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硬膜外-腰麻联合阻滞应用于分娩镇痛   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我院采用硬膜外腰麻联合阻滞于分娩镇痛,现将结果报告如下。资料与方法选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级50例足月妊娠产妇,待宫口开至3~4cm时,于侧卧位下取L2~3间隙行硬膜外穿刺,成功后,通过硬膜外穿刺针将25G腰麻针(BD产)行蛛网膜下腔穿刺并注入含芬太尼25μg(芬太尼2ml稀释到10  相似文献   

联合腰麻硬膜外分娩镇痛80例临床观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告80例联合腰麻硬膜外麻醉(combinedspinalepiduralanaesthesiaCSEA)应用于分娩镇痛的效果。资料与方法ASAⅠ级临产初产妇80例,无产科与麻醉禁忌证,要求施行分娩镇痛。麻醉前后予阿托品05mg肌注。另选80例同等条件未用任何镇痛药的初产妇作为对照组。待产妇进入活跃期后(有规则的宫缩,宫口开大至2~3cm)取侧卧位,于L2~3或L3~4行硬膜外穿刺。待穿刺成功后,取27G腰麻穿刺针,通过硬膜外针刺入蛛网腰下腔,于宫缩间期一次注入腰麻液133ml(含布比卡因25mg、芬太尼25μg、麻黄碱25m…  相似文献   

腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞应用于分娩镇痛的临床探讨   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
研究腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞(combined spinal epidural analgesia,CSEA)应用于分娩镇痛的临床效果及产妇的应激和泌乳情况。  相似文献   

目的 评价腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉(CSEA)和病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)应用于分娩镇痛的可行性。方法 选择产程进入活跃期的单胎初产妇60例,蛛网膜下腔注射丁哌卡因2.5mg+芬太尼2.5μg后30min,PCEA输注0.075%丁哌卡因与2μg/ml芬太尼的混合液,随机双盲分为三组:A组为单次剂量3ml,锁定时间15min;B组为单次剂量3ml,锁定时间15min,输注速率6ml/h;C组为输注  相似文献   

腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞分娩镇痛对母儿血一氧化氮的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究拟通过检测腰麻.硬膜外联合阻滞(CSEA)分娩镇痛后母儿血一氧化氮(NO)水平的变化来间接了解CSEA分娩镇痛对母儿循环特别是胎儿胎盘循环的影响。  相似文献   

腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞应用于分娩镇痛的临床观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨腰麻 硬膜外联合阻滞 (CSEA)用于分娩镇痛的效果及对产程、母婴的影响。方法 选择 2 3 7例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级的足月初产妇行分娩镇痛为观察组 ;另选 2 0 0例条件相仿但不给分娩镇痛为对照组。观察组在蛛网膜下隙注入布比卡因 2mg和芬太尼 2 0 μg ;90分钟后硬膜外给予0 12 5 %罗比卡因和 2 μg/ml芬太尼行硬膜外病人自控镇痛 (PCEA)。其基础注药速度为 6ml/h ,冲击量为 2ml,锁定时间为 10分钟。用视觉模拟评分 (VAS)和下肢运动神经阻滞评分 (MBS)评估镇痛、阻滞效果 ,观察记录产妇的生命体征、产程时间、生产方式及新生儿Apgar评分。 结果 观察组产妇生命体征平稳 ,用药后 10分钟 99 2 %的产妇感到无痛 [VAS评分为 ( 0 0 4± 0 11)分 ],仅 0 8%的产妇镇痛不全。与镇痛前比较 ,观察组产妇MBS在腰麻后 10分钟显著增加 ,直至腰麻后 90分钟。观察组活跃期时间为 ( 96 3 4± 62 77)分钟 ,短于对照组 (P <0 0 1)。观察组第二产程时间 ( 5 3 15±2 5 70 )分钟 ,对照组为 ( 5 0 83± 2 4 81)分钟 (P >0 0 5 ) ;观察组新生儿出生后 1、5分钟Apgar评分、生产方式与对照组比较亦无统计学差异。结论 CSEA用于分娩镇痛效果确切 ,对运动神经阻滞轻 ,不影响产程及新生儿  相似文献   

