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经基因诊断确诊的遗传性压迫易感性神经病临床特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究经基因诊断确诊的遗传性压迫易感性神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)患者的临床特点和电生理特征。方法 对来自4个家系的5例HNPP患者进行基因诊断,并总结患者的临床特点,同时分析其电生理特征,包括肌电图(EMG)、运动神经传导速度(MCV)和感觉神经传导速度(SCV)。结果 5例患者均存在周围髓鞘蛋白22(peripheralmyelinationprotein22,PMP22)基因缺失。HNPP临床主要表现为反复发作的肢体麻木、无力,神经传导存在广泛异常。结论电生理检查对HNPP的诊断很重要,基因检测发现PMP22基因缺失是诊断HNPP的金标准。  相似文献   

目的观察经基因检测的遗传性压力易感性神经病(HNPP)的临床及神经电生理变化特点。方法评估6个家系12例HNPP患者的病史、体格检查、电生理及PMP22基因检测资料。结果男4例,女8例,年龄10~52岁;表现为反复发作的易卡压周围神经受到轻微牵拉或压迫后出现运动感觉障碍;神经电生理检查示广泛神经传导异常,其中以尺神经、正中神经传导减慢发生率高;HNPP患者的PMP22基因起始拷贝数值波动于0.16~0.38之间,低于正常对照组(0.45~1.68)。结论 HNPP多数以易受压部位起病,表现无力麻木症状;电生理检查对HNPP的诊断有重要意义,特点主要为弥漫性神经传导速度减慢;基因检测提示国人HNPP的常见病因是PMP22缺失。  相似文献   

多发性硬化周围神经损害的临床和肌电图研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的研究多发性硬化(MS)周围神经损害的临床及肌电图(EMG)特点?方法回顾性分析29例MS患者的临床及EMG检查资料。结果本组18例(62.1%)有周围神经损害的临床表现和/或EMG异常,其中肢体麻木16例(88.9%)、肢体乏力11例(61.1%)、神经根性疼痛5例(27.8%)、自主冲经损害症状3例(16.7%)、饮水呛咳和吞咽困难2例(11.1%);腱反射减低11例(61.1%)、末梢或根型感觉障碍9例(50%)、肌力减低7例(38.9%)、肌萎缩4例(22.2%)、咽反射减低1例(5.6%).其发病年龄、病程、冲经功能缺损程度及预后与11例不伴周围神经损害的MS患者基本相似、EMG检查发现自发电位4例(13.8%),运动单位电位波幅增高、时限延长8例(27.6%)、运动神经传导速度减慢15例(51.7%)、感觉神经传导速度减慢13例(44.8%)、波幅减低9例(31.1%)、远端潜伏期延长5例(17.2%)、经皮质类固醇等治疗周围神经损害症状除1例双下肢麻木外,其余均随病情好转而恢复。结论部分MS患者伴周围神经损害表现,可随病情好转而恢复;EMG可帮助判断周围神经损害的部位和程度。  相似文献   

目的报道一家系2例遗传性压迫易感性周围神经病(HNPP),以提高对本病的认识及诊断水平。方法 2例均行详细肌电图、运动及感觉神经传导速度、运动神经远端潜伏期测定。结果例1,临床表现为右足反复的压迫或牵拉后无力和麻木;例2,为例1姐姐,11 y前发病,现查体无周围神经病表现。2例电生理检查示广泛性神经传导速度减慢,特别是周围神经易嵌压部位运动传导速度减慢更明显,运动神经远端潜伏期延长,包括临床未受累的神经。结论神经电生理检查是诊断HNPP重要的筛选手段,确诊有赖于腓肠神经活检的典型病理表现及基因检测。  相似文献   

<正>遗传性压力易感性周围神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)是周围神经系统的常染色体显性遗传疾病,具有明显的遗传及临床异质性,通常由轻微事件(轻微牵拉、压迫及外伤)引起的复发性压迫性单神经或多神经损害的周围神经病变,其中腓总神经损害及尺神经损害是最常见的表现,约占70%,臂丛神经损害约占10%~25%~([1]),但是国内以臂丛神经损害为表现的HNPP报道较少,2016年赵冰等~([2])曾报道过3例以臂丛神经损害为表现的  相似文献   

