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A 75-year-old female was admitted for cerebral infarction and arteriosclerosis obliterans. Computed tomography with contrast medium revealed occlusion of the superficial femoral artery (SFA). Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)was performed for the SFA (length 30 cm), but massive thrombus was seen in the SFA. PTA was continued using a Filtrap deployed at the popliteal artery to prevent distal embolism and the thrombus was captured by the Filtrap. Finally antegrade blood flow was observed. However, the following day, acute stent thrombosis occurred and emergent PTA was performed. Suboptimal stent expansion and dissection were found. Balloon angioplasty was performed using a Filtrap and another stent was deployed. Final angiography revealed good blood flow in the SFA. Filtrap may reduce the risk of distal embolism during PTA for the lower limb.  相似文献   

Experience is reported with 100 consecutive patients in whom percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was attempted on chronically occluded coronary arteries that had no visible anterograde flow. Ninety-eight patients had angina and all had collateral vessels to the occluded artery on angiography. A movable guidewire/dilatation system was used in all cases. Overall initial PTCA success rate was 56% and was related to duration of occlusion (69% success rate for occlusions of 1 month or less, 50% for 1 to 6 months and 11% after 6 months). Complications were minor; no patient died or required emergency bypass operation. Of the 44 patients in whom PTCA failed, 20 underwent elective bypass surgery for relief of angina and 24 were treated medically. Follow-up at a mean of 8 months (range 1 to 48) was available for 49 of the 56 patients in whom PTCA was successful: 40 had subjective improvement, 6 no change and 3 felt worse. Control angiography was carried out in 40 of the 56 patients with primary success and showed long-term success in 18 and reocclusion or significant stenosis in 22. Of these 22, 11 were successfully treated by a second PTCA, 2 underwent operation and 9 were treated medically. Recanalization of totally occluded coronary arteries with no forward flow has a lower initial success rate (56%) than PTCA for stenoses and the recurrence rate is higher (55%), but effective relief of angina is achieved in successful cases. The risk of serious complications appears to be low.  相似文献   

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty has become an accepted therapeutic modality for patients with coronary artery disease. Until the present, its use has been restricted to vessels that are subtotally obstructed. We recently successfully utilized coronary angioplasty in a patient with a totally occluded coronary artery. The experience is described and criteria proposed for the selection of patients with totally obstructed coronary arteries for coronary angioplasty.  相似文献   

Previous reports describe high success rates achieved by dilating subclavian artery stenoses. Attempts at angioplasty for total occlusions have been uniformly unsuccessful. No previous case successfully recanalizing total subclavian artery occlusion was found after an extensive literature search. Modified guidewire technique facilitated safe crossing of the occlusion.  相似文献   

We reviewed the results of 174 consecutive percutaneous transluminal angioplasties (PTA) for 226 iliac artery stenoses (mean length 1.6 cm, range 0.2-9.6 cm) in 150 patients with lower limb ischaemia. Vascular intervention was indicated by intermittent claudication in 123 and critical ischaemia in 51 (29%) limbs. There were 12 (7%) failed guide-wire recanalizations. Four (2%) serious complications from puncture site haemorrhages or peripheral embolizations were handed surgically and caused one major amputation. Five-year patency in 162 successful dilatations was 68% primarily and 81% secondary to vascular surgical reconstructions during an average 28 (range 1-60) months of observation. One hundred and thirteen (70%) limbs improved clinically. In 95 limbs treated exclusively by iliac PTA, clinical improvement was achieved in 38/47 (81%) limbs with patency and 24/48 (50%) limbs with occlusion of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) (p < 0.003), whereas vascular patency of iliac PTA was unaffected by status of the SFA. Five-year limb salvage rate was 50% in limbs with critical ischaemia. We conclude that PTA for iliac artery stenoses is a low-risk procedure offering acceptable clinical results provided the SFA is patent. As an adjunct to distal bypass surgery, iliac PTA improves inflow without the requirement for major aorto-iliac surgery and may extend indications for vascular intervention in patients with lower limb ischaemia.  相似文献   

