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Roithinger FX Steiner PR Goseki Y Sparks PB Lesh MD 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》1999,10(12):1564-1574
INTRODUCTION: Long linear lesions have been shown to eliminate atrial fibrillation in animal models, but little is known about the electrophysiologic response in one atrium to lesions in the contralateral atrium. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve dogs with chronic atrial fibrillation were randomized to either right atrial ablation (n = 4), left atrial ablation first (n = 4), or a sham procedure (n = 4). Simultaneous biatrial endocardial mapping was performed before and after three linear lesions were applied at specific points in either atrium, using an expandable ablation catheter. Atrial fibrillation was reinducible after single atrial ablation in each dog and no longer inducible after biatrial ablation in five dogs. At baseline, the mean atrial fibrillation cycle length was longer on the trabeculated (117+/-15 msec) compared with the smooth right (101+/-16 msec) or left atrium (88+/-10 msec; P < 0.01). Single right and left atrial ablation caused a significant cycle length increase in the ablated atrium. Left atrial ablation increased the cycle length on both the trabeculated (121+/-18 msec vs 137+/-11 msec; P < 0.05) and smooth right atrium (108+/-12 msec vs 124+/-9 msec; P < 0.05). Right atrial ablation, however, had no significant effect on left atrial fibrillation cycle length (82+/-8 msec vs 86+/-7 msec). CONCLUSION: Left atrial linear lesions affect right atrial endocardial activation, whereas right atrial lesions do not affect left atrial activation in a canine model of atrial fibrillation. These findings suggest that the left atrium is the driver during chronic atrial fibrillation in this animal model and may explain the limited success of right atrial ablation alone in human atrial fibrillation. 相似文献
Su WW Johnson SB Jain MK Hall J Packer DL 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2005,16(8):905-911
INTRODUCTION: Catheter-based treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) requires the isolation of the triggering foci as well as modification of the atria with substrate that sustains AF. The creation of linear lesions in the left atrium with standard radiofrequency ablative methods requires long procedural times with unpredictable results. METHODS: The simultaneous delivery of phase-shifted radiofrequency energy from a multipolar catheter was compared to the conventional drag-and-burn technique for creating linear lesions in 10 dogs. Four atrial sites were targeted under intracardiac ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance in each of 10 dogs. The conventional drag-and-burn technique or the multipolar phase-shifted ablation catheter was randomly applied for 60 seconds and compared. RESULTS: Creating linear lesions using the simultaneous multipolar phase-shifted ablation catheter was on average 11.0 minutes faster (33.6 minutes vs 44.6 minutes, P < 0.01) than the drag-and-burn method. The fraction of the lesion length achieved using phase-shifted ablation compared to that intended was 23% greater (76% vs 53%, P < 0.01), and has less discontinuities (0.1 compared to 0.8 discontinuities/line, P < 0.003). There was no significant difference in either the lesion transmurality, or fluoroscopy times. CONCLUSION: The simultaneous delivery of phase-shifted, radiofrequency energy using a multipolar catheter is more effective and efficient in producing linear lesions than the traditional drag-and-burn technique. Using the multipolar ablative method to create linear lesions may be a useful technique in the treatment of patients with substrate-mediated atrial fibrillation. 相似文献
消融犬右肺静脉脂肪垫对心房及右上肺静脉电生理特性及房颤诱发的影响 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
目的探讨消融右肺静脉脂肪垫对心房及右上肺静脉电生理特性及房颤诱发的影响。方法犬18只分别在颈部迷走神经未刺激和刺激的情况下,观察射频消融肺静脉脂肪垫前后心房不同部位及右上肺静脉有效不应期、房颤诱发率及房颤诱发窗口的变化。结果在刺激迷走神经的情况下,与消融前相比,消融后高位右心房有效不应期延长(P<0.05),其余部位有效不应期无显著差异,消融后高位右心房房颤诱发率降低(P<0.01),房颤诱发窗口变窄(P<0.05),左心房(P<0.01)及右上肺静脉(P<0.01)房颤诱发率升高,诱发窗口增宽。同时,心房有效不应期离散度增加(P<0.01)。结论消融右肺静脉脂肪垫使高位右心房房颤诱发率降低及房颤诱发窗口变窄,却使左房、右上肺静脉房颤诱发率升高及房颤诱发窗口增宽。 相似文献
