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经鼻内镜治疗侵犯眼眶及颅内的额窦黏液囊肿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨应用鼻内镜治疗侵犯眼眶及颅内的额窦黏液囊肿的手术方法及疗效。方法回顾性分析侵犯眼眶及颅内的额窦黏液囊肿7例。7例病变均破坏眶上壁及内壁,3例同时破坏额窦后壁侵犯颅内。经鼻内镜行额窦口扩大术,切除部分窦口周围囊肿壁,保留与眶骨膜及硬脑膜紧密的部分囊肿壁。术后鼻腔清理半年,保证囊肿腔与鼻腔引流通畅。结果1例视力下降者术后视力无明显提高,其余患者眼球突出、复视、视力下降、头痛及眶痛等症状均在3个月内逐渐消失。无颅内出血、脑脊液漏及颅内、眶内感染等术后并发症。术后随访1年,鼻内镜复查窦腔引流通畅,无鼻窦囊肿复发。结论应用鼻内镜额窦口扩大术治疗侵犯眼眶及颅内的额窦黏液囊肿手术安全、有效。保持额窦口黏膜光滑、引流通畅,是防止囊肿复发的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻内镜下3种摘除上颔窦囊肿进路的选择。方法本组上颌窦囊肿共32例,术前均经鼻窦CT扫描和鼻内镜检查,明确鼻腔情况、囊肿的大小及位置。其中8例伴鼻窦炎鼻息肉者,经中鼻道自然口开放术进路行Messerkling术;19例单纯上颌窦囊肿患者,鼻内镜下经改良柯-陆进路行囊肿摘除术,另5例采用下鼻道开窗进路行囊肿摘除术。结果术后随访6个月~1年,鼻窦CT冠状位扫描或鼻内镜检查,19例经改良柯-陆进路者术后无复发;8例经中鼻道自然口开放术进路者,2例复发,1例术后窦口闭锁,中鼻甲与鼻腔外侧壁粘连;5例经下鼻道开窗进路者,1例复发,2例失访。结论3种术式各有优缺点,临床中应根据不同情况酌情选用。  相似文献   

目的探讨垂体瘤切除术后鼻窦黏液囊肿形成的原因、好发部位及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析我科1998年1月至2007年8月诊治的7例垂体瘤切除术后鼻窦黏液囊肿患者的临床资料。结果7例中,筛窦黏液囊肿2例、额窦黏液囊肿2例、额窦、筛窦黏液囊肿3例。鼻内镜下鼻内进路或鼻内外联合进路行囊肿切除术,一次手术治愈,随访1-3年无复发。结论垂体瘤切除术后发生鼻窦黏液囊肿多因手术改变了鼻腔结构以及术后复查不及时造成中鼻道狭窄、粘连、鼻窦开口阻塞引起。垂体瘤切除术后鼻窦黏液囊肿好发于筛窦、额窦或额窦和筛窦并发。鼻内镜下鼻内进路或鼻内外联合进路行囊肿切除术是首选的治疗方法。手术中建立鼻窦鼻腔的通畅引流,术后定期检查可有效减少垂体瘤切除术后鼻窦黏液囊肿的形成以及预防囊肿切除术后复发。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经鼻内镜下鼻道泪后开窗处理上颌窦病变的疗效。方法:对47例上颌窦病变的患者,采取在鼻内镜鼻窦手术基础上进行下鼻道泪后开窗,经下鼻道窗和扩大的自然窦口对上颌窦息肉、内翻性乳头状瘤、侵袭性鼻窦真菌病等病变进行清理。结果:47例患者上颌窦腔清洁,上颌窦窦口引流好,黏膜转归良好,中鼻道引流好,无囊泡水肿等黏膜病变。仅2例(4.25%)下鼻道窗口约2个月闭锁,1年后上颌窦腔清洁,无病灶复发。结论:经鼻内镜下鼻道泪后开窗联合扩大的自然窦口完全满足处理上颌窦良性病变的需要,同时保留下鼻道窗可在术后起到机械性重力引流作用,在鼻腔鼻窦黏膜纤毛运输系统功能修复前尤为重要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨鼻内镜下利用微波热凝治疗上颌窦息肉及囊肿的疗效。方法:对67例上颌窦息肉及囊肿患者行鼻内镜下微波辅助鼻窦手术,在30°、70°鼻内窥镜引导下,利用微波辐射器可随意弯曲的特点,将微波探头经扩大的上颌窦口伸入窦内热凝窦内息肉和囊肿,彻底清除病变。需扩大上颌窦口者同时用微波行中鼻道上颌窦造口术。结果:术后随访6~12个月(平均9个月),治愈58例,好转8例,无效1例。总有效率98.5%,治愈率86.6%。结论:此法可彻底清除上颌窦内病灶,降低术后复发率,弥补了经鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术在处理上颌窦病变时的局限性。  相似文献   