遗传性压力敏感性周围神经病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传性压力敏感性周围神经病(HNPP)是一种常染色体显性遗传的周围神经病。HNPP的分子基础是染色体17p11.2区的一个1.5Mb片段缺失。临床特点为反复发作的在易卡压部位神经受压后,受累神经所支配区域出现运动感觉障碍。本病早期准确诊断后采取预防措施可减少发作。本文就HNPP的病因、临床特点及诊断等作一综述。  相似文献   

遗传性压力易感性周围神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)是一种常染色体显性遗传疾病,由De Jong于1947年首先描述.Chance等[1]1993年发现HNPP与含有PMP22基因的染色体17p11.2的缺失有关.HNPP临床上表现为肢体轻微受压即可发生反复发作的单神经或多神经麻痹,可有运动和感觉障碍,压迫性麻痹常累及尺神经、桡神经和腓总神经,多数病例可自行好转,一般在数周或数月后缓慢恢复.  相似文献   

目的探讨双侧面神经麻痹伴感觉异常(BFP)的临床特点。方法对1例BFP患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果本例患者为青年男性,急性起病,以双侧面神经麻痹及肢体远端感觉异常为主要表现,腱反射减弱/消失。腰穿CSF检查提示蛋白-细胞分离,EMG示右拇短展肌神经源性损害和双下肢F波延迟。结论患者出现双侧面神经麻痹合并肢体远端感觉异常,伴有腱反射减弱/消失,但无眼外肌麻痹、共济失调和肢体/颈部无力时,结合CSF、EMG检查,应考虑BFP可能。  相似文献   

遗传性压力易感性周围神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)在临床上由轻微的甚至难以觉察的损伤所诱发,以易嵌压部位的反复发作的神经麻痹为特点。临床神经电生理检查显示,无论17p11.2的PMP22基因存在缺失者临床上有无症状,以及临床上神经是否受累及,患者均可能出现感觉神经传导速度及运动神经传导速度减慢,  相似文献   

目的探讨Ullrich型先天性肌营养不良的临床及病理学特点。方法回顾性分析1例Ullrich型先天性肌营养不良患儿的临床资料,并结合相关文献进行复习。结果患儿自出生起肌张力低下,伴有近端关节挛缩、远端关节弹性过度。生化检查示血磷酸肌酸激酶轻度增高。EMG示肌源性损害(近端肌)肌电改变为主,伴轻度神经源损害(下肢远端肌)。基因二代测序示存在COL6A3基因杂合核苷酸变异,为剪切变异;其父母未见异常。肌肉病理示骨骼肌呈肌营养不良样病理改变。肌肉MRI示双侧小腿及大腿肌肉呈弥漫脂肪浸润伴水肿改变,肌营养不良可能。结论本例患者为杂合子新生突变,是先天性肌营养不良的一个亚型。临床表现以近端关节挛缩、远端关节弹性过度为主要特点。EMG、基因、肌肉病理及肌肉MRI检查有助于本病的诊断。  相似文献   

目的分析3个肯尼迪病(Kennedy disease,KD)家系的临床、基因及遗传特征。方法收集3个KD家系患者的详细病史、体格检查、血生化及电生理检查等资料,用基因分析的方法测定先证者及家族成员雄性激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)基因的CAG重复序列拷贝数。结果 3个家系发现的5例KD患者主要临床表现为四肢肌肉萎缩、无力和肢体震颤,舌肌萎缩、纤颤;实验室检查发现肌酸激酶升高;肌电图检查可见失神经电位;神经传导速度检查提示感觉神经受损。KD患者AR基因CAG重复次数在42~49。3个家系的遗传方式符合X连锁隐性遗传。结论 KD主要影响男性患者,病情缓慢进展,主要表现为脊髓和延髓肌肉的萎缩和无力。基因检测有助确诊,并可检测出携带者,以进行家系遗传分析。  相似文献   