Curative treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) remains a challenging task for electrophysiologists. Eliminating the initiating triggers by focal radiofrequency ablation in a subset of patients with paroxysmal AF and modifying the maintaining substrate by performing linear lesions within the left atrium in patients with prolonged episodes of AF are among the alternative approaches for management of these patients. Recently, a new intraoperative treatment procedure aimed at eliminating left atrial anatomic "anchor" reentrant circuits by induction of contiguous lesions using radiofrequency energy under direct vision was introduced. However, atypical left atrial flutter may occur during follow-up after intraoperative ablation of AF. These arrhythmias most likely are due to discontinuities in linear lesions; therefore, they can be successfully mapped and ablated in a subsequent percutaneous catheter ablation procedure. We report and discuss the case of a patient who underwent successful intraoperative ablation of chronic AF, but who developed atypical left atrial flutter postoperatively. Three-dimensional nonfluoroscopic electroanatomic mapping revealed a gap in the linear lesion line connecting the left upper and right upper pulmonary vein orifices. Ablation at the exit site of the breakthrough was successful. 相似文献
Deen VR Morton JB Vohra JK Kalman JM 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2002,13(2):101-107
INTRODUCTION: Atrial fibrillation (AF) may originate from a single focus, with the vast majority observed within the pulmonary veins. To facilitate mapping, we hypothesized that there would be a characteristic right atrial endocardial activation sequence pattern associated with pacing and spontaneous focal activity from each of the four pulmonary veins. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 10 patients with focal AF, a standardized set of catheters was positioned in the right atrium. These included a 20-pole catheter along the crista terminalis, a decapolar catheter in the coronary sinus (CS), and a His-bundle electrode. Pacing (700 and 300 msec) was performed with a mapping catheter from each of the four pulmonary veins. Activation sequence maps were created by measurement of activation times to each of the recording bipoles with the proximal CS bipole as the arbitrary reference point. Similar maps were constructed for the activation sequence of the pulmonary vein ectopic that initiated AF. There was a characteristic right atrial activation map created by pacing each pulmonary vein that corresponded closely with the map from the same pulmonary vein during initiation of focal AF. The pulmonary vein of origin could be distinguished on the basis of this characteristic pattern and some stereotypic observations. CS activation occurred proximal to distal for right pulmonary veins and distal to proximal for left pulmonary veins. Significant differences in activation timing between the CS and crista terminalis differentiated upper from lower pulmonary veins. CONCLUSION: There is a characteristic right atrial activation map for activity arising from each of the four pulmonary veins that corresponded closely with the map from the same pulmonary vein during initiation of focal AF. These findings may facilitate mapping and ablation of focal AF. 相似文献
Abraham G. Kocheril 《Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology》2001,5(4):505-510
Objective: Catheter ablation techniques to cure atrial fibrillation (AF) are under investigation. This study evaluates a mapping-based, individualized approach to right atrial (RA) linear ablation in patients with paroxysmal AF.
Methods: In this prospective observational study, 29 patients with recurrent symptomatic AF refractory to medical therapy, underwent linear ablation between May 1998 and December 1999. Inclusion criteria were symptomatic paroxysmal AF, failure of at least 2 antiarrhythmic medications, and informed consent. Radiofrequency ablation was performed in the RA using a 3.3 French multielectrode catheter, ablating through sequential electrodes to establish linear lesions. Lesions were delivered during sustained AF, guided by an empiric mapping scheme, targeting arrhythmogenic areas noted during electrophysiologic testing in sinus rhythm and areas of most disorganization during AF. Reinduction of AF was attempted at the end of successful ablation.
Results: The mean age was 58 years. There were 15 male and 14 female patients. Sustained AF was inducible in all patients at electrophysiology study. Acute success was achieved in 24 patients (83%). Long term success (maintaining sinus rhythm off antiarrhythmic medications) was seen in 23 (79%) over a mean follow-up of 19.7 months. Ablation lines varied from patient to patient. There were no complications.