功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术后术腔清理(附1080例临床分析)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术后术腔清理对鼻窦结构及上皮功能恢复的影响。方法:1080例均为采取Messerklinger术式完成功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术的病例。手术后2周进行第一次鼻腔鼻窦清理,以后每隔2周一次,共进行4或4次以上清理至术腔基本上皮化。结果:112例手术后1个月术腔基本上皮化,456例手术后2个月术腔基本上皮化,255例手术后3个月术腔基本上皮化;98例出现术后窦口闭锁,176例出现术腔粘连,在术腔清理过程中进行处理,这些并发症均消失;95例出现术后复发而需要进一步手术治疗。结论:术腔粘膜的再上皮化对功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术后鼻窦功能的恢复至关重要,这一过程一般需要1~3个月甚至更长时间,手术后规范化的术腔清理能早期发现并处理粘膜病变、术腔狭窄及窦口阻塞,因而术后清理对提高功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术的疗效有重要价值。  相似文献   

鼻腔粘连是鼻内镜术后主要并发症,鼻腔粘连导致窦口阻塞是术后复发的主要原因之一,发生率约为6%~7%。防止和解除鼻腔粘连可使已开放的中鼻道及鼻窦获得良好的通气引流,促使鼻腔黏膜恢复正常,从而提高治愈率。现对我院18例术后鼻腔粘连的处理方法进行分析,以期增加治疗途径,并在术中采取有效方法减少术后鼻腔粘连的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨眉弓小切口联合鼻内镜行额窦黏液囊肿切除术的疗效。方法:对11例额窦黏液囊肿患者采用眉弓小切口联合鼻内镜常规手术,术后按内镜鼻窦手术后的常规处理。结果:随访6个月~5年,11例患者术后均无囊肿复发且无并发症发生。结论:经眉弓小切口联合鼻内镜行额窦黏液囊肿切除术,可以最大限度降低复发率,减少并发症的发生,而且面部瘢痕隐蔽,是值得推荐的术式。  相似文献   

目的探讨上颌骨囊肿的的治疗方法。方法根据囊肿的大小、累及上颌窦范围和离上颌窦自然开口距离,采用扩大上颌窦自然口中鼻道开窗3例、下鼻道开窗或鼻底开窗4例、泪前隐窝入路+下鼻道开窗9例,手术切除完全囊肿囊壁或部分切除,囊肿与上颌窦有间隔的将间隔完全去除,使囊肿与上颌窦融合为一个腔,保证囊肿腔与上颌窦、鼻腔引流通畅。结果术后随访6~24个月,平均随访12个月,15例面部胀感消失,未出现面部隆起,定期复查鼻内镜及鼻窦CT,囊肿术腔黏膜均于术后2~3个月上皮化,囊肿均无复发,术腔、鼻窦腔引流通畅。1例因开窗口小致开窗口闭合,但囊肿较前明显缩小,半年后再次开窗后囊肿未见复发。结论经鼻内镜开窗治疗上颌骨囊肿简便、安全、创伤小、恢复快、疗效确切、复发率低,术后便于观察术腔情况,尤其适合侵犯鼻腔底或上颌窦的上颌骨囊肿。  相似文献   

