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Generation of CD8 T-cell responses to pathogens and tumors requires optimal expression of class I major histocompatibility complex/peptide complexes, which, in turn, is dependent on host cellular processing events and subject to interference by pathogens. To create a stable structure that is more immunogenic and resistant to immune evasion pathways, we have engineered class I molecules as single-chain trimers (SCTs), with flexible linkers connecting peptide, beta2m, and heavy chain. Herein we extend our earlier studies with SCTs to the K(b) ligand derived from vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) to characterize further SCTs as probes of immune function as well as their potential in immunotherapy. The VSVp-beta2m-K(b) SCTs were remarkably stable at the cell surface, and immunization with DNA encoding SCTs elicited complex-specific antibody. In addition, SCTs were detected by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes specific for the native molecule, and the covalently bound peptide was highly resistant to displacement by exogenous peptide. SCTs can also prime CD8 T-cells in vivo that recognize the native molecule. Furthermore, SCTs were resistant to downregulation by the immune evasion protein mK3 of gamma herpesvirus 68. Moreover, owing to their preassembled nature, SCTs should be resistant to other immune evasion proteins that restrict peptide supply. Thus, SCTs possess therapeutic potential both for prophylactic treatment and for the treatment of ongoing infection.  相似文献   

Ligation of cell surface major histocompatibility class I (MHC-I) proteins by antibodies, or by their native counter receptor, the CD8 molecule, mediates transduction of signals into the cells. MHC-I-mediated signaling can lead to both increased and decreased activity of the MHC-I-expressing cell depending on the fine specificity of the anti-MHC-I antibodies, the context of CD8 ligation, the nature and cell cycle state of the MHC-I-expressing cell and the presence or absence of additional cellular or humoral stimulation. This paper reviews the biochemical, physiological and cellular events immediately after and at later intervals following MHC-I ligation. It is hypothesized that MHC-I expression, both ontogenically and in evolution, is driven by a cell-mediated selection pressure advantageous to the MHC-I-expressing cell. Accordingly, in addition to their role in T-cell selection and functioning, MHC-I molecules might be of importance for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis not only within the immune system, but also in the interplay between the immune system and other organ systems.  相似文献   

Peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules are derived mainly from cytosolic oligopeptides generated by proteasomes during the degradation of intracellular proteins. Proteasomal cleavages generate the final C terminus of these epitopes. Although proteasomes may produce mature epitopes that are eight to ten residues in length, they more often generate N-extended precursors that are too long to bind to major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Such precursors are trimmed in the cytosol or in the endoplasmic reticulum by aminopeptidases that generate the N terminus of the presented epitope. Peptidases can also destroy epitopes by trimming peptides to below the size needed for presentation. In the cytosol, endopeptidases, especially thimet oligopeptidase, and aminopeptidases degrade many proteasomal products, thereby limiting the supply of many antigenic peptides. Thus, the extent of antigen presentation depends on the balance between several proteolytic processes that may generate or destroy epitopes.  相似文献   

The rabbit MHC class II DP, DQ, and DR alpha and beta chain genes were transfected into murine B lymphoma cells. The transfected cells expressed R-DQ and R-DR molecules on the cell surface but they did not express the R-DP genes either on the cell surface or at the level of mRNA. Northern blot analyses showed that the R-DP genes were expressed, albeit at low levels, in rabbit spleen. Similar analyses showed that the R-DQ and R-DR genes were expressed at high levels in rabbit spleen. A new monoclonal anti-rabbit class II antibody, RDR34, has been developed and shown to react with the R-DR transfected cells and not with the R-DQ transfected cells. The previously described monoclonal anti-rabbit class II antibody, 2C4, reacted with the R-DQ transfected cells and not with the R-DR transfected cells. Thus, 2C4 and RDR34 MAb's are specific for the R-DQ and R-DR molecules, respectively. Each of the antibodies reacted with approximately 50% of rabbit spleen cells as shown by immunofluorescent antibody studies.  相似文献   

The human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) retroviruses are two evolutionary distinct human pathogens. HTLV-1 is the etiologic agent of two diverse diseases: adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma, as well as the neurologic disorder tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1-associated myelopathy. HTLV-1 is the only retrovirus known to be the etiologic agent of human cancer. HTLV-2, the other known oncovirus, is not apparently associated with human cancer. While HTLV-1 transforms T-cells in vitro, HIV kills CD4+ T-cells and is the etiological agent of human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, characterized by a progressive loss of CD4+ cells, weakening of the immune system, and susceptibility to opportunistic infections and cancer. HTLV-1 and HIV-1 both cause lifelong infections, which suggests that they have evolved mechanism(s) to evade detection by the host's immune response; particularly to evade cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, which play a major role in cellular immunity against viruses and will be the focus of this review.  相似文献   

