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目的:对“以问题为基础的学习”的教学模式在口腔修复学教学改革中的应用进行初步探索。方法:实验组为2009级口腔医学五年制学生,采用PBL教学方法和传统教学方法相结合的模式教学;对照组为2007级和2008级口腔医学五年制学生,全部采用传统教学方法进行教学。通过对2009级学生的PBL满意度调查和比较三个年级《口腔修复学》成绩来评价PBL教学效果。结果:2009级学生满意度调查结果表明,86.2%的学生表达对PBL教学效果的满意,与2007级和2008级学生《口腔修复学》成绩的不及格率、优秀率和成绩平均数比较差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:PBL教学模式能提高学生自主学习能力,能满足《口腔修复学》教学改革的要求。  相似文献   

目的 研究以案例为基础的学习(CBL)联合基于团队的学习(TBL)教学法同步培养口腔正畸专业研究生临床和科研能力的教学效果.方法 选取中山大学光华口腔医学院口腔正畸专业2018级与2019级研究生共24人为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为两组,实验组采用CBL联合TBL教学法;对照组采用以讲授为基础的学习(LBL)传统教学...  相似文献   

为了评估"小组学习法"在口腔修复学临床教学中的作用,将102名口腔医学专业的学生以随机的方式分为2组:一组以传统的"一对一"临床教学模式进行教学、另一组以"小组学习法"结合PBL教学模式进行临床教学,实习结束时对学生的临床操作技能和专业理论知识进行考核。研究结果表明"小组学习法"较传统教学更能提高学生的临床操作技能,锻炼了学生的临床思维,可以提高学生解决实际问题的能力,值得在口腔医学临床教学中推广。  相似文献   

目的 探索在牙周病学专业八年制提高课中应用PBL教学模式的可行性及效果.方法 选取北京大学口腔医学院同时进入口腔医学专业学习的2006级(35人)、2007级(30人)八年制学生,讲授牙周提高课“种植体周围炎”.在教学方式选择中,将全部学生随机分为以问题为基础的教学模式(PBL)组和以主题为基础的教学模式(SBL)组.提高课结束后,对两组学生进行理论知识考核及问卷调查.结果 理论考核结果表明,PBL组学生获取新知识的能力明显高于SBL组(P<0.05);问卷调查表明,在学习主导性和自学能力提高两方面PBL组均优于SBL组(P<0.05).结论 PBL教学模式较SBL教学模式有一定优越性,可增强学生的自学能力、增加学生学习的主导性.  相似文献   

目的:对预防口腔医学的教学方法进行改革,以提高口腔专业本科生的口腔健康教育能力.方法:对昆明医学院口腔学院2006级54名本科生的预防口腔医学实验课进行教学改革和实践,将预防口腔医学教学与学生社会实践、科普写作、科普展板制作、科普演讲、自主学习活动、研究项目、临床见习等相结合,并应用问卷调查对教学效果进行评价.结果:54名学生中有94%的学生认为该授课方式提高了自身的口腔健康教育能力.结论:该教学改革有利于提高口腔本科生口腔健康教育的能力,适应我国口腔医疗服务的需要.  相似文献   

目的 :通过以问题为基础的教学(PBL),探讨研究生课程教学中存在的问题和课程教学改革的思路,为构建口腔医学研究生课程教学模式奠定基础。方法:浙江中医药大学2012、2013、2014共3个年级的18名研究生纳入研究,在《口腔临床学》的教学中,将研究生随机分为传统教学组和PBL教学组。通过对研究生的PBL满意度调查,并比较2组课程测试成绩,评价教学改革的效果。结果:研究生对PBL教学效果的总体评价的满意度为88.9%。比较两组课程测试成绩,PBL组成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:基于PBL的课程教学改革,可以提高研究生的自主学习能力,满足口腔医学研究生课程教学的要求。  相似文献   

目的为提高口腔专业学生自主学习兴趣与能力,探索口腔预防医学课间实习课程教学模式的新形式。方法在中国医科大学口腔医学专业4年级本科生口腔预防医学课间实习课程中引入基于问题的学习(problem-based learning,PBL)的教学模式,以学生为主体,以问题为中心进行教学改革和实践。结果 PBL教学模式调动了学生学习的主动性,课堂气氛活跃,学生口腔健康宣教的实践能力得到提高。结论 PBL教学模式应用于口腔专业本科生的口腔预防医学课间实习,实现了课堂上的师生互动,提高了课间实习效果。  相似文献   