罗哌卡因腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞用于分娩镇痛的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
目的:观察不同剂量罗哌卡因腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞(CSEA)和产妇自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)在分娩镇痛中的效果和安全性以及对产程和胎儿的影响,以探讨最佳的方法和药物剂量,方法:随机选择ASA I-Ⅱ级拟行自然分娩的单胎足月初产妇100例,按双盲原则分为5组,宫口开至3-4cm时,R1-3组分别经蛛网膜下腔注入0.75%罗哌卡因0.33ml(2.5mg),0.50mg(3.75mg),0.67ml(5mg),注入容积均为2.51ml,用5%葡萄糖溶液添加,Y组单独硬膜外镇痛,C组为未实施分娩镇痛者作对照,R1-3各组当腰麻作用消失后,连续PCA泵,经硬膜外均给予0.175%罗哌卡因,输注背景速率为6ml/h,锁定时间15min,单次剂量2ml,Y组在孕妇宫口开至3-4cm时给予0.175%罗哌卡因(方法同R1-3组),监测VAS评分及改良Bromange评分,新生儿Apgar评分及NACS评分,出生即刻的婴儿脐静脉血的血气分析测定,产程,镇痛时间及PCA泵用药量和按压次数,镇痛后及产后副作用。结果:镇痛起效时间:R1,R2,R3组显著短于Y组,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),Y组罗哌卡因用药量高于其它各组,有显著性差异(P<0.05),CSEA各组中,随着蛛网膜下腔药量的增加,运动神经阻滞逐渐加深,三组间比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),结论:蛛网膜下腔给予罗哌卡因3.75mg,60min后给予0.175%罗哌卡因PCEA,能使产妇获得满意的镇痛效果,是一种母婴安全,副作用小的镇痛方法。  相似文献   

从2001年6月以来,我院采用腰麻硬膜外联合阻滞(CSEA)应用于分娩镇痛,现将有关体会总结如下。 资料与方法 一般资料选择年龄20~30岁,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级、足月、单胎头位、初产、胎儿情况正常,自愿接受并有助产土产程陪伴的产妇240例。  相似文献   

在确保母婴安全的前提下.开展分娩镇痛以减少母亲分娩时痛苦.是国内外麻醉科、产科医师关注的课题。针对这一课题.各级医院开展了大量的研究.积累了许多的经验。笔从2004年8月起.采用小剂量罗哌卡因、芬太尼腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉(CSEA)的方法.对部分产妇进行分娩镇痛.取得满意效果。现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞术行分娩镇痛的临床体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To study the clinical efficacy and safety of combined subarachnoid-epidural analgesia (CSEA) in labor.Methods CSEA was conducted in 100 primiparas,with another 100 cases as control group.The pain relief was assessed using WHO pain stage criterion.Labor progress,neonatal Apgar score and blood loss were compared.Results Compared with control group pain relief with CSEA was very distinct during labor (P<0.01),with little side effects,obviously shortened labor progress (P<0.01),reduced blood loss (P<0.01) and incidence of cesarean (P<0.05);section,and with no increased incidence of neonatal asphyxia.Conclusion CSEA is an ideal method for labor pain relief,which is rapid,effective and safe analgesia.  相似文献   

目的观察腰-硬联合阻滞(CSEA)腰麻后硬膜外镇痛时机对分娩镇痛的影响。方法选择ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,足月初产妇80例,于宫口开至2~3cm时实施CSEA镇痛。将入选产妇采用随机数字表法均分为E1组、E2组、E3组和E4组,分别于蛛网膜下腔给药后3、30、60和90min接受持续硬膜外给药。L3~4椎间隙行硬膜外穿刺,取25G腰麻穿刺针刺入蛛网膜下腔,见脑脊液后给予布比卡因2.5mg和芬太尼25μg,然后均采用PCEA模式。0.1%罗哌卡因与2μg/ml芬太尼混合液100ml加入电子镇痛泵,设置背景维持量为10ml/h,单次剂量为5ml,锁定时间15min。记录第一产程时间、第二产程时间、催产素使用率、分娩方式和不良反应发生情况,新生儿Apgar评分、脐动脉血气分析,以及产妇补救剂量和硬膜外用药总量。结果四组产妇产程、催产素使用率、分娩方式、新生儿Apgar评分、脐动脉血气分析差异均无统计学意义。E1、E2组需要PCA例数和次数明显少于、硬膜外罗哌卡因补救剂量明显低于E3、E4组(P<0.05)。结论蛛网膜下腔给药后30min以内开始硬膜外持续镇痛可以明显减少PCA次数和硬膜外罗哌卡因的补救剂量。  相似文献   

