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目的分析福建省沿海某市医疗服务价格调整对公立医院医疗收入结构的影响。方法抽取26家公立医院,分析比较调价前后一年全部医院、不同类别、不同级别公立医院医疗收入结构的变化情况。结果医疗服务价格的调整有助于优化公立医院的医疗收入结构,尤其是诊查费的调整使诊查收入占总的医疗收入比例大幅度提升,有利于体现医务人员技术劳务价值,调动积极性,但手术项目、检查化验项目调整未达到预期效果。结论调价取得了一定的成效,但建议逐步建立合理地医疗服务价格体系,拉开不同级别医院医疗服务项目价格的差距,推进分级诊疗制度的落实,同时控制医疗费用过快增长。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare crude and adjusted in-hospital mortality rates after prostatectomy between hospitals using routinely collected hospital discharge data and to illustrate the value and limitations of using comparative mortality rates as a surrogate measure of quality of care. METHODS: Mortality rates for non-teaching hospitals (n = 21) were compared to a single notional group of teaching hospitals. Patients age, disease (comorbidity), length of stay, emergency admission, and hospital location were identified using ICD-9-CM coded Victorian hospital morbidity data from public hospitals collected between 1987/88 and 1994/95. Comparisons between hospitals were based on crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) derived using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. Model fit was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic curve i.e. statistic, Somer's D, Tau-a, and R2. RESULTS: The overall crude mortality rates between hospitals achieved borderline significance (alpha2=31.31; d.f.=21; P=0.06); these differences were no longer significant after adjustment (chi2=25.68; P=0.21). On crude analysis of mortality rates, four hospitals were initially identified as 'low' outlier hospitals; after adjustment, none of these remained outside the 95% CI, whereas a new hospital emerged as a 'high' outlier (OR=4.56; P= 0.05). The adjusted ORs between hospitals compared to the reference varied from 0.21 to 5.54, ratio = 26.38. The model provided a good fit to the data (c=0.89; Somer's D= (0.78; Tau-a = 0.013; R2= 0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Regression adjustment of routinely collected data on prostatectomy from the Victorian Inpatient Minimum Database reduced variance associated with age and correlates of illness severity. Reduction of confounding in this way is a move in the direction of exploring differences in quality of care between hospitals. Collection of such information over time, together with refinement of data collection would provide indicators of change in quality of care that could be explored in more detail as appropriate in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Many Greek politicians and media attribute high dissatisfaction with the public health services to the quality of public hospitals. Provoking this view, this study attempts to investigate the patient's opinion and provides some preliminary results for the level of services provided by three public hospitals. A patient satisfaction survey with a self-administered questionnaire of 1295 adult patients show high rates for medical and nursing services and fair rates for hotel services and facilities. The medical-nursing index (which can range from 0 to 100) shows a mean of 86.4 and the rate for the hotel services is 75.9. Statistical analysis shows different satisfaction rates by age and level of education, an outcome that is consistent with other similar satisfaction studies. Differences of patient satisfaction relating to the area of hospital need to be examined carefully by gathering more data from Greek hospitals. Our preliminary results demonstrate that the high dissatisfaction of the public cannot be attributed to the quality of hospital care.  相似文献   

目的:分析广东省城市公立医院医疗服务价格现状,了解城市公立医院利益相关者对医疗服务价格现状和改革的认知情况。方法:采用描述性统计法,分析广东省驻穗省属、部属等20家医院2013—2015年经济基础数据;通过问卷调查法对15家医院利益相关者进行调研。结果:20家医院药品收入占医疗总收入的42.51%,医疗劳务性收入占比不足25%,大多数调研对象认为目前部分医疗服务价格不尽合理。结论:药品收入是医院收入的主要来源,直接体现医务人员技术价值的劳务性收入较低,该研究为构建医疗服务价格调整模型、设计医疗服务价格调整方案提供数据基础。  相似文献   

