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随着我国医疗卫生事业的发展,人均寿命延长,老年人所占的人口比例逐年增加[1]。老年人在患口腔疾病的同时还可能伴随其他全身疾病的发生,其中心血管病较为常见。由于麻醉、拔牙等是可能引发老年人心血管病发作的重要危险因素,因此在口腔疾病治疗的过程可能对原有疾病的治疗产生一定的影响[2]。而口腔专科医师缺乏相关专业知识,不能及时掌握并控制术中病情变化,一定程度上限制了心血管病患者的口腔疾病治疗[3]。近年来,  相似文献   

随着2019新冠肺炎疫情的暴发,人们愈发重视口腔疾病与呼吸病的关系。然而,临床医师对慢性气道疾病患者的口腔健康管理和医疗风险防范方面仍然存在一些疑惑。为此,中华口腔医学会第五届全科口腔医学专业委员会专家组联合呼吸与危重症医学领域专家,就慢性气道疾病患者的口腔健康管理提出专家共识,同时帮助口腔医师在慢性气道疾病患者的临床...  相似文献   

冉幸  俞明 《上海口腔医学》2018,27(5):504-507
目的: 调查分析上海市嘉定区家庭医师对妊娠期口腔疾病治疗问题的认识。方法: 采用问卷方式调查嘉定区家庭医师对妊娠期口腔保健知识的掌握度和口腔疾病治疗相关问题的认识,采用SPSS20.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 203名家庭医师参与问卷调查,共回收有效问卷192份。受调查者对于妊娠期口腔治疗安全期的知晓率为70.3%,知道口腔疾病可能导致不良妊娠结局的比例为90.1%,告知服务对象孕前进行口腔检查和治疗的比例为90.6%,认为孕期出现口腔疾病需要及时就诊的比例为93.8%。认为孕妇可以接受龋齿充填、冠修复、龈上洁治、根管治疗、龈下刮治和拔牙的比例分别为91.9%、60.4%、51.0%、40.1%和31.8%,认为孕妇可以接受口腔局麻以及牙科X线检查的比例为55.2%和31.8%,家庭医师的年龄、学历和技术职称是影响观点的主要因素(P值均<0.05)。结论: 嘉定区家庭医师对妊娠期口腔保健知识知晓度较高,但对妊娠期口腔疾病治疗相关问题的看法存在差异,认为孕妇可以接受局麻和牙科X线片检查的医师多具备较高学历和高技术职称。  相似文献   

口腔健康相关生活质量(OHRQOL)是反映口腔疾病及其防治对患者的身体功能、心理功能和社会功能等影响的综合评估。OHRQOL的洲评为口腔健康状况的评估提供了全面的信息,为口腔疾病防治效果的评价及不同治疗方法的比较提供了较客观的依据。  相似文献   

口腔健康相关生活质量的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
口腔健康相关生活质量(OHRQOL)是反映口腔疾病及其防治对患者的身体功能、心理功能和社会功能等影响的综合评估。OHRQOL的测评为口腔健康状况的评估提供了全面的信息,为口腔疾病防治效果的评价及不同治疗方法的比较提供了较客观的依据。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情发展迅速,各地相继启动突发公共卫生事件一级响应。新型冠状病毒肺炎的爆发,对包括口腔疾病在内的临床研究的开展带来了巨大挑战。鉴于口腔疾病专业特点与诊疗操作的特殊性,保障临床研究受试者和相关从业人员的健康与权益、规范临床研究的实施尤为必要。结合国家卫生健康委员会颁发的相关规范标准,并参考部分临床研究相关组织发布的临床试验管理共识和中华口腔医学会制定的疫情期间口腔疾病治疗规范,特制订口腔疾病临床研究工作指导建议,为重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应下口腔疾病临床研究的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

口腔健康相关生活质量调查在正畸学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
口腔健康相关生活质量是反映口腔疾病及其防治对患者的身体功能、心理功能和社会功能等方面影响的综合评估.口腔正畸治疗对患者的生活质量有着显著影响,正畸患者在疗程中感受到功能限制、生理疼痛、心理不适、社会功能障碍和治疗后整体生活质量的改善.本文就口腔健康相关生活质量量表及正畸学相关的口腔健康相关生活质量研究方面作一综述.  相似文献   

