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The present study revealed that the fibroblast‐like type B synoviocytes (covering the surface of the synovial membrane in the rat temporomandibular joint) had muscle‐specific caveolin‐3 protein in their caveolae. The existence of two kinds of type B synoviocytes (with and without caveolin‐3‐immunoreactions even in the synovial lining layer) might reflect the functional difference between them. Anat Rec, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Versican is highly expressed in developing joint interzones during limb morphogenesis. This study was undertaken to examine whether proteolytic cleavage of versican occurs that could potentially impact its function during the process of embryonic synovial joint formation. Using an antibody to the DPEAAE neoepitope generated by ADAMTS proteolysis, versican amino terminal cleavage fragments were detected in joint interzones at 12–16 days post coitum (dpc). ADAMTS‐1 localization overlapped that of DPEAAE‐reactive versican fragments suggesting it as one possible protease activity involved in processing of versican in the interzone. Results show that increased cleavage of versican in the interzone accompanies cavitation and suggests that proteolytic modification of versican may be important during the process of synovial joint maturation. Anat Rec, 293:208–214, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的建一种下颌骨单侧前上牵引的大鼠动物模型,以模拟正畸不对称牵引治疗和关节外因素造成的颞下颌关节病,并研究其颞下颌关节盘和髁状突受力后表面超微结构的改变。方法利用外科手术方法在24只SD大鼠左侧下颌角与同侧颧弓前区置入镍钛拉簧,手术不破坏关节区。对照组8只,在下颌角和颧弓区分别用钢丝结扎,但不放置弹簧。弹簧施加的牵引力分别为120g和40g,使下颌骨受到前上方向的持续牵引力,在手术后3、7、14、28d安乐死法处死动物。关节盘和髁状突进行扫描电镜检查。结果本实验成功建立了下颌骨偏移导致颞下颌关节改变的大鼠动物模型。相对于对照组,实验组的加力侧和对照侧颞下颌关节均有不同程度的病理变化。关节盘病变较轻,髁状突病变以轻力组对照侧为重。结论下颌骨单侧前上牵引的大鼠动物模型可以部分模拟关节外不对称因素造成的颞下颌关节改建和病变:包括嚼肌功能紊乱、单侧的颌面肌肉挛缩、疤痕收缩以及正畸不对称牵引治疗等。  相似文献   

偏侧咀嚼对颞颌关节影响的超微结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 观察单侧后牙缺失偏侧咀嚼不同时期对双侧颞颌关节 (temporomandibularjoint,TMJ)的致病作用及其病理特征。方法 采取拨除Wistar雄性大鼠右侧上、下颌磨牙 ,人为造成偏侧咀嚼的动物模型 ,分别用于光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察。结果 实验组TMJ出现明显的退行性改变。颞颌关节盘的胶原纤维及髁突骨小梁均出现裂隙 ,超微结构亦有明显变化。结论 长期偏侧咀嚼可引起TMJ发生病理性改变  相似文献   

This study was carried out on histological aspects of the extratympanic portion of the discomallear ligament (DL) in adult humans. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was dissected bilaterally in 20 cadavers; in 15 cases the articular disc (AD) and the retroarticular tissue were extirpated. The extratympanic portion of the DL had the shape of a base-down triangle, in relation to the AD, and an upper vertex, in relation to the petrotympanic fissure. In five cases, the base, measured bilaterally, had an average length of 6.4 mm, while the distance from the base to the upper vertex averaged 9.3 mm in length. The extratypanic portion of the DL is an intrinsic ligament of the TMJ, composed of collagen fibres and abundant elastic fibres. We propose that this ligament could act as a tensor of the synovial membrane in movements of the TMJ.  相似文献   

