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Positron emission tomography (PET) has shown potential benefits when used in therapeutic clinical trials for children with cancer. However, existing trials are limited in scope with small numbers of patients and varied observations, making accurate conclusions about the usefulness of PET scanning impossible. This review examines PET and its applications in pediatric oncology. While evidence is limited, there appears to be a basis for rigorous evaluation of this imaging modality before widespread application without validation from clinical trials.  相似文献   

Invasive mycoses are important causes for treatment related morbidity and mortality in severely immunocompromised pediatric patients with hematological malignancies or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The past decade has witnessed a major expansion of antifungal drug research, which has resulted in the development of the novel class of echinocandin lipopeptides (anidulafungin, micafungin, caspofungin) and a new generation of antifungal triazoles with improved pharmacological properties (posaconazole, ravuconazole, voriconazole). Whereas caspofungin and voriconazole have been licensed in the European Union, the United States, Canada and several other countries throughout the world, posaconazole, ravuconazole, anidulafungin and micafungin are under regulatory review or in advanced stages of clinical development. Caspofungin and voriconazole are increasingly prescribed in pediatric patients, although pediatric dosage finding and safety evaluations have not been completed. This article reviews the clinical pharmacology of the new antifungal agents and the status of their clinical development in immunocompromised pediatric patients.  相似文献   

It is indisputable that adequate and appropriate nutrition is fundamental to the health, growth, and development of infants, children, and adolescents, including those with cancer. Nutrition has a role in most of the accepted components of the cancer control spectrum, from prevention through to palliation. The science of nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, and bioactive foods (phytochemicals), and how nutrition affects cancer biology and cancer treatment, is growing. Nutritional epigenetics is giving us an understanding that there are possible primary prevention strategies for pediatric cancers, especially during conception and pregnancy, which need to be studied. Primary prevention of cancer in adults, such as colorectal cancer, should commence early in childhood, given the long gestation of nutritionally related cancers. Obesity avoidance is definitely a target for both pediatric and adult cancer prevention, commencing in childhood. There is now compelling evidence that the nutritional status of children with cancer, both overweight and underweight, does affect cancer outcomes. This is a potentially modifiable prognostic factor. Consistent longitudinal nutritional assessment of patients from diagnosis through treatment and long‐term follow‐up is required so that interventions can be implemented and evaluated. While improving, there remains a dearth of basic and clinical nutritional research in pediatric oncology. The perspective of evaluating nutrition as a cancer control factor is discussed in this article.  相似文献   

The greatest challenge for the treatment of children with cancer is to attain the highest probability of cure with the least morbidity. This has stimulated advances in radiotherapy technology. In recent literature published regarding proton radiation therapy (PRT) for pediatric cancer patients, PRT has been shown to have a distinct advantage over conventional photon therapy because of the ability to confine the high-dose treatment area to the tumor volume and minimize the radiation dose to the surrounding tissue. This is particularly important in children, in whom late effects of radiation to normal tissue can include developmental delay and increased risk of second malignant neoplasms. Several proton facilities are operating world-wide, and several medical centers in the United States and Europe are in the midst of planning and constructing new proton facilities. This may enlarge the role of radiation therapy in the multimodal management of children with cancer.  相似文献   

This clinical report provides current recommendations regarding the selection and use of drugs in preparation for pediatric emergencies. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all medications that may be used in all emergencies. When possible, dosage recommendations are consistent with those used in current emergency references such as the Advanced Pediatric Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support textbooks and the recently revised American Heart Association resuscitation guidelines.  相似文献   

1. A Family perspective is a valid contribution to the predominantly biologically orientation in oncology. 2. The formation of a multidisciplinary treatment team appears realistical. This should be composed of the respective professional groups. 3. Family therapy in a stricter sense is indicated only in a limited number of cases, whereas a family centered viewpoint appears almost unavoidable. 4. Accompanying evaluations and research will be one of the most important features of the forthcoming work. 5. Looking back on the past decade far-reaching developments become obvious. Psychosocial aspects have become an essential part of the whole pediatric oncological treatment system.  相似文献   

New Antiarrhythmic drugs in pediatric use: Amiodarone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Amiodarone, a class III antiarrhythmic agent, prolongs action potential duration and refractoriness of all cardiac structures. The drug is more rapidly metabolized in pediatric patients than in adults, but its kinetics are still unique compared with other drugs. Due to the unusual pharmacokinetic characteristics of amiodarone, treatment has to be started by administering loading doses, and there is a significant delay both in the achievement of the full antiarrhythmic effect and in the development of side effects. Amoidarone is a highly effective agent in pediatric patients with automatic and reentrant supraventricular tachycardia as well as in refractory atrial flutter. Efficacy in ventricular tachycardia has been shown to be variable depending on the underlying anatomical substrate. The incidence of side effects is lower than that observed in adult studies with similar duration of therapy but their incidence is still significant. Amiodarone treatment is associated with a significant risk of proarrhythmic effects, requiring hospitalization of the patient during the loading period.  相似文献   

Summary Propafenone hydrochloride, a class IC antiarrhythmic agent, combines sodium channel-blocking effects with -blocking capacities and a weak calcium antagonism. The drug exerts marked electrophysiologic effects on accessory atrioventricular pathways. In patients with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, propafenone is able to block conduction in the fast conducting pathway. In addition, propafenone is very effective in young patients with supraventricular tachycardia based on enhanced abnormal automaticity. In pediatric patients, left ventricular performance remains unimpaired. Proarrhythmic events have been noted in children only occasionally. In accordance with the electrophysiologic profile, intravenous and oral propafenone is an effective agent for treatment of supraventricular tachycardia based on a reentry mechanism and due to abnormal automaticity (i.e., supraventricular tachycardia based on an accessory atrioventricular pathway, atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, junctional ectopic tachycardia, and atrial ectopic tachycardia). In children with ventricular dysrhythmias, efficacy seems to be related to the underlying cardiac diagnosis. Propafenone is well tolerated in the majority of young patients. Incidence of proarrhythmic events seems to be lower with propafenone than with other class 1C agents. However, the risk of these serious adverse events should be taken into account when therapy with propafenone is considered, particularly in patients with structural heart disease.  相似文献   

