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目的观察IMDM(Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium)单相培养基对人芽囊原虫(Blastocystis hominis,B.h)的体外培养情况。方法采用IMDM单相培养基对B.h进行体外连续培养,比较不同pH值、血清浓度及接种量等条件下虫体生长繁殖情况及影响因素。结果 B.h在IMDM培养基中最适培养条件为:pH值7.0-8.0;新生牛血清含量大于10%;接种量不小于1×105个原虫/管;青、链霉素1万单位/mL,于37℃条件下厌氧培养,每3-6天转种1次,可以达到长期培养效果。结论 IMDM单相培养基更适合B.h的生长繁殖,可以用于诊断及体外长期培养。  相似文献   

目的建立人芽囊原虫(Blastocystis hominis,B.h)在DMEM单相培养基中的体外连续培养方法,为进一步研究其诊断、生活史、致病机制奠定基础。方法比较不同pH值、血清种类、血清浓度及接种量等条件下虫体生长繁殖情况及影响因素。结果使用DMEM培养基、接种量大于105/管、pH7.0~8.0、10%~30%小牛血清(或人、马血清),青、链霉素及二性霉素B,于37℃条件下厌氧培养,每三、六或五天转种一次,可达到体外长期培养B.h的目的。结论使用DMEM单相培养基可用于人芽囊原虫的诊断及体外长期培养。  相似文献   

人芽囊原虫感染的临床观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解广西人芽囊原虫感染的发病特点及临床表现。方法收集门诊患者的新鲜大便,用生理盐水涂片法检查人芽囊原虫和其他寄生虫,对疑似阳性的标本再用碘液染色法镜检鉴别并计数;询问感染者的病史、生活环境等。结果检查就诊者粪便标本1041份,人芽囊原虫感染率为9.89%,年龄分布在13~84岁,男、女感染率分别为10.1%和9.7%,差异无显著性意义(P=0.801);农村与城镇居民感染率分别为10.8%和9.0%,差异亦无显著性意义(P=0.314)。103例阳性病例中轻症者占78.64%,主要表现为间歇性腹泻;重症者占21.36%,出现经常性的腹泻、腹痛、厌食、粘液大便等症状,病程较长。结论人芽囊原虫是广西地区人群重要的消化道寄生虫,可引发腹泻、腹痛等消化道症状。  相似文献   

我国人芽囊原虫病的研究现状苏云普,贺丽君,尚乐园,李超自1912年Brumpt ̄[1]将人芽囊原虫命名为Blas-tocystishominis(以下简称BH)以来,长期被误认为是一种对人体无害的酵母菌,唯一的重要性是在形态上与溶组织阿米巴相似,粪检...  相似文献   

人芽囊原虫 (Blastocystichominis)广泛分布于世界各地 ,曾长期被误认为是一种对人体无害的人酵母菌 ,近年来大量证据表明 ,该虫是寄生在灵长类、哺乳类等和人类肠道内可致病的原虫。我们于2001年12月~2002年1月对广西医科大学一附院门诊就诊的205例病人 ,用生理盐水涂片法和碘液染色涂片法进行粪便检查 ,发现10例人芽囊原虫感染者 ,现报道如下。1病例情况本组10例人芽囊原虫感染者年龄为12~57岁 ,平均40.8岁 ,男7例 ,女3例 ,城镇居民6例 ,农民4例。临床表现 :10例感染者中8例有消…  相似文献   

人芽囊原虫(Blastocystishominis简称Bh)被确认是人类和其它动物肠道内的致病性寄生原虫后〔1〕,国内外对该虫的病原、临床、治疗和流行病学等进行了深入的研究。但是,通过体外培养对形态和生活周期各个发育阶段的探讨报道甚少。为此,我们于1...  相似文献   

180例就诊者人芽囊原虫的感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解人群中人芽囊原虫感染情况,为人芽囊原虫防治工作提供指导.方法 收集医院就诊者粪便,用酸醚沉淀法处理后行碘染色,在高倍镜下查找虫体、观察形态.结果 共检查了180例粪便标本,人芽囊原虫检出率为22.78%,男女受检者检出率分别为18.75%和32.69%,差异有显著性(P<0.05).受检者年龄分布为1~85岁,高发年龄为21~50岁.镜下所见的人芽囊原虫以颗粒型为主.结论 就诊病人中人芽囊原虫的感染率较高,且女性感染率高于男性.  相似文献   

四川省人芽囊原虫感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在四川省5个片区共抽检196个点,97159人,人芽囊原虫总感染率为8.01%。不同特征的地形感染率有明显差异,性别、年龄分布上显示了女性感染高于男性,15~29岁年龄组为高发人群的分布特点,在不同民族、职业分布中以彝族和农民感染最高。应用二项分布拟合检验,对家庭成员感染人芽囊原虫的情况进行分析,其分布具有非常明显的家庭聚集性。  相似文献   

人芽囊原虫 (BlastocystishominisBH)曾经长期被认为是一种对人体无害的酵母 ,近年来大量证据表明 ,该虫是寄生在高等灵长类和人类肠道内可致病的原虫。我室在近期内连续查到6例重度感染人芽囊原虫 ,现报道如下。1病例简介6例患者中 ,除1例为女性外 ,其余均为男性 ,年龄最大55岁 ,最小28岁 ,其中4例为城市干部 ,2例为农民 ,均因胃肠道不适而就诊 ,有不同程度腹胀、腹痛、烂便、腹泻 ,2例还伴有恶心、呕吐、乏力、厌食等 ,反复发作 ,短则持续数月 ,长至两年 ,其中3例在来作粪检时就有腹泻 ,无粘液、无脓血…  相似文献   

