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Investigated the validity of two- and four-subtest short forms for the WPPSI in an outpatient clinic population of 116 children aged 4 and 5 years. The short forms differed in ability to approximate the Full Scale IQ. Both short forms correlated highly with the Full Scale IQ and accounted for a high percentage of variance. Both short forms misclassified a substantial percentage of Ss in relation to intelligence category. It was concluded that only the four-subtest short form was useful as a screening device in an outpatient mental health setting.  相似文献   

Intellectual functioning remains an important domain of functioning to be measured. To reduce the lengthy administration time, numerous short forms of the WAIS-III have been devised. The present study aimed to compare two methods of applying short forms of the WAIS-III within a clinical population. The results revealed that both item-reduced and selected subtest short forms provide excellent predictions of full administration WAIS-III summary and index scores. The Satz-Mogel short form appeared to provide higher predictive power than the seven-subtest short forms and accounted for a higher number of cases within 6 points of the obtained scores from the full administration. However, the Satz-Mogel short form was inferior to the seven-subtest short forms in terms of the reliability of the index and summary IQ scores. As found in previous research, a trade-off occurs between the predictive power and the reliability of a short form.  相似文献   

The validities of Kaufman's (1976) four-subtest short form and Kennedy and Elder's (1982) five-subtest short form for the WISC-R were evaluated in 98 children with traumatic brain injury. Both forms correlated highly with actual WISC-R FSIQ, and both forms had acceptable relationships to measures of injury severity. However, the Kaufman method had a larger standard error of measurement than did the Kennedy and Elder method, and the Kaufman method tended to overestimate actual FSIQ. It was concluded that the Kennedy and Elder short form for the WISC-R may be a relatively more accurate predictor of actual FSIQ in children with traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

Evaluation of intellectual abilities using the WAIS-III is a common component of neuropsychological assessments. However, clinicians might be interested in administering reliable and valid short forms due to practical and clinical reasons. The present study examined the concurrent validity of eight short forms of the WAIS-III with full form IQ scores in a sample (n=43) of geriatric outpatients referred for assessment of suspected dementia. There were no significant differences between the short and full form VIQ scores at P<.01, while half of the short form PIQ and FSIQ scores were significantly different from their respective full form scores at P<.01. Correlations between short and full form IQ scores ranged from .89 to .99. Seven-subtest short forms were able to accurately estimate over 80% of scores within +/-2 S.E.M.s. This study supports limited use of WAIS-III short forms when conducting evaluations of older adults with suspected dementia.  相似文献   

This study investigated two short forms of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised reported by Silverstein (1982). The short form IQs were calculated from test data of 42 geriatric patients with suspected dementia. The short form IQs were compared to the actual Full Scale IQs. Correlations between the two and four subtest short forms and the actual IQs were .93 and .96, respectively. In addition, the two subtest short forms correctly classified 67% of the sample on the basis of Wechsler's intelligence categories, and the four subtest short forms correctly classified 83% of the sample. It was concluded that these short forms should not be used when a precise IQ assessment is required; however, they may be useful for various screening purposes.  相似文献   

A number of methods have been developed in recent years to estimate full-scale IQ scores from abbreviated versions of the revised Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R), including Silverstein's (1982) two- and four-subtest short forms, Reynolds, Willson, and Clark's (1983) four-subtest short form, and Brooker and Cyr's (1986) two-, three- and four-subtest short forms. Short forms are of particular interest to the clinician and researcher who need a brief screening scale of cognitive abilities for the elderly, but their effectiveness with a normal aging sample has not been established. The present study examines the accuracy of six methods of estimating full-scale IQs from abbreviated versions of the WAIS-R in a middle-aged to elderly nonpsychiatric sample of 28 healthy males. Although all six methods were found to yield scores that were correlated highly with full scale scores, the method of Reynolds et al. (1983) resulted in short-form IQ estimates that were significantly different statistically from full-scale IQ scores. Although most of the six short-form methods appear to be useful screening measures for cognitive functioning and longitudinal changes in intellectual functions in the elderly, their use for classification purposes is not supported in the present study.  相似文献   

A maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III) was performed by applying LISREL 8 to a clinical sample (n=328). Analyses were designed to determine which of the nine hypothesized oblique factor solutions could best explain intelligence as measured by the WAIS-III in the general clinical sample. Competing latent variable models were identified in previous studies and a priori model modifications were made to test derivations of the nine base models. Results in the clinical sample were crossvalidated by testing all models in the normative sample used in the standardization of the scale. Findings in both the clinical and standardization samples supported a six-factor model including Semantic Memory, Verbal Reasoning, Constructional Praxis, Visual Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed factors. Our analysis differed from that presented in the WAIS-III manual as we tested more complex models of intelligence in addition to the ones evaluated by the test publishers. As a result, a six-factor model that corresponded to an expanded version of a model based on Horn's Gf-Gc theory was empirically supported as having the best fit to the data. More complex derivations of this model failed to achieve sufficient goodness of fit.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III) was administered to 152 patients at a VA Medical Center. Means for age, education, and Full Scale IQ were 51.49 years (SD = 13.00), 12.43 years (SD = 2.00), and 92.61 (SD = 14.06), respectively. Of the 152 patients, 69 had substance abuse disorders, 39 had medical/neurological conditions, 27 had both substance abuse and psychiatric disorders, and 17 had psychiatric conditions. The 13 WAIS-III subtests were subjected to a principal-axis factor analysis with oblimin rotation. Four factors were specified to be retained. The Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and Processing Speed factors were identical to those in the standardization sample. However, Arithmetic could not be allocated to any factor within the patient sample. The Working Memory factor consisted only of the Digit Span and Letter-Number Sequencing subtests. © 2000 National Academy of Neuropsychology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd  相似文献   

Extracted the MMPI-168 and Faschingbauer Abbreviated MMPI (FAM), along with the K scale items normally excluded from those MMPI short forms, from the full MMPIs of about 535 psychiatric inpatients. Those scales augmented by K items were used to estimate full MMPI scores via regression and substitution equations. The equations were cross-validated on samples of about 545 from the same population. Shrinkage was minimal and cross-validation estimates compared favorably with derivation estimates from other short-form studies.  相似文献   

Applied formulae for estimating the validity of random short forms to Reynolds' data on six short forms of the Marlowe-Crowne. These formulae were used to determine (a) whether the validity of each short form was actually higher than that of a random short form of the same length; and (b) just how much “better than random” each short form was. Some, but not all, of the short forms considered by Reynolds were indeed appreciably better than random.  相似文献   

The validities of 41 short forms of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised that require 20 minutes or less to give were compared in a sample of 174 brain-damaged patients. Mean errors in predicting Full Scale IQs were computed for each subtest combination, and a short form efficiency index was calculated by correcting mean error for administration time. The three quick abbreviations proposed by Kaufman (1990) proved to be among the more efficient predictors of Full Scale IQ, but a number of other short forms also performed well. The data provide psychometric information for selecting a quick measure of IQ that fits the needs, preferences, and time constraints of the neuropsychologist.  相似文献   

The validities of three of Reeder and Boll's (1992) short forms of the intermediate version of the Halstead Category Test (IHCT) were evaluated in a sample of 87 children with traumatic brain injury. All three short forms had acceptable relationships with length of coma. A short form that was based on the first 15 items of every IHCT subtest appeared to be relatively superior to the other forms in terms of discriminating between groups of mild/moderate vs. severe injuries. It was concluded that this short form may be an accurate and valid alternative to the full-length IHCT in children with traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

The application of seven-subtest short forms of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-3) was evaluated in a sample of 281 mixed clinical patients from three Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Short-form summary scores were derived from deviation quotient tables and from prorating. They included either Block Design or Matrix Reasoning. Short-form summary scores for Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ) and Verbal IQ (VIQ) demonstrated good alternate-forms reliability with the full WAIS-3 scores, whereas Performance IQ (PIQ) summary scores were less accurate. Short forms derived from deviation quotients and prorating did not differ from each other. However, the inclusion of Matrix Reasoning resulted in somewhat better accuracy with WAIS-3 PIQ than did Block Design. The results of this study support the use of the seven-subtest short form of the WAIS-3 in estimating full WAIS-3 summary scores, especially for FSIQ and VIQ.  相似文献   

Assessed and compared the interpretive accuracy of the standard MMPI and two MMPI short forms with a sample of geriatric psychiatric inpatients (N = 104). Psychiatric teams evaluated the accuracy of the interpretation of the various MMPIs. Standard form interpretations were rated significantly greater than the interpretations obtained from either of the short forms.  相似文献   

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