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Areas of the sunfish brain from which eye movements related to rolling about the longitudinal and interpupillary axes were elicited by electrical stimulation in anesthetized animals (acute preparation) were also tested in free-swimming fish (chronic preparation). Stimulation in the oculomotor complex resulted primarily in bilateral backward rotation of the eyes (acute preparation), and backward looping of the whole animal (chronic preparation). Stimulation near the trochlear nerves and nuclei evoked mostly bilateral forward rotation of the eyes (acute preparation), and downward pitching of the head (chronic preparation). Testing the cerebellum in the molecular area adjacent to the eminentia granularis resulted in conjugate lateral rolling of the eyes (acute preparation), and side-to-side tilts or wobbles (chronic preparation). Stimulation in the presumed vestibular area of the medulla triggered mainly conjugate lateral rolling of the eyes (acute preparation), and lateral rolling about the fish's long axis (chronic preparation). The results are discussed with respect to possible functional pathways involved in the mediation of behavioral responses to inputs from the otolith organs.  相似文献   

Ten monkeys were stimulated unilaterally and bilaterally through bipolar electrodes placed stereotactically on each side of the midline under light barbiturate anaesthesia. Bilateral simultaneous stimulation elicited straight downward binocular movements from a core of tissue about 40 mm3 on each side which included the fields of Forel, zona incerta, subthalamic nucleus, oral pole of the red nucleus, fasciculus retroflexus and 'area tegmentalis'. Unilateral stimulation of the same points yielded downward eye movements in only 25 per cent of the instances. Upward deviation of the globes could be elicited by bilateral stimulation of tissue located more caudal, ventral and medial than that from which downward movements were obtained. Bilateral electrolytic lesions within the region outlined above caused significant defects in downward gaze both in saccadic and slow pursuit binocular movements. Passive bending of the head backwards, however, resulted in downward deviation of the globes (oculocephalic reflex). Optokinetic nystagmus and after-nystagmus downward were abolished. Oblique (45 degrees) optokinetic stimulation elicited a perverted response in the horizontal plane. Vestibulo-ocular reflexes elicited by bilateral warm irrigation of both ear canals with the monkey in the erect position, or by turning the animal while lying on one side, caused a strong tonic deviation upward with absence of nystagmus downward. Some of these monkeys showed additional alterations in upward gaze but they were less severe in intensity and duration than those of downward gaze. All eye deviations in the horizontal plane were consistently normal. Recovery occurred in all types of vertical binocular movements except in the rapid motions (saccades and quick phases of nystagmus) below the horizontal meridian. A unilateral lesion had no effect. The minimal damage producing downward gaze defects was about 1.7 mm in diameter, cetred in the prerubral fields, rostral and medial to the red nuclei with minimal involvement of the oral pole of these structures. The nuclei of Cajal, Darkschewitsch and interstitialis of the posterior commissure, as well as the fasciculus retroflexus and the posterior commissure, were spared by this lesion. The so-called rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus and the nucleus campi Foreli appear to be destroyed. These structures are known to receive an input from the paramedian pontine reticular formation and project on to the oculomotor nerve nucleus. These results demonstrate that the prerubral fields contain structures which are critical for rapid eye movements downward, and therefore an isolated downward gaze palsy is a strong indicator of a bilateral lesion of this zone. The findings in the few reported cases with this sign and available pathological analysis suggest that our conclusions from the experimental monkey apply to man as well. The concept of bilateral innervation for vertical eye movements is amply confirmed for the downward vectors...  相似文献   