王福青  常陆林 《中国保健营养》2008,17(9):172-173,106
目的探讨B.hominis对不同免疫状态下小鼠的敏感性和致病性,为进一步研究B.hominis的致病性及致病机理奠定基础。方法通过B.hominis人工感染不同免疫状况的动物模型,采用观察自然病程、电镜下观察回盲部消化道壁组织的病理变化,比较B.hominis对不同免疫状态下小鼠的敏感性和致病性。结果B.hominis感染免疫功能正常和免疫功能低下小鼠,免疫功能正常小鼠未出现异常症状,肠粘膜病理检查仅有轻微改变;免疫功能低下小鼠症状明显,病理变化较重。结论B.hominis为机会致病性原虫。  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Blastocystis hominis is extensively debated in the medical literature. Therefore, we did a prevalence study to investigate the association between the presence of several intestinal parasites and gastrointestinal symptoms in diverse patient cohorts. The study population consisted of 1216 adults, including immunocompromised patients, institutionalized psychiatric or elder subjects, immigrants from developing countries, travellers to developing tropical countries and controls. Several variables for each risk group were considered. Stools specimens, collected in triplicate, were processed by the same technicians. Clinical data about each subject were provided by standardized questionnaires. The presence of gastrointestinal symptoms were related to the presence of any parasite. In addition, on the basis of microbiological results, five subgroups of subjects were evaluated. The results showed a high prevalence of parasites in all the risk groups. Immunocompromised status, recent arrival from developing countries and the presence of behavioural aberrations were significantly related to presence of parasites. B. hominis was the parasite most frequently detected in each studied group. B. hominis showed a significant correlation with gastrointestinal symptoms only when detected in the group including subjects with a severe immunodepression. Immunodepression seems to be a factor of primary importance of the pathogenic role of B. hominis.  相似文献   

A prospective study was carried out to investigate the epidemiology and clinical significance of Blastocystis hominis in the following groups of the population of the city of Salamanca (Spain): in children attending 11 day car centres and 7 primary schools, two fecal samples were obtained from each child, and in 1231 patients attending the Clinical Hospital. A B. hominis incidence of 5.3–10.3% was found in the day care centres and an incidence rate of 13.4–19.4% was found in the primary schools. All the cases were observed in asymptomatic children. The incidence of B. hominis was greater in children older than 3 years in the day care centres and in the 10–14 year-old group in the primary schools. A heavier parasitization was observed in the boys than in the girls and in the students of schoold in areas of low socio-economic level. B. hominis was identified in 40 patients attending the Clinical Hospital (3.25% of all those studied). The maximum peak of incidence was found in subjects with ages between 10 and 14 years. A follow up study was performed on 18 patients parasitized exclusively by B. hominis; 7 of these were considered to have acute gastroenteritis and one chronic gastroenteritis associated with the protozoan. No statistically significant association was observed between the number of B. hominis cells and the presence of diarrhoea. Our results show that despite the high number of asymptomatic carriers of B. hominis in the juvenile population, this protozoan may be, on other occasions, responsible for gastrointestinal symptoms.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

王东  薛长贵 《现代预防医学》2012,39(18):4813-4815
目的 探讨人芽囊原虫(B.hominis)经口和经直肠感染免疫功能低下小鼠后在肠道内寄生和对肠黏膜的损伤情况.方法 将昆明小鼠60只应用免疫抑制剂制备为免疫功能低下小鼠后,随机分为6组.其中4组分别经口和直肠感染15×103、20×103剂量的虫体,其他两组为阴性对照组.感染后d2观察各组小鼠症状并粪便检查感染情况.感染7d后处死动物,分段将肠内容物涂片检查虫体寄生情况,同时取回盲部肠黏膜观察光镜下的病理结构改变和电镜的超微病理变化.结果 经口和直肠感染均显示该虫主要寄生在回盲部和盲肠,主要附着在肠腔和肠黏膜表面.光学和电子显微镜检查显示经口感染小鼠肠黏膜组织病理变化较轻,经直肠感染小鼠肠黏膜病理改变较重,不同感染剂量之间小鼠肠黏膜病理变化无明显差异.正常对照组小鼠肠腔内未见虫体,组织病理检查未见异常改变.结论 人芽囊原虫对小鼠肠黏膜损伤程度与感染途径有关,经直肠感染病理变化较重.该虫主要寄生在小鼠回盲部的肠腔和黏膜表面.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of Blastocystis hominis infection in a random sample of apparently healthy food handlers. A total of 415 individuals attending the Manoa Urban Outpatient Clinic (Caroní Municipality, Bolívar State, Venezuela) in the Adult Hygiene Program and who requested health certification to work as food handlers were studied. Stool samples obtained by spontaneous evacuation were examined by direct microscopy and the Willis concentration method. A total of 150 individuals were infected (36.14%), 107 (25.78%) of whom with B. hominis. There was no difference between males and females (p > 0.05), but there was a significant difference between ages (chi(2) = 12.17; g.l. = 4), with infection more frequent between 18 and 27 years. In 71.02% of the cases, B. hominis was the only parasite. Giardia lamblia was the parasite most frequently associated with B. hominis (2.41%). In the majority (85%) of infected individuals, less than five microorganisms per microscopic field were observed. We conclude that B. hominis is a frequent intestinal parasite among food handlers in Caroní Municipality, Bolivar State, Venezuela.  相似文献   

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