哮喘是一种常见的慢性呼吸系统疾病,以慢性气道炎症为主要特征,患者可出现咳嗽、喘息及可逆的气流受限等症状。已有研究表明,哮喘不仅对呼吸系统产生影响,还对口腔微生态及健康产生影响,如导致口腔唾液流量、pH值、缓冲能力、唾液成分发生改变,进而导致患者口腔内菌群变化,增加龋病、牙周病等口腔疾病的发生风险等。哮喘用药、哮喘严重程度和持续时间、哮喘相关继发疾病也是影响哮喘患者口腔健康的重要因素。因此,本文通过文献回顾,就哮喘对口腔健康的影响作一综述,为哮喘患者及口腔医生临床工作提供参考。  相似文献   

风险评估是量化测评某一事件或事物带来的影响或损失的可能程度.对口腔疾病和诊疗技术风险进行评估,能够有效地发现口腔疾病的风险因素,处理和控制口腔诊疗活动中的各种风险.本文对口腔疾病和诊疗过程中的常见风险评估系统或风险评估工具进行介绍,并寻找循证医学相关证据,对常见的风险评估系统进行评价.作者呼吁,改善目前的诊疗流程,在口...  相似文献   

随着生活质量的提高,口腔疾病正逐渐受到大家的重视,近年来关于慢性口腔疾病的相关性研究越来越多。慢病管理分为生物医学管理方法、认知行为干预及心理干预手法,其已作为一种科学的管理模式,广泛应用于高血压、糖尿病、肾脏疾病和其他慢性疾病的管理中。现已有研究应用认知行为干预及心理干预等方法对牙周病、龋齿、扁平苔藓等慢性口腔疾病患者的心理及行为进行管理干预,改善了患者的口腔健康情况,提高了患者的生活质量。该文就近年来慢病管理在口腔疾病中的应用现状做一简要综述。  相似文献   

Overt dental disease is a distinguishing comorbidity associated with methamphetamine abuse, necessitating the need for special management to maximize treatment benefits. As this highly addictive stimulant increases in popularity, it has become imperative that clinicians are equipped to thoughtfully provide comprehensive care for these patients. This article reviews the impact of methamphetamine to systemic and oral health and proposes a comprehensive treatment plan and sequence for the methamphetamine‐dependent patient. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended. Destructive oral and psychological changes must be identified and controlled. A thorough risk assessment, caries control, and preventative plan should be established before initiating prosthodontic treatment. Patient motivation, support, and a timely recall schedule are integral for dental longevity.  相似文献   

People with special needs have more dental disease and more missing teeth than the general population. They also have reduced access to oral health diagnostic, preventive, interceptive and treatment services. If services are available, they can be complicated and costly. It is critical to prevent dental diseases in these individuals. This article presents a set of practical protocols for preventing dental disease in people with special needs. These protocols are designed to be used in community settings outside of a dental office.  相似文献   

目的:了解老年修复患者口腔与全身健康特点,以及与修复有关的社会心理因素,为老年人群的修复工作提供有针对性的基础性资料。方法:采用问卷调查的方法,内容包括老年患者的背景资料、全身健康状况、自觉口腔健康状况、缺牙状况、对口腔健康知识的认知情况及就诊习惯等。结果:1.老年患者口腔中存在的问题主要依次为:牙齿松动(47.3%),食物嵌塞(39.2%),牙齿冷热过敏(27.0%),口干(27.0%)等;2.牙周病及龋病仍是老年人缺牙的主要原因,占90.3%,一年以内修复的患者仅占58.3%,缺牙主要影响老年人进食,其次为发音,62.2%的患者不知道失牙后多长时间修复,对假牙的要求主要为咀嚼功能好(68.9%)及结实耐用(52.7%)。牙疼无法忍受才看牙者占47.3%;3.全身患有一种或多种系统性疾病者占66.2%。结论:1.老年缺牙患者口腔中存在较多问题,修复条件差;2.修复知识知晓率低,对口腔保健重视不够,对义齿要求主要为功能方面;3.全身健康状况不良。  相似文献   

