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The present study provides the first data on inorganic element levels in juvenile, subadult, and adult Atlantic gannets (Morus bassanus). Physiological and potentially toxic elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se, and Zn) were assessed by ICP-MS in kidney, liver, muscle, and feathers of 31 gannets, including 18 juveniles, 7 subadults, and 6 adults. The effect of age and tissue on element accumulation was also assessed. Mercury was roughly above the minimum level for adverse effects in birds. A higher accumulation of Se and Cd was detected in kidney, Pb in feathers, and Mn in liver. Age was found to affect the accumulation of Cd, Co, Hg, Mn, Se, and Zn. Adults presented significantly lower levels of Mn, Se, and Zn than subadults. Linear positive relationships within tissues were detected involving Se-Cd and Se-Hg. Also, positive linear relationships were detected among kidney, liver, and muscle, with emphasis on relationships involving Cd, Hg, Se, and Zn, which may be indicative of analogous regulation mechanisms in those organs. Atlantic gannets occurring in the study area leave their reproduction sites as juveniles. During their development process, several molting cycles occur and thus the possible contamination risk by Hg should reflect levels in the development areas rather than contamination levels in reproduction areas. The present study provides basic information on multielement accumulation in Morus bassanus, which may help us to understand the behavior and toxicity of various elements in marine birds.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the concentrations of toxic elements (As, Cd, Hg, Pb) and essential trace elements (Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) in the freshwater shrimp M. amazonicum in the region of Santarem (lower Amazonia), which is affected by mining activities. The level of metal accumulation in the shrimp was found to be similar to that measured in other regions affected by anthropogenic polluted in both in Brazil and elsewhere, and does not pose a significant risk for human consumption. The different patterns of metal accumulation between the Amazon and Tapajos basins appear to be (at least partly) related to respectively bauxite exploitation and gold mining in the region. Bioaccumulation of the trace elements Co, Fe, and Mn mainly occurred in the visceral part of the shrimps from the Amazon river.  相似文献   

The P, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn concentrations were determined in seventy-three samples of seaweeds belonging to different genera (classified as brown, red and green seaweeds), which were collected from three zones in the sub-Antarctic ecoregion of Magallanes (Chile). There were clear differences in the concentrations between the considered genera. Brown seaweed had the highest mean K (31.4 g/kg) and Ca (10.3 g/kg) concentrations compared with red (14.1 g/kg for K and 3.11 g/kg for Ca) and green (13.9 g/kg for K and 7.58 g/kg for Ca) seaweed, and green seaweed had the highest mean Mg (15.0 g/kg), Fe (1260 mg/kg) and Cu (7.46 mg/kg) concentrations. The consumption of a serving (8 g) from of the three groups of brown, red and green seaweed is a good source of Fe, Mg and Mn (>25% of the Dietary Recommended Intake). Significant differences were observed in the mean concentrations of all the minerals and trace elements, except for Fe, Cu and Mn, between the three collection zones. Factor and discriminant analysis were used to differentiate the type of seaweed and sampling zone. Besides which, good classifications were obtained according to the type of seaweed using discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

The trace element (Ag, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn) concentrations of the rough limpet,Acmaea scabra, were determined at twelve locations along the California coastline. The mean silver concentration of the organisms was highest at Pt. La Jolla, but no elemental concentration exhibited measurable geographic differences. Simple linear correlation coefficients and multiple analysis of variance statistics indicated a general independence of the elemental concentrations from each other and from other biological and geographic variables, in the total sample.  相似文献   

Trace contaminant concentrations were measured in eggs of endangered California clapper rails (Rallus longirostris obsoletus) collected from San Francisco Bay during 1975, 1986, and 1987, and in clapper rail eggs (R. l. waynei) from North Carolina during 1987. Residues of 10 detected organochlorines (OC) were low and decreased by 2 to 3-fold from 1975 to 1986–1987 for San Francisco Bay samples, whereas eggshell thickness remained unchanged and comparable to eggs collected prior to 1940. Mercury (Hg) concentrations in eggs from San Francisco Bay were higher than those from North Carolina, and comparable to concentrations associated with reproductive effects in other avian species. Selenium (Se) concentrations in eggs from San Francisco Bay were also higher than those from North Carolina, and were highest in a north San Francisco Bay marsh adjacent to an oil refinery. Individual Se concentrations were slightly lower than values associated with embryotoxicity in other rallids. We recommend additional research on the effects of these and other contaminants on California clapper rails and the restoration of rail habitat.  相似文献   