Conclusions: Individualized linear ablation in the RA using a multielectrode catheter system can produce effective suppression of paroxysmal AF. Ablation during AF, and testing to reinduce AF at the end of the procedure, make this study unique. 相似文献
目的观察导管射频消融治疗峡部依赖性心房扑动(房扑)对心房颤动(房颤)发作的影响,进一步探讨房扑和房颤的关系。方法86例房扑患者,其体表心电图均提示典型房扑,男性54例、女性32例,年龄50.0±15.6(11~74)岁,病程5.6±6.4(0.1~30)年。将所有患者分成A、B两组,A组为房扑合并房颤患者,共25例;B组为不合并房颤患者,共61例;其中A组同时合并房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)3例,房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)4例,阵发性房性心动过速(PAT)10例;B组合并房室结折返性心动过速5例,房室折返性心动过速7例。对峡部依赖性房扑者,线性消融下腔静脉—三尖瓣环峡部致双向传导阻滞;房室折返性心动过速者行旁道消融术;房室结折返性心动过速者行慢径改良术,阵发性房速术中持续或可诱发,予以射频消融。平均随访27.1±14.1(6~63)月。结果A组25例患者中,术后68%(17/25)患者不再发作房颤;其余8例仍有房颤发作,其中1例为术前同时合并房室折返性心动过速,5例为合并阵发性房速。61例术前不合并房颤者,术后随访中有16.4%(10/61)新发房颤。86例患者中,6例因病态窦房结综合征行起搏器植入术,随访未诉心悸、胸闷,心电图为窦性心律与起搏心律交替出现。结论房扑可能与房颤具有共同的发生基质,也可以是房颤的触发因素,成功消融房扑后可以阻止房颤的发生。但房颤发生机制多样,消融峡部依赖性房扑,仍会发生房颤,术前合并房颤或房速者是最强的预测因子。 相似文献
Weber R Minners J Restle C Buerkle G Neumann FJ Kalusche D Keyl C Arentz T 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2008,19(7):748-752
Background: More extensive ablation strategies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) have increased success rates but are associated with new and sometimes serious complications. We describe a new complication after extensive radiofrequency (RF) ablation in the left atrium (LA) for persistent AF.
Methods and Results: Electroanatomic guided circumferential ablation around both ipsilateral pulmonary veins (PV) was performed with the endpoint of complete conduction block. When necessary, supplementary RF applications were added, including ablation of complex fractionated potentials and/or isolation of other thoracic veins and/or linear left atrial lesions. RF energy was delivered via an irrigated tip catheter with a maximum power of 30–35 W. Four out of 120 patients undergoing extensive RF ablation for persistent AF (including two patients with additional LA substrate modification) developed dyspnea, bilateral pulmonary edema, and signs of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (rise in body temperature, leukocyte count, and C-reactive protein (CRP levels) 18–48 hours after the procedure. There were no signs of PV stenosis, focal lung injury, left ventricular dysfunction, circulatory failure, or infection. All patients had complete recovery with supportive therapy within 3–4 days after the onset of symptoms.
Conclusions: Extensive LA radiofrequency ablation bears the risk of a severe pulmonary edema. Although the precise mechanism is elusive, clinical features point toward a systemic inflammatory response. 相似文献
Methods and Results: Electroanatomic guided circumferential ablation around both ipsilateral pulmonary veins (PV) was performed with the endpoint of complete conduction block. When necessary, supplementary RF applications were added, including ablation of complex fractionated potentials and/or isolation of other thoracic veins and/or linear left atrial lesions. RF energy was delivered via an irrigated tip catheter with a maximum power of 30–35 W. Four out of 120 patients undergoing extensive RF ablation for persistent AF (including two patients with additional LA substrate modification) developed dyspnea, bilateral pulmonary edema, and signs of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (rise in body temperature, leukocyte count, and C-reactive protein (CRP levels) 18–48 hours after the procedure. There were no signs of PV stenosis, focal lung injury, left ventricular dysfunction, circulatory failure, or infection. All patients had complete recovery with supportive therapy within 3–4 days after the onset of symptoms.