The lifespan of the US population is increasing, with the elderly desiring successful aging. This goal is jeopardized as multiple systemic conditions and their treatments become more prevalent with age, causing impaired systemic and oral health and influencing an older person's quality of life. To obtain successful aging, a compression of morbidity must be obtained through prevention and management of disease. This paper describes the most common systemic diseases causing morbidity and mortality in persons aged 65+ years: diseases of the heart, malignant neoplasms, cerebrovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, influenza, diabetes mellitus, trauma, Alzheimer's disease, renal diseases, septicemia, and liver diseases. Disease prevalence and the impact of medications and other therapeutic measures used to treat these conditions are discussed. Oral sequelae are reviewed with guidelines for early detection of these deleterious consequences, considerations for oral treatment, and patient management. An understanding of the impact of systemic diseases and treatment on oral health is imperative for dental practitioners to appropriately treat and manage older patients with these conditions. With a focus on early detection and prevention, oral health care providers can improve the quality of life of this population and aid in the attainment of successful aging.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sj?gren's syndrome, or SS, is a multisystem inflammatory disorder of the exocrine glands with a wide range of extraglandular involvement. Symptoms of dry eyes and xerostomia, although not invariably present, are characteristic features of SS. An increased risk of oral and dental diseases is a prominent consequence of SS. TYPES OF STUDIES REVIEWED: The author reviewed recent medical and dental studies that have advanced our understanding of the causes and treatment of SS. She particularly focused on studies addressing the diagnosis and treatment of the oral component of the disease. RESULTS: Sj?gren's syndrome is a widely underdiagnosed disease. A delay in the diagnosis of SS may have a significant physical, psychological and economic impact on the affected person. The pathogenesis of SS appears to involve a number of factors: immunological, genetic, hormonal and possibly infectious. Successful management of SS requires a multidisciplinary approach, and the dentist plays an essential role in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. ORAL IMPLICATIONS: Impairment of salivary function in SS increases the risk of developing oral diseases. Effective management of oral health comprises enhancement of salivary output (cholinergic agonist drugs such as pilocarpine or cevimeline) and prevention and treatment of dental caries, oral candidiasis and allergic mucositis. Finally, periodic evaluation of various clinical and laboratory parameters is needed to monitor disease status.  相似文献   

BackgroundCOVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets and by physical contact from contaminated surfaces to the mucosa. Its route of transmission has caused a significant challenge in medical and dental healthcare.ObjectiveThis article aims to review the literature and information available on the provision of paediatric dental treatment during and post-pandemic and to provide specific recommendations on the safe provision of paediatric dental care.ResultsChildren infected by SARS-CoV-2 have no or milder COVID-19 symptoms and are potential vectors in spreading the disease. Routine dental treatment is suspended in many countries because of the increased risk of cross-infection in dental practices. Only emergency dental care is provided for urgent conditions. It is necessary to gradually reinstate regular dental care to paediatric patients and maintain their good oral health. To control the disease transmission and maintain the oral health of the population, minimally intervention techniques that minimise or eliminate aerosol generation, plus comprehensive oral health preventive measures should be practised to safeguard safety at dental practices in this unprecedented time.ConclusionsRobust infection control guidelines should be implemented in dental clinics to minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and staff during the pandemic. Three levels of preventive care should be practised to prevent oral diseases and improve children's oral health in this COVID-19 era. Treatment should be prioritized to patients in urgent needs and aerosol-generating procedures should be minimized.  相似文献   

??Confident and charming smiles may bring us the impressions of beauty. And having complete and beautiful dentitions is an essential condition for attractive smiles. Common dental diseases such as hard tissue injury??discoloration??as well as occlusal deformity??dentition defect??edentulous jaw and so on??can not only damage the oral health of patients??but also have a negative impact on the smile. In order to accomplish a series of aesthetic treatment for the health and beauty of the teeth??dental professionals should not only have exquisite skills??but also have a profound understanding of dental anatomy??morphology and disease diagnostics. This article will summarize the common indicators??aesthetic problems and countermeasures of dental aesthetics based on the previous studies.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this article is to educate oral healthcare providers on the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and seizure disorders. It also shows the impact of epilepsy on the oral cavity and provides suggestions on the dental management of epileptic patients. REVIEW: Epilepsy and seizure disorders affect 1.5 million Americans. The disease is caused by a number of genetic, physiologic, and infectious disorders as well as trauma. Treatment is primarily pharmaceutical but can also be surgical. The disease itself and the pharmaceutical management often have an impact on the oral cavity. Primary management considerations are the provision of good periodontal care and the restoration of the teeth with stable, strong restorations. CONCLUSIONS: With proper understanding of patients with epilepsy and seizure disorders and their medical treatment, the dental care team can safely and effectively render dental care that will benefit the patient and minimize the risk of oral health problems in the future.  相似文献   

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