River sediment, sludge, and soil samples were collected and analyzed for Hg, MeHg, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Volatile solids, chloride, sulphate, and sulphide were also assessed. Heavy metal contamination was present in all the samples, particularly soil and sediment. The 'k values for Cu were less than those for Hg and lower for soil than for river sediment. Complexation may be a major factor in Hg methylation as high 'k values reflected low MeHg levels. High chloride concentration was associated with low ratios of methyl to total Hg. Using DNA probe technology, the occurrence of DNA sequences typical of transposons Tn21 and Tn501 were determined for the samples. Observable (phenotypic) Hg resistance was greatest at sites of high Hg and chloride concentrations although genetic variation was greatest in soil and sediment samples with lower Hg concentrations. Isolation of Tn501-like elements increased when Hg was added to the medium. Mercury resistance systems which are not homologous at high stringency to themer operon appear to be common in soil, activated sludge, and river sediments.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 13 elements were determined in the muscle, liver, intestine, kidney, and gonads of cultured and wild carp caught at two sites in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, between September 1994 and September 1995. Despite having a reputation for being heavily polluted, the carp were not heavily burdened with metals. Our results suggest that despite their dietary differences, the wild and cultured fish were accumulating and distributing metals in the same manner and that aquaculture practices are not increasing metal concentrations in these fish. Metal concentrations were lowest in muscle, and did not exceed established quality standards for fish. The differences in metal concentrations between cultivated and wild carp are negligible and should pose no health problems for consumers of either type of fish.  相似文献   

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Toxic shock syndrome is uncommon in the prepubertal age group. Two children presented with pyrexia, macular erythroderma, vomiting, hypotension and rapid deterioration of consciousness. One child had severe neurological involvement. The diagnosis of toxic shock syndrome was established in both cases by the exclusion of other causes and by culturing staphylococcus aureus. We postulate that the neurological manifestations were caused by a direct neurotoxic action of the staphylococcal-produced toxin. Both children made a complete recovery.  相似文献   

The Coimbra Early Intervention Project was undertaken to develop the first co-ordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency programme involving health care, education and social services, using existing resources in the community. The programme operates region wide and supports annually about 160 families and children with disabilities or at risk. Thirty-three per cent of the 601 children served so far had developmental delay, 22% belonged to high-risk families and 45% had risk factors and disabilities. In spite of difficulties, the programme success has increased awareness of the need to integrate and co-ordinate multiple community services and to develop legislation for the provision of early intervention services.  相似文献   

The Portuguese Thorotrast series comprises 1230 traced individuals of a total of 2432 who received Thorotrast for diagnostic purposes between 1930 and 1955, and have been followed since then. Of those, 1039 received the drug systemically (most of them for cerebral angiography), and 191 locally.Among the 1230 traced cases, 901 individuals have died up to 31 December 1971, 23 from fatal blood dyscrasias (12 of which were acute leukemias), 104 from malignant tumors, 64 of which were liver tumors, the hemangioendotheliomas being the most frequent histological type found; 23 from liver cirrhosis and 13 from the late effects of cervical granulomata occurring after cerebral angiography.The follow up of these cases and of 726 controls roughly matched for age and sex, and the statistical analysis performed on the results have shown that the incidence of malignancies in general, particularly of acute leukemias and malignant neoplasias of the liver and of liver fibrosis (liver “cirrhosis”) was significantly higher among the traced Thorotrast cases than among the controls and the general Portuguese population, even allowing for the peculiarities of the diseased series, after correction of the respective death rates by a calculated factor.The clinical symptoms more frequently found among the patients still alive, besides the local complaints due to “granulomata,” were general gastrointestinal complaints and also pain in the right and/or left upper abdomen. Laboratory tests have disclosed an appreciable percentage of abnormal results of the protein electrophoresis, with low serum albumin (in 70% of the cases) and increased α2 (in 67.7%) and γ (in 69.6%) globulins and of an increased level of alkaline phosphatase (in 68.4% of the cases). In a few cases special studies, such as bone marrow, chromosome, and body burden determination studies have been made.The main morphological lesions found in pathological studies of this series (autopsies and biopsies) are local granulomata developed in the tissues where the drug had been spilled, liver fibrosis, and liver tumors. Of these, the most frequent types found are hemangioendotheliomas and cholangiocarcinomas. A multicentric hemangioendothelioma was found in the reticuloendothelial organs in 3 cases. Bone marrow lesions found have been leukemias or aplastic anemias.The authors conclude that Thorotrast must have been the cause of such pathological consequences, probably through its radioactivity, and therefore should not be used in human beings.  相似文献   