Angioplasty using the percutaneous popliteal approach was utilized in 50 patients (PTS) to recanalize 59 occluded superficial femoral arteries which had been unsuccessfully canalized by using the antegrade approach because of either a flush origin occlusion or inability to maintain the guide wire in the true lumen. All PTS had claudication; 8 had rest pain; 3 had non-healing ulcers. The laser Probe was used in 17 cases and the Rotablator in 3 cases. Occlusion length varied between 1 and 40 cm: 7 lesions were less than 10 cm (group 1); 9 were between 10 and 20 cm (group 2); and 43 were greater than 20 cm (group 3). An angiographic success was obtained in 48/59 lesions (81%): 14/16 (87%) in groups 1 and 2 and 34/43 (79%) in group 3. Three PTS needed complementary common femoral endarterectomy and one required percutaneous aspiration of a thromboembolus. Complications included: arterial perforation and/or dissection (without clinical sequelae) in 11 and a popliteal hematoma in 1 PT. One patient with a severely ischemic leg underwent successful emergency vascular surgery, while another limb salvage patient required below-knee amputation. There was no worsening of limb ischemia from any popliteal approach attempt. At discharge, 39 patients (78%) whose outcome would have been unsuccessful with the traditional antegrade approach were clinically improved after utilizing the popliteal approach to achieve a successful angioplasty procedure.  相似文献   

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty is an effective technique for the treatment of selected patients with ischemic heart disease due to coronary artery stenosis. Successful angioplasty in saphenous vein bypass grafts has been documented, but little experience has been reported using angioplasty in internal mammary artery to coronary artery bypass grafts. Nine of ten patients with stenosis in the internal mammary artery to coronary artery anastomosis or in the coronary vessel distal to the anastomosis site were successfully treated with angioplasty. One patient developed restenosis 1 month after the procedure, and a repeat angioplasty was successful. In one patient, the balloon catheter could not be advanced through the left internal mammary artery to the stenosis site. Technical features of internal mammary artery angioplasty are discussed, including the use of specially designed guiding wires, guiding catheters, and balloon catheters that facilitate angioplasty involving internal mammary arteries from the femoral approach.  相似文献   

A young lady developed left middle cerebral artery embolism after percutaneous transseptal mitral commissurotomy. She was successfully treated with immediate percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. There was complete recovery of neurological deficit.  相似文献   

<正>1 临床资料患者男性,66岁,因"反复胸闷3年余"于2018年5月8日入院。患者于2015年3月底开始反复出现阵发性胸骨后憋闷不适,每次持续约5~10 min,可自行缓解,发作频率3次/周至2次/d不等,多在劳累后出现,偶在夜间睡眠中出现,严重时伴有大汗、心悸,无胸痛,无放射痛。患者就诊我院心内科门诊,以"稳定性心绞痛"收入院。既往体健,否认高血压、糖尿病病史,否认烟酒史,无心脑血管疾病家族史。入院查体:体温36.7℃,心率78次/  相似文献   

A 9-year-old girl who had undergone previous coronary artery bypass surgery at the age of 3.5 years for stenoses of the left anterior descending and right coronary arteries resulting from Kawasaki disease presented with recurrent exertional angina. Stenosis was found at the anastomosis of the left internal thoracic artery to the left anterior descending artery. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was successfully performed. This is the first reported case of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of an internal thoracic artery graft in a child. © 1994 Wiley-Liss,Inc..  相似文献   

A severely stenotic, large-caliber, first septal artery was successfully dilated in a patient with refractory angina and nonsurgical, multivessel coronary artery disease. The success of this dilatation was related to favorable coronary anatomy and to the availability of a guidewire-directed dilatation catheter. Septal artery stenosis with or without surgically accessible stenoses in other coronary vessels represents a potential indication for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.  相似文献   

Between 1979 and 1988 43 percutaneous transluminal angioplasties (PTA) of the deep femoral artery were performed for treatment of severe claudication (n = 15) or for limb salvage (n = 28). Ateriographically, all patients had a long occlusion of the superficial femoral artery. Additional PTA of significant obstructions in the iliac and common femoral artery were performed in 6 patients of each group. Technical success was achieved in 41 of the 43 procedures (95%). Early clinical success was 60% for claudicants and 68% for patients with limb threatening ischemia. Success rates tended to be higher if additional PTA of the inflow tract was performed (75% versus 61%, n.s.). Patient with a good distal outflow benefited more frequently from PTA if they were treated for limb salvage (p less than 0.05). Within a follow-up period up to 24 months (mean 18.0 months) 5 patients died and one late failure occurred. Life table analysis lasting success in patients dilated for limb salvage, whereas success rate decreased to 48% in claudicants. PTA of the deep femoral artery is a less invasive and efficient treatment particularly for patients with limb threatening ischemia, an appropriate obstruction morphology provided.  相似文献   

