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Wisniewski  D; Strife  A; Wachter  M; Clarkson  B 《Blood》1985,65(2):456-463
To reexamine the influence that T lymphocytes have on the regulation of human peripheral blood burst-forming unit (BFU-E) proliferation in the absence of a statistically significant number of monocytes, very low numbers (3 to 10 X 10(3)/mL) of a null cell fraction highly enriched for BFU-E were cultured alone and in the presence of 5 X 10(5) sheep erythrocyte-purified, autologous T lymphocytes in a methylcellulose culture system containing erythropoietin. T lymphocytes consistently enhanced the growth of BFU-E from the null cell fraction, as reflected in both their number and size. Irradiation of T lymphocytes prior to coculture with null cells markedly reduced this enhancement, strongly suggesting that T lymphocytes synthesize erythroid burst-promoting factors (BPA). To determine whether there were functional differences between the two major T lymphocyte populations as defined by OKT4 (T helper/inducer) and OKT8 (T suppressor/cytotoxic) murine monoclonal antibodies to stimulate the growth of BFU-E, both T cell subpopulations were isolated by negative (panning) or positive (fluorescence-activated cell sorting) selection and cocultured with null cells. No statistically significant differences emerged between unseparated, OKT4+ and OKT8+ T lymphocytes in their ability to stimulate the growth of BFU-E. Thus, these studies provide further evidence that T lymphocytes are a major population of BPA-producing cells and further that OKT4+ and OKT8+ T lymphocytes equally elaborate these factors.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies, prepared against a murine B lymphoma and characterized as binding to a cell surface antigen represented primarily on cells of the B lineage, were found to bind to human hemopoietic cells. These antibodies recognize similar populations of cells in mice and humans. Antibodies from clones 177.17 and 83.4 bound to 6% of human bone marrow nucleated cells. This included all cells with detectable cell surface Ig (sIg+) and those that lack sIg but have detectable cytoplasmic mu (sIg-, c mu+), considered to be the immediate precursors of B lymphocytes (pre-B cells). In addition, these antibodies bound to a subpopulation of T cells and a proportion of null lymphocytes in marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. An unexpected finding was that established pre-B cell lines were not recognized by these antibodies and possible reasons for this are considered. By using antibody-coated polystyrene plates for cell depletion and recovery, highly enriched preparations of c mu+, sIg- cells have been obtained. These antibodies and enrichment procedures should prove valuable in establishing the minimal requirements for maturation of these putative precursors in vitro, for comparative studies of immunodeficiency/autoimmune diseases in man and experimental animal models, and for monitoring the outcome of therapeutic marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes were derived from the spleen of a 15-year-old female patient after partial splenectomy. High cell yield and percentage of human B-lymphocytes (over 30%) gave useful conditions for their fusion to mouse myeloma cells (P3 X63/Ag8/653). Fusion efficiency (cultures with growth) was 96%. From 288 initially seeded cultures 176 showed IgM and only one IgG production as determined by enzyme immunoassays. Twenty primary cell lines were cloned with differing results and 17 heterohybridoma cell clones with high IgM production rates could be established for more than 6 months in vitro. The present results show the possibility to produce human monoclonal antibodies in heterohybrids derived from human spleen lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies prepared to human myelin-associated glycoprotein were shown to react with a population of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The population is similar to the large granular lymphocytes or natural killer cells defined by antibody Leu 7 (also called HNK-1). The population also includes cells exhibiting the Leu 2 marker for suppressor/cytotoxic T cells. The results indicate a shared antigenicity between the nervous system and the immune system and may be relevant to the pathogenesis of demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

Human monoclonal antibodies were tested using different immunochemical procedures for their reactivity with various antigens. The great majority of human monoclonal IgM antibodies (15 out of 24) turned out to bind to a whole series of recognized antigens (DNA, keratin, tetanus toxin, ricin etc.). The specificity of these reactions was detected by competitive assays. For some antibodies a simultaneous reaction with two antigens could be demonstrated by capture bridge technique. IgG antibodies also turned out to be multireactive, but not to the same extent (range of antigens much smaller, only 5-6 out of 53).  相似文献   