Metal (Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb) concentrations in human placentas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of some metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb) in human placentas at term in two populations living in polluted (Krakow, n = 10) and non-polluted (Bieszczady, n = 13) areas were investigated by means of graphite furnace--or flame atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS or F-AAS). The concentrations of Cu, Fe and Pb were higher in Krakow vs. Bieszczady, while Zn concentration was lower, but these differences were not significant. The following results were obtained for the whole studied group: Cu 1.17 +/- 0.25 microg/g w.w., Zn 8.44 +/- 2.10 microg/g w.w., Fe 115.0 +/- 31.9 microg/g w.w., Pb 51.6 +/- 18.0 ng/g w.w. The inverse accumulation of Zn and Pb is in accord with previous observations. In the whole group of placenta specimens the statistically significant correlation was also found between concentrations of Cu and Pb. The correlations between metal concentrations and placental or maternal features were the strongest for lead.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - The article is focused on the application of Energy dispersive micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy as a specific method to...  相似文献   

Livers and kidneys were collected for five seabird species from the Canadian Arctic during the 1983 and 1991 to 1993 breeding seasons. Livers were analyzed for Cd, Hg, Pb, and Se, and kidneys were analyzed for Cd, Cu, Zn, and metallothionein (MT). Concentrations of the essential elements, Cu and Zn, were in agreement with those previously published in the literature. Thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) from Ivujivik on the Hudson Strait/Hudson Bay coast in northwestern Quebec (Canada) had the highest mean renal concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Cd. Among the four species collected from Prince Leopold Island, northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) had the highest hepatic concentrations of both Cd and Hg. The highest Se concentrations were found in northern fulmars and black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) from Prince Leopold Island. Hepatic Pb concentrations were low (<0.3 microg/g dry wt) in all species at all locations. Metallothionein concentrations were positively correlated with Cd and Zn for all species combined but were not correlated with Cu in any species. No significant relationships were found between MT and Cu or Zn in black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) or glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus). To our knowledge, this is the first report of MT concentrations and their relationships with trace metals in Arctic seabirds.  相似文献   

Airborne particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in industrial, background and urban atmosphere environments were investigated using toxic equivalent factors (TEFs) in central Taiwan during the period of August-December 2002. Concentrations of airborne particles were 93.4, 81.3 and 102.4 microg/m3 for industrial, background and urban sites, respectively. Concentrations of 21 gaseous PAHs were 1530, 759 and 1030 ng/m3 for industrial, background and urban sites, respectively; for carcinogenic activity of gaseous PAHs, the benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) equivalent concentrations were 17.0, 7.29 and 12.6 ng/m3 for industrial, background and urban sites, respectively. Twenty-one particle-bound PAHs were only 10% of the 21 gaseous PAHs. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (DBA) serves as a surrogate to explain the carcinogenic activity of PAH mixtures in central Taiwan because its carcinogenicity is a high percentage of the total carcinogenic activity. During the sampling period, temperature inversion from a cold front from China occurred, leading to average daily temperatures of 16 degrees C. These cold fronts caused atmospheric particles and pollutants to accumulate in the troposphere, leading to extremely high concentrations of airborne particles and both gaseous and particle-bound PAHs in central Taiwan.  相似文献   

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