Conclusions: Extensive LA radiofrequency ablation bears the risk of a severe pulmonary edema. Although the precise mechanism is elusive, clinical features point toward a systemic inflammatory response. 相似文献
Wittkampf FH Nakagawa H Foresti S Aoyama H Jackman WM 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2005,16(3):323-328
INTRODUCTION: Open flush, irrigated ablation electrodes may improve the safety of radiofrequency catheter ablation by preventing protein aggregation and coagulum formation. This is particularly important in left-sided procedures like catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. Electrode cooling and the inherent loss of temperature feedback, however, grossly reduce the ability to monitor tissue heating. Intimate contact may not be recognized and the delivery of nominal RF power levels may then lead to excessive tissue heating, steam explosions, and even tamponade. METHODS AND RESULTS: Standard, open flush, irrigated catheters (Sprinklr, Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN) were modified by thermally insulating the irrigation channels inside the ablation electrode. Using the thigh muscle preparation, multiple lesions were created with standard and modified catheters using 60 s, 20-50 Watt applications and a constant saline flush rate of 20 cc/min. A total of 57 lesions were created on five thigh muscles of three dogs. Lesion dimensions were not significantly different between both types of catheter, but the maximum electrode temperature rise during ablation was significantly higher with the modified catheter. Insulation of the irrigation channels improved the correlation coefficient between maximum electrode temperature rise and lesion volume from 0.38 (ns) to 0.62 (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Thermal insulation of the irrigation channels facilitates temperature feedback during radiofrequency ablation and controllability of lesion formation. 相似文献
为及时反映海外心脏病学领域的最新进展,努力缩短国内外心电学研究的差距,自本期起,本刊推出“海外论坛”栏目。本栏目主要刊发国内外心脏病学研究领域前沿成果的专题述评、综述和重要学术会议快报等,形式不拘。欢迎海内外学者惠赐大作!开栏之初,我们有幸得到了两位国际知名心脏病学专家---欧洲心律协会(HRS )主席Karl-Heinz Kuck 教授与德国伊丽莎白医院Contilia心脏和血管中心的Dietmar Schmitz教授的大力支持,为读者介绍有关转子标测及房颤消融和心脏再同步化治疗的最新研究进展,其中Schmitz教授的述评中囊括了今年8月31日在欧洲心脏病学会年会(ESC2014)上发布的最新数据。现将英文原文及译稿奉上,以飨读者。 相似文献
Unipolar Electrogram Voltage in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation . Introduction: The peak electrogram voltage is a typical metric applied at each site for voltage mapping. However, the peak amplitude depends on the direction and complexity of the wavefront propagation. The root‐mean‐square (RMS) measure of the amplitude is a temporal integral that represents the steady‐state value. The objective of this study was to investigate the disparities between the electrogram voltage during SR and AF by using 2 recording modalities: the conventional peak voltage and an RMS measurement. Methods and Results: This study enrolled 20 patients (age = 59 ± 13) with paroxysmal AF undergoing catheter ablation guided by Ensite array. The unipolar electrogram voltage during SR and AF (7 seconds in duration) was obtained from the same sites, and labeled by the 3‐dimensional (3D) geometry. Overall 1,200 electrograms were analyzed from equally distributed mapping sites in the left atrium. A point‐by‐point comparison of the unipolar peak negative voltage (PNV) showed less agreement (Bland and Altman test: 10.4% outside 2 standard deviations, and intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]= 0.64). The RMS voltage demonstrated agreement between SR and AF for all sites (BA test: 5.9% of the sites, and the ICC = 0.81). The probability of predicting a low‐voltage during AF using the voltage during SR was significantly lower when using the PNV measurement compared to that when using the RMS voltage (15% vs 61%, P < 0.05). Conclusion: The peak electrogram unipolar voltage during AF did not represent the voltage during SR. The RMS amplitude may be an alternative metric for voltage mapping to characterize the myocardial substrate. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 21, pp. 393–398, April 2010) 相似文献
目的:探讨双极射频消融钳治疗心房颤动同期行开胸手术治疗器质性心脏病的手术方法和临床结果,提高对此类疾病的治疗水平。方法:回顾分析2009年8月~2012年5月对58例器质性心脏病并发心房颤动用双极射频消融钳治疗房颤的临床资料。结果:本组患者手术均顺利完成。射频时间16~38(24±4) min,主动脉阻断时间64~200(126±36) min,体外循环时间91~238(150±37) min;手术结束及出院时窦性心率分别为46(79%),45(78%)例,随访3个月,6个月和12个月,窦性心率分别为41(71%),40(69%)和42(72%)例。全组病例无手术死亡和射频相关并发症。所有患者均无需安装永久起搏器。双心房消融与单独左房消融比较无显著差异。结论:此方法可行,效果满意,但要注意把握适应证。 相似文献
Scharf C Oral H Chugh A Hall B Good E Cheung P Pelosi F Morady F 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2004,15(5):515-521
