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对磁铁矿井下采矿工人的肺癌进行了回顾性队列研究,队列由2410名男性工人组成。观察期为1980年1月1日至1989年12月31日,在此10年期间共累积21433人年。以1987年全国城市男性居民人口的死因别、年龄别死亡率为标准,求算各项死因的标化率比(SRR)。磁铁矿全体采矿工人的肺癌未显示超量发生(SRR=1.14,P>0.05)。但当把该人分为矽肺与非矽肺两群组分析时,矽肺组的肺癌超量发生(S  相似文献   

辽宁耐火砖工人的肺癌流行病学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由辽宁省6个主要耐火材料厂3339名制造矽砖和粘土砖工人组成一个回顾性研究队列,在1963年到1985年23年观察期内,积累68254人年,死亡601人。这个矽尘作业人群的肺癌显示高发(SRR为1.45,P<0.01)。把该人群分为矽肺和非矽肺两群组时,仅矽肺组肺癌显示高发(SRR为2.18,P<0.01),非矽肺组肺癌未显示高发(SRR为O.95)。矽肺组肺癌的超出量随暴露后年数的增长而增加,显示其肺癌与矽尘暴露有联系。矽砖和粘土砖两群组的矽肺组肺癌都显示高发(SRR分别为2.50和1.98,P皆小于0.05)。  相似文献   

对武钢3个铁矿10753名男性职工作了肺癌死亡的回顾性队列研究,测定了目前生产环境的粉尘、镍、镉、砷、氡及多环芳烃等的浓度,并对铁矿历史上的工业卫生资料作了总结分析。结果提示:赤铁矿(大冶铁矿)井下开采工中矽肺患者的肺癌死亡率超高,SMR=3.13(6/1.92)以1988年全国中小城市男性肺癌死亡率作参比,P<0.01。死亡率超高与是否接尘以及接尘水平无关。也不能用井下存在其他低水平致肺癌因子作解释。吸烟工人肺癌相对危险度大为升高,竟达13.71,但吸烟与接尘这2个因素对肺癌的作用是独立的。  相似文献   

通过对1077名井下矿工队列的28年回顾性定群研究,发现吸烟组矽肺发病率为13.02%,非吸烟组为6.85%。吸烟组矽肺的标化发病率比为171.43(95%CI=144.69~203.97)。以接尘工龄作时间变量,用Weibull回归模型分析累积接尘量和吸烟对矽肺的影响。结果表明在平衡了接尘工龄后,累积接尘量和吸烟对矽肺发病的影响有显著性意义,说明了有吸烟习惯的接尘工人发生矽肺的危险度比不吸烟者大。因此,在预防矽肺的措施上,应强调控制吸烟的重要性。  相似文献   

二氧化硅,矽肺与肺癌的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过耐火材料等四个行业的接尘人员中肺癌死亡回顾性队列调查,发现接尘人员中肺癌危险性明显高于非尘毒暴露组,而且肺癌标化死亡率随含硅量及接触浓度变化呈现出平行的趋势。矽肺合并肺癌多为早期矽肺,肺癌病变多分布在肺上叶,病理形态鳞癌较多。肺癌发生晚于矽肺。吸烟和矽肺同时存在时,有必要注意协同作用。  相似文献   

为了评价井下接尘、矽肺、吸烟与肺癌发病的关系,在大厂锡矿职工人群中进行了一次肺癌的病例-对照研究。结果发现,职工肺癌发病主要与井下接尘和吸烟有关。非条件Logistic回归模型的多因素分析表明,矽肺与增加肺癌发病的危险度无显著性意义,接尘与吸烟之间也无效应修饰作用。  相似文献   

