the undersurface of the cuff. The suture anchors are inserted one at a time through the superior lateral portal and are placed into the prepared holes. Anchored sutures are temporarily pulled out through the inferior lateral portal. Next, the free ends of the most posterior suture loop are retrieved through the superior lateral portal. The looped end of this suture loop is retrieved through the inferior lateral portal. The suture loop is used to shuttle a single anchored suture through the rotator cuff and out through the superior lateral portal. Then, the other anchored suture is retrieved through the superior lateral portal with a suture grasper and tied.  相似文献   

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