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Background:Cancer screening history can often be obtained only by self-report, particularly for disadvantaged populations. We examined the accuracy of self-report of mammography and Pap smear for an urban, low-income population.Methods:Women attending non-primary care clinics (mostly surgery and orthopedics) at a large public teaching hospital in Minneapolis between July 1992 and May 1993 were queried about their screening history (n = 477). The women were interviewed by a trained peer-recruiter and asked whether they had ever heard of a Pap smear or mammogram, whether they had ever had one, where it was done, and when the last one was. We verified self-report by checking medical records where the test was performed.Results:The positive and negative predictive value of recall of mammography in the previous year was 72.4% and 90.6%, respectively. The figures for Pap smear recall were somewhat lower, 65.5% and 85.9%, respectively. We found a record of a mammogram in 88% of women able to recall the year. Of these, slightly over two-thirds recalled their mammogram in the same year as their record indicated. Inaccurate recalls were more commonly of the “telescoping” type, i.e., tests were recalled as having occurred more recently than was the case. Recall was substantially better for recent tests. Results for Pap smear recalls were broadly similar.Conclusions:The accuracy of self-report of mammography and Pap smear is relatively poor for medical practice but is acceptable in population surveys with appropriate correction for overreporting.  相似文献   

Risk for invasive cervical cancer is reported to be higher in rural areas than urban ones, and cervical cancer-related mortality is higher in rural women due to poorer utilization of preventive services and subsequent presentation at late stages of the disease. This cross-sectional study examined the relationship between prevalence of risk factors for cervical cancer and the degree of compliance with risk-appropriate screening guidelines for cervical cancer. Secondary data were analyzed for 614 women from Robeson County, NC, aged 40 and older, and of mainly rural and low socioeconomic status. High-risk status was determined by the presence of any of the following five risk factors: a history of more than two sexual partners, age at first sexual intercourse under 18 years, history of sexually transmitted disease, history of sexually transmitted disease in sexual partner(s), and smoking. Low-risk status was the absence of all factors. A high-risk participant was considered compliant if she had had at least three Pap smears in the 3 years prior to the interview, while a low-risk participant was considered compliant if she had had at least one Pap smear within the previous 3 years. Overall, 82% of the participants were at high risk for cervical cancer. However, only 41% of all participants were compliant with the risk-appropriate screening guidelines. Low-risk status was significantly associated with compliance with cervical cancer screening guidelines (adjusted OR = 6.7; 95% CI = 3.7 to 11.1, p = .0001). Findings in this study population suggest rural women at high risk for cervical cancer are less likely to be compliant with appropriate Pap smear screening guidelines, indicating the need to target educational programs.  相似文献   

The Pascua-Yaqui Tribe of Arizona receives its health care services at a local neighborhood health center in Tucson and a satellite clinic located on the reservation. Using a computerized data base from the health center, the authors determined the use rates by Pascua-Yaqui women ages 35-65 of the Papanicolaou smear and mammography screening. Among active users of the health center, 31-36 percent had received a Papanicolaou smear, according to the yearly data bases examined from 1986 to 1990, while 65 percent of the women had received at least one smear test over the entire 5-year period. Regarding mammography screening, 41-43 percent of the women ages 50-65 had received a mammogram in the years studied, and 51-58 percent of the women ages 40-49 had been screened. In all, 67 percent had received at least one mammogram during the 1988-90 period when the center offered mammography. This population of 35-65-year-old American Indian women, for whom financial access is not a barrier, were receiving Papanicolaou smears and mammograms at rates comparable with other segments of the U.S. population but at lower rates than those recommended by the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute. The challenge for the health center is to reach those women who are eligible for services but do not use them and to address the nonfinancial barriers to care such as language, transportation, and gender-specific issues.  相似文献   