为评价游离二氧化硅(简称矽尘或SiO2)是否致肺癌?矽肺是否是肺癌前变基础?选择四类接尘厂矿进行队列和队列内病例对照研究。队列对象68285人。有矽肺6487例,肺癌330例(男319,女11),配对照1358例。根据厂矿历年工业卫生记录和近期对已知致癌物监测结果,定量评估了每个对象的接尘水平及每个病例对照的累积接触量。研究对象追访到1989年底,死亡6192人。与全国居民死亡平均数计算的期望值近似。全死因中癌症是第一死因,但全癌低于国家居民死亡率。分析结果说明:(1)矽尘单独存在时不是肺致癌剂。肺癌不超高,与接尘关系不明显;(2)在6487名矽肺队列中,肺癌相对危险度仅比非矽肺高0.22倍,主要反应在铜铁矿工人中(R=2.2),而矽肺患病率最严重的钨矿工人,其肺癌危险度反而随接尘水平上升而下降,再则肺癌死亡率与矽肺期别不呈正比;形态学上观察也不支持肺癌病变与矽肺纤维化病变相关。本研究结果难以支持矽尘或矽肺与肺癌病因学相关的假说。  相似文献   

滑石粉尘对陶瓷工人的健康效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨滑石粉尘对陶瓷工人呼吸系统疾病发生发展的影响。方法:采用历史前瞻性队列研究,全体队列成员按是否接触矽尘和滑石尘分为不接尘组,矽尘组和滑石尘矽尘组,运用优势比(Odds Ratios,OR)方法作计算分析。结果:滑石尘矽尘组工人的非恶性呼吸道疾病(如尘肺)和肺心病的死亡危险度与矽尘组类似,但其癌症的死亡危险度,特别是肺癌死亡比不接尘组明显超高,OR=4.73,P<0.01)。结论:认为颗粒型滑石可能是瓷厂工人中致肺癌因子,滑石粉尘对矽肺发病也有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

云母矿工人肺癌的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李秋生  梁淑容 《卫生研究》1994,23(6):338-342
对内蒙古某云母矿井下男性矿工进行了肺癌回顾性队列调查。对生产环境中某些有害因素进行了测定。以全国及内蒙古男性人群肺癌死亡率作参比人群,标化死亡比(SMR)分别为4.05和6.62,具有统计学意义。肺癌标化死亡率为87.61/105。有矽肺和无矽肺者肺癌发病有显著差异(P<0.05)。肺癌患者皆为尘肺患者。对肺癌高发原因,初步认为肺癌高发与长期高浓度接尘有关。很难排除矿尘中SiO2和云母的作用。井下空气中存在的3,4-苯并芘,氡及其子体浓度极低,不足以构成本矿肺癌的原因。本次调查未见肺癌与吸烟有关。  相似文献   

铁矿工肺癌病因病例对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究系在历史前瞻性队列研究基础上,采用同厂矿队列内病例:对照=1:4配比,对接尘、矽肺、吸烟与肺癌之间关系进行了对比分析。结果未发现肺癌发病与接尘、矽肺有直接关系;但结果说明吸烟与肺癌关系密切。  相似文献   

为评价肺癌病例对照研究中接尘剂量估算方法的真实性,对广西锡矿病因研究对象进行了重新计算。广西锡矿队列发现男性肺癌死者130例,配对照627例。共757人。其中接法工人572名,发现各期矽肺共243例,根据在斩工业卫生监测资料估算所有接尘工人的累积总粉尘接触量,再计算不同接尘水平下矽肺的发病率。结果显示,随接尘水平上升,矽肺发病率升高,两者存在明显的接触剂量反应关系。完全符合矽肺发病特点。从而间接证  相似文献   

Mortality experience of haematite mine workers in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mortality risk of iron ore (haematite) miners between 1970 and 1982 was investigated in a retrospective cohort study of workers from two mines, Longyan and Taochong, in China. The cohort was limited to men and consisted of 5406 underground miners and 1038 unexposed surface workers. Among the 490 underground miners who died, 205 (42%) died of silicosis and silicotuberculosis and 98 (20%) of cancer, including 29 cases (5.9%) of lung cancer. The study found an excess risk of non-malignant respiratory disease and of lung cancer among haematite miners. The standardised mortality ratio for lung cancer compared with nationwide male population rates was significantly raised (SMR = 3.7), especially for those miners who were first employed underground before mechanical ventilation and wet drilling were introduced (SMR = 4.8); with jobs involving heavy exposure to dust, radon, and radon daughters (SMR = 4.2); with a history of silicosis (SMR = 5.3); and with silicotuberculosis (SMR = 6.6). No excess risk of lung cancer was observed in unexposed workers (SMR = 1.2). Among current smokers, the risk of lung cancer increased with the level of exposure to dust. The mortality from all cancer, stomach, liver, and oesophageal cancer was not raised among underground miners. An excess risk of lung cancer among underground mine workers which could not be attributed solely to tobacco use was associated with working conditions underground, especially with exposure to dust and radon gas and with the presence of non-malignant respiratory disease. Because of an overlap of exposures to dust and radon daughters, the independent effects of these factors could not be evaluated.  相似文献   

