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HBsAg and HBV DNA in the sweat of HBsAg carriers were detected.Thepositivity rates were 26.1%(12/46)by RIA and 17.4%(8/45)by dot blot hybridization.No HBsAg and HBV DNA were found in 6 persons with negative serum HBsAg.Viralparticles were observed in the sweat by means of immunoelectronic microscope.When se-rum HBeAg or HBV DNA were positive,the positivity rates of HBsAg and HBV DNAin sweat were higher than those with negative serum HBeAg and HBV DNA,and the dif-ference was significant.The results suggested that HBV may be excreted out ofbody through the sweat glands of serum HBsAg carriers,and contaminate environmentalobjects,which may play a role in contact transmission of hepatitis B.No relationshipswere found between anti-HBc,anti-HBe,titer of serum HBsAg and positivity rates ofHBsAg and HBV DNA in sweat.  相似文献   

根据南宁病毒性肝炎会议诊断标准和中医脏腑辨证原则,对HBsAg携带者提出正常型、肝郁型、脾虚型、阴虚型、血瘀型、混合型六种证型。发现正常型(无症状携带者)的比例明显高于其他各型,随着肝脏损害及肝功能异常程度的加重,病态型比例逐渐增高。肝郁型是HBsAg的携带者主要病态证型,并与其他各型间关系密切。272例病人用小柴胡汤治疗四个月,HBsAg近期转阴率为9.9%。临床观察HBsAg持续转阴较困难。HBsAg携带时间越长,HBsAg转阴越难。  相似文献   

HBsAg检测是从业人员的健康体检必检项目,2007年度对全市食品、服务行业人员进行健康体检,根据1198名HBsAg阳性血清者的HBsAg滴度、HbeAg及抗-HBe的检测结果进行分析,以了解HBsAg阳性者的某些特征及其相互关系。  相似文献   

目的:初步评价Younossi的慢性肝病问卷(CLDQ)试用于我国乙型肝炎病毒携带者生存质量的信度和效度。方法:采用CLDQ对乙肝病毒携带者进行调查。结果:共108例乙型肝炎病毒携带者完成调查。研究结果显示CLDQ内部一致性信度较高,与其他研究一致;特征根大于1的公因子有6个,能解释总方差的66.89%;结构效度分析未与原量表设计完全一致。结论:CLDQ用于我国乙型肝炎病毒携带者生存质量评价时有一定的信度和效度,但仍需改进,并对其用于此部分人群时的修改提供了建议。  相似文献   

本文用斑点分子杂交试验检测了慢性无症状HBsAg携带者汗液中的HBV DNA,检出率为14.7%。这表明HBV可随汗液排出,汗液为传播HBV的媒介之一。同时分析了HBV随汗液排出的频率和可能的影响因素。  相似文献   

目的 探讨维生素D受体(VDR)基因Taq Ⅰ和Fok Ⅰ位点多态性与家庭乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性者聚集性之间的关系.方法 采用以人群为基础的病例对照家系设计,征集27个病例家系成员288名和27个对照家系成员230名,分析VDR基因多态性;应用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性方法对VDR基因TaqⅠ和FokⅠ基因型进行测定.结果 VDR-Taq Ⅰ的TT基因型的频率在病例家系显著高于对照家系(P<0.05),VDR-Fok Ⅰ的CC基因型的频率在病例家系显著高于对照家系(P<0.05);Taq IT-Fok IC单体型在病例家系出现的频率显著高于对照家系(OR=1.67,P<0.05),而Taq IC-Fok IT单体型在病例家系的分布频率显著低于对照家系(OR=0.24,P<0.05);用感染过HBV的家系血源亲属进行分析,结果 相近.结论VDR基因多态性可能是影响家庭HBsAg阳性者聚集的重要遗传因素.  相似文献   