[目的]了解上海地区女性宫颈癌宫颈脱落细胞检查的覆盖情况,并分析其影响因素。[方法]采用随机入户调查的方法收集女性居民宫颈癌宫颈脱落细胞检查覆盖情况及其影响因素,采用单因素和多因素分析其影响的因素。[结果]上海地区女性人群一生中曾做过宫颈脱落细胞检查的占37.61%(中心城区女性为32.04%,非中心城区为42.01%)。其中,86.14%的人最近一次宫颈脱落细胞检查年限〈3年;在最近3年中做过检查的人群中,73.50%是由于参加单位组织女工体检获得受检机会。〈35岁年轻女性的检查覆盖率为21.97%;55,64岁组妇女最近一次检查距本调查(2007年)的平均时间为4.00年,明显长于〈35岁组及35~54岁组。居住在非中心城区、在婚、年龄在35~54岁、农民、由单位组织女S-体检者、对宫颈癌的癌前症状和女性需要定期检查的知识知晓者检查覆盖率高。3年内做过筛检的主要影响因素仅为年龄和女工体检的组织者。[结论]上海市女性宫颈涂片检查的覆盖率相对发于达国家较低;单位组织女工体检是女性接受宫颈涂片检查的主要途径;35岁以下女性宫颈涂片检查的覆盖率低;55—64岁者宫颈涂片筛查间隔时间长。  相似文献   

Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the: (1) test–retest reliability of the English and Spanish language versions of the Multidimensional Task Ability Profile (MTAP), (2) cross-cultural adaptation of the Spanish language version of the MTAP, and (3) practicality of both versions in terms of time required for administration. The MTAP is a patient-reported outcome measure of physical function that uses a combination of text and pictorial illustrations. Methods An observational study was conducted with a convenience sample of patients with musculoskeletal disorders from three outpatient physical rehabilitation centers. Participants (n = 110) completed the MTAP two times, whereby the second test was completed 24–72 h after the first test. Focus groups were conducted at the end of the study. Correlation analyses were used to assess test–retest reliability and qualitative analyses were used to assess cultural adaptation of the MTAP. Results The English and Spanish versions of the MTAP displayed good test–retest reliability (ICC 2,1 = 0.87–0.97, p < 0.05). Qualitative analyses demonstrated adequate cross-cultural adaptation of the Spanish language version of the instrument. Conclusions The findings of this study indicate that the MTAP has been adequately adapted from its original English version for use with Spanish-speaking individuals. The MTAP in its current form of 50 items is reliable when administered to individuals with musculoskeletal disorders in either English or Spanish.  相似文献   

Symptoms of depression and anxiety are prevalent during pregnancy and may influence women's health behaviors. The impact of women's mental health on alcohol use may be particularly important to consider as prenatal alcohol use is common and may have serious negative consequences for the developing fetus. The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationships between elevated symptoms of depression and anxiety and subsequent likelihood of any alcohol use and binge drinking during pregnancy. The sample consisted of 12,824 women from a prospective, population-based study from the United Kingdom, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Participants completed questionnaires assessing alcohol use and depressive and anxious symptoms during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. A series of multivariable regression models was fit using multiply imputed data. Thirty four percent of women reported having at least one alcoholic drink at 32 weeks' gestation and 17% reported binge drinking. We found a weak association between elevated symptoms of anxiety and any alcohol use but not between elevated symptoms of depression and any alcohol use. Modest associations were found between both elevated symptoms of depression and anxiety at 18 weeks' gestation and binge drinking at 32 weeks' gestation. Elevated symptoms of depression and anxiety may increase risk for binge drinking during pregnancy. Further research into the impact of symptoms of depression and anxiety on binge drinking during pregnancy is needed as this could represent an opportunity for public health intervention.  相似文献   