Summary: The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC class 1) presents 8–10 residue peptides to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Most of these antigenic peptides are generated during protein degradation in the cytoplasm and are then transported into the endoplasmic reticulum by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), Several lines of evidence have indicated that the proteasome is the major proteolytic activity responsible for generation of antigenic peptides—probably most conclusive has been the finding that specific inhibitors of die proteasome block antigen presentation. However, other proteases (e.g. the signal peptidase) may also generate some epitopes, particularly those on certain MHC class I alleles. The proteasome is responsible for generating the precise C termini of many presented peptides, and appears to be the only activity in ceils that can make this cleavage. In contrast, aminopeptidases in the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum can trim the N terminus of extended peptides to their proper size. Interestingly, the cellular content of proteases involved in the production and destruction of antigenic peptides is modified by inter-feron-γ (IFN-γ) treatment of cells, IFN-γ indicates the expression of three new proteasome β submits that are preferentially incorporated into new proteasomes and alter their pattern of peptidase activities. These changes are likely to enhance the yield of peptides with C termini appropriate for MHC binding and have been shown to enhance the presentation of at least some antigens. IFN-γ also upregulates leucine aminopeptidase, which should promote the removal of N-terminal flanking residues of antigenic peptides. Also, this cytokine downregulates the expression of a metallo-proteinase, thimet oligopeptidase that actively destroys many antigenic peptides. Thus, IFN-γ appears to increase the supply of peptides by stimulating their generation and decreasing their destruction. The specificity and content of these various proteases should determine the amount of peptides available for antigen presentation. Also, the efficiency with which a peptide is presented is determined by the protein's half life (e.g. its ubiquitination rate) and the sequences flanking antigenic peptides, which influence the rates of proteolytic cleavage and destruction.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules bind and present short antigenic peptides from endogenously or exogenously derived sources to CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), with recognition of a foreign peptide normally targeting the cell for lysis. It is generally thought that the high level of MHC polymorphism, which is concentrated mostly within the peptide-binding groove, is driven by the 'evolutionary arms race' against pathogens. Many pathogens have developed novel and intriguing mechanisms for evading the continuous sampling of the intracellular and intercellular environments by MHC molecules, none more so than viruses. The characterization of immunoevasion mechanisms has improved our understanding of MHC biology. This review will highlight our current understanding of the MHC class I biosynthetic pathway and how it has been exploited by pathogens, especially viruses, to potentially evade CTL recognition.  相似文献   

In contrast to antigen-specific immunity orchestrated by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ia molecules, the ancestrally related nonclassical MHC class Ib molecules generally mediate innate immune responses. Here we have demonstrated the structural basis by which the MHC class Ib molecule HLA-E mediates an adaptive MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to human cytomegalovirus. Highly constrained by host genetics, the response showed notable fine specificity for position 8 of the viral peptide, which is the sole discriminator of self versus nonself. Despite the evolutionary divergence of MHC class Ia and class Ib molecules, the structure of the T cell receptor-MHC class Ib complex was very similar to that of conventional T cell receptor-MHC class Ia complexes. These results emphasize the evolutionary 'ambiguity' of HLA-E, which not only interacts with innate immune receptors but also has the functional capacity to mediate virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses during adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

The products of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci regulate an individual's immune response to pathogens. Cattle provide an important model to study the relationship between disease susceptibility and MHC haplotype since large half-sibling families are common. The definitive demonstration, however, of a firm relationship between MHC phenotype and disease susceptibility in cattle will require a precise definition of the bovine MHC allelic products. Available reagents for serological characterization of the bovine MHC gene products have not been adequate for these purposes. We have shown that existing mouse monoclonal antibodies and rabbit anti-human antisera precipitate bovine class I molecules, that these structures separate well by one-dimensional isoelectric focusing (1-D IEF), and that immunoprecipitation followed by 1-D IEF allows the detection of bovine class I MHC allelic products. Through this technique, we have identified previously undetected class I products. This approach will facilitate a detailed characterization of the bovine MHC class I gene products.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown that short peptides coresponding to naturally processed epitopes of viral antigens can induce a conformational change in the class I heavy chain (HC) to which they bind in the fully assembled molecule. Here, we present evidence that the mechanism for this conformational change may involve binding of peptide to a partially unfolded form of free HC, followed by its subsequent folding. These results may be important for understanding the way in which class I molecules are assembled in vivo, and how certain epitopes are selected for presentation to T cells.  相似文献   