Z Ding 《中华医学杂志》1990,70(11):611-4, 42
We studied anti-Pre S2 by ELISA incorporating a synthetic peptide corresponding to the pre S2 (120-150) sequence and a monoclonal anti-human IgG, conjugated with peroxidase in 139 patients with hepatitis B and HBsAg carriers. The positive rate was 90% inpatients with acute-hepatitis 6.7% in chronic active hepatitis and 2.5% in persistent hepatitis. No positive case was seen in the HBsAg carriers. These findings indicate that anti-pre S2 may contribute to virus clearance and early diagnosis. The coexistence of anti-pre S2 with pre-S2 antigen was found only in patients with acute hepatitis, and anti-pre S2 may be coexistent with HBeAg in acute hepatitis, whereas all HBeAg positive patients with chronic hepatitis and HBsAg carriers lacked anti-pre S2. Comparing with anti-HBc IgM, anti-HBs and anti-HBe, anti-pre S2 is an earlier antibody in humoral immune response to HBV infection during the acute phase of hepatitis.  相似文献   

目的:观察左旋咪唑擦剂治疗儿童HBsAg携带者的疗效。方法:应用左旋咪唑搽剂治疗儿童HBsAg携带者,并设立对照组60例。结果:治疗3个月后,治疗组与对照组相比。HBV—DNA阴转率(35%比11.7%)差异有显著性。治疗6个月后,治疗组与对照组相比,HBV-DNA、HBeAg阴转率明显优于患者母亲HbeAg阳性组。结论:左旋咪唑搽剂用于治疗儿童HBsAg携带者有效,安全可靠。  相似文献   

P An 《中华医学杂志》1992,72(11):647-50, 701
The exogenous anti-HBs-F(ab)'2 was given to the HBsAg carriers for the study of its effect of seroconversion in vivo. 30 HBsAg carriers, with a duration of 2-15 years (HBeAg positive 18 and anti-HBe positive 12) were studied after intramuscular infection of anti-HBs-F(ab)'2. In the HBeAg group, the cut off value of HBeAg decreased significantly (P < 0.01) in 18 carriers, of which 6 seroconversed to anti-HBe, all the HBe-Ag carriers had a high S/N ratio of anti-HBs-anti-Id (RIA) but after 12-week treatment the ratio decreased significantly (P < 0.01). Six of 18 HBV DNA positive carriers conversed to negative (33%) and 8 of 13 DNA-P positive conversed to negative (61%). 12 anti-HBe positive carriers showed no seroconversion.  相似文献   

作者对510例HB_5Ag阳性携带者的血型分布作了调查,并选用百色地区自然健康人群1274例作为对照组比较,两组差异有显著性意义(p<0.005),同时采用WooLf推荐的统计方法计算相对危险率并进行了显著性测验.结果证实了百色地区B血型人感染乙肝率高于其他血型人,AB型人次之,O型人对乙肝的感染率最低。  相似文献   

目的:研究定期随访乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)携带者队列在肝癌发生中的病因学和临床意义。方法:在肝癌高发区,对HBsAg携带的744人和相应的HBsAg阴性的895人进行了8年3个月的前瞻性随访观察,同时建立血清库和进行详细的个人史调查。结果:(1)HBsAg阳性组年平均肝癌发生率为177.29/10万,高于HBsAg阴性组的69.53/10万,相对危险度为16.93,两组差异有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。其他肿瘤两组间差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。(2)个人史调查结果提示,发生肝炎到诊断肝癌的平均时间为14.5年,中位时间13年;肝硬化到诊断肝癌的平均时间为6.4年,中位时间5.5年。(3)肝癌患者较差的经济状况,长期饮酒、吸烟,曾患肝病与慢性胃肠道疾病以及肝癌家属史均高于非肝癌组(P<0.001),其他的个人嗜好、生活史、疾病史及家属史两组间差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。(4)前瞻队列中发现的肝癌患者手术切除率(16.44%)及1年生存率(31.51%)均明显高于当地就诊肝癌患者(分别为8.7%、9.7%,P<0.001)。结论:乙型肝炎病毒与肝癌发生密切相关;男性、年龄在20-60岁之间、HBsAg携带及/或有肝病史、家属肝癌史者,是肝癌的高危险人群。用甲胎蛋白测定结合B型超声检查定期随访,能使肝癌病人获得早期发现,明显提高疗效。  相似文献   

