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食管心房调搏诱发与终止房室折返性心动过速的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨经食管心房调搏诱发与终止房室折返性心动过速的价值。方法选择255例有心动过速发作史,并且既往心电图证实有阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)的患者行食管心房调搏检查。结果在被检的255例患者中诱发房室折返性心动过速229例,占89.8%(其中顺向型217例,占94.8%,逆向型12例,占5.2%)。诱发成功的最佳刺激方法为程序期前刺激法(S1S2、S1S2S3),诱发率为88.2%。诱发的必备条件是旁路有效不应期长于房室结有效不应期。在诱发房室折返性心动过速的229例中215例经电刺激成功终止,转复为窦性心律,成功率为93.9%,其中64例采用短阵快速刺激一次性成功终止,转复成功率达100%。结论食管心房调搏能有效地诱发与终止房室折返性心动过速,诱发顺向型房室折返性心动过速的关键因素是旁路不应期大于房室结有效不应期,终止发作的最有效的刺激方法为短阵快速刺激。本法可作为急诊终止阵发性室上性心动过速的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨食道电生理检查对快速性心律失常的诊治价值.方法 插入食道电极,用电生理刺激仪发放电脉冲,进行程控及非程控刺激,诱发及终止快速性心律失常并对其进行诊断及分型.结果 535例受检者,检出房室结折返性心动过速198例;显性房室旁道伴顺向型房室折返性心动过速97例;隐匿性房室旁道伴顺向型房室折返性心动过速152例;房内折返性心动过速48例;2∶1房扑15例;室性心动过速3例;逆向型房室折返性心动过速2例.检出率96.3%.结论 通过食道电生理检查,可以对快速性心律失常进行诊断及分型,诱发及终止阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)发作,对临床治疗具有独特及重要的价值.  相似文献   

严重心律失常可分为快速型和缓慢型二类。快速型包括阵发性室上性心动过速、快速心房扑动和颤动、室性心动过速、心室扑动和颤动;缓慢型主要有病窦综合征、高度或Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞。严重心律失常常危及生命,为心源性猝死的重要原因。本文就严重心律失常的治疗现况作一扼要的阐述。快速型心律失常的治疗一、药物治疗 (一)阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)大量的临床电生理研究资料表明,PSVT有90%以上为电折返引起,其中绝大部分为房室结内及房室旁道参与的折返,房内及窦房结内折返仅占10%,自律性者少见仅占4%。 1.心律平是终止PSVT的首选药物。该药疗效高,转复率达82%~94.1%;作用快,平均复律:时间为8~10分钟,对各种类型折返引起的PSVT,  相似文献   

我们采用经食道心房调搏方法,观察了21例阵发性室上性心动过速患者静脉注射心律平(Propafenone,2mg/kg)后的临床疗效,并定量分析了其对窦房结及房室结电生理特性的影响。1.临床资料:①21例中18例用药3~10分钟时PSVT发作终止,其中6例顺向型房室折返型心动过速患者于R-R间期平均增加60ms(P<0.01),  相似文献   

阵发性室上性心动过速是临床常见的快速型心律失常,大部分由折返机制引起.通常根据不同的折返部位分为窦房折返性心动过速、心房内折返性心动过速、房室结折返性心动过速、房室折返性心动过速,通过经食管心脏电生理检查诱发及终止心动过速可明确其形成机制.  相似文献   

经食管心房调搏术(TEAP)作为一种简便、无创的临床心脏电生理检查,对各种类型的快速性心律失常尤其是阵发性室上性心动过速(室上速)、房室折返性心动过速及房室结折返性心动过速的鉴别具有较大优势。同时,TEAP还可用于窦房结、房室结功能的评价,心脏骤停的起搏治疗等。现将我院近两年门诊及病房收治的190例行经食管心房调搏术的患者情况报告如下。  相似文献   

从1993年至今,作者采用经食道心房调搏终止15例阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)患者,取得了较好的疗效,现将结果报道如下。1 资料和方法1.1 病例选择 15例患者均为我院住院及门诊患者,男9例,女6例,年龄21~62岁,平均47.7±12.2岁。病程2d~8年。房室折返性心动过速12例,房室结折返性心动过速2例,自律性房性心动过速1例。伴有心衰及低血压各1例。1.2 方法 刺激脉冲宽度8ms,起搏电压25~30V,采用超速抑制法终止,采用基础刺激S1的频率高于自身心率30~50次,连续刺激8次,无效时可重复2~3次。2 结果 经食道心房调搏治疗15例PSVT发作患者,…  相似文献   

快速心律失常的治疗   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
快速心律失常的药物治疗、电学治疗、经导管射频电消融(RFCA)治疗及起搏器治疗近年来均有飞跃发展,本文谈谈个人体会。1 阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)PSVT包括预激综合征房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)、房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)、房性心动过速、心房扑动与心房颤动等。过去教科书中认为AVNRT发病率超过AVRT,据我们近1000例RFCA的统计,AVRT占60%,居首位,其中隐匿性预激综合征引起PSVT更多见。AVNRT占32%,居PSVT的第2位。PSVT药物治疗以维拉帕米和普罗帕酮为首选。过去曾提倡快速静脉注射ATP终止PSVT,因其剂量不好控…  相似文献   