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is an autosomal dominant disorder most commonly caused by a 1.5-Mb deletion in chromosome 17p11.2 which contains the peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP22) gene. Mutations resulting in functional loss of one PMP22 gene copy are less frequent. We present a 51-year-old patient with a l.5-Mb deletion in chromosome 17p11.2 who exhibited signs of peripheral as well as central nervous system lesions. He gave a history of recurrent episodes of limb numbness and weakness with spontaneous but incomplete recovery since age 20. His father and two brothers had similar symptoms. Neurological examination revealed signs of multiple mononeuropathy associated with frontal lobe, corticospinal tract and cerebellar dysfunction, as well as signs of initial cognitive impairment. Electrophysiological investigations showed a demyelinating peripheral nerve disease with multiple conduction blocks and conduction disturbances in both optic nerves. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed multiple subcortical and periventricular foci of myelin lesions. The association of central and peripheral nervous system lesions in this patient indicates a possible role of PMP22 not only in peripheral but also in central nervous system myelin structure.  相似文献   

Hereditary recurrent focal neuropathies: clinical and molecular features   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The authors review the molecular genetics and pathophysiology of hereditary recurrent focal neuropathies: hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) and hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA). Significant progress in the understanding of HNPP and HNA has been achieved. HNPP and HNA are distinct clinical and pathologic disease entities with autosomal dominant inheritance. Molecular genetic studies have shown that HNPP and HNA are located on chromosome 17 but at distinct genetic loci (17p11.2 for HNPP, 17q25 for HNA). The 1.5 megabase deletion in 17p11.2 is the major cause of HNPP. This interstitial deletion causes the complete loss of one allele of the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) gene. Interestingly, rare HNPP patients are found without the 1.5 megabase deletion. However, these patients have distinct mutations in the PMP22 gene resulting in altered expression of the PMP22 protein. Current molecular genetic tests and clinical guidelines allow improved diagnosis, prognosis, and genetic counseling for patients with HNPP. Such tests are not available for HNA, because the disease-causing gene remains unknown. Molecular genetic advances in HNPP and HNA, as well as the study of transgenic animal and cellular models, will provide a more precise understanding of the disease mechanisms and will lead to the development of effective therapeutic tools for patients with inherited and sporadic recurrent peripheral neuropathies.  相似文献   

目的分析不伴有感觉异常肯尼迪病的临床特征、血清学检查、电生理检查等,以指导临床诊断降低误诊率。方法收集经基因明确诊断的肯尼迪病5例,详细询问其病史,进行全面的体格检查包括详尽的神经系统查体,收集并分析其实验室检查指标、电生理检查特点,及基因测定AR基因1号外显子CAG重复序列。结果5例患者均无明显阳性家族史,均为男性,平均起病年龄(39.8±7.2)岁,从发病到确诊平均病程(9.0±5.2)年,3例患者起病部位为双下肢近端无力,1例患者为口周及颊部"肉跳"感,1例患者为男性乳腺发育;最显著的临床表现为舌肌萎缩、舌肌纤颤、四肢近端肌肉无力;5例患者均无临床及电生理测定的感觉异常。结论肯尼迪病是一种累及下运动神经元的神经变性疾病,感觉不受累的患者也应考虑肯尼迪病,确诊依赖基因测定。  相似文献   

目的 分析3例肯尼迪病的临床表现、电生理及遗传学特征。方法 收集2018年11月-2019年7月本院收治的3例肯尼迪病患者的临床资料包括病史、体格检查、实验室检查、电生理等,检测患者及家族成员雄性激素受体(Androgen Receptor)基因的CAG重复数。结果 3例患者均中年男性,表现为四肢近端和延髓肌无力、肌束震颤萎缩、乳腺发育,缓慢发病,进行性加重。EMG均显示广泛神经源性损害, 感觉神经传导存在异常。基因检测CAG重复数分别为43、51和51。结论 肯尼迪病的临床特点为成年男性,肢体缓慢进行性无力,伴多肌肉萎缩、震颤,同时合并雄激素不敏感综合征, EMG呈运动神经源性损害的表现,CAG重复数显著增多。  相似文献   

