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创建卫生镇与卫生质量关系的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏省根据中央有关精神和全国爱卫会的要求,将创建卫生城市工作向镇村辐射,在全国较早地开展了创建卫生镇活动。截止1997年底,全省共有73个镇通过考核,被命名为省级卫生镇。为全面总结和报告卫生镇建设成果,论证创建工作与各项社会事业及经济发展的关系,省卫生防疫站、省爱卫办等单位于1998年5~10月在全省联合组织开展了“江苏省卫生镇建设与经济及社会发展关系的研究”(江苏省1998年社会发展计划项目)。本文仅对研究内容之一的卫生(健康教育、除四害、食品、公共场所)专题进行调查分析。1 内容与方法11…  相似文献   

孙俊 《中国公共卫生》1999,15(12):1092-1092
创建卫生镇,为广大城镇居民提供一个清洁、舒适的生活和工作环境,既是人们生活水平提高的迫切需要,也是改变农村卫生面貌,改善投资环境的根本措施。我省自1991年开展了创建江苏省卫生镇活动,截止1997年底,共有73个镇通过省级卫生镇考核,镇容和环境卫生发生明显改变,居民生活环境质量得到提高,特别是除四害工作得到加强。为了进一步推进卫生镇创建工作,1998年4~10月,我们结合开展“江苏省卫生镇建设与经济及社会发展关系的研究”这一课题,对部分省级卫生镇除四害效果进行调查,并选择条件相近的非卫生镇作比较…  相似文献   

创建卫生城市(镇)是我国特有的旨在提高并集中体现集镇综合卫生状况和管理水平的有效形式,创建卫生镇是将创建工作向农村辐射,是创建的深入和发展。截止1997年底,我省共建成卫生城镇73个,为全面总结和报告卫生镇建设水平与成果,论证创建工作与各项社会事业及社会经济发展关系,省有关部门共同组织开展了“江苏省卫生城镇建设与经济及社会发展关系的研究”(江苏省1998年科技发展计划研究项目)。本文仅对该研究内容之一的集镇基础卫生设施有关内容进行分析。1 内容与方法11 调查点及对照点选择 以1996年~19…  相似文献   

创建卫生镇是我国特有的旨在提高并集中体现集镇综合卫生状况和管理水平的有效形式,截止1997年底,江苏省共创建成省级卫生镇73个,为全面总结和报告卫生镇建设水平与成果,给各地政府及有关主管部门更好地开展创建工作提供科学依据,省卫生防疫站、省爱卫办、省环保局等单位,于1998年5~10月共同组织开展了“江苏省卫生镇建设与经济及社会发展关系的研究”(江苏省1998年科技发展计划研究项目)。本文仅对该研究内容之一的集镇建设及基础卫生设施有关内容的调查结果进行分析研究。  相似文献   

江苏省健康教育调查及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995以来,江苏省深入开展创建卫生镇活动,为全面总结和报告卫生镇建设成果,江苏省爱卫办、省卫生防疫站等5个单位。于1998年4-6月共同开展了江苏省卫生镇建设与经济及社会发展关系的研究。根据方案的统一要求和抽样方法,我们开展了健康教育专题调查。现将...  相似文献   

江苏省非卫生乡镇食品卫生状况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据全国爱卫会关于将创建卫生城市活动向镇村辐射的要求,江苏省较早地开展了创建省级卫生镇,占全乡镇总数的3.7%。为探讨创建卫生镇与经济、文化及社会发展的关系,1998年5月由江苏省卫生防疫站、省爱卫办、省环保局、省建委、省社会科学院等五个单位联合进行调查研究。本文对调查中非卫生镇的食品卫生情况进行分析,旨在了解非卫生乡镇食品卫生状况,提出对策。1 调查内容与方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,在全省随机抽取21个非卫生镇进行调查,在21个非卫生镇中随机选择6个乡镇,对镇上所有的食堂、饭店、小吃点、卤菜店…  相似文献   