目的:研究经食管心房调搏对阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)诱发与终止的价值。方法:选择237例有心动过速发作史的患者进行食管心房调搏检查,如果诱发出阵发性室上速,进行12导联心电图记录后,予以短阵快速刺激或程序期前刺激终止之。另外对54例急诊PSVT患者直接予以短阵快速刺激或程序期前刺激终止之。结果:在被检的237例患者中诱发出PSVT148例,占62.4%(其中房室结双径87例,房室折返为61例)。对其202例PSVT患者均采用短阵快速刺激或程序期前刺激。PSVT即刻终止的有196例,转复成功率97%。结论:经食管心房调搏可作为PSVT筛选检查及终止的首选方法。  相似文献   

阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)是临床上常见的一种快速性心律失常。广义的室上性心动过速包括窦性心动过速、房性心动过速、房室交界区性心动过速、房室折返性心动过速、心房扑动和心房颤动等;狭义上讲,阵发性室上性心动过速是指具有突然发作、突然终止特点的快速整齐的窄QRS波群的心动过速,发生机制上特指房室旁路或房室结双径路引起的折返性心动过速。此类疾病的治疗目的主要是针对心动过速的终止,药物终止仍然是最常用的治疗手段,多非预防性用药。由于近年来射频消融技术的成熟,成功率高,并发症少,具有根治性的特点,几乎已成为反复发作…  相似文献   

食管心房调搏检查对窄QRS波群心动过速的诊断意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁元芳  丛培鑫 《心电学杂志》2003,22(3):135-136,160
目的 探讨食管电生理检查对窄QRS波群心动过速诊断的临床意义。方法 比较98例窄QRS波群心动过速食管和心内电生理检查的结果。结果 98例窄QRS波群心动过速97例分型诊断一致:房室折返性心动过速52例,房室结内折返性心动过速32例,心房内折返性心动过速和心房扑动各5例,房性自律性心动过速、窦房折返性心动过速和室性心动过速各1例。6例房性心动过速与54例房室折返性心动过速起源两种检查结果完全一致。结论 食管心房调搏对窄QRS波群心动过速的分型诊断和初步定位诊断具有很高的准确性,故可作为必要检查,有助筛选射频导管消融病例。  相似文献   

Atrial reentrant tachycardias (ART) are a potentially life-threatening complication in survivors of congenital heart disease surgery. From July 1993 to December 1997, temporary transesophageal pacing was used to convert 29 tachycardia episodes in 19 patients. At the time of the first tachycardia episode, patients' ages were 1 month to 26 years (mean 9.8 yrs). Time from operation to onset of first tachycardia episode ranged from 1 day to 19 years. Onset was within the first 2 weeks postoperatively in 6 patients and occurred later in 13 patients (1 to 19 years after operation). Postoperative pacemaker implantation had been performed in 2 pts; 17 of 19 pts were receiving antiarrhythmic medication. After placing a quadripolar transesophageal catheter, atrial and ventricular signals were recorded and atrial stimulation performed. Atrial cycle length of tachycardia ranged from 160-380 ms with 1:1 to 4:1 AV conduction. Temporary transesophageal pacing was performed following an algorithm starting with 4 extrastimuli (20 ms below atrial cycle length of tachycardia). Tachycardia terminated in 27 of 29 cases (93%) without complications. In 3 cases, conversion was achieved by pacing after amiodarone 5 mg/kg i.v. After tachycardia conversion, sinus- or pacemaker rhythm was present in 20 cases. In 9 cases atrial fibrillation was recorded; spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm occurred after a maximum of 3 min (7 cases) or persisted and required direct current cardioversion (2 cases). In conclusion, transesophageal atrial pacing is an effective, relatively noninvasive method for conversion of atrial reentrant tachycardias after operation for congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

Right atrial or ventricular pacing was performed on 36 occasions in 26 patients in an attempt to terminate a variety of tachyarrhythmias. Of 16 episodes of atrial flutter, 13 were terminated successfully; in 9 of the 13, sinus rhythm or the patient's pre-flutter rhythm was restored immediately, whereas in 4 patients, intervening atrial fibrillation or unstable atrial flutter occurred. Pacing terminated paroxysmal atrioventricular junctional or paroxysmal atrial tachycardia on 3 occasions; in a fourth patient, this tachyarrhythmia terminated during catheter manipulation. Six episodes of pacemaker-induced ventricular tachycardia were abolished by ventricular pacing. In 2 patients, atrial tachycardia was only transiently suppressed, and in 1 of these patients, d-c cardioversion produced a similar effect. Atrial fibrillation, spontaneously converting to atrial flutter, resulted during pacing for atrial tachycardia with block; the latter arrhythmia returned when the atrial flutter was terminated. Atrial fibrillation in 7 patients remained unaffected by atrial pacing. Based on the different electrophysiologic mechanisms responsible for reentrant excitation and automatic pacemaker discharge, an attempt has been made to determine the pathogenesis of the tachyarrhythmia by its response to pacing.  相似文献   