The morphology of 35 vestibular neurons whose firing rate was related to vertical eye movements was studied by injection of horseradish peroxidase intracellularly into physiologically identified vestibular axons in alert squirrel monkeys. The intracellularly injected cells were readily classified into four main groups. One group of cells, down position-vestibular-pause neurons (down PVPs; N = 12), increased their firing rate during downward eye positions, paused during saccades, and were located in the medial vestibular nucleus (MV) and the adjacent ventrolateral vestibular nucleus (VLV). They had axons that crossed the midline and ascended in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to terminate in the trochlear nucleus, the lateral aspect of the caudal oculomotor nucleus, and the dorsal aspect of the rostral oculomotor nucleus. A second group of cells (N = 15) were also located in the MV and VLV, but increased their firing rate during upward eye positions, and paused during saccades. These cells had axons that crossed the midline and ascended in the contralateral MLF to terminate in the medial aspect of the oculomotor nucleus. A third group of cells (N = 4) were located in the superior vestibular nucleus, generated bursts of spikes during upward saccades, and increased their tonic firing rate during upward eye positions. These cells had axons that ascended laterally to the ipsilateral MLF to terminate in regions of the trochlear and oculomotor nuclei similar to those in which down PVPs terminated. A fourth group of cells (N = 4), located in the VLV, had axons that projected to the spinal cord, although they had firing rates that were significantly correlated with vertical eye position. Electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve evoked spikes at monosynaptic latencies in each of the above classes of cells, six of which were injected with horseradish peroxidase. Each group of cells had collateral projections to other areas of the brainstem. Some of the neurons that projected to the contralateral trochlear and oculomotor nuclei had collaterals that crossed the midline to terminate in the oculomotor nucleus ipsilateral to the soma, and some gave rise to small collaterals that terminated in the abducens nucleus. Other areas of the brainstem that received collateral inputs from neurons projecting to oculomotor and trochlear nuclei included the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the caudal part of the dorsal raphe nucleus, the nucleus raphe obscurus, Roller's nucleus, the intermediate and caudal interstitial nuclei of the MLF, and the nucleus prepositus.  相似文献   

This study examines projection to the cerebellar flocculus of eye movement-related neurons in the median and paramedian part of the cat pontine tegmentum between the trochlear and the abducens nucleus. They were identified by rhythmic activity related to horizontal vestibular nystagmus induced by sinusoidal rotation. These neurons were classified into several groups by their discharge patterns during nystagmus, using criteria of earlier studies on saccadic eye movements and vestibular nystagmus in the monkey. Electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral flocculus elicited antidromic spike responses in a number of burst-tonic neurons and long-lead and medium-lead burst neurons. These neurons were located in and around the medial longitudinal fasciculus, the nucleus raphe pontis and the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis. A few neurons tested were also activated antidromically by stimulation of the contralateral flocculus. In contrast, no pauser neurons were activated from the ipsi-lateral flocculus. It is concluded that eye movement-related neurons in the medial pontine tegmentum, except for pauser neurons, directly project to the flocculus and may convey information about eye movements of visual and vestibular origins to the flocculus.  相似文献   

A 26 year old woman presented with monocular elevation paresis of the right eye, contralateral paresis of downward gaze, and subtle bilateral ptosis. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a unilateral embolic infarction restricted to the mesodiencephalic junction involving the left paramedian thalamus. Preserved vertical oculocephalic movements and intact Bell's phenomenon suggested a supranuclear lesion. This rare "crossed vertical gaze paresis" results from a lesion near the oculomotor nucleus affecting ipsilateral downward gaze and contralateral upward gaze fibres, originating in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF).  相似文献   

Three patients with Creutzfelt-Jakob disease (CJD) showed characteristic ocular manifestations. The head was turned left or right with the eyes deviated downward and skewed. When the head was turned to one side, the eyes very slowly deviated to that side. In addition, spontaneous ocular movements were very slow with no saccadic component early in the apathetic stage. Caloric stimulation produced tonic deviation to the appropriate side without nystagmus. At autopsy one patient showed lesions compatible with the panencephalopathic type of CJD. Although bilateral pretectal areas had marked gliosis, other nuclei and structures associated with oculomotor system in the brainstem, including the oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, vestibular and perihypoglossal nuclei, medial longitudinal fasciculus and para-median pontine reticular formation were preserved. These patients had a supranuclear disorder, probably caused by combined disruption of the direct and indirect frontal eye field to the brainstem pathways plus impairment of the superior colliculus-mediated saccade pathways.  相似文献   

