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棉尘对女工呼吸系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
棉尘对女工呼吸系统的影响孙栩孙宁朱红近年来,乡镇企业女工劳动卫生日益受到重视。为了探讨中小型纺织厂棉尘对女工呼吸系统的危害,作者对某纺织厂棉纺女工呼吸系统健康状况进行了断面调查,以期为中小型棉纺织厂女工劳动卫生提供资料。1调查内容与方法1.1调查对象...  相似文献   

为了解有机和无机粉尘对作业女工肺通气功能的损害程度和损害特点.我们对某棉絮加工厂和汽车修配厂铸造车间的接触棉尘和矽尘的女工进行了肺通气功能的测定.  相似文献   

棉尘对纺织女工肺通气功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对231名棉纺女工的肺通气功能进行了测定分析,结果表明:棉纺女工的肺通气功能较对照相差,肺通气功能急性改变率前纺高于后纺;接尘工龄越长,慢性肺功能改变检出率越高。  相似文献   

对肥东纺织厂棉纺车间工龄满5a以上的111名棉纺女工进行调查。内容包括呼吸系统症状询问、胸部X线摄片、肺功能测试和心电图测定等。结果表明35.14%的棉纺女工具有呼吸道刺激症状(RTI);棉尘病患病率为9.9%;急性肺功能改变率:轻度占38.74%,中度10.81%,重度3.6%;慢性肺功能改变率:轻度占58.56%,中度40.54%,重度0.9%。胸部X线特征分析表明棉尘可以引起轻度肺间质纤维性变。  相似文献   

烧结尘与吸烟对工人呼吸系统症状及肺通气功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
烧结尘是钢铁企业中危害作业工人健康的主要粉尘之一。为了解烧结尘与吸烟对职工健康影响的联合作用 ,我们进行了本次调查。一、对象与方法1 对象 :以某钢铁集团公司烧结厂接触粉尘 2年以上的384名男性职工为接尘组 ,年龄 2 1~ 5 5岁 ,其中 2 0 6人吸烟 ,吸烟率 5 3.6 %。以同等劳动强度、不接触粉尘的轧钢厂男性职工 2 6 7名为对照组 ,年龄 2 1~ 5 2岁 ,其中 147人吸烟 ,吸烟率 5 5 .1%。接尘组与对照组吸烟与不吸烟者的一般情况比较 ,差异均无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,见表 1。受检工人既往无器质性心肺疾病史 ,检查时无急性呼吸道感染。…  相似文献   

吸烟与接触棉尘对棉纺工人呼吸系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两个棉纺厂的100名男工(其中吸烟者68名)作为调查对象,另选无棉尘接触的丝织厂男工38名(其中吸烟者25名)作为对照。本调查结果表明,接触棉尘和吸烟的联合作用促使棉尘症和慢性支气管炎患病率升高。在肺功能测定方面,△FEV1%≥5%者吸烟棉纺工高于不吸烟棉纺工。析因分析提示棉尘对班后FEV1下降有极显著影响,而吸烟却未见明显影响。这亦表明吸烟和棉尘没有交互影响,但有协同作用。  相似文献   

94例棉尘作业女工肺通气功能测定分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
棉尘对其接触者可造成呼吸系统损伤[1]。为了解棉尘作业工人肺功能情况,我们对某棉纺厂94名接触棉尘女工进行了肺通气功能测定分析,现将结果报告如下。1 对象和方法11 对象接尘组为接触棉尘女工94人,年龄19~42岁,平均(27.28±5.14)岁,接尘工龄1~11年,平均(7.00±2.41)年,身高147~165cm,平均(156.49±4.60)cm。对照组为该厂不接触尘毒的医护、  表1接尘组与对照组各项肺功能比较(x±s)项目接尘组(n=94) 班前 班后 P值对照组(n=50) 班前 班后P值FVC99.02±10.9299.53±12.410.383 99.44±9.94 99.54±9.790.676F…  相似文献   