鼻内镜下泪前隐窝入路治疗上颌窦良性病变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的经鼻内镜下泪前隐窝入路治疗上颌窦良性病变,并探讨其适应证、并发症及手术方式。方法回顾性分析43例经鼻内镜下泪前隐窝入路治疗上颌窦良性病变的病例,其中术前及术后病理确诊的上颌窦内翻性乳头状瘤15例,窦内病变镜下检出菌丝或孢子的真菌性上颌窦炎8例,上颌窦囊肿12例,上颌窦后鼻孔息肉6例,上颌窦异物2例。所有病例手术前均行鼻窦冠状位或水平位CT扫描。患者在局麻下以下鼻甲前缘为中心切口,解剖内移鼻泪管-下鼻甲瓣经泪前隐窝进入上颌窦腔处理上颌窦内病变,复位鼻泪管-下鼻甲瓣,缝合手术切口并行下鼻道开窗。结果 43例患者术中均完全清除窦内病变,术后随访6~24个月,下鼻甲形态愈合良好,术腔上皮化,无溢泪、面部麻木等并发症。2例上颌窦内翻性乳头状瘤术后6个月局部复发,原手术入路切除,随访1 8个月无复发。3例术后鼻腔粘连,局部分离,随访12个月无复发。结论经鼻内镜下泪前隐窝入路进入上颌窦是一种微创、安全、有效的处理上颌窦良性病变的手术方式,可作为鼻内镜下经中鼻道行上颌窦自然口开窗无法彻底切除窦内病变组织的首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

N Y Busaba  S D Salman 《The Laryngoscope》1999,109(9):1446-1449
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical presentation of maxillary sinus mucoceles, understand their pathogenesis, and determine the long-term efficacy of the endoscopic surgical treatment. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review. METHODS: Thirteen consecutive patients who presented with maxillary sinus muco(pyo) celes were studied. Subjects with history of preceding sinus/nasal surgery or facial trauma were excluded. The presenting signs and symptoms, radiological findings, and surgical management were reviewed. RESULTS: There were six women and seven men with an age range of 31 to 71 years. Two patients had environmental allergies. Nine patients complained of cheek pressure or pain, six of nasal obstruction, and eight of nasal drainage. On endoscopic nasal examination, the medial wall of maxillary sinus was bulging with prolapsed middle meatal mucosa in 10; drainage was seen in 7, but none had polyps. The sinus involvement was limited to the maxillary sinus and the ipsilateral ethmoid on computed tomographic studies in 10 cases. Patients were treated with endoscopic ethmoidectomy, middle meatal antrostomy, and marsupialization of the mucocele. Intraoperative cultures grew organisms in five patients. Postoperative follow-up ranged between 10 and 66 months. Two patients required lysis of adhesions in the middle meatus, and one, revision antrostomy. All patients had a patent middle meatal antrostomy and healthy maxillary sinus mucosa at latest follow-up. The presenting symptoms resolved or improved in 12 cases. CONCLUSIONS: The etiology of maxillary sinus mucoceles is not well understood. Mechanical obstruction or allergy or both do not seem to play an important role. An infectious origin is also not supported by the above data. Endoscopic sinus surgery is a reliable therapeutic measure with a favorable long-term outcome.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of transnasal endoscopic marsupialization as a treatment modality in patients with postoperative maxillary mucoceles and to compare the efficacy of marsupialization via middle meatal antrostomy with that of marsupialization via inferior meatal antrostomy. The study design was a retrospective clinical series and the setting was a tertiary referral center. After obtaining approval from the local ethics committee, we reviewed the medical records of 39 consecutive patients with postoperative maxillary mucoceles who were diagnosed and treated at the Department of Otolaryngology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, from 2004 to 2009. Transnasal endoscopic marsupialization was performed on 32 patients (34 sides) with postoperative maxillary mucoceles. All patients were followed for more than 12 months after surgery, and recurrence was noted in five patients (14.9%). Recurrence was experienced by five patients who underwent inferior meatal antrostomy and zero patients who underwent middle meatal antrostomy; thus, a statistically significant difference (p = 0.04) was observed. Transnasal endoscopic marsupialization is an effective modality for postoperative maxillary mucoceles and results in reduced morbidity. The use of middle meatal antrostomy in particular is preferred.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of the modified endoscopic Lothrop procedure (MELP) for complicated frontal mucoceles and endoscopic marsupialization for other paranasal sinus mucoceles. It was a retrospective, consecutive case review of sinus mucoceles treated endoscopically by a single surgeon over a four-year period (1998-2002). There were 41 mucoceles in 28 patients, including 24 frontal, eight frontoethmoidal, three ethmoidal, five maxillary and one frontal mucocele. Twenty-one patients underwent the modified Lothrop procedure for frontal mucoceles, and seven underwent simple drainage and marsupialization for frontoethmoidal, ethmoidal and maxillary mucoceles. At median follow-up of 16 months, all patients had a patent mucocele opening. Patients treated by drainage and marsupialization did not have any complications or mucocele recurrence. All patients treated by the modified endoscopic Lothrop procedure had improvement in symptoms and signs. Four patients had minor complications including epistaxis and adhesions and five required further surgery. The average hospital in-patient stay was 2 +/- 1.4 days. Endoscopic techniques, including MELP are effective in the short term for the management of complex and simple paranasal sinus mucoceles. MELP has a useful place in the management of mucoceles with a significant bony partition from an adjacent sinus or nasal cavity. It is also indicated when the mucocele is associated with loss of lateral support in the sinus with risk of medial-wall collapse of the orbital contents obstructing drainage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Frontal sinus mucoceles are known to undergo repeated recurrences, and the management of this disease constitutes a challenge regarding the ideal treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the postoperative results of the endoscopic ventilation approach in the treatment of frontal mucoceles. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 24 subjects with mucocele who underwent endoscopic marsupialization. The preoperative characteristics of the frontal sinus on computed tomography scans were compared with the postoperative results. RESULTS: Postoperative endoscopic examination revealed in 15 nasal sides wide patency of the frontal outflow tract. The ostium was patent but had become slightly narrowed in nine nasal sides. Restenosis of the ostium was found in six cases. CONCLUSION: A membranous type of obstruction in the region of the frontal outflow tract was related to a better outcome.  相似文献   