The mortality risk of iron ore (haematite) miners between 1970 and 1982 was investigated in a retrospective cohort study of workers from two mines, Longyan and Taochong, in China. The cohort was limited to men and consisted of 5406 underground miners and 1038 unexposed surface workers. Among the 490 underground miners who died, 205 (42%) died of silicosis and silicotuberculosis and 98 (20%) of cancer, including 29 cases (5.9%) of lung cancer. The study found an excess risk of non-malignant respiratory disease and of lung cancer among haematite miners. The standardised mortality ratio for lung cancer compared with nationwide male population rates was significantly raised (SMR = 3.7), especially for those miners who were first employed underground before mechanical ventilation and wet drilling were introduced (SMR = 4.8); with jobs involving heavy exposure to dust, radon, and radon daughters (SMR = 4.2); with a history of silicosis (SMR = 5.3); and with silicotuberculosis (SMR = 6.6). No excess risk of lung cancer was observed in unexposed workers (SMR = 1.2). Among current smokers, the risk of lung cancer increased with the level of exposure to dust. The mortality from all cancer, stomach, liver, and oesophageal cancer was not raised among underground miners. An excess risk of lung cancer among underground mine workers which could not be attributed solely to tobacco use was associated with working conditions underground, especially with exposure to dust and radon gas and with the presence of non-malignant respiratory disease. Because of an overlap of exposures to dust and radon daughters, the independent effects of these factors could not be evaluated.  相似文献   

Lung cancer mortality among a cohort of men in a silicotic register   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To examine any association between silicosis and lung cancer, the clinic records of a cohort of 1502 silicotic workers diagnosed after 1981 were reviewed. All of the essential data, including occupational exposure, smoking habits, radiographic extent of silicosis, and vital status of each subject, were noted. The standardized mortality ratio for various causes of death was calculated. Thirty-three patients died from lung cancer, giving a standardized mortality ratio of 1.94 (95% confidence interval, 1.35 to 2.70). However, smoking accounted for most of the excess of lung cancer deaths among the silicotic workers in the cohort, and no consistent relationship between lung cancer mortality risk and either duration of exposure to silica dust or severity of silicosis was observed. There is no conclusive evidence in our data to support the hypothesis that lung cancer may be associated with silicosis.  相似文献   

耐火材料厂矽尘作业工人肺癌流行病学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对冶金系统十一个耐火材料厂的矽砖、粘土砖制造工人的肺癌进行了回顾性队列研究。队列由6266名男性工人组成,观察期为1963年1月1日至1985年12月31日,在此23年期间共累积130730人年。以全国不同地区的十个大、中型钢铁企业的钢坯初轧厂11470名男性职工在1971年至1985年间的年龄别、死因别死亡率为标准,计算各项死因的标化率比(SMR)。矽尘作业人群的肺癌显示超量发生(SRR为1  相似文献   

矽肺对肺癌及总死亡影响的回顾性队列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 利用香港矽肺患者队列的资料进行分析,探讨矽尘、矽肺与肺癌的关系.方法 选择1981年1月1日至1998年12月31日期间在香港尘肺诊所登记的2789例男性矽肺病例为研究对象,取用同时期一般男性人群作为对照.用人年的方法估计各死因的标化死亡比(SMR),用Axelson's法间接调整吸烟的混杂影响.矽尘与肺癌的剂量-效应关系采用多因素p-spline平滑法模型来拟合最佳风险模型.结果 该组研究队列人数为2789,共观察24 992.6人年,失访率仅为2.9%.该队列主要工种为建筑工人(5 1.09%)和地下沉箱操作工人(37.54%).队列总死亡人数为853人,平均死亡年龄为(63.8±10.27)岁,整个队列中86例死于肺癌.全死因及全癌的SMR均明显上升,首位死因是呼吸道疾病,肺癌的5MR明显增加(SMR:1.69,95%CI:1.35~2.09).去除年龄、时期和吸烟的混杂因素的影响,矽肺对肺癌的相对危险度下降到1.12(95%CI:0.89~1.38).间接调整吸烟的混杂影响后建筑工人及地下沉箱工人肺癌的相对危险度分别为1.09(95%CI:0.82~1.42)和1.56(0.98~2.36).多因素p-spline平滑法风险模型分析显示,肺癌与累积呼吸性矽尘总量或平均矽尘浓度的关系无剂量-效应关系.结论 队列研究未发现接触矽尘或矽肺能增加肺癌死亡的危险,平滑法模型拟合的风险模型并不支持矽尘与肺癌死亡之间存在剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