目的比较程控硬膜外间歇脉冲注入(programmed intermittent epidural bolus,PIEB)和持续背景输注(CEI)两种模式联合PCEA用于分娩镇痛的临床效果。方法自愿接受分娩镇痛足月、单胎和头位初产妇200例,随机分为两组,每组100例。在宫口扩张2~3 cm时采用硬膜外阻滞行分娩镇痛。PIEB组背景输注剂量为8 ml/h,给药速度为6 ml/min,每小时给药一次;CEI组以8ml/h的速度持续给药。观察产妇镇痛前(T0)、镇痛后10 min(T1)、30 min(T2)、1 h(T3)、2 h(T4)、宫口开全时(T5)、分娩时(T6)、分娩后1 h(T7)BP、VAS评分、改良Bromage评分;PCEA追加次数、罗哌卡因、舒芬太尼的用量、宫缩情况、胎心率、产程时间、镇痛时间、分娩方式、产妇使用催产素、不良反应、新生儿Apgar评分、产妇满意度评分。结果 T4~T6时PIEB组VAS评分明显低于CEI组(P0.01)。PIEB组PCEA追加次数、药物用量明显少于CEI组(P0.05),PIEB组产妇满意度明显高于CEI组(P0.05)。两组产妇的血压、宫缩持续时间和间隔时间、胎心率、产程、镇痛时间、分娩方式、使用催产素比例、不良反应发生率及新生儿Apgar评分差异无统计学意义。结论与采用CEI+PCEA模式比较,PIEB+PCEA模式的PCEA追加率更低、用药量更少、VAS评分更低、产妇的满意度更高,而不良反应并没有增加。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is little information about the use and efficacy of single injection spinal blocks for labor analgesia; specifically, how frequently subsequent analgesia or anesthesia is needed. This study determined how frequently an additional anesthetic intervention was needed in women who received single injection spinal analgesia.MethodsThis retrospective study examined electronic medical records to find all single injection spinal analgesic blocks for labor analgesia over a 14-year (2003–2016) period. Patient and block characteristics and patient outcomes were recorded. The primary outcome was need for an additional anesthetic intervention following single injection spinal for labor analgesia.ResultsFour-hundred-and-twenty-eight patients received single injection spinal blocks for labor and 60 (14.0%) needed an additional anesthetic either for labor analgesia (n=49) or an unexpected procedure (n=11). Two of these (0.5%) required general anesthesia. Parity of zero (nulliparous), a low cervical dilation at the time of the spinal injection, and induction of labor status, were associated with an increased risk of needing an additional anesthetic intervention.ConclusionsThis retrospective review provides evidence that single injection spinal anesthesia may be used for multiparous women with spontaneous labor and more advanced cervical dilation.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify parturients at risk of inability to extend labor epidural analgesia in whom alternative methods of anesthesia should be considered for Cesarean section (CS). METHODS: For 6 months, we prospectively studied women undergoing CS with a functioning epidural catheter in place from the delivery ward. All parturients received the same epidural protocol: bolus of bupivacaine 0.1% and fentanyl, followed by bupivacaine 0.1% and fentanyl (2 microg/ml) 10-15 ml/h and an additional 5 ml of bupivacaine 0.125% as top-up according to patient request. Sixteen milliliters of lidocaine 2%, 1 ml of bicarbonate and 100 microg of fentanyl were given for CS. Failed epidural analgesia was defined as the need to convert to general anesthesia. RESULTS: Of the 101 parturients studied, 20 (19.8%) required conversion to general anesthesia. In univariate analysis, the likelihood of failed epidural anesthesia was inversely correlated with parturient age (P = 0.014) and directly correlated with pre-pregnancy weight (P = 0.019), weight at the end of pregnancy (P = 0.003), body mass index at the end of pregnancy (P = 0.0004), gestational week (P = 0.008), number of top-ups (P = 0.0004) and visual analog scale (VAS) score 2 h before CS (P = 0.03). In multivariate analysis, the number of top-ups in the delivery ward was the best predictor of epidural anesthesia failure (odds ratio, 4.39; P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Younger, more obese parturients at a higher gestational week, requiring more top-ups during labor and having a higher VAS score in the 2 h before CS are at risk for inability to extend labor epidural analgesia to epidural anesthesia for CS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify parturients at risk of inability to extend labor epidural analgesia in whom alternative methods of anesthesia should be considered for Cesarean section (CS). METHODS: For 6 months, we prospectively studied women undergoing a CS with a functioning epidural catheter in place from the delivery ward. All parturients received the same epidural protocol: bolus of bupivacaine 0.1% and fentanyl, then bupivacaine 0.1% and fentanyl (2 microg/ml) 10-15 ml/h and an additional 5 ml of bupivacaine 0.125% top-ups according to patient request. Sixteen millilitres of lidocaine 2%, 1 ml of bicarbonate, and 100 microg of fentanyl were given for CS. Failed epidural analgesia was defined as the need to convert to general anesthesia. RESULTS: Of the 101 parturients studied, 20 (19.8%) required conversion to general anesthesia. In univariate analysis, the likelihood of failed epidural anesthesia was inversely correlated with parturient's age (P = 0.014) and directly correlated with pre-pregnancy weight (P = 0.019), weight at the end of pregnancy (P = 0.003), body mass index (BMI) at the end of pregnancy (P = 0.0004), gestational week (P = 0.008), number of top-ups (P = 0.0004) and visual analog scale (VAS) 2 h before CS (P = 0.03). In multivariate analysis, the number of top-ups in the delivery ward was the best predictor of epidural anesthesia failure (odds ratio 4.39, P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Younger, more obese parturients at a higher gestational week, requiring more top-ups during labor, having a higher VAS in the 2 h before CS are at risk of inability to extend labor epidural analgesia to epidural anesthesia for CS.  相似文献   