At the surface of the murine T lymphoma cell line RMA-S, the expression of "empty" class I molecules can be dramatically enhanced by culture at 26 degrees C. These class I molecules are unstable following transfer to 37 degrees C unless they are loaded with exogenously added peptides. Class I heterodimers that have failed to bind peptide ("empty" class I molecules) dissociate and the class I heavy chains are degraded. Internalization, if it precedes breakdown, would be the rate-limiting step. Radioiodinated peptides (VSV NP 8-mer or Sendai NP 9-mer) dissociate from the class I molecules in the absence of exogenous peptide or beta 2 microglobulin and appear in the medium. Release of the iodinated peptides does not result in a reduction in the quantity of stable assembled class I molecules. This paradox may be explained by a more rapid off-rate for radioiodinated peptides, when compared with their unlabeled counterparts, which constitute about 99% of the total in our radiolabeled preparations. In the medium the peptide is rapidly modified by serum- and cell-derived proteases. The short half-life of empty class I molecules and of free ligand would effectively preclude sensitization of innocent bystanders for lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A first map of the porcine major histocompatibility complex class I region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract: A map of the SLA complex, or swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC), class I region was constructed by alignment of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) harboring MHC class I genes as well as anchor genes already mapped within the human MHC complex (HLA). Five YACs containing 9 anchor genes built a contig of about 1.0–1.2 Mb between the SLA class HI BAT1 locus and the olfactory receptor-like genes OLF42. Ten different SLA class I sequences, including putative allelic forms of published classical and non-classical SLA class I genes, were assigned to the 400-kb enclosing centromeric part of the contig. Three additional YACs comprising the OLF89 genes and two YACs containing the butyrophilin gene were located telomeric to the contig. Comparison between the human and porcine MHC complexes showed a perfect conserved order of anchor genes, whereas no orthologous relationships were found for the class I loci.  相似文献   

Detection of the beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) component of the rat MHC class I antigens has been difficult. In the present report, we have addressed this issue by a systematic study of rat class I antigens from red blood cells or from lymphocytes that were freshly isolated or cultured in the presence of autologous or heterologous sera and surface-labeled with 125I or intrinsically labeled with radioactive amino acids. First, specific radioiodination of rat beta 2m in association with the antigen heavy chain on red blood cells or lymphocytes is minimal, resulting in its poor identification by SDS-PAGE. Second, labeling with radioactive methionine or lysine gives a more intense beta 2m band with respect to the heavy chain than labeling with arginine or tyrosine. Third, the beta 2m component shows a large increase in intensity compared to the heavy chain when the antigens are isolated from lymphocytes that are cultured in the presence of fetal bovine serum prior to 125I-labeling. This increase is due to exchange of endogenous rat beta 2m with bovine beta 2m and to a much higher level of radioiodination of the latter. Fourth, rat red blood cells and lymphocytes contain free surface beta 2m molecules in addition to those associated with the antigen heavy chains. The free molecules show a much higher level of radioiodination than those associated with the heavy chains, and there is little exchange between the antigen-bound and the free beta 2m after radioiodination.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Stable major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules at the cell surface consist of three separate, noncovalently associated components: the class I heavy chain, the β(2)-microglobulin light chain, and a presented peptide. These three components are assembled inside cells via complex pathways involving many other proteins that have been studied extensively. Correct formation of disulfide bonds in the endoplasmic reticulum is central to this process of MHC class I assembly. For a single specific peptide to be presented at the cell surface for possible immune recognition, between hundreds and thousands of peptide-containing precursor polypeptides are required, so the overall process is relatively inefficient. To increase the efficiency of antigen presentation by MHC class I molecules, and for possible therapeutic purposes, single-chain molecules have been developed in which the three, normally separate components have been joined together via flexible linker sequences in a single polypeptide chain. Remarkably, these single-chain MHC class I molecules fold up correctly, as judged by functional recognition by cells of the immune system, and more recently by X-ray crystallographic structural data. This review focuses on the interesting properties and potential of this new type of engineered MHC class I molecule.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of T cells is accomplished in the thymus by a process of positive selection, in which interaction of the T cell receptor (TcR) expressed on CD4+8+ thymocytes with self major histocompatibility complex (MHC), expressed on cortical epithelial cells, determines the progress along the maturation pathway and confers self restriction to T cells. Conversely, cells behaving as self reactive by interaction with bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells are negatively selected by apoptosis. We show here that the presence of a class I-restricted soluble TcR (sTcR) in the fetal thymic microenvironment, early in T cell ontogeny, determines an enhanced negative selection of a sizeable number of CD4+8+ thymocytes, which have been previously subjected to a positive-selection event. We hypothesize that the generation of the mature thymic T cell repertoire stems from an interaction of TcR, under a critical affinity threshold, with a self peptide-MHC complex which is common to a great number of TcR specificities using the same restriction element. A shift in this affinity threshold, caused by sTcR, results in the generation of cells acting in a self-reactive manner, which are then deleted. In extended fetal thymus organ culture in the presence of sTcR, we have also observed the appearance of mature CD8+ T cells, which once adoptively transferred to syngeneic nude mice are expanded in the periphery, consistent with an enhanced avidity of these cells for self MHC.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I expression is reduced in several viral infections, but it is not known whether the same happens during infections caused by intracellular enterobacteria. In this study, the expression of MHC class I antigens on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 16 patients with Salmonella, Yersinia, or Klebsiella infection was investigated. During or after the acute infection, the expression of MHC class I antigens was markedly decreased in eight patients, all with genotype HLA-B27, and six out of eight with reactive arthritis (ReA). A significant decrease of monomorphic MHC class I was found in three patients, of HLA-B27 in eight (P<0.05) and of HLA-A2 in two. However, patients negative for the HLA-B27 genotype, or healthy HLA-B27-positive individuals, did not have a significant decrease of MHC class I antigens. During the decreased expression on the cell surface, intracellular retention of MHC class I antigens was observed, whereas HLA-B27 mRNA levels did not vary significantly. This is the first evidence that enterobacterial infection may down-regulate expression of MHC class I molecules in vivo and that down-regulation is predominant in patients with the HLA-B27 genotype.  相似文献   