昆山市城北镇的卫生城镇创建始于1994年,六年来的创建活动使城北镇的城镇规划建设和管理水平上了一个档次,卫生基础设施逐步完善,镇容镇貌显著改善,人民群众卫生素质有较大提高,投资环境进一步优化,促进了经济与社会事业的协调发展。特别是通过国家卫生镇创建,提高了城镇知名度,塑造了城北形象。1城北镇卫生创建工作成果1.1全镇20个住宅小区进行了全面整治,卫生死角得到彻底根除,各项配套设施不断完善,小区面貌焕然一新。1.2老镇区创建成果巩固提高,新建小公园等公共设施30处,增加镇区主要干道两侧的绿化种植面…  相似文献   

省级卫生镇农村改水改厕的调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对21个省级卫生镇和21个非省级卫生镇有关内容的调查结果显示,卫生镇自来水厂净化消毒设施和水质常规项目检测化验室的配备率为100%,农村自来水和无害化卫生厕所普及率均高于非卫生镇(P<0.01)。说明开展创建卫生镇活动,不仅能加速农村自来水和无害化卫生厕所的普及,而且能促使自来水厂基础设施的建设,是提高供水质量、改善农村环境卫生面貌、控制或减少疾病发生和流行的有效手段。  相似文献   

创建发展国家卫生镇 ,对于促进经济发展、社会进步和精神文明建设具有重大的意义。创建活动改善了环境卫生 ,增强了卫生意识 ,提高了群众的健康水平和文明素质 ,推动了精神文明建设。创建活动加速了城市基础设施的完善 ,优化了投资环境 ,为招商引资、经济发展创造了条件。通过开展一系列创建活动 ,积累了一套在农村开展爱国卫生工作的经验  相似文献   

我市农村集镇的食品、公共场所卫生监督监测工作在创建卫生镇村以前相对比较薄弱。近年来,我市各乡镇把争创各级文明卫生镇村当作改善集镇卫生状况、提高当地群众生活质量、改变和提高地方投资环境、促进和繁荣地方经济的一项重要的精神文明工作来抓,集镇的卫生监督、监测工作也随之走上了规范化管理的轨道。现就我市农村镇村1998~2 0 0 1年创建苏州市、江苏省和全国卫生镇给该镇的食品、公共场所卫生监督监测工作带来的促进作用分析如下:1 基本情况该镇历史上一直是我市东部商贸比较繁荣的中心小集镇,镇区人口约1.5万,在1999年底该镇共有…  相似文献   

创建卫生镇与公共场所卫生关系的调查分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究创建卫生镇与公共场所卫生质量的关系,对6个江苏省省级卫生镇6个非省级卫生镇所有旅店、歌舞厅,公共浴室进行了现状调查。  相似文献   

As Asia becomes increasingly urbanized the effect of new industrial development on child mortality becomes of increasing interest. In India, considerable investment has been made in the social infrastructure of industrial new towns. This survey of Durgapur steel town in West Bengal shows that although the average level of child mortality in the working class population is favourable in comparison with other Indian cities, considerable differentials, that can be related to social, economic and environmental differences within the population, have arisen since the creation of the city in the late 1950s. The paper argues that the undertaking of selective sanitary interventions to improve access to drinking water (in particular) would be administratively feasible in these industrial new towns, of immediate impact, and indeed necessary if the differentials in mortality are to be eliminated.  相似文献   

大力推进国民经济和社会信息化,是现代化建设的战略举措,是国民经济持续、健康、快速发展的必要条件和重要基础。加强中医药信息化建设是目前中医药事业发展改革创新的重大部署,也是中医药走向现代化的必经阶段。特别是近年来,中医药信息化发展步伐加快,中医药信息服务能力和水平不断提高,中医药信息化带来的巨大经济效益和社会价值日益显现。  相似文献   

广东省中山市三乡镇结合当地实际,积极探索社区卫生服务镇村一体化的管理体系,逐步建立起服务好、管理好、经营好的“三好”社区卫生服务体系,在保障居民健康和完善基层卫生服务方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

良好的医疗卫生服务是居民健康的重要保障,而医疗卫生服务的均等化和高效供给是良好医疗卫生服务的基本内容。对湖北省982个乡镇医疗卫生服务现状的实证考察发现,各乡镇都有卫生站(所)和卫生人员,但乡镇间差距明显,均等度有待提高;医疗卫生服务供给效率整体比较低,还有巨大的提升空间;乡镇管辖村数增多、辖区人口的增加有助于医疗卫生服务效率的改善,而农业人口比重的提高则会降低医疗卫生服务供给效率,推进"撤乡并镇"和农民的非农化对促进医疗卫生服务供给效率的增进具有积极价值。  相似文献   