Knowing what real use is made of health services by immigrant population is of great interest. The objectives are to analyze the use of primary care services by immigrants compared to Spanish nationals and to analyze these differences in relation to geographic origin. Retrospective observational study of all primary care visits made in 26 urban health centers. Main variable: total number of health centre visits/year. Dependent variables: type of clinician requested; type of attention, and origin of immigrants. The independent variable was nationality. Statistics were obtained from the electronic medical records. The 4,933,521 appointments made in 2007 were analyzed for a reference population of 594,145 people (11.15 % immigrants). The adjusted annual frequency for nationals was 8.3, versus whereas 4.6 for immigrants. The immigrant population makes less use of primary care services than national population. This is evident for all age groups and regardless of the immigrants’ countries of origin. This result is important when planning health care resources for immigrant population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate women's knowledge about cervical cancer, Pap smears, and human papilloma virus in relation to their cervical cancer screening behavior. This hospital-based study was conducted with a sample of 200 women: 100 women screened in the last three years and 100 non-screened women who attended a hospital located in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, between September 2008 and February 2009. Women at the hospital were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression models were used to evaluate the relation of women's knowledge about Pap smears to screening behavior, controlling for socio-demographic characteristics. Of the women who had been screened, 49% compared to 73% of those not screened had inadequate knowledge about Pap smears (P = 0.001), and 47% of screened and 30% of non-screened women reported that they had ever heard about human papilloma virus (P = 0.013). In multivariate analysis, having adequate knowledge about Pap smears (odds ratio: 2.6 or 95%, confidence interval: 1.4–4.8) having health insurance (odds ratio: 2.6 or 95%, confidence interval: 1.1–6.4) and being married (odds ratio: 1.8 or 95%, confidence interval: 1.1–3.4) were the factors related to being screened in the previous three years. Knowledge was related to screening. Comprehensive educational approaches may enhance screening for cervical cancer prevention.  相似文献   

To better characterize the relation of acculturation, based on language use, to smoking status among Mexican-Americans, a large study sample from an ongoing cohort of Mexican-American households in Texas was stratified into current smokers and non-smokers. Four language-use groups were created based on Low/High use of Spanish and English, representing different degrees of acculturation. Participants who reported high English but low Spanish use had the highest smoking prevalence (20.1 %), followed by High English/High Spanish (13.6 %), Low English/High Spanish (8.7 %), and Low English/Low Spanish (6.4 %). Current smokers were more likely to be male, have lower than high school education, currently consume alcohol or had consumed alcohol but quit, and report low Spanish/high English use. Consistent with recent models of acculturation, individuals can differ both in their maintenance of the native language and adoption of a new language and both dimensions are important in predicting tobacco use.  相似文献   

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health - Although multiple studies have shown that resettled refugee women are less likely to receive preventative cancer screenings like pap smears and...  相似文献   

BackgroundResearch has found some disparities between U.S. women with and without disabilities in receiving clinical preventive services. Substantial differences may also exist within the population of women with disabilities. The current study examined published research on Pap smears, mammography, and clinical breast examinations across disability severity levels among women with disabilities.MethodsInformed by an expert panel, we followed guidelines for systematic literature reviews and searched MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Cinahl databases. We also reviewed in-depth four disability- or preventive service-relevant journals. Two reviewers independently extracted data from all selected articles.FindingsFive of 74 reviewed publications of met all our inclusion criteria and all five reported data on Pap smears, mammography, and clinical breast examination. Articles classified disability severity groups by functional and/or activity levels. Associations between disability severity and Pap smear use were inconsistent across the publications. Mammography screening fell as disability level increased according to three of the five studies. Results demonstrated modestly lower screening, but also were inconsistent for clinical breast examinations across studies.ConclusionEvidence is inconsistent concerning disparities in these important cancer screening services with increasing disability levels. Published studies used differing methods and definitions, adding to concerns about the evidence for screening disparities rising along with increasing disability. More focused research is required to determine whether significant disparities exist in cancer screening among women with differing disability levels. This information is essential for national and local public health and health care organizations to target interventions to improve care for women with disabilities.  相似文献   

Drawing on Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory and prior empirical research, the current study examines the way that blogging and social networking may impact feelings of connection and social support, which in turn could impact maternal well-being (e.g., marital functioning, parenting stress, and depression). One hundred and fifty-seven new mothers reported on their media use and various well-being variables. On average, mothers were 27?years old (SD?=?5.15) and infants were 7.90?months old (SD?=?5.21). All mothers had access to the Internet in their home. New mothers spent approximately 3?hours on the computer each day, with most of this time spent on the Internet. Findings suggested that frequency of blogging predicted feelings of connection to extended family and friends which then predicted perceptions of social support. This in turn predicted maternal well-being, as measured by marital satisfaction, couple conflict, parenting stress, and depression. In sum, blogging may improve new mothers' well-being, as they feel more connected to the world outside their home through the Internet.  相似文献   

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