A case of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) from the groin to a 7-cm right brachial artery occlusion in a 41-year-old man, having previously undergone Sones coronary angiography 2 months earlier, is presented. The post-PTA angiogram shows near-normal reconstitution of the total obstruction, persisting after 6 months with complete loss of collateral circulation. In a case of total obstruction of the brachial artery, femoral PTA should be considered before resorting to surgical treatment.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of restenosis on global and regional left ventricular function after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for total coronary occlusion. Thirty-one consecutive patients with total coronary occlusion treated successfully with PTCA and had follow-up angiography at 3–6 months formed the study group. Nineteen patients had restenosis (16 males, mean age 48±10 years) and 12 had no restenosis (11 males, mean age 53±10 years). In the LAD group there were increases in anterobasal (35.9±8.5% vs 43.1±5.7%, p=0.05) and apical (24.1±6.8% vs 31.7±2.9%, p=0.03) segment motion scores in patients without restenosis after PTCA. Global ejection fractions (63.1±14.5% vs 68.9±12.4%, p=0.09) and anterolateral (28.7±11.3% vs 39.7±10.2%, p=0.09) segment scores increased, but did not reach statistical significance. In the LAD restenosis group anterobasal (41.5±14.3% vs 34.3±12.6%, p=0.001), apical (21.1±15.0% vs 17.8±10.9%, p=0.05) and anterolateral (32.7±19.6% vs 26.6±13.8%, p=0.03) segment motion scores decreased but the decrease in the global ejection fraction (60.3±18.5% vs 58.6±17.4, p=0.38) was not significant. In the RCA+LCX group there was a significant increases in global ejection fraction (69.0±7.5% vs 74.2±7.6%, p=0.03) and posterobasal (23.8±7.8 vs 34.4±8.0, p=0.04) segment motion scores in patients without restenosis. The wall motion scores were unchanged in patients with restenosis in the RCA+LCX group. It was concluded that restenosis after a successful PTCA for total coronary occlusion may deteriorate segmental wall motion and treatment modalities with increased patency rates should be used for total coronary occlusions.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 51-year-old male with multivessel coronary artery disease and disseminated peripheral arterial disease (PAD) who underwent coronary angioplasty, followed by angioplasty with stent implantation of the left superficial iliac artery and right femoral artery. Thirty days later the patient was admitted for elective angioplasty of the previously closed superficial right femoral artery; however, angiography showed that the artery was patent with a residual stenosis which narrowed the vessel lumen by 10%. We believe that spontaneous recanalisation of this artery was caused by multiple factors, including cessation of smoking, physical training, pharmacological therapy and previous angioplasty of the right femoral artery.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨肾动脉纤维肌性发育不良(FMD)所致肾血管性高血压的临床特点、介入治疗及预后情况。方法:纳入2009—2013年我科收治的FMD所致肾血管性高血压患者共22例,均进行了经皮肾动脉介入治疗,回顾分析患者的临床特点,评价并随访其介入治疗的疗效及预后。结果:22例患者平均年龄(25±5)岁,其中女性16例(72.7%)。介入治疗采用单纯球囊扩张术18例(81.8%),行肾动脉支架植入术4例(18.2%)。患者平均诊室血压由术前(163±22)/(101±15)mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 k Pa)下降至(122±15)/(80±10)mm Hg。其中12例(54.5%)治愈,10例(45.5%)血压得到改善,降压有效率为100%。术前患者血清肌酐水平为(75±25)μmol/L,术后为(74±21)μmol/L,无统计学差异(P=0.69);其中有8例患者行核素99m锝肾小球滤过率(99m Tc-GFR)随访,显示患侧肾脏99m Tc-GFR由术前(25.2±4.8)m L/min上升至(39.4±8.2)m L/min,术后有明显改善(P=0.001)。随访发现2例(9.1%)患者出现了再狭窄,并再次施行了球囊扩张术,术后血压得到了改善。结论:FMD患者经皮肾动脉成型术降压安全、有效,并能改善患侧肾功能,可作为临床首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

The radial artery is being used with increasing frequency to replace the saphenous vein as a coronary artery bypass graft, in the belief that it will provide improved long-term patency. Several centers have confirmed that the early results of surgery using the radial artery seem to be better than those obtained with saphenous grafts. Despite these apparent gains, early failure of the radial artery graft can occur and is frequently associated with symptomatic myocardial ischemia. Percutaneous angioplasty is an alternative to reoperation to treat lesions occurring on radial artery grafts. We report on 4 patients who underwent angioplasty of radial artery grafts. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 45:400–404, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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