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PURPOSE: To educate pastors of the Assemblies of God in Burkina Faso concerning HIV/AIDS and mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). DESIGN: A pretest-posttest design was used with a convenience sample of 102 pastors attending the educational program on HIV/AIDS and MTCT in January, February, and March of 2005. The educational program was implemented in local Bible colleges in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. METHODS: Participants attended an 18-hour program on HIV/AIDS and MTCT. A picture booklet was designed and used to help explain the prevention of MTCT of HIV The pretest-posttest examination and follow-up evaluation were designed for this project. FINDINGS: Results of the pretest showed minimal knowledge of pastors regarding HIV/AIDS. The median composite scores on the knowledge questions increased from 16% on the pretest to 92% on the posttest. Within the 3-month follow-up period, 34 follow-up evaluations were received. Although all the responding pastors had recommended testing for expectant mothers, only 13 had discussed MTCT in their churches or communities. CONCLUSIONS: The educational program was effective in increasing the pastors' knowledge of HIV/AIDS and MTCT. Further research is needed to identify barriers to full utilization of that knowledge.  相似文献   

军队官兵艾滋病认知情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解军队官兵对艾滋病的认知水平和态度,为军队开展艾滋病健康教育提供依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法对1069名官兵进行问卷调查。结果①官兵对艾滋病一般知识、传播途径等回答正确率较高,军官高于士兵,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。②84.67%的军官、64.91%的士兵表示同情、关心艾滋病病人。③多数官兵对国家相关艾滋病的政策缺乏了解。结论军队官兵对艾滋病知识及国家相关政策了解不够,艾滋病健康教育工作应增加宣教的范围及深度,并强调针对性和实用性。  相似文献   

German nursing students' knowledge of and attitudes to HIV and AIDS: two decades after the first AIDS case This study describes German nursing students' (n=180) knowledge and attitudes relating to HIV/AIDS, their homophobia level, willingness to care for people with AIDS, and their approach to possible sexual risk behaviours. A questionnaire was used to collect the data (response rate 97.8%). The results indicated that the nursing students had a rather high knowledge level concerning AIDS. However, there were gaps of knowledge, such as regarding AIDS immunopathology or the symptoms of the disease. Single nursing students and those having cared for a person with AIDS had a more thorough knowledge about the disease. In general, the attitudes towards AIDS and people with AIDS were tolerant and positive, and homophobia was only found with a small minority. Students having positive attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS had less homophobia compared to those having negative attitudes towards persons suffering from AIDS. Those with positive attitudes were more willing to care for patients with HIV/AIDS, while those with a high homophobia level were less willing to do so. In addition, students having a high AIDS knowledge level tended less towards negative attitudes and homophobia than those with a low level of knowledge. The implications of the research for nursing education will be discussed.  相似文献   

自从1981年美国报告了首例艾滋病(acquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome,AIDS)临床病例以来,艾滋病目前已经成为一个严重的公共卫生问题和社会问题。护士在临床实践中不仅是人类免疫缺陷病毒(humanimmunodeficiencyvirus,HIV)感染者和AIDS患者的护理者,也是群众了解HIV/AIDS相关知识的教育者,因此,  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports an exploration of Nepalese adolescents' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of HIV/AIDS. BACKGROUND: Nepal is confronted with an increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS among adolescents and young adults. A priority of nurses and other health professionals in Nepal is the prevention of the spread of HIV infection. The first step in prevention is assessing the HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional correlational design was carried out in 2003 in a private school in Kathmandu, Nepal. A total of 150 adolescents participated in the study. Two instruments were used: a demographic questionnaire and the Youth Survey, which included questions on knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. FINDINGS: The majority of the adolescents had a moderate level of overall HIV/AIDS knowledge, but lacked knowledge in the areas of mode of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS. Approximately 79% thought that AIDS was a big problem and 67% were afraid of getting AIDS. However, only 16.7% reported that they were likely to get AIDS, and 18.7% did not perceive living in Kathmandu as a risk for HIV/AIDS. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study will help policymakers and healthcare professionals develop a culturally sensitive and needs specific educational programme for urban Nepalese adolescents. The findings may also have lessons for public health and school nurses working in similar contexts. Nurses, and more specifically public health nurses in Nepal, need to play an active role in the development and implementation of educational programs on HIV/AIDS. Research needs to be done in rural as well as urban areas of Nepal on adolescents' HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and beliefs.  相似文献   