Over a two-year period, telemedicine was used to deliver training and development services for health, education and welfare staff in two remote towns in South Australia - Roxby Downs and Coober Pedy. Both are mining towns but they have different profiles in terms of the community's mental health needs. The services were provided by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) from the Women's and Children's Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. The media used were videoconferencing, telephone, video-tapes, the Internet and printed material. During 1998-9, professional staff in the two locations participated in structured videoconferencing seminars that addressed important mental health topics, chosen in response to surveys of the needs of the participants. The videoconferencing sessions were sometimes used to discuss specific patient cases. Each remote town was also supported via videoconferencing by a nominated office of the CAMHS: Roxby Downs by the suburban office at Port Adelaide and Coober Pedy by the office in the industrial town of Port Pirie. This customized support was an important factor in the success of the professional development network.  相似文献   

The initial postwar development of new towns in Britain took place at a time when the present British National Health Service was in its infancy, and few attempts were made to integrate health service planning into the overall planning process. The more recent new towns have been the object of better social planning and, at the same time, the National Health Service has been substantially unified, at first functionally and, in 1974, administratively. In consequence, attempts have been made to use the opportunities which such towns present for planning health services in a comprehensive and integrated manner. The evolution of a planning and implementation structure for health services in Milton Keynes, a new town with a target population of 250,000, is described, together with some of the implications for the administratively unified National Health Service which came into being in 1974.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Primary care physicians perform breast cancer screening in women aged 50 years and older less frequently than recommended by national guidelines. METHODS. A multimethod continuing medical education (CME) intervention was tested in an attempt to increase breast cancer screening practices in a predominantly fee-for-service practice community in New York State. Preintervention and postintervention surveys of primary care physicians were conducted in 1988 and 1990, respectively. Project-initiated, low-cost mammography in one town and the unanticipated provision of free mammography services in another town under nonproject auspices permitted a comparison to be made between these towns and towns where mammography screening was provided at the prevailing fees to determine the impact that cost has on physicians' referral of women patients for mammography. RESULTS. Physicians practicing in the towns in which the CME intervention was provided showed a significant increase, consistent across specialty groups and greatest among family physicians, in the number of reported mammography referrals of asymptomatic women aged 50 to 75 years. Changes in the CME control town were smaller and not statistically significant for the sample size available. The increase in compliance was as large in the CME-intervention towns, one without (19%) and one with low-cost mammography (20%), as the increase in the town with free mammography alone (18%). There were no significant increases in reported performance of breast examination. CONCLUSIONS. A multimethod program of CME is a feasible approach to increasing community physician compliance with mammography screening guidelines, particularly among family physicians, and can enhance the impact of reduced cost or have at least the equivalent effect of free mammography services.  相似文献   

浙江省农村公共卫生服务投入调查报告   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
选取9个县(市)27个乡(镇)为样本,对浙江省农村公共卫生服务投入进行深入调查。调查发现,浙江省农村公共卫生服务投入与经济发展不相适应,农村防保经费严重不足,乡镇卫生院负担较重,农村卫生服务开展随意性较强。为此,笔者提出了增加公共卫生投入,保证重点公共卫生服务项目,加强村卫生室管理,完善社会保证制度等建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the NHS Plan from the perspective of the Government's wider programme of "modernising" public services. Although broadly focussed, particularly highlights older people. Two dimensions of modernisation are identified. The NHS Plan is seen to be patient-cited--rather than citizen-centred. Argues further, that, if the economic, social and environmental causes of ill health are to be addressed more generally and if citizens are to be enabled to live in healthy, sustainable communities, planning for health services should logically be subordinate to planning for health. Health improvement plans should, therefore, be integrated within the wider community strategies for which local authorities are to have lead responsibility. Similarly, as ill health is recognised to be an important aspect of poverty, inequality and social exclusion, there is a strong case for the integration of the regional offices of the NHSE within the wider structure of regional governance. Finally, the personal social services should ensure that the values of social work and social care are not displaced by medical and nursing models which, historically, have shown little understanding of community development processes.  相似文献   

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