In order to identify the mesencephalic spinal pathways for initiation of swimming in the carp, we employed electrical and chemical microstimulation of the mesencephalic tegmentum. Electrical stimulation of the midbrain in decerebrate carp produced bilateral or unilateral rhythmic movements of the tail. Bilateral alternating movements were induced by stimulation with the lowest threshold currents to the brain region just beneath the third ventricle at the level of the mid mesencephalon. The region included the nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus (Nflm), the medial longitudinal fasciculus (flm), the red nucleus (Nrb). To specify the nuclei of the origin of the descending pathway, we microinjected 0.1 M

-glutamic acid to the region. Both bilateral and unilateral tail movements were induced, the majority being the latter. The unilateral movements were accompanied with tail flips toward the ipsilateral side of stimulation sites. The smallest injection volume required for initiation of the movement was recorded at the Nflm. Bilateral tail movements were produced only by injections into the medial region between the nucleus of the both sides. The present results imply a crucial role of Nflm neurons in the initiation of swimming Nflm neurons on one side project through flm to the ipsilateral spinal cord along its entire length and regulate activities of the individual central pattern generators.  相似文献   

The rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) contains excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons that are related to the control of vertical and torsional eye movements. In the present study, light microscopic examination of the immunohistochemical localization of amino acid neurotransmitters demonstrated that the riMLF in the cat contains overlapping populations of neurons that are immunoreactive to the putative inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and the excitatory neurotransmitters glutamate and aspartate. By using a double-labelling paradigm, GABA-, glutamate-, and aspartate-immunoreactive neurons in the riMLF were retrogradely labelled by transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) from the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. Electron microscopy showed that the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei contain synaptic endings that are immunoreactive to GABA, glutamate, or aspartate. Each neurotransmitter-specific population of synaptic endings has distinctive ultrastructural and synaptic features. Synaptic endings in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei that are anterogradely labelled by transport of biocytin from the riMLF are immunoreactive to GABA, glutamate, or aspartate. Taken together, the findings from these complimentary retrograde and anterograde double-labelling studies provide rather conclusive evidence that GABA is the inhibitory neurotransmitter, and glutamate and aspartate are the excitatory neurotransmitters, utilized by premotor neurons in the riMLF that are related to the control of vertical saccadic eye movements. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The localization of extraocular motoneurons in the rat was investigated by injecting horseradish peroxidase and [125I]wheat germ agglutinin17 as retrogade tracer substances into individual eye muscles. The organization of subnuclei was found to be most similar to the rabbit. The subgroups representing the medial rectus and inferior rectus muscles are located in the rostral two thirds of the ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus (nIII) with some medial rectus motoneurons scattered laterally along the edge of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The motor pool controlling the inferior oblique muscle is located in the middle third of the ipsilateral nIII. The motoneurons of the superior rectus muscles are in the caudal two-thirds of contralateral nIII while the levator palpebrae muscle has a bilateral innervation in the oculomotor nucleus. The motoneurons of the superior oblique are located in the contralateral trochlear nucleus although a few labeled neurons were scattered laterally in amongst the fibers of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The cell bodies of lateral rectus motoneurons regional separation between the latter and internuclear neurons was found after injecting HRP into the oculomotor nucleus.  相似文献   