Nurses Fighting the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nurses involved in HIV/AIDS care must contend with many practical, professional and ideological issues. In doing so they must also be activists for social justice and human rights in health care, especially in countries where poverty and lack of knowledge are inextricably linked to the spread of HIV. Below, a report on where nurses are and should be going in Africa.  相似文献   

目的探讨对护理人员系统进行艾滋病相关知识、态度、技能等培训后,护理人员对HIV/AIDS的认知、态度及实际技能的改变.方法采用便利抽样的方法,选择三级甲等医院800名护理人员进行培训,进行基线和终期及每期培训前后问卷调查.结果培训后护理人员有关艾滋病知识、操作技能与培训前有统计学差异(P<0.01),而护理人员对艾滋病态度与培训前无显著差异(P>0.01).结论对护理人员进行艾滋病相关知识和技能的培训是必要的.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa poses a massive diffusion and persuasion challenge for health professionals. Individuals working with adolescents to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS must gain an understanding of adolescent's preference in obtaining information about HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviors. This study describes the primary and preferred sources of information regarding HIV/AIDS and sexual risk behavior in relation to several socio-demographic variables (n=941) in Swaziland, Southern Africa. Although print/broadcast media was the primary source for HIV/AIDS and sexual risk behavior information for the students, most participants preferred information from the healthcare workers. This study suggests a greater role for healthcare providers in providing HIV/AIDS and sexual risk information.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess, in one university in Finland, students' attitudes and feelings towards HIV/AIDS while they were studying for their first year at the University of Oulu. This study is part of a larger research project concerning HIV/AIDS in the Department of Nursing at the University of Oulu. The results can be used in planning and implementing health education for young people. The data were collected by using a questionnaire with both structured and open-ended questions. The study group consisted of 245 students who had started their studies in the autumn of 1993. The data were analysed by using cross tabulation (chi-square test) and inductively by content analysis. The most important source of knowledge concerning HIV/AIDS was television (84%) and 30% of the students had obtained their knowledge from a school nurse. Even when there was a lot of knowledge available to the students, they estimated their knowledge as insufficient and defined HIV more correctly than AIDS. Knowledge did not increase the use of safe sex but limited sexual behaviour. Religion had an importance for sexual behaviour. Female students were more sexually active than male students. The feelings towards HIV/AIDS were more often negative than positive or neutral and the students felt stronger negative feelings towards AIDS than HIV. The negative feelings were often based on fear. The differences between the faculties were minimal.  相似文献   

目的掌握江西口岸出境劳务人员艾滋病预防知识知晓情况,以便寻求有针对性的健康教育模式。方法在江西口岸体检人群中随机选择598名自愿参加并能阅读理解调查内容的出境劳务人员进行问卷调查。结果江西口岸出境劳务人员艾滋病预防知识知晓率为68.39%。女性与男性、未婚与已婚、不同年龄段及不同文化程度之间艾滋病预防知识知晓率比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。选择艾滋病预防知识的宣教途径以电视或影碟为主。结论出境劳务人员艾滋病预防知识知晓率相对较低,急需加强健康教育和行为干预。  相似文献   

随着艾滋病在全球范围的迅速蔓延,妇女儿童中HIV的感染流行情况以及如何控制其进一步传播扩散也受到越来越多的关注。目前,全球存活的HIV感染者中约有50%为育龄妇女,而15岁以下儿童感染HIV的90%经母婴垂直传播。鉴于HIV阳性育龄妇女的抗病毒治疗对于阻断HIV的母婴传播以及控制HIV感染进一步扩散蔓延具有极其重要的作用,本文将从育龄妇女HIV感染及母婴传播情况、HIV阳性育龄妇女的抗病毒治疗以及HIV母婴阻断等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of an HIV/AIDS educational programme for Chinese nurses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: This paper reports a study examining the effect of a multifaceted HIV/AIDS educational intervention on the knowledge, attitudes and willingness of Chinese nurses in caring for patients with human immunodeficiency virus. BACKGROUND: The expanding HIV/AIDS epidemic challenges nurses to increase their knowledge about this devastating illness to provide effective HIV/AIDS prevention and care to their patients. HIV/AIDS educational interventions, which were developed for North American and European nurses, have not been studied among nurses in other societies. METHODS: The study employed a pretest, post-test experimental design with 208 nurses from seven Chinese provinces. The intervention consisted of a 5-day workshop comprising didactic lectures interspersed with activities designed to elicit discussion of participants' values and personal feelings about HIV/AIDS. Bloom's Taxonomy and principles of good HIV/AIDS educational practice guided the educational intervention. Outcome variables were HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude toward patients with HIV/AIDS (including empathy for and desire to avoid these patients) and willingness to provide nursing care to these patients. The data were collected in 2003. FINDINGS: At baseline, HIV/AIDS knowledge was not high and attitudes and willingness to care were neutral. Knowledge, attitudes toward patients with HIV/AIDS and willingness to provide nursing care to these patients were each improved at the conclusion of the workshop (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: As the HIV/AIDS epidemic expands, nurses will be called upon to deliver competent, compassionate and comprehensive care to patients and their significant others. Intensive, interactive HIV/AIDS professional workshops can contribute to the national effort by increasing knowledge and improving attitudes towards and willingness to provide nursing care for patients with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