Surgery plays an important role as part of the treatment plan in most children with malignant solid tumors in regards to initial biopsy, upfront resection, and delayed resection. Surgeons also play a critical role in the treatment of surgical complications that may arise during medical treatment. The pediatric surgical oncologist should be familiar with the current treatment guidelines, histology implications, chemotherapy and radiation side effects, tumor staging, and overall care of the child with cancer. Specific training in pediatric surgical oncology is not widespread internationally and it represents a potential undervalued intervention for improving global pediatric cancer care.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis and start of treatment are fundamental goals in cancer care. This study determines the time lag and the factors that influence the time to diagnosis and start of treatment. Study participants were parents of childhood cancer patients diagnosed between August 2013 and July 2014 in a hospital in Kenya. Patient, physician, diagnosis, treatment, health care system, and total delay were explored using a questionnaire. Demographic and medical data were collected from the patients' medical records. Parents of 99 childhood cancer patients were interviewed (response rate: 80%). Median total delay was 102 (9–1021) days. Median patient delay (4 days) was significantly shorter than health care system delay (median 87 days; P < .001). Diagnosis delay (median 94 days) was significantly longer than treatment delay (median 6 days; P < .001). days. Lack of health insurance at diagnosis and use of alternative medicine before attending conventional health services were associated with a significantly longer patient delay (P = .041 and P = .017, respectively). The type of cancer had a significant effect on treatment delay (P = .020). The type of health facility attended affected only patient delay (P = .03). Gender, age at diagnosis, stage of disease, parents' education level or income, and distance from hospital did not have a significant effect on the length of any type of delay. Training on childhood cancer should be included in the curricula for medical training institutes. In-service workshops should be held for the health workers already working. Families must be obligated to get health insurance. Families should be encourage to attend conventional health facilities and informed on symptoms of cancer through mass media.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes are synthesized by different cells, including eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and mast cells. Cysteinyl leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4) are the most important leukotrienes in the pathogenesis of asthma. Pharmacologically, there are two different ways of blocking the action of leukotrienes: inhibiting their production by blocking 5-lipoxygenase or its activating protein, 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP), (inhibitors) or by blocking their receptors (antagonists). The available antagonists are, for the moment, directed against the one receptor demonstrated to play a role in asthma symptoms, CysLT1, and they act in a competitive way. The only marketed 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor is zileuton (Zyflo?). CysLT1 antagonists, currently on the pharmaceutical market in some countries, are zafirlukast (Accolate?), pranlukast (Ultair?, Onon?), and montelukast (Singulair?). Undoubtedly, drugs acting on leukotrienes constitute a new pharmacologic class in the therapeutic armamentarium for the management of asthma. From the pediatric point of view, montelukast is currently the most interesting drug of the group to date because of published trials in patients as young as 6 yr of age. At present, zafirlukast is only approved for use in patients 12 yr of age and older, although we understand that applications are likely to extend the age range into childhood shortly. However, more experience is necessary to establish a definite place for montelukast in the step-by-step asthma treatment. New comparative studies (with sodium cromoglycate and inhaled steroids), which will probably be published in the near future, as well as studies on the use of montelukast in the treatment of children under 6 yr of age will add crucial information to our knowledge, and help to identify an appropriate use in the therapeutic algorithm. Montelukast will not be a substitute for inhaled corticosteroids or β-agonists, although it may act as a ‘sparing drug’ (which might help tapering of steroids in some instances). Its role in exercise-induced asthma seems promising. Although its more widespread use could highlight low-frequency adverse effects, its apparent excellent tolerability is an additional advantage for the drug. Patients’ preference for a twice-daily dosage over the inhaled medication, resulting in a better compliance, is relatively well established, at least for zafirlukast in adults, and these findings can probably be extended to montelukast, which only requires once-daily dosing in children.  相似文献   

Young children (<3 years) with cancer are at risk for delays in development due to their disease and its required treatments and restrictions. In the United States, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act describes a system of early intervention (EI) services for young children with delays or the potential for delays in development. Children with cancer may be eligible for EI but are rarely referred. Our objectives are to describe the critical impact of early childhood development on long‐term outcomes, review current considerations for EI, and advocate for the referral to EI for young children with cancer.  相似文献   

During the last 30 years pediatric oncology has developed therapeutic schemes for all kinds of tumors. Nevertheless, a third of the children suffering from malignancies have still to die. Therefore it is necessary to develop concepts, how to deal with the death of children and how to care for them and their families during the dying process, because the responsibility for these children does not end at the point of finishing therapy, but at the time of their death. Especially during this last part of life these children and their families need an extremely intensive care. Since most of the children want to die at home, we must also be able to care for them there, possibly in cooperation with a local colleague. This, of course, requires an adequate therapy against pain which is possible in most cases. The basement for an optimal care is to be very open to the children. If this openness is established right at the beginning of therapy it will later serve to cope with difficult situations. "Never to lie" is the most important principle. If the patients are not left alone during the dying process the claim for a final injection will be an exception. However, if euthanasia is required, it is rather an expression of despair and a cry for help. The application of very high doses of medicine, necessary in order to prevent pain, might lead to a shortening of life time. This is neither killing on demand nor euthanasia.  相似文献   

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