Endonasal endoscopic marsupialization of paranasal sinus mucoceles   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Paranasal sinus mucoceles are relatively common in Japan, especially after prior Caldwell-Luc surgery. Recently developed endonasal endoscopic approaches were used for the drainage and marsupialization of mucoceles. We present the surgical treatment of 97 patients with mucoceles, including 68 maxillary, 13 ethmoid, nine frontal, seven sphenoid, eight frontoethmoid, and one sphenoethmoid sinuses. Six patients with maxillary mucoceles were operated via a sublabial incision. For frontal mucoceles, four patients were treated by a combined external and endonasal endoscopic approach. The other mucoceles underwent complete marsupialization under endonasal endoscopic control. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. No evidence of recurrence was observed in any patients during follow-up periods ranging from 36 to 84 months.  相似文献   

PurposeTransnasal endoscopic marsupialization has replaced the conventional Caldwell-Luc operation for managing postoperative maxillary mucoceles. Inferior meatal antrostomy (IMA) may be an easier and more effective method than middle meatal antrostomy (MMA) because of anatomical and structural changes of the maxillary sinus. We evaluated the long-term efficacy and technical simplicity of both methods.MethodsThis study included 21 and 32 patients who underwent MMA and IMA, respectively. They were diagnosed with a unilateral postoperative maxillary mucocele, and medical records were reviewed for history, clinical presentation, radiographic findings, surgical intervention, complications, and outcomes. During follow-up, the size of the opening and stenosis or obstruction of the antrostomy site were evaluated.ResultsPreoperative symptoms and mean follow-up period were similar in both groups. All patients in the IMA group received the operation as planned, whereas in four MMA patients, the attempt to create an opening failed because of thick bones and anatomical changes from the previous operation; in these patients, IMA was performed. The opening remained large enough for ventilation and drainage between the mucocele and the nasal cavity in both groups. There were no major complications, such as profuse bleeding, wound infection, or orbital or nasolacrimal duct injury.ConclusionsAlthough both surgical procedures seem to be effective for managing postoperative maxillary mucoceles, IMA is easier to perform, and no instances of failure to create antrostomy openings occurred. We recommend IMA as the surgical technique of choice, but providing an opening of sufficient size is necessary to ensure long-term efficacy.  相似文献   