经食道心房调搏术诊治心律失常1159例的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经食道心房调搏(TEAP)对心律失常的诊断价值。方法:对1159例患者的食道与心内电生理检查(EPS)结果进行分析。结果:1159例检出房室结双径路299例(25.8%),房室结多径路伴房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)3例,旁道伴房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)120例(占10.3%).房性心动过速23例(2.0%).窦房结折返性心动过速2例,迷走神经张力增高性过缓性心律失常152例(13.1%),病态窦房结综合征11例(1.0%);检查结果正常者414例(35.7%)。以超速抑制法终止阵发性室上性心动过速发作,成功144例(99.3%),失败1例。结论:TEAP是一种简便、易行和高效、安全的心律失常诊治方法,值得临床广泛应用。  相似文献   

吴立萱  李忠杰 《心电学杂志》1998,17(3):132-133,136
为观察房内折返,房室结内折返,房室折返怀心动过速的拖带现象并讨论其临床意义,对16例有明确阵发性室上性心动过速病史的患者用食和心房调搏S1S2法对诱发心动过速,用超速终止心运过速。结果显示:16例患者在心房起搏时均出现拖带现象。  相似文献   

Transesophageal atrial pacing study was used to document arrhythmias in 67 infants and children age 2 months to 16 years (mean, 8.3 years), who had palpitations or symptoms suggesting tachyarrhythmias but had no electrocardiographic documentation of cardiac dysrhythmias. The transesophageal pacing and medical records were reviewed retrospectively. In 47 of 67 (70%) of the infants and children with suspected tachyarrhythmias, transesophageal atrial pacing induced various tachycardias, which may be the cause of symptoms. In 10 of 67 patients, tachycardia was induced during infusion of isoproterenol. During the study, tachycardia was initiated in 14 of 15 patients less than < 6 years-old and in 33 of 52 patients > or = 6 years-old (P < 0.05). Of these induced tachycardias, 25 of 47 were atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, 16 atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, and 6 idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia. Both transesophageal study and invasive electrophysiologic study were performed in 10 patients. The mechanisms of tachycardia in the invasive study and transesophageal study were identical except for one patient. In conclusion, transesophageal atrial pacing and recording was less invasive, safe and useful for documenting arrhythmias in infants and children who had symptoms suggesting tachyarrhythmias, especially in patients < 6 years of age. Evaluation of the mechanism of induced tachycardia provided useful information regarding the prognosis and therapeutic options in infants and children.  相似文献   

We were able to terminate atrial flutter in 136 of 162 patients by transesophageal rapid atrial stimulation (conversion to sinus rhythm in 75 cases, induction of atrial fibrillation in 61 cases). Atrial tachycardias were interrupted in 17 of 23 patients (sinus rhythm in 11, atrial fibrillation in 6 cases), AV reciprocating resp. AV nodal supraventricular tachycardias were terminated in 32 of 33 patients (sinus rhythm in 28 cases, atrial fibrillation in 4 cases). By transesophageal rapid ventricular and/or atrial pacing, ventricular tachycardias could be terminated in 10 of 15 patients. The success rate of transesophageal pacing is influenced by the type of tachyarrhythmia, by the type of atrial flutter and by the stimulation rate. It is not influenced by the tachycardia's cycle length. Because the success rates are comparable with invasive technique and the procedure is simpler, the non-invasive transesophageal antitachycardia pacing represents a useful method for termination of tachycardic arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Y C Song  C Y Lu  J L Pu 《中华心血管病杂志》1989,17(4):208-9, 252-3
The diagnostic value of transesophageal atrial pacing in supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) has been discussed according to the comparison of the results of intracardiac and transesophageal electrophysiological study. Some quantitative criteria for the differential diagnosis of atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia (RT-AVN) and atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (RT-AP) has been proposed. We found that RT-AVN and RT-AP could be separated by noninvasive transesophageal atrial pacing. We also suggested that induced SVT would be RT-AVN if (1) SR conductive curve was not continuous and SR jump greater than 70 ms, (2) AV interval less than 60 ms, and it would be RT-AP if (1) SR curve was continuous and there was no SR jump phenomenon, (2) VA interval greater than 100 ms. Thus, transesophageal atrial pacing was very helpful in distinguishing the mechanisms of SVT and could provide a simple clinical cardiac electrophysiological procedure in diagnosing SVTs.  相似文献   

Approaches to the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia, atrioventricular (AV) reentrant tachycardia, and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia, continue to evolve. Within the past two decades, many new and effective treatments have become available. These include several new antiarrhythmic agents, ablative therapies, pacing and surgical modalities, and cardioversion/defibrillation techniques. This paper provides an algorithm for the treatment of these supraventricular arrhythmias which includes therapy for the acute episode as well as the prevention of subsequent episodes of the tachyarrhythmia.  相似文献   

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