目的 :了解孕妇对梅毒母婴传播防治知识的知晓情况,为梅毒母婴传播防控工作提供依据。方法 :使用梅毒母婴传播相关知识问卷,调查城市、农村居民与流动人口3类人群共1274名孕妇的梅毒母婴传播防治知识知晓情况。结果 :孕妇人群整体的梅毒基本知识知晓率为56.91%,其中城市、农村居民和流动人口分别为72.72%、51.35%、44.44%,城市孕妇知晓率高于后二者。广播、电视、报刊书籍和网络是孕妇获取知识的主要来源。结论 :孕妇对梅毒防治知识知晓率仍较低,改进婚前、孕前保健服务质量以提高孕妇对梅毒母婴传播知识的认知,是有效预防和控制先天性梅毒的关健。  相似文献   

Purpose. Studies both in North America and Europe have found that deaf individuals lack access to AIDS information, due to problems in communication, low literacy and tightly woven social networks within the deaf community. However few comparable studies are available from countries in the Developing World. The present study was undertaken in Nigeria where there is an estimated adult HIV prevalence rate of 5.4%. We sought to compare HIV knowledge among deaf and hearing individuals in order to identify how effectively deaf members of the community are being reached by HIV/AIDS messages.

Methods. A survey comparing knowledge about HIV/AIDS among deaf and hard of hearing adolescents (n = 50) and young adults (n = 50) was undertaken.

Results. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in levels of understanding about certain aspects of how AIDS is spread were identified as well as differences in available resources for access to accurate information among deaf members of the population.

Conclusion. These findings from Nigeria speak strongly to the need for the development of interventions that include people with disabilities in public health and HIV/AIDS strategies and that address their specific vulnerabilities. Evaluating the adaptation of education material and the inclusion of the deaf population in HIV awareness programmes is an urgent ‘next step.’  相似文献   

Title. HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of rural nurses in South Africa. Aim. This paper is a report of a study exploring HIV/AIDS‐related knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of nurses in the largely black and rural Limpopo Province of South Africa. Background. Studies of HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and practices among healthcare workers in developing countries have shown gaps in knowledge and fear of contagion, coupled with ambivalent attitudes in caring for patients with HIV/AIDS and inconsistent universal precautions adherence. Method. A cross‐sectional study of a random sample of primary health care (PHC) (n = 71) and hospital nurses (n = 69) was carried out in 2005, using a questionnaire, focus groups and in‐depth interviews. Findings. Hospital nurses reported a higher frequency of care for patients with HIV/AIDS (P < 0·05), but less HIV/AIDS training when compared to PHC nurses (P < 0·001). HIV/AIDS knowledge was moderately adequate and associated with professional rank, frequency of care and training (P < 0·001). Attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS were mainly positive and were statistically significantly correlated with HIV/AIDS knowledge (P < 0·01) and training (P < 0·05). Three out of four nurses reported that they practised universal precautions (76·1%), but fear of occupational HIV transmission and lack of injection safety was found. Seven in 10 nurses reported previous needlestick injuries, but postexposure prophylaxis was not available in all healthcare facilities. Participants reported a higher workload because of HIV/AIDS, lack of training impacting negatively on their work, and stigma and shared confidentiality affecting them emotionally. Conclusion. There is a need for accelerated HIV/AIDS training of rural nurses and for wider implementation of universal precautions and postexposure prophylaxis availability in public health facilities in southern Africa.  相似文献   

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