Objective/Hypothesis The role of endoscopic sinus surgery for treating chronic maxillary sinusitis is well established. The purpose of the study is to determine the efficacy of endoscopic sinus surgery in the treatment of maxillary sinus inflammatory disease that includes mucoceles, retention cysts, and antrochoanal polyps. Study Design This is a retrospective review of 32 consecutive patients who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery for mucoceles (n = 21), retention cysts (n = 5), or antrochoanal polyps (n = 6). Methods The medical records were reviewed for patient demographics, presenting symptoms, and type of operation. Surgical outcome was determined by resolution of symptoms, recurrence of disease, and need for revision or additional surgery. Results Ethmoidectomy with middle meatal antrostomy was performed in all patients; 28 patients had additional middle turbinectomy. Postoperative follow‐up ranged from 6 months to 4 years. The operation resulted in resolution of symptoms and a patent antrostomy on long‐term follow‐up in all cases of mucoceles. No case required revision surgery. On the other hand, the disease recurred in three patients (60%) with retention cysts and three patients (50%) with antrochoanal polyps despite patent antrostomies. The recurrences occurred 3 to 6 months after the surgery. The recurrent cases of antrochoanal polyps required Caldwell Luc procedures. The three failures in cases of retention cysts were successfully managed with repeated office endoscopic marsupialization through a patent antrostomy. Conclusions Endoscopic sinus surgery is an effective treatment for mucoceles, with favorable long‐term outcome. Maxillary retention cysts commonly recur after endoscopic sinus surgery. However, the recurrence can be managed in the office through a patent antrostomy. Endoscopic sinus surgery may be offered as initial surgical treatment for antrochoanal polyps, but a Caldwell Luc operation may be needed for recurrent disease.  相似文献   

目的:对鼻内窥镜手术治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿疗效进行评估。方法:回顾总结17例鼻内窥镜手术治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿及3 ̄9年阴访的资料。结果:17例央内窥镜下均良好暴露术野,术后囊腔得到充分引流;15例获得满意疗效,无严重并发症发生。结论:鼻内窥镜下囊肿开放引流术是一种治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

鼻内窥镜手术治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿17例报告   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:对鼻内窥镜手术治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿疗效进行评估。方法:回顾总结17例鼻内窥镜手术治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿及3~9年随访的资料。结果:17例在内窥镜下均良好暴露术野,术后囊腔得到充分引流;15例获得满意疗效,无严重并发症发生。结论:鼻内窥镜下囊肿开放引流术是一种治疗蝶、筛窦囊肿安全、有效的方法  相似文献   

目的探讨改良眉弓径路联合鼻内镜技术在侵犯眶内的哑铃形筛窦囊肿手术中的应用及疗效分析。方法2002年8月N2012年4月我科收治的7例侵犯眼眶的哑铃形巨大筛窦囊肿患者,全麻下采用改良眉弓切口,鼻内镜辅助下沿眶壁分离并切除眶内囊肿,然后采用鼻内镜囊肿造袋术,切除囊肿。结果7例患者术中眶内及鼻窦囊肿均能充分暴露,并在直视下全部去除。术后无脑脊液鼻漏、眶筋膜损伤和眶内、颅内感染等并发症。术后随访6-18个月,均未见复发。结论采用改良眉弓径路联合鼻内镜行侵犯眶内的哑铃形筛窦囊肿手术,增加了手术的精确性和安全性,切口短,瘢痕小,切除彻底,降低复发率,减少对面部美观的影响,是治疗侵犯眶内的巨大哑铃形筛窦囊肿的有效术式之一。  相似文献   

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