目的基于国家卫生健康委医政医管局医疗质量与评价处年度医疗质量调查数据,对我国感染性疾病专业医疗质量进行回顾性分析。方法调查全国30个省级行政区域(除西藏自治区)医疗机构在2016年至2018年上报年度医院感染性疾病科医疗质量相关数据,对专科建设指标、环节指标及终末指标进行横断面研究及纵向比较。结果68.53%三级公立医院和31.68%二级公立医院设置了感染性疾病科;有负压病房项目建设的三级及二级公立医院分别为49.47%和16.43%,传染病专科医院为96.3%。感染性疾病科医护比平均为0.61:1,住院患者平均住院天数三级、二级以及传染病专科医院分别为11.49天、9.65天及18.27天,2018年与2017年、2016年同期上报数据相比有所降低。 三级及二级医院住院患者抗菌药物率抗菌药物使用率分别为 58.55%、71.72%及传染病专科医院39.97%。感染性疾病科医生参与医院抗菌药管理委员会比例分别为91.72%、79.30%及传染病专科87.50%,2018年较2017年有所增长。感染性疾病科住院收治前5位的病种为:肝病、结核病、手足口病、呼吸道感染和其他感染疾病。单病种不明原因发热病因各省医院平均确诊率55.15%;门诊流感样病例平均病原学诊断率13.20%;门诊流感样病例抗流感病毒药物使用率分别为33.60%、30.03%及传染病专科医院48.28%。经组织学和/或细菌学证实的各省肺结核医院平均确诊率为19.76%,艾滋病并发PCP实验室确诊率医院实验室确诊率较低:三级公立医院23.88%、二级公立医院25.28%、传染病专科医院18.01%。结论我国国家感染性疾病专业医疗质量建设具备良好基础,但仍存在感染性疾病科建设不充分,感染性疾病病原学诊断能力不足等问题,需加强感染性疾病科医疗质量管理及持续改进。  相似文献   

目的:为陕西省城市公立医院同时执行药品零加成和医疗服务项目价格调整提供实践参考。方法:采用加权平均法,对陕西省城市公立医院医疗服务项目价格调整前后政策性涨价和降价分别进行涨价率和降价率测算。药品和医疗服务价格采用软件批量更改和手工逐个更改的方法调整,独立管理中药饮片。结果:2017年4月1日零时实施陕西省城市公立医院医疗服务价格改革和药品零加成,改革前后医疗工作平稳过度。结论:药品和医疗服务项目改革方案顺利实施,为其他省份平稳执行医疗服务价格改革提供科学参考。  相似文献   

目的基于三级甲等公立医院运营数据,分析医疗服务价格调整对医院收入结构的影响。方法引入成分数据分析方法,利用浙江省12家三级甲等公立医院(综合医院7家、中医类医院2家、专科医院3家) 2019年1—7月收入结构数据模拟无政策干预下8—12月数据,比较实际数据与模拟数据的差异。结果调价后综合医院、中医类医院和专科医院的医疗服务收入占比分别提高了4.77、4.01和2.54个百分点,检验和检查收入占比分别减少了0.60、0.78和2.94个百分点。综合性医院和中医类医院的药占比降低了1.87和5.29个百分点。各类医院服务收入增加了10 890.14万元,药品收入减少了6 521.79万元,检验检查收入减少了3 065.96万元。结论医疗服务价格调整政策提高了服务收入占比,降低了物耗性收入占比。下一步需建立医疗服务价格动态调整机制,继续控制医疗费用不合理增长,并关注不同类型医院收入结构的差异。  相似文献   

目的:就医疗服务价格调整的基本原则进行探讨,并提出动态调整机制的模型,以期为国家医疗保障局制定医疗服务价格动态调整机制提供借鉴。方法:本研究基于文献回顾法及访谈调研法,结合我国医疗服务价格调整的历史背景及目前医疗价格进行分析。结果:提出了操作性较强的医疗服务价格动态调整机制的模型,及动态调整工作应遵循"公益、平衡、系统、动态"的原则。结论:建立医疗服务价格动态调整机制,坚持公立医院公益性,保障公立医院良性发展。  相似文献   