The relative distribution of T lymphocyte subsets, as defined by the monoclonal antibodies OKT, was determined by cytofluorimetric analysis in peripheral blood and in cells isolated from liver biopsies of 31 patients with chronic active hepatitis (CAH). The percentage of peripheral blood lymphocytes binding OKT8 (directed against cytotoxic/suppressor T cells) was found to be elevated in patients with HBsAg and HBeAg positive chronic active hepatitis. Patients with CAH who had seroconverted to anti-HBe, had an increased number of OKT3-positive cells in their blood, which was directed against a common T cell surface antigen, associated with a decreased number of OKT8 positive cells. Lymphocytes isolated from liver biopsies of patients with CAH presented a general increase of OKT8-positive cells associated with a decreased number of OKT4-positive (helper/inducer) T cells. It is likely that OKT8-positive cells found in liver biopsies represent cytotoxic T cells directed against either viral or liver cell determinants.  相似文献   

Alloreactive donor T cells are central to the pathogenesis of Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD). Non-specific T cell depletion of donor grafts reduces GvHD, but increases infection and disease relapse. Several strategies are, therefore, in development to selectively remove alloreactive donor T cells prior to transplant while retaining beneficial donor T cells. An alternative approach is ex vivo alloanergization of donor T cells via allostimulation and blockade of costimulatory signals with fusion proteins or monoclonal antibodies. This strategy, which selectively inactivates alloreactive donor T cells, has been tested with some success in previous clinical trials of HLA-mismatched bone marrow transplantation. To build on the findings of these early trials, the strategy is now being tested in a multi-center clinical study of alloanergized donor lymphocyte infusion after HLA-mismatched stem cell transplantation. Recent advances in the understanding of alloanergization include the recognition of the central role played by CD4(+) regulatory T cells and new applications include the combination of alloanergization with T cell redirection to maximize anti-tumor activity. This mini-review will give an overview of the immunological basis for alloanergization, the previous and current clinical applications, and how new pre-clinical data have helped to create exciting new avenues of translational research in this area.  相似文献   

The production of monoclonal antibodies of human origin may represent a significant advance in immunotherapy for disease in humans. Although human monoclonal antibody has been produced from human lymphocytes by fusion with human myeloma cell lines or by Epstein-Barr viral transformation, fusion of postimmunization human lymphocytes with a mouse myeloma cell line is a relatively simple and reproducible alternative. Mouse-human hybrid cell lines were obtained in 205 (53%) of the microtiter wells initially seeded. Thirty-one (15%) of these hybrid cell lines secreted antibody of predefined specificity. Cloning was attempted with eight of the hybrid cell lines, and long-term antibody production was established in four of the lines: two hybridomas secreted antibody to the capsule of Haemophilus influenzae type b, one secreted antibody to tetanus toxoid, and one secreted antibody to diphtheria toxin. The production of mouse-human hybridomas appears to be a reliable method for obtaining human monoclonal antibody of predefined specificity.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Frank MB  Reichlin M 《Lupus》2002,11(6):362-369
Anti-dsDNA autoantibodies are the hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and frequently correlate with disease activity. In this study we report the isolation and characterization of human anti-Id monoclonal antibody fragments as single-chain Fv fragments (scFv) against anti-dsDNA antibody. The anti-Id monoclonal antibodies, specific for anti-dsDNA antibodies, have been cloned from phage display antibody scFv libraries derived from a patient with SLE. The V gene repertoires were derived from the RNA obtained from the B cells of an SLE patient with anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB antibodies. Affinity-purified anti-dsDNA antibodies were used for selection of bacterial clones producing specific scFv antibody fragments against anti-dsDNA antibodies and little reactivity with normal IgG and other IgG antibodies by ELISA. The anti-Id antibody recognizes a public idiotope that is broadly cross-reactive with polyclonal and monoclonal anti-dsDNA antibodies. This binding was largely inhibited by dsDNA antigen. The anti-Id antibody inhibited anti-dsDNA binding to dsDNA antigen in immunoassays and in the Crithidia luciliae assay. The anti-Id scFv antibody fragments derived from human genes could modulate the pathogenicity of anti-dsDNA autoantibodies and may have therapeutic implications in SLE. They may also be used as probes in studies of the structure of the idiotype.  相似文献   