The lining layer of the synovial membrane in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) contains two types of lining cells: macrophage‐like type A and fibroblast‐like type B cells. The type B cells are particularly heterogeneous in their morphology and immunoreactivity, so that details of their functions remain unclear. Some of the type B cells exhibit certain resemblances in their ultrastructure to those of an activated capillary pericyte at the initial stage of the angiogenesis. The articular surface, composed of cartilage and the disc in the TMJ, has few vasculatures, whereas the synovial lining layer is richly equipped with blood capillaries to produce the constituent of synovial fluid. The present study investigated at both the light and electron microscopic levels the immunocytochemical characteristics of the synovial lining cells in the adult rat TMJ, focusing on their contribution to the synovial vascularization. It also employed an intravascular perfusion with Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) lectin to identify functional vessels in vivo. Results showed that several type B cells expressed desmin, a muscle‐specific intermediate filament which is known as the earliest protein to appear during myogenesis as well as being a marker for the immature capillary pericyte. These desmin‐positive type B cells showed immunoreactions for vimentin and pericyte markers (neuron‐glial 2; NG2 and PDGFRβ) but not for the other markers of myogenic cells (MyoD and myogenin) or a contractile apparatus (αSMA and caldesmon). Immunoreactivity for RECA‐1, an endothelial marker, was observed in the macrophage‐like type A cells. The arterioles and venules inside the synovial folds extended numerous capillaries with RECA‐1‐positive endothelial cells and desmin‐positive pericytes to distribute densely in the lining layer. The distal portion of these capillaries showing RECA‐1‐immunoreactivity lacked lectin‐staining, indicating a loss of blood‐circulation due to sprouting or termination in the lining layer. The desmin‐positive type B and RECA‐1‐positive type A cells attached to this portion of the capillaries. Some capillaries in the lining layer also expressed ninein, a marker for sprouting endothelial cells, called tip cells. Since an activated pericyte, macrophage and tip cell are known to act together at the forefront of the vessel sprout during angiogenesis, the desmin‐positive type B cell and RECA‐1‐positive type A cell might serve as these angiogenic cells in the synovial lining layer. Tomato lectin perfusion following decalcification would be a highly useful tool for research on the vasculature of the mineralized tissue. Use of this technique combined with immunohistochemistry should permit future extensive investigations on the presence of the physiological angiogenesis and on the function of the lining cells in the synovial membrane.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein‐D (SP‐D) is a collectin, which plays an important role in airway protection and inflammation. The molecule has both pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory capacities depending on its molecular size. Its involvement in joint diseases is largely unknown and the aim of this investigation was to study SP‐D occurrence and distribution in the synovial membrane of patients with long‐standing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Six RA patients and six OA patients, who underwent total hip arthroplasty, were included in the study. Synovial tissue biopsies were obtained during surgery and subsequently prepared for immunohistochemistry. In this first, small‐scale comparative study on the occurrence of SP‐D in the synovial membrane of RA and OA, we report that SP‐D was only present in the microvascular endothelium in subsynovial and pannus tissue and that the immunostaining was much stronger than in OA. This distribution pattern suggests that SP‐D modulates RA inflammatory activities.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to clarify the development and morphology of the juxta‐oral organ (JOO) in rat embryos from Day (E)14 to 19. Furthermore, in the region of the JOO, an analysis was made of the expression of the monoclonal antibody HNK‐1, which recognizes cranial neural‐crest cells. In this study, we report that JOO develops from an epithelial condensation at the end of the transverse groove of the primitive mouth at E14. During E15, it invaginates and is disconnected from the oral epithelium. At E16, the JOO forms an solid epithelial cord with three parts (anterior, middle, and posterior) and is related to the masseter, temporal, medial pterygoid, and tensor veli palatini muscles. During E17‐19, no significant changes were detected in their position. Both the mesenchyme caudal to the anlage of the JOO at E14, as well as the mesenchyme that surrounds the bud of the JOO at E15, expressed positivity for HNK‐1. Our results suggest that the mesenchyme surrounding the JOO at E15 could emit some inductive signal for the JOO to reach its position at E16. This work shows for the first time that the cranial neural‐crest‐derived mesenchyme participates in the development of the JOO. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Caveolin‐1 (Cav‐1) is highly expressed in alveolar epithelial type I (AE1) and endothelial cells of the alveolar region of the lung. Interestingly, alveolar epithelial type II (AE2) cells that are progenitors of the AE1 cells do not express Cav‐1. We investigated whether genetic Cav‐1 deficiency alters the phenotype of AE2 cells and their microenvironment using stereology. Total number, mean volume, and subcellular composition of the AE2 cells were not altered in Cav‐1 ?/? when compared with wild‐type mice. The alveolar septa were thickened and contained a significantly greater volume of extracellular matrix. Thus, AE2 cells as progenitors of AE1 cells are not critically involved in the severe pulmonary phenotype in Cav‐1‐deficient mice. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 通过三维有限元法对比扩弓前和放置扩弓器时颞下颌关节(temporomandibular joint, TMJ)内部各组织应力分布情况。方法 根据1名上颌牙弓狭窄患者CBCT影像资料,构建扩弓前和包含扩弓器的TMJ三维有限元模型,对模型加载相同的肌力和边界约束,观察TMJ髁突、关节盘、关节窝的等效应力、最大主应力和最小主应力。结果 扩弓前TMJ等效应力主要分布在下颌支前缘、髁突前斜面、关节盘中间带和后带以及关节窝顶部。放置扩弓器时,TMJ应力分布特征与扩弓前基本一致,应力虽然明显增加,但应力分布区域更加均匀;髁突和关节盘应力向前、向外侧移动,髁突后斜面表现出更加均匀的最大主应力分布范围。结论 上颌扩弓器产生的矫形力能够使TMJ应力增加,诱导髁突发生组织改建,协调髁突和关节盘的关系。临床上对于牙弓狭窄的患者应该采用合适的手段进行扩弓矫治。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the chaos phenomenon in temporomandibular joints (TMJ) sound using fractal dimension (FD), and to examine the diagnostic value of the FD in comparing TMJ sounds produced by 6 asymptomatic and 25 symptomatic TMJ. Multiple mandibular opening and closing cycles recorded were used to calculate the waveform dimension and correlation dimension in the FD. Chaos in the TMJ sounds was estimated by the FD that was saturated with some constant value to an increase of embed- ding dimension. Results reveal that fractal analysis produces a high degree of reproducibility within, and similarity across subjects, and indicate that both FD values of the asymptomatic TMJ sounds are significantly higher than those of the symptomatic. These findings suggest that chaos is present in TMJ sounds and the difference in the FD is of diagnostic value in evaluation of pathological change in TMJ sound signals.  相似文献   