A 56-year-old male with recurrent painless focal neuropathies and a family history of peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology presented with progressively worsening of impaired sensations and weakness in his lower extremities. His initial electrodiagnostic evaluation was suggestive of severe sensory and motor peripheral polyneuropathy. The genetic testing was performed for familial causes of peripheral neuropathy as there was a family history of peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology. The patient was found to have 1.5-Mb deletion in the PMP22 gene which was confirmatory of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP). He developed progressive upper and lower extremity weakness, bulbar dysfunction and widespread fasciculations during the course of his illness. He was subsequently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is the second reported case of HNPP associated with ALS. We discuss significant clinical and electrodiagnostic findings of this interesting case.  相似文献   

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by recurrent mononeuropathies or brachial plexopathies, commonly associated with a chromosome 17p11.2-12 deletion encompassing the peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP22) gene. We tried to identify criteria distinguishing HNPP among patients with acute painless mononeuropathy/plexopathy. We investigated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis the presence of the deletion in 27 patients with isolated or recurrent acute painless mononeuropathy or brachial plexopathy, and no obvious cause of neuropathy. Eight patients carried the deletion, whereas 19 had neither the deletion nor mutations in the PMP22 gene. Age at onset, presenting modality, precipitating events, and rate of recovery did not significantly differ in the two groups. Family history was informative for HNPP diagnosis in 3 cases only. HNPP patients more often showed recurrent episodes, brachial plexopathy, and clinical or electrophysiologic involvement of other nerves. Non-HNPP patients more frequently had peroneal palsy, recent weight loss, and normal electrophysiologic examination in other nerves. Signs of generalized neuropathy and evidence of disease in other family member are often subtle in HNPP and must be thoroughly investigated in patients with acute painless mononeuropathy/plexopathy. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve 21: 1686–1691, 1998.  相似文献   

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by recurrent mononeuropathies. Electrophysiological studies reveal slowed conduction velocity in peripheral nerves. The main histopathological findings are focal thickenings of myelin-tomaculae. In most cases HNPP is associated with a deletion within PMP-22 (peripheral myelin protein; PMP) gene on chromosome 17p11.2. The gene penetration is almost complete but the expression may be variable. DNA analysis is of practical importance in diagnosing HNPP especially in sporadic cases and also in individuals without clinical and electrophysiological signs of neuropathy. We present the first Polish family with HNPP, in which the genetic defect has been confirmed by DNA analysis.  相似文献   

We investigated 51 patients with multifocal neuropathies for the deletion of chromosome 17p11.2 described in families with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP). The deletion was detected in 24 patients, including 19 patients from 14 of 15 families in whom HNPP had been considered likely on clinical, neurophysiological, and/or pathological grounds. One patient with a deletion had rather unusual clinical features for HNPP, presenting with a progressive scapuloperoneal syndrome. Overall, 7 (37%) of the 19 index patients with the deletion had no affected relatives, and less than half had evidence of a generalized neuropathy on examination. Peripheral nerve lesions were related to pressure in only 15 (62%) of the patients with the deletion. Nerve conduction studies in 23 of 25 patients and relatives studied showed a fairly uniform pattern of moderate prolongation of distal sensory and motor latencies and slowing of conduction velocities, and variable reduction of sensory or evoked muscle action potential amplitudes. The patients investigated who did not have a deletion of 17p11.2 were heterogeneous and included those with recurrent and/or familial neuralgic amyotrophy, two or more peripheral nerve lesions at common sites of entrapment, or a patchy axonal neuropathy of unknown etiology. In 1 patient a diagnosis of HNPP remains most likely. DNA analysis for the deletion of 17p11.2 is clearly useful in establishing the diagnosis of HNPP, which should be considered regardless of family history or clinical evidence of a generalized neuropathy, and in patients with multifocal neuropathies that do not conform to the classic clinical picture of HNPP.  相似文献   

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