Classical RT1-A class I and RT1-B class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules were purified from DA (RT1avl) spleens, and the individual chains separated and purified by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. LEW (RT1l) rats were immunized with the pure class I heavy chain, the RT1-B alpha chain and the RT1-B beta chain with the aim of priming to indirect allorecognition (i.e. after processing and presentation of DA MHC chains on LEW antigen-presenting cells) in the absence of any priming to direct allorecognition (i.e. to whole, undenatured, dimeric DA MHC molecules). LEW rats immunized with each of the three DA MHC chains produced alloantibodies to these chains, suggesting that indirect allorecognition did occur, because of the requirement for cognate recognition of B cells by T helper cells. This also demonstrated polymorphism of all three chains between the DA and LEW strains. The antibodies to the isolated, denatured MHC chains did not react to the whole MHC molecules on DA cells, with the possible exception of very weak reactions in some class I heavy chain-immunized rats. DA skin grafts placed on LEW recipients immunized with each of the DA MHC chains were rejected in an accelerated fashion. Following DA skin grafting, there was an accelerated production of antibodies to whole, undenatured class I MHC molecules, even in the LEW rats preimmunized with RT1-B alpha and RT1-B beta chains. These data suggest that indirect allorecognition can play an important role in the effector mechanisms of allograft rejection, and demonstrate T helper priming as one possible mechanism whereby this might be effective.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TcR) on CD8+ T lymphocytes recognizes a complex which consists of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) heavy chain, β2-microglobulin (β2M), and peptide on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. Mutational analyses have suggested that the TcR recognizes both the αl and α2 domains of the heavy chain as well as the peptide. In light of this, it is of interest to know to what extent the heavy chain domains take on distinct conformations when bound to individual peptides. It has recently been shown that antibodies which recognize the Kb MHC complex are sensitive to which peptides are bound in the groove. We have extended this analysis to include eight Kb-specific antibodies, seven of which are peptide sensitive. These antibodies, all of which are allo-antibodies, recognize Kb-bearing cells which, it is now appreciated, have a highly heterogeneous mix of self peptides presented in their grooves. We show that these self peptides also can affect antibody binding. It has been suggested that peptides alter the conformation of the αl and α2 domains of the heavy chain and that this in turn affects the recognition of Kb by antibody. An alternative hypothesis is that solvent-exposed peptide side chains may prevent the antibody from binding the complex. Using a panel of 128 single-amino acid variants of a Kb-binding antigenic peptide from ovalbumin we show that for most Kb-specific antibodies, the second idea is more likely. Those variants which prevent antibody binding are at solvent exposed positions, and in general, the bulkier the side chain, the greater the inhibition of antibody binding. However, in the case of two antibodies, 100.30 and 34.4.20, the peptide residues which affect antibody recognition are buried, suggesting that these antibodies see an alternate conformation of the peptide/MHC complex.  相似文献   

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