OKT3 monoclonal antibody to human T cells inhibits the target cell lysis mediated by allogeneic cytotoxic T cells and the generation of these effector cells in mixed lymphocyte culture. This marked inhibition of cell-mediated lysis is not found with other monoclonal antibodies also reactive with cell surface antigens of human T cells (OKT1, OKT4, OKT5, OKT6, OKT8, and OKT11). OKT3 antibody is mitogenic and this effect appears to require receptor activation in that it occurs at low concentrations (10(-12) M range) of OKT3 antibody, requires intact OKT3 IgG, and is inhibited by a factor(s) in human plasma. By contrast, the inhibition of allogeneic cell-mediated lysis by OKT3 antibody appears to be due to steric hindrance in that it requires higher concentrations of OKT3 antibody (10(-8) M range), Fab fragments retain approximately 10% activity, and inhibition is demonstrable in the presence of human plasma. These findings are consistent with the suggestion that OKT3 antibody reacts with the human T-cell antigen-recognition structure.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from lymph nodes obtained at mastectomy in breast cancer patients have been fused with murine nonproducer myeloma cells to obtain human-mouse hybridoma cultures that synthesize human monoclonal antibodies. To date, 52 hybridoma cultures synthesizing either human IgG or human IgM have been obtained from lymph nodes of 13 patients. Ig production was stable in many of these cloned cultures through 60-200 days of observation. Levels of human Ig synthesis ranged from 0.1 to 20 microgram/ml of supernatant fluid. The immunological reactivities of the human Igs were assayed on tissue sections by using the immunoperoxidase technique. Several of the human monoclonal antibodies demonstrated preferential binding to human mammary tumor cells. One human IgM monoclonal antibody was used to discriminate between mammary carcinoma cells (from 55 of 59 patients) and normal mammary epithelial cells, stroma, or lymphocytes of the same breast. Decreased binding to some of the benign breast tumors tested and to selected non-breast adenocarcinomas was also observed. This same human monoclonal antibody, however, reacted significantly with metastatic mammary carcinoma cells in lymph nodes of breast cancer patients, with no binding to normal lymphocytes or to stroma of the same node. These studies demonstrate that stable clones of human-mouse hybridomas can be generated by using lymph nodes of mastectomy patients and that clones can be selected which synthesize human monoclonal antibodies reactive with human mammary carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

To test the affinity of a new F(ab′)2 monoclonal antibody (TRF1) against human fragment D dimer of cross-linked fibrin for atherosclerotic plaques free of detectable thrombi, 6 atherosclerotic segments of carotid and femoral artery, and as a control 5 segments of atherosclerosis-free internal mammary artery, were drawn from 11 male patients undergoing bypass surgery. All segments were carefully washed in order to remove possible endoluminal thrombi, and cut to obtain pairs of intimal fragments of similar weight, containing either plaques (n = 16), or fatty streaks (n = 12), or normal endothelium (n = 20). Each fragment underwent a direct binding test to TRFI, or to a non-specific antibody, both labeled with 125I. The activity in each fragment was measured after 3 h of incubation at 37°C, and after washing the fragments every hour for 3 h. TRF1 binding (as percentage of initial activity) was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in atherosclerotic than in normal fragments (26% ± 11.5%, vs. 9.2% ± 3.9% in fatty streaks, and 1.9% ± 0.6% in normal endothelium), and indirect immunofluorescence confirmed TRF1 uptake within the plaque wall. By contrast, the non-specific antibody did not show any significant binding. These preliminary results demonstrate the high specific affinity of TRF1 for atherosclerotic plaques, probably due to the hemorheologic phenomena that activate platelets and provoke the formation of fragment D dimers of cross-linked fibrin on the plaque surface.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes from lymph node, peripheral blood, spleen, and tumor specimens have been fused with the LICR-LON-HMy2 (LICR-2) or SKO-007 human cell lines or the NS-1 mouse myeloma line. Over 75 fusions with the three myeloma-lymphoblastoid lines have been performed. Several factors appeared to improve the fusion outcome, including maintenance of the myeloma-lymphoblastoid lines in logarithmic phase growth at greater than or equal to 95% viability, a delay of 24 hr in the introduction of aminopterin to the fused cells, and preselection of the fetal calf serum used in the medium. For a given number of lymphocytes, fusions with NS-1 produced 5-20 times more clones than fusions with LICR-2 or SKO-007, and LICR-2 produced 4 times as many clones as SKO-007. The percentage of clones secreting human immunoglobulin, the range of immunoglobulin production, and the proportion of IgM, IgA, and IgG secretors were comparable for clones derived from the three myeloma-lymphoblastoid lines. Stable Ig-secreting clones were isolated with approximately equal frequency from LICR-2 and NS-1 fusions. A number of stable clones producing human monoclonal antibodies reacting with cell-surface, cytoplasmic, or nuclear antigens have been isolated from tumor-bearing patients and normal individuals. A surface antigenic system present on normal and malignant cells has been defined with a human monoclonal antibody derived from a patient with breast cancer. Techniques for producing human monoclonal antibody now appear to be sufficiently advanced to initiate a serological dissection of the humoral immune response to cancer.  相似文献   