INTRODUCTION: Acutely, when left atrial ablation is performed during atrial fibrillation (AF), the AF may persist and require cardioversion, or it may convert to sinus rhythm or to atrial tachycardia/flutter. The prevalence of these acute outcomes has not been described. METHODS AND RESULTS: Left atrial ablation, usually including encirclement of the pulmonary veins, was performed during AF in 144 patients with drug-refractory AF. Conversion to sinus rhythm occurred in 19 patients (13%), to left atrial tachycardia in 6 (4%), and to atrial flutter in 6 (4%). In the 6 patients with a focal atrial tachycardia, the mean cycle length was 294 +/- 45 ms. The tachycardia arose in the left atrial roof in 3 patients, the left atrial appendage in 2, and the anterior left atrium in 1. In 3 of 6 patients, the focal atrial tachycardia originated in an area that displayed a relatively short cycle length during AF. In 6 patients, AF converted to macroreentrant atrial flutter with a mean cycle length of 253 +/- 47 ms, involving the mitral isthmus in 5 patients and the septum in 1 patient. All atrial tachycardias and flutters were successfully ablated with 1 to 15 applications of radiofrequency energy. CONCLUSION: When left atrial ablation is performed during AF, the AF may convert to atrial tachycardia or flutter in approximately 10% of patients. Focal atrial tachycardias that occur during ablation of AF may be attributable to driving mechanisms that persist after AF has been eliminated, whereas atrial flutter results from incomplete ablation lines. 相似文献
Hayrettin Tekumit Kemal Uzun Ali Riza Cenal Cenk Tataroglu Esat Akinci Adil Polat 《Cardiovascular journal of Africa》2010,21(3):137-141
The aim of the study was to assess the midterm results of left atrial bipolar radiofrequency ablation combined with a mitral valve procedure in patients with mitral valve disease and persistent atrial fibrillation.Methods
Between October 2006 and July 2009, 95 patients with mitral valve disease and persistent atrial fibrillation underwent a mitral valve procedure and left atrial bipolar radiofrequency ablation. The postoperative data of the combined procedure were collected at the time of discharge and at one, three, six and 12 months after the operation.Results
Hospital mortality rate was 6.3% (six patients). Normal sinus rhythm was achieved in 77.2% of patients during the early postoperative period in hospital, and in 73.3, 72.0 and 75% of patients at three, six and 12 months postoperatively, respectively. Patients were followed up for a mean duration of 14.02 ± 5.71 months (range: 6–19 months). During this midterm follow-up period, nine patients had late recurrence of atrial fibrillation. No risk factor was identified for late recurrence of atrial fibrillation.Conclusion
Our midterm follow-up results suggest that the addition of left atrial bipolar radiofrequency ablation to mitral valve surgery is an effective and safe procedure to restore sinus rhythm in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. 相似文献17.
Spatial distribution and frequency dependence of arrhythmogenic vagal effects in canine atria 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Sharifov OF Zaitsev AV Rosenshtraukh LV Kaliadin AY Beloshapko GG Yushmanova AV Schuessler RB Boineau JP 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2000,11(9):1029-1042
INTRODUCTION: Prior studies in isolated canine atria demonstrated that acetylcholine-induced reentrant atrial fibrillation (AF) was triggered by multifocal activity in the area of normal impulse origin (sinus node-crista terminalis). The aim of this study was to investigate the activation sequence in AF induced by vagal stimulation (VS) in intact dog hearts. METHODS AND RESULTS: VS (10 to 50 Hz, 1 msec, 15 V, 5-sec trains) induced single or multiple atrial premature depolarizations (APDs), and/or AF in 8 of 10 open chest dogs. Occurrence of APDs and AF increased with increasing VS intensity. Epicardial mapping (254 unipolar electrodes) of both atria showed that APDs as a rule emerged from ectopic sites, often from the right atrial appendage. Activation mapping of the first 10 cycles of AF showed that only a small number (<3 to 4) of unstable reentrant circuits were possible at the same moment. Moreover, most sustained VS-induced AFs were accounted for by a single leading stable reentrant circuit that activated the remainder of the atria. CONCLUSION: (1) Occurrence of vagally induced APDs and AF increases with increasing frequency of VS. (2) VS-induced focal ectopic APDs are widely distributed over the atria. (3) A single APD can be sufficient for initiation of reentrant AF. (4) Despite its high rate of sustained AF, it may be maintained by single stable reentrant circuit. (5) The atrial septum can play an important role in both the initiation and the maintenance of VS-induced AF. 相似文献