The anatomical characteristics of vestibular neurons, which are involved in controlling the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex, were studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into neurons whose response during spontaneous eye movements had been characterized in alert squirrel monkeys. Most of the vestibular neurons injected with HRP that had axons projecting to the abducens nucleus or the medial rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus had discharge rates related to eye position and eye velocity. Three morphological types of cells were injected whose firing rates were related to horizontal eye movements. Two of the cell types were located in the ventral lateral vestibular nucleus and the ventral part of the medial vestibular nucleus (MV). These vestibular neurons could be activated at monosynaptic latencies following electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve; increased their firing rate when the eye moved in the direction contralateral to the soma; had tonic firing rates that increased when the eye was held in contralateral positions; and had a pause in their firing rate during saccadic eye movements in the ipsilateral or vertical directions. Eleven of the above cells had axons that arborized exclusively on the contralateral side of the brainstem, terminating in the contralateral abducens nucleus, the dorsal paramedian pontine reticular formation, the prepositus nucleus, medial vestibular nucleus, dorsal medullary reticular formation, caudal interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, and raphé obscurus. Eight of the cells had axons that projected rostrally in the ascending tract of Deiters and arborized exclusively on the ipsilateral side of the brainstem, terminating in the ipsilateral medial rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus and, in some cases, the dorsal paramedian pontine reticular formation or the caudal interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Two MV neurons were injected that had discharge rates related to ipsilateral eye position, generated bursts of spikes during saccades in the ipsilateral direction, and paused during saccades in the contralateral direction. The axons of those cells arborized ipsilaterally, and terminated in the ipsilateral abducens nucleus, MV, prepositus nucleus, and the dorsal medullary reticular formation. The morphology of vestibular neurons that projected to the abducens nucleus whose discharge rate was not related to eye movements, or was related primarily to vertical eye movements, is also briefly presented.  相似文献   

Three patients who had slowly alternating skew deviation are described: each had elements of the Sylvian aqueduct syndrome. This combination of signs supports a pretectal location for lesions associated with alternating skew movements. Postmortem examination of a patient who died of chronic herpes simplex encephalitis showed extensive demyelination and periaqueductal spongiform degeneration; there was preservation of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei, the medial longitudinal fasciculus, vestibular nuclei, and the interstitial nucleus of Cajal bilaterally. The slowly alternating dysconjugate vertical movements bear a resemblance to both see-saw nystagmus and the ocular tilt response.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to compare the distribution and morphology of neurons projecting to the oculomotor nucleus in goldfish with those previously described in other vertebrate groups. Afferent neurons were revealed by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. The tracer was electrophoretically injected into the oculomotor nucleus. The location of the injection site was determined by the antidromic field potential elicited in the oculomotor nucleus by electrical stimulation of the oculomotor nerve. Labeled axons whose trajectories could be reconstructed were restricted to the medial longitudinal fasciculus. In order of quantitative importance, the afferent areas to the oculomotor nucleus were: (1) the ipsilateral anterior nucleus and the contralateral tangential and descending nuclei of the octaval column. Furthermore, a few labeled cells were found dorsomedially to the caudal pole of the unlabeled anterior octaval nucleus; (2) the contralateral abducens nucleus. The labeled internuclear neurons were arranged in two groups within and 500 microns behind the caudal subdivision of the abducens nucleus; (3) a few labeled cells were observed in the rhombencephalic reticular formation near the abducens nucleus, most of which were contralateral to the injection site. Specifically, stained cells were found in the caudal pole of the superior reticular nucleus, throughout the medial reticular nucleus and in the rostral area of the inferior reticular nucleus; (4) eurydendroid cells of the cerebellum, located close to the contralateral eminentia granularis pars lateralis, were also labeled; and (5) a small and primarily ipsilateral group of labeled cells was located at the mesencephalic nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The similarity in the structures projecting to the oculomotor nucleus in goldfish to those in other vertebrates suggests that the neural network involved in the oculomotor system is quite conservative throughout phylogeny. Nevertheless, in goldfish these projections appeared with some specific peculiarities, such as the cerebellar and mesencephalic afferents to the oculomotor nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary A patient with sporadic pontocerebellar degeneration and downbeat nystagmus limited to the left eye is described. The nystagmus was not modified by head movements, but was associated with a purely tonic upgaze paresis in the same eye. Absence of internuclear ophthalmoplegia indicated sparing of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. It is suggested that the vertical oculomotor abnormalities are due to dysfunction of the ipsilateral brachium conjunctivum.  相似文献   