棉尘对肺通气功能影响的调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来 ,系统报道棉尘对作业工人肺功能影响的不多。为进一步探讨棉尘对肺通气功能的影响 ,我们对某棉纺织厂梳棉、粗纱工段工人进行了调查。结果如下 :1 对象与方法1.1 现场粉尘浓度的测定 选用 AFQ2 0 A型防爆测尘仪分别在受检者工作场所呼吸带高度采样。按《卫生防疫工作规范》连续采样 3天 ,每天采样 1次 ,取平均值。1.2 测试对象 选择接触不同棉尘浓度的作业工人 171名(排除有其它粉尘接触史及肺部器质性疾患 ) ,其中梳棉工 95名、粗纱工 76名。对照组选择某商场营业员 81名。 3组人群吸烟史、年龄、性别、身高、体重经检验无显…  相似文献   

目的 探讨棉尘对棉纺女工呼吸系统的损害。方法 对棉纺厂各车间工序进行劳动卫生学和空气中细菌、真菌污染状况调查,并对302名棉纺女工及64名对照女工呼吸系统症状进行询问调查、X线胸片检查及班前班后肺功能的测定。结果 棉纺各车间工序空气中微生物污染严重,尤以前纺车间为重。接尘女工呼吸系统症状阳性率均显著高于对照女工(P<0.01),86名棉纺女工中X线胸片异常者20例,占拍片人数的23.3%。肺功能FVC、FEV1.0、FEE25~75各指标班前班后下降值均较对照组明显。接尘女工肺功能FEV1.0异常急性改变率为52.2%,对照女工为9.4%,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。前纺车间女工呼吸系统症状阳性率及肺功能FEV1.0异常急性改变率明显高于络筒和织布车间。结论 棉纺女工出现呼吸系统症状阳性率增高及肺功能急性下降,可能与车间空气中微生物污染程度有关。  相似文献   

粉尘可引起接尘工人的呼吸系统损害 ,对工人的肺功能产生一定的影响。由于所接触粉尘的种类、浓度不同 ,对呼吸系统损害的性质、特征、程度也有所不同[1] 。本文通过对接触石棉尘和接触羽毛尘女工的呼吸系统症状及肺功能进行比较 ,从而了解不同粉尘对接尘女工呼吸系统的损害特点。1 对象和方法1 1 对象  接触石棉者均为手纺石棉线女工 ,共 317人 ,平均年龄( 41 0 6± 10 5 3)岁 ,平均接尘工龄 ( 16 5 2± 8 2 8)年 ;羽毛女工来自羽毛收购及成品加工厂的工人 ,共 135人 ,平均年龄 ( 39 97±12 44 )岁 ,平均接尘工龄 ( 15 13± 8 15 )…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have investigated adverse effects of exposure to cotton dust on respiratory health, but very limited longitudinal data are available with regard to the early pulmonary response to cotton dust. Moreover, the adverse effects of occupational exposure to cotton dust have been difficult to separate from the confounding effects of smoking. This setting provided a unique opportunity to evaluate early respiratory effects in newly hired and non-smoking female textile workers. METHODS: To identify early pulmonary responses to cotton dust exposure and associated gram-negative bacterial endotoxin, respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function in 225 newly-hired textile workers were assessed at work initiation, and at three and twelve months later. RESULTS: All the workers were females and nonsmokers, with an average age of 18 years. Symptom incidence at three months was 3.6% for usual cough with phlegm, and 6.7% for usual dry cough. Lung function changes were detectable at one year: FEV1 declined by 70 ml and FVC by 124 ml over the year, and workers reporting respiratory symptoms at three months showed a significantly greater cross-shift drop in FEV1 (- 2.3%) than those without the symptoms (- 0.7%). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the occurrence of respiratory symptoms represents the earliest response to cotton dust exposure, followed by lung function changes. Early respiratory symptoms may be a risk factor for subsequent loss of pulmonary function in cotton textile workers.  相似文献   

Valić, F., and Žuškin, E. (1971).Brit. J. industr. Med.,28, 364-368. A comparative study of respiratory function in female non-smoking cotton and jute workers. To compare the effect of cotton and jute dust, respiratory symptoms were studied and respiratory function measured in 60 cotton and 91 jute non-smoking female workers of similar age distribution, similar length of exposure to dust, and exposed to similar respirable airborne dust concentrations. Cotton workers had a significantly higher prevalence of byssinosis, of persistent cough, and of dyspnoea (P < 0·01) than jute workers. Among cotton workers 28·3% were found to have characteristic symptoms of byssinosis, whereas none was found among jute workers.