Linear lesions provide protection from atrial fibrillation induction with rapid atrial pacing 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Avitall B Urbonas A Urboniene D Rozmus G Helms R 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2002,13(5):455-462
INTRODUCTION: In the animal model, segmentation of the atria with radiofrequency-generated linear lesions (LL) using the loop catheter has been shown to be highly effective in terminating chronic atrial fibrillation (AF). This study addresses the question whether the same lesion set also would prevent reinduction and sustainability of AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied two groups of dogs. The AF group included eight dogs in which the atria were paced until chronic AF was present. After 6 months of sustained AF, the dogs were converted to normal sinus rhythm (NSR) by the creation of LL in both atria. Rapid atrial pacing was restarted 6 months later and continued for 4 weeks. In the NSR group, there were nine dogs in NSR without inducible AF at baseline. LL were created, and after 6 months rapid atrial pacing was applied for 4 weeks. Rhythm status was monitored weekly. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed at baseline, before linear lesion placement, and before pacing/repacing. At the conclusion of the study, the hearts were excised and examined. The lesions were stained, and their quality was assessed. AF was induced in a much shorter interval in the dogs in which AF had previously been present than in NSR dogs (8 +/- 5 days vs 25 +/- 13 days; P < 0.05). LL prevented sustainability of AF induced via rapid pacing once the pacing stimulus was stopped. Incomplete lesions were associated with increased inducibility of atrial tachycardia and AF. CONCLUSION: In this animal model of AF, LL are not only capable of terminating chronic AF, but also lead to self-termination of AF once the rapid pacing is stopped. Self-termination of AF after induction with rapid pacing was not observed in this AF model in the absence of LL. In the dogs with 6 months of AF, the presence of AF led to increased atrial susceptibility to AF induction by rapid pacing, even with LL and after 6 months of recovery. Incomplete LL allows induction of atrial tachycardia and AF. 相似文献
Left atrial radiofrequency ablation during cardiac surgery in patients with atrial fibrillation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mantovan R Raviele A Buja G Bertaglia E Cesari F Pedrocco A Zussa C Gerosa G Valfrè C Stritoni P;North-eastern Italian Study on Radiofrequency Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Investigators 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2003,14(12):1289-1295
Introduction: Intraoperative left atrial radiofrequency (RF) ablation recently has been suggested as an effective surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF). The aim of this study was to verify the outcome of this technique in a controlled multicenter trial. Methods and Results: One hundred three consecutive patients (39 men and 65 women; age 62 ± 11 years) affected by AF underwent cardiac surgery and RF ablation in the left atrium (RF group). The control group consisted of 27 patients (6 men and 21 women; age 64 ± 7 years) with AF who underwent cardiac surgery during the same period and refused RF ablation. Mitral valve disease was present in 89 (86%) and 25 (92%) patients, respectively (P = NS). RF endocardial ablation was performed in order to obtain isolation of both right and left pulmonary veins, a lesion connecting the previous lines, and a lesion connecting the line encircling the left veins to the mitral annulus. Upon discharge from the hospital, sinus rhythm was present in 65 patients (63%) versus 5 patients (18%) in the control group (P < 0.0001). Mean time of cardiopulmonary bypass was longer in the RF group (148 ± 50 min vs 117 ± 30 min, P = 0.013). The complication rate was similar in both groups, but RF ablation‐related complications occurred in 4 RF group patients (3.9%). After a mean follow‐up of 12.5 ± 5 months (range 4–24), 83 (81%) of 102 RF group patients were in stable sinus rhythm versus 3 (11%) of 27 in the control group (P < 0.0001). The success rate was similar among the four surgical centers. Atrial contraction was present in 66 (79.5%) of 83 patients in the RF group in sinus rhythm. Conclusion: Endocardial RF left atrial compartmentalization during cardiac surgery is effective in restoring sinus rhythm in many patients. This technique is easy to perform and reproducible. Rare RF ablation‐related complications can occur. During follow‐up, sinus rhythm persistence is good, and biatrial contraction is preserved in most patients. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 14, pp. 1289‐1295, December 2003) 相似文献