本文研究了36例长期HBV携带者PBMC,在体外应用HBsAg和rBHcAg诱导特异体抗体的产生。结果表明:(1)长期HBV携带者中有61%的患者也可产生抗-HBs,其含量与正常对照组比明显低下(P<0.01),导致抗0-HBs低下的原因可能与过量抗原的抑制,免疫细胞水平的耐受或细胞因子网络平衡失调有关。(2)rHBcAg可以诱导PBMC产生抗-HBc,财时亦可诱导抗-HBc,同时亦可诱导抗-HBe的产生,这可能由于HBcAg和HBeAg在细胞识 水平存在交叉反应。  相似文献   

Although the efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine is well documented, the duration of immunity of healthy infants after vaccination is unknown. 99 infants born to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-carrier mothers were studied and found to have positive anti-HBs (titer: greater than or equal to 10 mIU/mL) after a first injection of vaccine at the ages of 1 to 6 years. The infants were randomly divided into four groups of recipients treated with the vaccine of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), U.S.A. or that of the Beijing Biological Products Research Institute (BBPRI), BBPRI vaccine in combination with hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) and placebo. The results showed that the protective efficacy dropped considerably after 5 years with NIAID vaccine, after 3 years with BBPRI vaccine and after 4 years with BBPRI vaccine plus HBIG. This suggests that a booster injection is needed 5 years after the first injection of NIAID vaccine, 3 years after BBPRI vaccine, and 4 years after BBPRI vaccine plus HBIG.

HBsAg携带者血清睾酮、雌二醇与HBsAg含量变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨HBsAg携带者血清睾酮 (T)、雌二醇水平 (E2 )与血清HBsAg含量之间的关系。方法 用RIA法测定 65例HBsAg携带者血清T ,E2 ,HBsAg含量。结果 HBsAg携带者血清T上升时 ,血清HBsAg上升 ,E2 上升时 ,HBsAg下降 ,血清T含量与HBsAg呈显著正相关 (r =0 .5 5 2 3 ,P <0 .0 0 1) ,E2 与HBsAg呈显著负相关 (r =-0 .864 1,P <0 .0 0 1) ,T/E2 与HBsAg呈显著正相关 (r =0 .62 12 ,P <0 .0 0 1)。结论 性激素对HBsAg携带者血清HBsAg含量有调节作用  相似文献   

目的了解和田地区维吾尔族(维族)、汉族人群中乙型肝类(乙肝)病毒(HBV) 无症状表面抗原(HBsAg)携带情况。方法随机抽取墨玉县2 597人(维族2 022人,汉族575人)的血液样本,以胶体金标记双抗体夹心法检测乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)。结果维族人口HBsAg携带率1.48%(30/2022),男性为1.078%(20/1370)、女性为1.59%(10/652),平均年龄35 岁,男女之间无年龄、性别差异;而汉族人口HBsAg携带率为6.09%(30/575)、男性为5.6%(21/372)、女性为4.4%(9/203),男性平均年龄为36.3岁、女性为27.6岁,不同年龄、性别之间存在显著差异,且男性高于女性。本地区维族与汉族人口之间HBsAg携带率存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论和田地区维族人群中乙肝HBsAg携带率与低感染区一致,而汉族人群感染率与内陆地区中度流行区一致。本地区维吾尔族乙肝感染率偏低可能跟维吾尔族的民俗、饮食习惯及生存环境,HLA 基因频率分布差异等因素有关。作者认为,HLA-Bw41等抗原可能为抗乙肝病毒感染(非易感性)的基因(抗原)。  相似文献   

用免疫组织化学法观察49例慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBY)感染者肝细胞膜HLA—Ⅱ类抗原表达。发现血清HBeAg(+)者23例中13例,抗HDe(+)者26例中仅4例肝细胞膜表达HLA-Ⅱ类抗原(P<0.01):肝内HBcAZ(+)者17例中有11例,肝内HBcAg(-)者32例中仅6例肝细胞膜表达HLA-Ⅱ类抗原(P<0.05)。说明慢性HBV感染者肝细胞膜HLA-Ⅱ类抗原表达与病毒复制有关,与肝病变活动性无关。  相似文献   

R Sampliner 《JAMA》1977,237(1):50-51
Four cases of chronic active hepatitis were found in hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive blood donors. Despite minimal symptoms, the full histologic spectrum of chronic hepatitis was seen. Because clinically occult liver disease can be histologically severe, liver biopsy is indicated when liver enzyme levels are persistently abnormal in long-term HBsAg carriers.  相似文献   

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