目的 推动公立医院从粗放型管理转变为强调医疗质量和运营效率的精细化管理,引领公立医院高质量发展。方法 以循证医学理念为核心,以病种精细化管理为抓手,以医疗大数据为基础,通过文献研究、专家咨询、层次分析、模型构建、标杆分析等方法对医疗质量管理的指标体系、评价方式、运行机制进行研究。结果 构建了一种基于“病种-专科-医院”的区域分层医疗质量评价方法,开发了一套基于实时数据的标杆分析法,用于区域医疗质量的评价和持续改进,并通过信息化平台向全市市级医院展示。结论 依托上海申康医院发展中心医联工程临床大数据平台,开展从病种、专科到医院的上海市级医院医疗质量评价及促进的实证研究,为公立医院高质量发展提供了新思路。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between outlier status based on adjusted mortality rates and theoretical underlying quality of care in hospitals. We use Monte Carlo stimulation to determine, in the absence of case mix variation, if random variation noise could obscure the signal of differences in underlying rates of quality of care problems. Classification of hospitals as "outliers" is done compared with "true" hospital quality, based on underlying rates for quality of care problems in mortality cases. Predictive error rates with respect to "quality" for both "outlier" and "non-outlier" hospitals are substantial under a variety of patient load and cutoff point choices for determining outlier status. Using overall death rates as an indicator of underlying quality of care problems may lead to substantial predictive error rates, even when adjustment for case mix is excellent. Outlier status should only be used as a screening tool and not as the information provided to the public to make informed choices about hospitals.  相似文献   

目的对成都市二级民营综合医院与公立综合医院住院医疗服务绩效进行DRGs分析和比较,找出差异,提出建议。方法收集2019年成都市二级民营综合医院和二级公立综合医院住院病案首页数据,利用四川省DRGs应用平台进行分组计算,使用SPSS 20.0软件进行指标分析。结果成都市二级民营综合医院与二级公立综合医院2019年住院医疗服务绩效在医疗服务(总权重、覆盖DRGs组数和CMI值)、医疗效率(时间消耗指数、费用消耗指数)上并无显著差异,但在医疗质量与安全(中低风险及以下组病死率、标化病死率)上差异明显。结论二级民营综合医院与二级公立综合医院整体医疗服务差距逐渐缩小;二级民营综合医院内部发展不均衡,医疗质量与安全水平低于二级公立综合医院。建议持续提升民营综合医院服务能力,加强民营综合医院医疗质量与安全管理,同时政府须对民营医院强化监管。  相似文献   



Adverse event or complication rates are increasingly advocated as measures of hospital quality and performance. Objective of this study is to analyse patient-complexity adjusted adverse events rates to compare the performance of hospitals in Victoria, Australia. We use a unique hospital dataset that routinely records adverse events which arise during the admission. We identify hospitals with below or above average performance in comparison to their peers, and show for which types of hospitals risk adjusting makes biggest difference.


We estimate adverse event rates for 87,790 elective and 43,771 emergency episodes in 34 public hospitals over the financial year 2005/06 with a complementary log-log model, using patient level administrative hospital data and controlling for patient complexity with a range of covariates.


Teaching hospitals have average risk-adjusted adverse event rates of 24.3% for elective and 19.7% for emergency surgical patients. Suburban and rural hospitals have lower rates of 17.4% and 17%, and 16.1% and 15.7%, respectively. Selected non-teaching hospitals have relatively high rates, in particular hospitals in rural and socially disadvantaged areas. Risk adjustment makes a significant difference to most hospitals.


We find comparably high adverse events rates for surgical patients in Australian hospitals, possibly because our data allow identification of a larger number of adverse events than data used in previous studies. There are marked variations in adverse event rates across hospitals in Victoria, even after risk adjusting. We discuss how policy makers could improve quality of care in Australian hospitals.  相似文献   

目的对地市级公立医院药品零差率销售改革情况进行跟踪调研,评价不同阶段性实施效果,为深化和完善医药价格体制改革补充机制提供参考。方法选取2018年1月—2019年12月市级5家医院相关医药价格改革前后运营指标,运用对比研究方法进行改革效果研究。结果样本医院医疗服务收入占比增长,药占比有所下降,运行正常;门诊和住院次均费用不同程度增长;医疗服务价格调整未能有效弥补减少的合理收入,传统内科、肿瘤专科受冲击大。结论落实政府办医主体责任,增加政府财政投入;逐步建立有利于费用控制、以合理成本定价为基础的医疗服务价格动态调整机制;完善医务人员绩效激励机制;探索政府财政对公立医院分类补偿办法;推动DRG付费改革,减少患者的医疗费用负担。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. Current methods to evaluate quality of care are usually limited to reviews of individual cases or comparisons of hospital mortality rates. We present an alternative method that compares complication rates adjusted for patient characteristics. METHODS. Detailed clinical data that were specifically designed for quality comparisons of providers of revascularization procedures were abstracted from the medical records of 1998 Medicare patients, in 16 hospitals, who had coronary artery bypass surgery and 2091 patients, in 16 hospitals, who had angioplasty. Providers were ranked on the basis of an unadjusted risk, a risk adjusted for detailed clinical information, and a risk adjusted only for patient comorbidities. RESULTS. Complication rates differed significantly and substantially among the hospitals. Clinical adjustment changed the hospital rankings for the bypass surgery hospitals, but not for the angioplasty hospitals. Adjustment for comorbidities did not affect hospital rankings for either procedure. CONCLUSIONS. When sample sizes are limited, adverse outcome rates may be a more sensitive measure of quality of care than mortality rates. Rates that are unadjusted or adjusted only for comorbidities may be inadequate for evaluating some providers of bypass surgery.  相似文献   