目的 观察轻比重罗哌卡因单侧腰麻用于下肢创伤手术患者的麻醉效果及其对硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)的影响.方法 ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级下肢创伤手术患者120例,随机均分为L1、L2、W1、W2四组.L1、L2组分别用轻比重罗哌卡因7.5~15.0 mg、15.0~22.5 mg,W1、W2组分别用重比重罗哌卡因7.5~15.0 mg、15.0~22.5 mg.术后用罗哌卡因150 mg+舒芬太尼0.05 mg+阿扎司琼10 mg+生理盐水至100 ml行PCEA.记录两组麻醉效果、不良反应,术始、术中及PCEA结束时双下肢的Bromage评分.结果 L1、L2、W2组麻醉效果优于W1组(P<0.05).L1、L2组感觉、运动阻滞起效时间明显短于W1、W2组(P<0.05).L1组各时点健肢Bromage评分明显低于患肢(P<0.05).L1组低血压、尿潴留发生率明显低于L2、W2组(P<0.05).结论 下肢创伤手术使用0.3%轻比重罗哌卡因7.5~15.0 mg单侧腰麻,麻醉效果满意,术后PCEA期间运动阻滞仅限于患肢,血流动力学稳定,不良反应发生率低,患者总体满意度高.  相似文献   

目的观察罗哌卡因复合舒芬太尼连续蛛网膜下腔阻滞用于全产程分娩镇痛的效果。方法选择2018年3-10月在北京妇产医院全产程分娩镇痛的足月妊娠单胎头位初产妇97例,年龄23~35岁,体重60~90 kg,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,采用随机数字表法分为两组:连续蛛网膜下腔阻滞组(CSA组,n=48)和腰-硬联合阻滞组(CSEA组,n=49)。产妇子宫规律收缩后行分娩镇痛,CSA组经蛛网膜下腔推注罗哌卡因0.3 mg/ml+舒芬太尼1μg/ml共5 ml,20 min后连接镇痛泵;CSEA组经蛛网膜下腔推注罗哌卡因0.3 mg/ml+舒芬太尼1μg/ml共5 ml,20 min后连接硬膜外镇痛泵。所有产妇持续应用镇痛泵至第三产程结束。记录镇痛即刻(T1)、镇痛后10 min(T2)、30 min(T3)、60 min(T4)、宫口开全(T5)、胎头娩出(T6)、胎盘娩出(T7)时的MAP和VAS疼痛评分;记录镇痛前、镇痛后0~30 min、30~60 min、90~120 min和第二产程的宫缩持续时间和宫缩间隔时间;记录缩宫素使用情况和分娩方式;记录恶心呕吐、瘙痒、产后出血和硬脊膜穿刺后头痛(PDPH)的发生情况;记录新生儿体重、出生后1、5、10 min Apgar评分和脐带动脉血血气分析。结果与CSEA组比较,T2、T5、T6时CSA组MAP和VAS疼痛评分明显降低(P<0.05);镇痛后0~30 min CSA组宫缩持续时间明显缩短(P<0.05),宫缩间隔时间明显延长(P<0.05)。CSA组缩宫素使用率、瘙痒发生率明显高于CSEA组(P<0.05)。两组分娩方式以及恶心呕吐、产后出血、PDPH发生率差异无统计学意义。两组新生儿体重、出生后1、5、10 min Apgar评分和脐带动脉血血气分析差异无统计学意义。结论与腰-硬联合阻滞比较,连续蛛网膜下腔阻滞具有用药量小的特点,对产妇、胎儿影响较小,可安全用于全产程分娩镇痛。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High blocks have been reported when spinal anesthesia is used for cesarean section following inadequate labor epidural analgesia. We have therefore modified the practice at our institution to minimize this risk and conducted a retrospective observational study of outcome following the change of practice. METHOD: The records of 115 women with inadequate epidural labor analgesia who required cesarean section