Exposure to cotton but also to jute dust caused significant reductions of FEV1·0, FVC, and PEF (P < 0·01) over the first working shift in the week. Functional grading of jute and cotton dust effects has shown that about 30% of cotton workers had functional grades F1 and F2, while only 13% of jute workers were found in the same grades (F1). It is concluded that cotton dust may be considered more active than jute though the latter cannot be considered inactive.


目的 探讨石灰石粉尘对接尘工人健康的影响.方法 对360名接触石灰石粉尘的工人进行问卷和健康检查,同时选择不接尘的360名工人为对照组,将接尘组与对照组症状、体征、胸片、及肺功能各项指标进行比较.结果 接尘组呼吸系统症状阳性率明显高于对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),与对照组比较,接尘组的肺功能指标均降低,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 石灰石粉尘属低矽量粉尘,但其分散度高,如长时间高浓度接触可对肺功能造成损害,甚至产生尘肺.  相似文献   

The relationship of skin reactivity and serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels to the prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms and to ventilatory capacity is examined in workers exposed to different organic aerosols. The results from group of control workers similarly tested are also presented. Workers exposed to occupational allergens had positive skin tests more frequently than did controls, except for soy bean workers. Workers with positive skin tests to occupational allergens had a higher prevalence of almost all symptoms than those with negative skin tests although the differences did not always reach statistical significance. Workers with positive skin reactions in general had significantly higher serum IgE levels than did workers with negative skin reactions. There were across-shift reductions of ventilatory capacity in all groups of exposed workers, varying for forced vital capacity from 1.7% to 13.3%, for forced expiratory volume from 0.4%–21.9%, for maximum flow rates at 50% from 1.5% to 16.1% and for maximum flow rates at the last 25% of control vital capacity from 0% to 24.9%. There was, however, no correlation between acute and chronic lung function changes and skin reactivity or IgE values. Our data suggest that although exposure to organic aerosols may be associated with frequent immunologic reactions, these findings do not predict objective respiratory impairment.The research was supported in part by grant no. JBP 733 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USA, and by grant no. RO1 OHO-2593-04 from the National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga., USA  相似文献   

接触棉尘工人呼吸系统早期反应──症状与肺功能改变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马庆晏  李德鸿 《卫生研究》1994,23(2):109-112
163名棉纺厂新工人(既往无棉麻粉尘接触史)入厂10周后随访发现:40人(24.5%)出现呼吸道刺激症状,未观察到典型"星期一症状"。各车间症状阳性率呈现随可吸入棉尘浓度或内毒素水平升高而上升的趋势,γ=0.94,P<0.01。肺功能改变:入厂后FVC比入厂前平均上升125.3ml,P<0.01;FEV1平均上升87.59ml,P<0.01。FEV1在入厂后占入厂前的比例平均为103.8%,其中仅1例低于80%。班后FVC比班前平均下降46,08ml,P<0.01;FEV1平均下降16.46ml,P<0.05。班后FEV1下降率≥5%者22人(13.5%),≥10%者7人(4.3%)。上述改变与吸烟、暴露水平等因素无关。  相似文献   

As part of a 1992 survey of both environmental and occupational determinants of health, 973 non-smoking women aged 20-40 years who were employed in three comparable modern Chinese cotton textile mills were given a questionnaire that included questions on standard respiratory history and symptoms. All women had some potential exposure to cotton dust; mean employment was 8.7 years. Comparisons were made between those with lowest or no current exposure (job classification in administration, quality control, and testing, n = 112) and those in the more heavily exposed classifications (yarn production areas, n = 861). Association of symptoms with job was tested by logistic regression, adjusting for age, passive smoking at home, and the use of home coal burning stoves. Odds ratios for prevalence of current frequent symptoms in those working in production jobs, after adjustment for home exposure to passive tobacco smoke and coal heating, were frequent cough 2.23 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.05-4.75), frequent phlegm 3.24 (1.54-6.84), shortness of breath 4.54 (1.40-14.72), and wheeze 2.96 (1.16-7.55). Nine cases with grade I byssinosis (chest tightness or shortness of breath on return to work after two days off) were found; all were in production jobs. In these non-smoking women textile workers, chronic respiratory symptoms were associated with job category after correction for domestic indoor air quality. These data support evidence for an increased prevalence of respiratory disease in populations exposed to cotton dust.  相似文献   

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