山东省民营与公立医院医疗质量管理典型调查比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过对民营医院与公立医院的医疗质量管理情况进行比较分析,找出2类医院存在的不足及它们之间的差别,并提出改进建议。方法 采用方差分析及Kruskal-Wallis H检验、SNK法及Games-Howell法,对民营医院、公立二级医院和公立三级医院之间的典型调查数据进行比较分析。结果 民营医院与公立二级医院相比,除2个方面单项得分无统计学差异外,其余6个方面单项得分及总得分均有统计学差异;民营医院与公立三级医院相比,8个方面单项得分及总得分均有统计学差异;公立二级医院与公立三级医院相比,只有“各医院总得分”1项有统计学差异,8个方面单项得分均无统计学差异。结论 民营和公立医院在医疗质量管理方面都存在不足,但民营医院总体上差于公立医院;民营医院管理水平参差不齐,也有部分民营医院管理较规范。应加强对医院,特别是民营医院的监管,继续完善医院监督检查制度,建立完善医疗质量管理信息公开制度。  相似文献   

目的 根据三级公立医院绩效考核制定标准,评价住院病案首页的数据现状,分析原因,提出改进措施.方法 从某省卫生健康管理服务评价中心提取2019年所有三级公立医院病案首页数据,从编码错误和非编码错误两方面进行统计分析.结果 抽取某省80家三级公立医院2019年病案首页2246799份,全省病案首页质控编码错误病案数为395...  相似文献   

阐述了新医改以来公立医院大规模扩张的原因,政府持否定态度的缘由;分析了通过行政命令遏制公立医院扩张的利弊。文章认为,通过财政、医保支付方式改革和物价合理调整相结合,才能够真正促使公立医院走内涵发展道路,同时让出非公立医疗机构和基层医疗卫生机构的发展空间。  相似文献   

医疗质量管理是医疗管理的核心。不合理的药占比管制可能导致县级公立医院医疗质量的下降,损害患者的健康权益。认为药占比管制的应有目的是促进医疗质量的持续改进,应将药占比管制与县级公立医院的发展相结合,结合医疗质量考核,落实基本药物制度和处方点评制度,推进医务人员薪酬制度改革,加大对在商业贿赂药企的打击力度等,有效推动县级公立医院转型,充分发挥县级公立医院分级诊疗体系中的枢纽作用。  相似文献   

目的:分析公立医院改革背景下吉林省公立医院医疗收入结构变化特征及趋势。方法:基于2014—2020年吉林省公立医院财务数据,运用结构变动分析和灰色预测分析方法对医疗收入及其各明细项收入的结构变化特征及趋势进行研究。结果:2014—2020年,在吉林省公立医院医疗收入结构中,药品收入占比显著下降,医疗服务、卫生材料和检查及化验收入占比总体呈上升趋势;药品收入对整体结构变动度的贡献率最高,其次是卫生材料和检查收入。结论:公立医院改革以来,药品价格改革及医疗服务价格改革成效显著,公立医院医疗收入结构得到一定优化,但其结构调整仍有空间。卫生材料及大型检查费用应得到重点关注,后续应统筹兼顾、综合施策,进一步理顺医疗服务价格比价关系,推动公立医院改革平稳运行。  相似文献   

随着医疗服务市场竞争的加剧和公立医院改革的不断深入,资本经营成了公立医院发展的必然选择。本文首先阐述了公立医院资本经营的基本理论,并就当前医院资本筹集、投资、增值和分配的具体内容进行了详细分析,最后从加快公立医院产权改革、提高财务管理水平、推进医疗服务价格调整、完善配套措施建设和培养专业人才角度提出优化公立医院资本经营的对策建议。  相似文献   

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