A mixture of tritiated proline and fucose was injected into the endolymph of one of the membranous labyrinths of each of 5 white king pigeons (Columba livia). The membranous labyrinth was resealed and the animals were allowed to survive for 15 days. Brains and upper parts of the spinal cords were sectioned and processed by standard autoradiographic procedures. Clear labeling was noted in structures usually associated with both the ascending auditory pathways and the ascending and descending vestibular pathways. Vestibular structures ipsilateral to the injected labyrinth which contained heavy labeling were Scarpa's ganglion and all 6 vestibular nuclei. No labeling was noted in the contralateral Scarpa's ganglion and sparce, if any, labeling was noted in the contralateral vestibular nuclei. Contralateral structures associated with ascending vestibulo-ocular pathways which contained heavy labeling were the medial longitudinal fasciculus, abducens nucleus, trochlear nucleus, and two parts of the oculomotor nucleus--the dorsolateral part and the ventromedial part. Less heavily labeled ipsilateral vestibulo-ocular-related structures included the medial longitudinal fasciculus, abducens nucleus and the ventrolateral edge of the trochlear nucleus. The dorsomedial part of the oculomotor nucleus was heavily labeled on the side ipsilateral to the injected labyrinth. Slight, if any, labeling was noted in either the ipsilateral or contralateral brachium conjunctivum or regions corresponding to the mammalian ascending tract of Deiters. The medullary core of most folia but primarily the medullary core and granular areas of folia IX and X of the cerebellum were labeled.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that brain stem lesions producing paralysis of lateral gaze and dissociation of conjugate horizontal eye movements have certain common features. Both of these disturbances involve abducens internuclear neurons (Abd IN) or their projections. Attempts were made to determine the course and terminal distribution of Abd IN in the monkey by autoradiographic techniques. Tritiated amino acids injected in the abducens nucleus (Abd N) labeled: (1) root fibers ipsilaterally, and (2) fibers that ascended in medial parts of the contralateral medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). In the opposite oculomotor complex (OMC) silver grains were profuse over the ventral nucleus (VN, medial rectus muscle) and patchy over caudal parts of the dorsal nucleus (DN, inferior rectus muscle). Labeling of cells in the reticular formation nucleus to Abd N resulted in transport ipsilaterally, outside the MLF, to the rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF (RiMLF), a cell group considered to be concerned with vertical eye movements. Bilateral labeling of Abd N and cells of the nucleus prepositus (NPP) resulted in bilateral: (1) transport of isotope via root fibers and the MLF, and (2) selective distribution of silver grains in the OMC. Bilateral silver grain distribution in the OMC suggested profuse terminations in VN, patchy terminations in DN and vertical, linear terminations in caudal parts of the medial nucleus (MN, superior rectus muscle). Comparisons with more discrete unilateral labeling of cells in Abd N suggested that cells of the NPP project selectively to terminations in MN, and may be related to upward eye movements. Two conclusions were drawn: (1) The paresis of ocular adduction which occurs in both anterior internuclear ophthalmophlegia and in paralysis of lateral gaze results from involvement of Abd IN or their ascending projections, and (2) the NPP appears to project selectively to parts of MN of the OMC, a cell group said to provide crossed innervation for the superior rectus muscle.  相似文献   