.The aim of this study is to estimate the chaos phenomenon in temporomandibular joints (TMJ) sound using fractal dimension (FD), and to examine the diagnostic value of the FD in comparing TMJ sounds produced by 6 asymptomatic and 25 symptomatic TMJ. Multiple mandibular opening and closing cycles recorded were used to calculate the waveform dimension and correlation dimension in the FD. Chaos in the TMJ sounds was estimated by the FD that was saturated with some constant value to an increase of embedding dimension. Results reveal that fractal analysis produces a high degree of reproducibility within, and similarity across subjects, and indicate that both FD values of the asymptomatic TMJ sounds are significantly higher than those of the symptomatic. These findings suggest that chaos is present in TMJ sounds and the difference in the FD is of diagnostic value in evaluation of pathological change in TMJ sound signals.  相似文献   

目的 对个性化聚醚醚酮(polyetheretherketone, PEEK)全颞下颌关节假体进行三维建模,通过有限元分析 3 种不同髁突头部形态(原型、80% 原型及圆柱形)假体的应力分布特征,评估 3 种不同髁突头部形态对 PEEK 全颞 下颌关节假体稳定性、关节运动以及关节窝的影响。 方法 建立颅颌面及 PEEK 全颞下颌关节假体有限元分析模 型Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ,分析在牙尖交错位、切 颌位、左侧磨牙颌位及右侧磨牙颌位 4 种不同咬合条件下,关节窝假体、髁突 假体、钛钉最大应力,下颌骨应力、应变分布,以及 3 种模型的最大位移。 结果 3 种模型 PEEK 全关节假体及螺钉 的最大应力分别为 35. 22、16. 73 MPa,均低于其材料的屈服强度;模型Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ下颌骨最大应力分别为 41. 47、42. 84、 56. 92 MPa,应变分别为 3. 896×10-3 、2. 175×10-3 、4. 641×10-3 。 3 种模型的最大位移为 209. 0 μm,位于模型Ⅲ的左侧下 颌角处。 结论 3 种不同髁突头部形态的个性化 PEEK 全颞下颌关节假体均显示出较为均匀的应力应变分布,但髁 突头部形态为 80% 原型假体的力学效果更好。 研究结果为 PEEK 全颞下颌关节的设计提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