between July 1998 and January 2002 were studied. No epidural boluses were administered in the 30 min preceding spinal anesthesia and a reduced spinal dose, median (range) 9.38 mg (7.5-11.3 mg) of 0.75% hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl 15 microg (10-25 microg) was used. Patients were left sitting for 2 min and then positioned supine with left uterine displacement and were closely monitored for symptoms or signs that would suggest a high block. RESULTS: No parturient developed a high spinal necessitating intubation, and there was no adverse neonatal outcome. CONCLUSION: These findings do not conclusively establish this method as safe, but should spinal anesthesia for cesarean section following suboptimal labor epidural analgesia be considered, avoiding epidural boluses immediately preceding spinal injection, using a lower spinal dose, and delayed supine positioning following spinal injection may be advisable.  相似文献   

硬膜外镇痛联合导乐陪伴在全程分娩中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评估硬膜外镇痛联合导乐陪伴(助产士陪伴)用于全程分娩的效果.方法 300例初产妇进入产程潜伏期后实施分娩镇痛联合导乐陪伴(A组)、单用分娩镇痛(B组)和单用导乐陪伴(C组),每组100例.记录镇痛效果(VAS)、神经阻滞评分(MBS)、满意度评分、产程、分娩方式、催产素的使用、新生儿Apgar评分及不良反应.结果 A和B组镇痛后30 minVAS评分显著低于镇痛前[(0.9±0.6)分和(1.0±0.5)分vs.(7.6±1.2)分和(7.4±1.4)分](P<0.01).A组产妇满意度显著高于B组和C组[(98.2±3.0)分vs.(85.2±5.8)分和(83.6±6.1)分](P<0.05).A组及C组第一、二产程均短于B组(P<0.05).结论 硬膜外镇痛联合导乐陪伴用于分娩全程,镇痛效果确切,并可缩短产程.  相似文献   

目的 比较不同脉冲间隔时间下程控硬膜外间歇脉冲注入(PIEB)模式和持续恒速输注(CEI)模式用于分娩镇痛的临床效果。方法 选择单胎妊娠、头位、足月初产妇95例,年龄20~40岁,ASAⅡ或Ⅲ级,孕期37~41周,随机分为三组:传统CEI模式组(C组,n=31)、PIEB模式间隔时间60 min组(P60组,n=32)和PIEB模式间隔时间40 min组(P40组,n=32)。在宫口扩张至1~4 cm时,采用硬膜外阻滞行分娩镇痛,注射负荷量后15 min为产妇镇痛开始时间。C组于镇痛开始后立即开启CEI模式,持续以10 ml/h恒速输注。P60组于镇痛开始后60 min开启PIEB模式,单次脉冲10 ml,脉冲间隔时间60 min。P40组于镇痛开始后40 min开启PIEB模式,单次脉冲10 ml,脉冲间隔时间40 min。镇痛泵配方为0.075%罗哌卡因+0.5μg/ml舒芬太尼100 ml,单次按压量5 ml,锁定时间15 min。记录镇痛前(t0)、镇痛后1 h(t1)、镇痛后2 h(t2)、宫口开全(t  相似文献   

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