The distribution of extraocular motoneurons and abducens and oculomotor internuclear neurons was determined in guinea pigs by injecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into individual extraocular muscles, the abducens nucleus, the oculomotor nucleus, and the cerebellum. Motoneurons in the oculomotor nucleus innervated the ipsilateral inferior rectus, inferior oblique, medial rectus, and the contralateral superior rectus and levator palpebrae muscles. Most motoneurons of the trochlear nucleus projected to the contralateral superior oblique muscle although a small number innervated the ipsilateral superior oblique. The abducens and accessory abducens nuclei innervated the ipsilateral rectus and retractor bulbi muscles, respectively. The somata of abducens internuclear neurons formed a cap around the lateral and ventral aspects of the abducens nucleus. The axons of these internuclear neurons terminated in the medial rectus subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. At least two classes of guinea pig oculomotor internuclear interneurons exist. One group, located primarily ventral to the oculomotor nucleus, innervated the abducens nucleus and surrounding regions. The second group, lying mainly in the dorsal midline area of the oculomotor nucleus, projected to the cerebellum. Intracellular staining with HRP demonstrated similar soma-dendritic organization for oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons of both guinea pigs and rabbits. Dendrites of oculomotor motoneurons radiated symmetrically from the soma to cover approximately one-third of the entire nucleus, and each motoneuron sent at least one dendrite into the central gray overlying the oculomotor nucleus. In both species, a small percentage of oculomotor motoneurons possessed axon collaterals that terminated both within and outside of the nucleus. The dendrites of trochlear motoneurons extended into the medial longitudinal fasciculus and the reticular formation lateral to the nucleus. Our data on the topography of motoneurons and internuclear neurons in the guinea pig and soma-dendritic organization of motoneurons in the guinea pig and rabbit show that these species share common organizational and morphological features. In addition, comparison of these data with those from other mammals reveals that dendritic complexity (number of dendrites per motoneuron) of extraocular motoneurons exhibits a systematic increase with animal size.  相似文献   

Bhidayasiri R  Plant GT  Leigh RJ 《Neurology》2000,54(10):1985-1993
OBJECTIVES: To develop a hypothetical scheme to account for clinical disorders of vertical gaze based on recent insights gained from experimental studies. METHODS: The authors critically reviewed reports of anatomy, physiology, and effects of pharmacologic inactivation of midbrain nuclei. RESULTS: Vertical saccades are generated by burst neurons lying in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF). Each burst neuron projects to motoneurons in a manner such that the eyes are tightly coordinated (yoked) during vertical saccades. Saccadic innervation from riMLF is unilateral to depressor muscles but bilateral to elevator muscles, with axons crossing within the oculomotor nucleus. Thus, riMLF lesions cause conjugate saccadic palsies that are usually either complete or selectively downward. Each riMLF contains burst neurons for both up and down saccades, but only for ipsilateral torsional saccades. Therefore, unilateral riMLF lesions can be detected at the bedside if torsional quick phases are absent during ipsidirectional head rotations in roll. The interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) is important for holding the eye in eccentric gaze after a vertical saccade and coordinating eye-head movements in roll. Bilateral INC lesions limit the range of vertical gaze. The posterior commissure (PC) is the route by which INC projects to ocular motoneurons. Inactivation of PC causes vertical gaze-evoked nystagmus, but destructive lesions cause a more profound defect of vertical gaze, probably due to involvement of the nucleus of the PC. Vestibular signals originating from each of the vertical labyrinthine canals ascend to the midbrain through several distinct pathways; normal vestibular function is best tested by rotating the patient's head in the planes of these canals. CONCLUSIONS: Predictions of a current scheme to account for vertical gaze palsy can be tested at the bedside with systematic examination of each functional class of eye movements.  相似文献   

Horizontal and vertical cervico-ocular reflexes of the rabbit (HCOR, VCOR) were evoked by sinusoidal oscillation of the body about the vertical and longitudinal axes while the head was fixed. These reflexes were studied over a frequency range of 0.005–0.800 Hz and at stimulus amplitudes of± 10°. When the body of the rabbit was rotated horizontally clockwise around the fixed head, clockwise conjugate eye movements were evoked. When the body was rotated about the longitudinal axis onto the right side, the right eye rotated down and the left eye rotated up. The mean gain of the HCOR (eye velocity/body velocity) rose from 0.21 and 0.005 Hz to 0.27 at 0.020 Hz and then declined to 0.06 at 0.3 Hz. The gain of the VCOR was less than the gain of the HCOR by a factor of 2–3. The HCOR was measured separately and in combination with the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (HVOR). These reflexes combine linearly. The relative movements of the first 3 cervical vertebrate during stimulation of the HCOR and VCOR were measured. For the HCOR, the largest angular displacement (74%) occurs between C1 and C2. For the VCOR, the largest relative angular displacement (45%) occurs between C2 and C3. Step horizontal clockwise rotation of the head and body (HVOR) evoked low velocity counterclockwise eye movements followed by fast clockwise (resetting) eye movements. Step horizontal clockwise rotation of the body about the fixed head (HCOR) evoked low velocity clockwise eye movements which were followed by fast clockwise eye movements. Step horizontal clockwise rotation of the head about the fixed body (HCOR + HVOR) evoked low velocity counterclockwise eye movements which werenot interrupted by fast eye clockwise movements. These data provide further evidence for a linear combination of independent HCOR and HVOR signals.  相似文献   