Mortality of white South African gold miners.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES--This two part study aimed to determine whether there was an excess mortality generally or for some diseases among middle aged white South African gold miners on the Witwatersrand and whether the underground dust exposure of these miners contributed to the development of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or ischaemic heart disease (IHD). METHODS--A cohort of 4925 white miners in South Africa, born between 1 January 1916 and 31 December 1930 who were alive and working in the vicinity of Johannesburg on 1 January 1970, then aged between 39 and 54, was followed up for 20 years by which time 2032 had died. Most were gold miners (about 87% had worked 85% or more of their shifts in gold mines). Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated as percentages of the number of deaths observed in the cohort for a condition as stated on the death certificate divided by the number expected on the basis of concurrent mortality in the reference population (the total age specific white male population of South Africa). A case-control analysis was performed for three diseases (lung cancer, COPD, and IHD), the results of which are presented for those miners in the cohort who had spent at least 85% of their service on gold mines and had worked at least 15% of their shifts underground. RESULTS--The SMR for all causes of death was 129.6%, raised because of excess mortality due to the following causes: lung cancer (SMR = 139.8%), IHD (124.1%), COPD (189%) and cirrhosis of the liver (155.3%). Smoking was confirmed to be the main risk factor for lung cancer and COPD although cumulative dust exposure was found to increase the risk of COPD in conjunction with smoking. No significant risk of lung cancer resulted from exposure to dust. High blood pressure and smoking were found to increase the risk of IHD, but no association between IHD and the quetelet index (weight/height2) was found. CONCLUSIONS--The most significant and unexpected finding was the 30% increase in the SMR for all causes. Very little of this increase could be attributed to mining and the main factor for this was probably the adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle by these men (compared with other South African white men) particularly smoking (86% were smokers) and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Mortality from lung cancer among copper miners.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A cohort mortality study of lung cancer in 7088 copper miners was made from 1 January 1969 to 31 December 1988. There was an excess of deaths from lung cancer in the copper miners. The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) was 147 (p < 0.01). The SMR increased with calendar period. There was a higher risk of deaths from lung cancer in the miners employed in the 1950s. Age at the start of exposure had no effect on the risk of lung cancer. The risk of death from lung cancer increased with the duration of exposure and the time since first exposure. The SMR for lung cancer was 173 in underground miners and 193 for drilling miners (both p < 0.01). These data show that exposure to dust is associated with an excess of deaths from lung cancer in copper miners whereas exposure to radiation does not seem to carry such risk.  相似文献   

In an attempt to assess whether silica induces lung cancer, a nested case-control study of 316 male lung cancer cases and 1352 controls was carried out among pottery workers and tungsten, copper-iron, and tin miners from five provinces in south central China. Exposure to dust and silica for each study subject was evaluated quantitatively by cumulative exposure measures based on historical industrial hygiene records. Measurements on confounders such as inorganic arsenic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and radon were also collected from the worksites. Information on cigarette smoking was obtained by interviews of the subjects or their next of kin. A significant trend of increasing risk of lung cancer with exposure to silica was found for tin miners, but not for miners working in tungsten or copper-iron mines. Concomitant and highly correlated exposures to arsenic and PAHs among tin miners were also found. Risk of lung cancer among pottery workers was related to exposure to silica, although the dose-response gradient was not significant. Risks of lung cancer were significantly increased among silicotic subjects in iron-copper and tin mines, but not in pottery factories or tungsten mines. The results of this study provide only limited support for an aetiological association between silica and lung cancer.  相似文献   

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