Although tissue engineering of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) structures is in its infancy, tissue engineering provides the revolutionary possibility for treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Recently, several reviews have provided a summary of knowledge of TMJ structure and function at the biochemical, cellular, or mechanical level for tissue engineering of mandibular cartilage, bone and the TMJ disc. As the TMJ enables large relative movements, joint lubrication can be considered of great importance for an understanding of the dynamics of the TMJ. The tribological characteristics of the TMJ are essential for reconstruction and tissue engineering of the joint. The purpose of this review is to provide a summary of advances relevant to the tribological characteristics of the TMJ and to serve as a reference for future research in this field. This review consists of four parts. Part 1 is a brief review of the anatomy and function of the TMJ articular components. In Part 2, the biomechanical and biochemical factors associated with joint lubrication are described: the articular surface topology with microscopic surface roughness and the biomechanical loading during jaw movements. Part 3 includes lubrication theories and possible mechanisms for breakdown of joint lubrication. Finally, in Part 4, the requirement and possibility of tissue engineering for treatment of TMDs with degenerative changes as a future treatment regimen will be discussed in a tribological context.  相似文献   

Caveolin‐1 (CAV‐1) has been reported to play an important role in the development of a variety of human cancers. CAV‐1 expression is revealed to be reduced or absent in the malignant tumor cells of small cell lung cancers (SCLC). This study was performed to investigate the influences of the stable expression of CAV‐1 on the metastasis and proliferation of SCLC in vitro. The wild‐type CAV‐1 gene was successfully transfected into the NCI‐H446 cells and was stably expressed in the NCI‐H446 cells. The effects of CAV‐1 on the morphology, proliferation, and metastasis potential for NCI‐H446 cell were evaluated by crystal violet staining, MTT analysis, transwell assay, and scratch wound assay, respectively. Western blot and gelatin zymography were used to examine the expression changes of the metastasis‐related MMP‐3 and E‐cadherin. Stable expression of CVA‐1 was observed in the H446‐CAV‐1 cells, which enlarged the cell shape with filopodia. The proliferation of H446‐CAV‐1 was inhibited, while its migration and invasion abilities were promoted in vitro. The re‐expression of CAV‐1 reduced the expression of E‐cadherin, while it increased the protein expression and enzyme activity of MMP‐3. Taken together, the cellular proliferation of the NCI‐H446 could be inhibited by the re‐expression of CAV‐1. CAV‐1 might increase the cell metastasis potential through the interaction with E‐cadherin and MMP‐3 genes. These in vitro findings confirm the involvement of CAV‐1 in the proliferation and metastasis of SCLC. Anat Rec, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the postnatal growth changes in the condyle and disc of the rabbit craniomandibular joint (CMJ). Forty‐eight rabbits from newborn to an age of 120 days were divided into eight groups, and chondrocytic differentiation and function were evaluated within the CMJ by in situ hybridization of type II collagen and aggrecan mRNA. The morphology of the posterior band and the bilaminar zone were similar in the newborn group and were composed primarily of mesenchymal cells and capillaries. After weaning, mastication loading induced the differentiation of mesenchymal cells, which was accompanied by structural differentiation between the posterior band and the bilaminar zone. Aggrecan first appeared in the posterior band of the disc at 30 days postnatally, when the rabbits began to masticate solid food. Type II collagen emerged in the disc at the age of 45 days. Both genes coexpressed in the deeper half of the proliferative layer, the whole hypertrophic layer, and the mineralized layer of the condylar cartilage and staining intensity increased with age. The coexpression of aggrecan and Type II collagen indicates the maturation of chondrocyte differentiation in the disc and condyle, which contributes to the biomechanical characteristics of the CMJ that resist functional stimulation. Anat Rec 293:1574–1580, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: This study evaluated the prevalence of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) among patients with TMD symptoms. Methods: Between September 2011 and December 2011, 243 consecutive patients (171 females, 72 males, mean age 41 years) who were referred to the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon were examined physically and completed a questionnaire regarding age, gender, social status, general health, antidepressant drug usage, dental status, limited mouth opening, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds, and parafunctions (bruxism, clenching). The data were analyzed using the chi-square test and binary logistic regression model (alpha = 0.05). Results: With a frequency of 92%, pain in the temporal muscle was the most common symptom, followed by pain during mouth opening (89%) in both genders. TMJ pain at rest, pain in the masseter muscle, clicking, grinding, and anti-depressant use were significantly more frequent in females than males. Age (p=0.006; odds ratio 0.954; 95% CI 0.922-0.987) and missing teeth (p=0.003; odds ratio 3.753; 95% CI 1.589-8.863) had significant effects on the prevalence of TMD. Conclusion: Females had TMD signs and symptoms more frequently than males in the study population. The most common problem in both genders was pain.  相似文献   

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