The motor nuclei of the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves of the reptile Varanus exanthematicus and the neurons that subserve the sensory innervation of the extraocular muscles were identified and localized by retrograde and anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The highly differentiated oculomotor nuclear complex, located dorsomedially in the tegmentum of the midbrain, consists of the accessory oculomotor nucleus and the dorsomedial, dorsolateral, intermediate, and ventral subnuclei. The accessory oculomotor nucleus projects ipsilaterally to the ciliary ganglion. The dorsomedial, dorsolateral, and intermediate subnuclei distribute their axons to the ipsilateral orbit, whereas the ventral subnucleus, which innervates the superior rectus muscle, has a bilateral, though predominantly contralateral projection. The trochlear nucleus, which rostrally overlaps the oculomotor nuclear complex, is for the greater part a comma-shaped cell group situated lateral, dorsal, and medial to the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Following HRP application to the trochlear nerve, almost all retrogradely labeled cells were found in the contralateral nucleus. The nuclear complex of the abducens nerve consists of the principal and accessory abducens nuclei, both of which project ipsilaterally. The principal abducens nucleus is located just beneath the fourth ventricle laterally adjacent to the medial longitudinal fasciculus and innervates the posterior rectus muscle. The accessory abducens nucleus has a ventrolateral position in the brainstem in close approximation to the ophthalmic fibers of the descending trigeminal tract. It innervates the retractor bulbi and bursalis muscles. The fibers arising in the accessory abducens muscles form a loop in or just beneath the principal abducens nucleus before they join the abducens nerve root. The afferent fibers conveying sensory information from the extraocular muscles course in the oculomotor nerve and have their perikarya in the ipsilateral trigeminal ganglion, almost exclusively in its ophthalmic portion.  相似文献   

Pause neurons (PNs) are inhibitory neurons close to the midline at the pontomedullary junction that fire tonically and then cease firing just prior to quick eye movements of visual or vestibular origin. Previous physiological evidence has shown that these neurons have a role of central importance in the generation of rapid eye movements in any direction and all major models of ocular motor control incorporate PNs as major elements. In this study in cats, we injected horseradish peroxidase intracellularly into somata or axons of physiologically identified PNs. After appropriate tissue preparation, cell body and axonal reconstructions were performed, with the aid of a camera lucida-equipped microscope. Fifty-three PNs were stained and reconstructed. These consisted of 17 cell bodies and dendrites and 36 axons. Seven of these included both cell bodies and axons. PN somas lay close to the midline in the nucleus raphe pontis and centralis superior, had extensive dendritic arborizations tending to arise from either pole of the elongated soma, and had axons which typically crossed the midline and bifurcated into long branches which extended rostrally and caudally, inferior to the medial longitudinal fasciculus. There were major terminal arborizations and boutons in areas just rostral and caudal to the abducens nucleus in areas where two types of premotor neurons, excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons, are concentrated. Many axosomatic contacts were noted. Other terminal arborizations and boutons were found close to the midline in a region rostral to abducens nucleus containing other neurons known to burst prior to quick eye movements, and in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis. Rostral stem axons could be traced to the level of the trochlear nucleus and inferior to the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The caudal stem axons could be traced parallel to the midline and inferior to the medial longitudinal fasciculus and as far caudally as the hypoglossal nucleus.  相似文献   

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