Human monoclonal antibodies to human cytomegalovirus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human monoclonal antibodies (HMAbs) to human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) have been developed by using electric field-induced cell fusion of human B lymphocytes to the human-mouse cell line SBC-H20. By this procedure, multiple hybridomas have been produced that secrete IgG 1 HMAbs with distinct patterns of indirect immunofluorescence on HCMV-infected cells. HMAbs Z01 and X20 immunoprecipitated a major protein at 64 kDa. HMAb Z02 immunoprecipitated a major protein of 48-50 kDa. HMAb Z10 identified a single protein at 65 kDa and HMAb X16 identified proteins at 100, 65, and 36-38 kDa. The HMAbs demonstrated varying degrees of virus-neutralizing activity. The production of HMAbs to HCMV provides an important approach to studying the human host response to HCMV by elucidating biologically relevant antigens and epitopes. In addition, HMAbs are a potentially unlimited source of relevant human antibodies for treating life-threatening HCMV infection.  相似文献   

A set of monoclonal antibodies reacting with human peripheral blood monocytes is characterized. Two of these antibodies also bind to a fraction of granulocytes (BL-M/G-1) respectively to all of them (BL-M/G-2). On the other hand the BL-M-3 appears to be specific for monocytes only. All three monoclonals do not react with enriched B and T lymphocytes, platelets, erythrocytes and several lymphoid or erythroid permanent cell lines. The antigens recognized by all three monoclonals are expressed by monoblastic cell line U-937, whereas the myeloid line HL-60 and the cell line KG-1 express only antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody BL-M/G-2.  相似文献   

OKT3 monoclonal antibody is a murine monoclonal antibody specific for the T lymphocyte T3 cell surface receptor that mediates antigen recognition. The use of OKT3 monoclonal antibody for the treatment of cardiac allograft rejection refractory to conventional therapy with high-dose steroids and antithymocyte globulin is described. Seven patients received 5 mg of OKT3 monoclonal antibody intravenously per day for 10 to 14 days. Diagnosis of moderate or severe rejection was made in all seven from right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy. Biopsy was repeated 48 to 72 hours and seven to 10 days after OKT3 monoclonal antibody was begun. With treatment, four patients had a complete response, with improvement on both early and late biopsy. Two patients had partial responses, with improvement on early biopsy followed by worsening rejection on late biopsy. One patient died of graft failure six hours after receiving OKT3 monoclonal antibody. Adverse events were common in the first two days of therapy but were well tolerated. It is concluded that OKT3 monoclonal antibody is useful in the treatment of refractory cardiac allograft rejection.  相似文献   

Mononuclear, non-adherent blood leukocytes were separated into the spontaneously E-rosetting (E+) and non-E-rosetting (E-) fraction. NK- and K-cell activity was determined simultaneously in a 4 h assay against 51Cr-labeled K 562 cell line cells and rabbit antiserum coated mouse leukemia cells (Gr/E) respectively. In each case E- exhibited a significantly higher K-cell activity than E+ [M16 donors E-:E+ = 46 +/- 11:10 +/- 6 (% specific cytotoxicity)]. With regard to NK-cell activity E- of only 7 donors was significantly more active than E+ [M7 donors E-:E+ = 49 +/- 15:20 +/- 10]. Six times the activities of the two fractions were not significantly different [M6 donors E-:E+ = 46 +/- 15:39 +/- 14]. On the other hand E+ of 3 donors displayed a significantly stronger activity than E-[M3 donors E-:E+ = 13 +/- 10:36 +/- 9]. These results confirm the heterogeneity of NK-cells with respect to E-rosetting properties and indicate that NK- and K-cells of at least 3 donors may belong to different cellular subsets [NK:E- less than E+; K:E- greater than E+].  相似文献   

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