正畸研究生专业理论教学改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口腔正畸学是口腔医学的一个重要分支学科,它所包含的理论知识非常丰富,且与(牙合)学、修复学、牙周病学、正颌外科学等其它口腔专业学科以及美学、遗传学、生物学、材料学、生物力学等学科存在着广泛的联系.国内、外通常把口腔正畸学作为毕业后教育,即在本科生教育期间只就口腔正畸的基本概念、基本原理及一些简单矫治方法加以介绍;而正畸学所蕴含的丰富的理论知识,与其它基础科学的交互渗透,各流派的矫治原理、矫治方法,都是口腔正畸学的研究生所应学习的专业知识.  相似文献   

浅谈PBL在口腔正畸教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以问题为基础的学习法(Problembased learning,PBL)由美国神经病学教授Barrows于1969年提出[1]。多年来,许多欧美国家借鉴此法开展教学改革,已成为国际上流行的一种教学方法1994年,哈佛大学牙科学院针对四年制本科生实行PBL课程,经过不断完善,目前已形成一套较成熟的PBL教学模式[2]。去年,笔者有幸在哈佛大学牙科学院进行了6个月的交流学习,全面参与了该院PBL课程的教学实践,深感PBL在口腔正畸教学中的优越性。一、PBL正畸课程的特点口腔医学是一门实践性很强的学科,口腔正畸学尤其如此,需要综合考虑患者各方面的情况。传统教学方式…  相似文献   

目的:探讨以问题为基础的新型教学方法在口腔医学临床实习前培训中的意义。方法:将口腔科临床实习前学生随机分为A、B两组,每组各30人,A组为以问题为基础的新型教学方法( problem-based learning,PBL)组,B组为以授课为基础传统教学法( lecture-based learning,LBL)组。教学评估采用理论知识考核和问卷调查相结合的形式,将两组成绩及问卷调查结果进行对比研究。结果:见习结束后,PBL组理论考试平均成绩显著高于LBL组;学生问卷调查结果显示学生对PBL教学模式的教学效果更为满意。结论:PBL教学法可有效提高口腔科实习前学生的学习成绩和教学质量,值得在培养口腔科人才的教育实践中进行进一步的推广。  相似文献   

目的 评价理论授课结合PBL教学法应用于口腔黏膜病学本科教学中的效果。方法 以2014级、2015级78名口腔医学专业本科生为研究对象,这些学生同时接受理论授课结合PBL教学,其理论考试成绩分为PBL教学内容相关题组和PBL教学内容无关题组,计算其平均分、优秀率、良好率和及格率。使用GraphPad Prism 6.00软件进行统计分析,两样本均数的比较,采用Mann Whitney检验进行统计学分析;两组样本率的比较,采用Pearson卡方检验。结果 PBL教学内容相关题的平均分和及格率劣于PBL教学内容无关题(P=0.026,P=0.000 3),前者的优秀率优于后者(P=0.008 7);但是两组良好率的差异无统计学意义(P=0.826)。结论 PBL教学法有利有弊,因而需要教师扬长避短。  相似文献   

口腔黏膜病病因复杂、病种繁多、形态各异、容易混淆,缺乏特效的治疗药物和方法,存在同病异治、异病同治的特点,是口腔医学教学中的难题。本文就此探索了以PBL和CBL教学为中心,多媒体、互联网、循证医学相结合的多元立体化互动式教学模式,以期调动学生的学习兴趣,开阔学生的专业视野,培养学生发现问题、提出问题、分析和解决问题的自主学习能力,加强学生的临床实践技能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of case segmentation schemes in problem-based learning (PBL) on the development of problem-solving skill, self-directedness and technical knowledge. Seventy-four dental education students were randomly assigned to 12 PBL groups. Six groups experienced PBL cases that were formatted in short segments and six groups experienced PBL cases that were formatted in long segments. Pretest measures of problem-solving skill, self-directedness and technical knowledge were administered at the beginning of the Fall 1998 semester. Students studied three PBL cases in their assigned groups in the ensuing semester. Posttest measures were administered at the conclusion of the semester. Analysis of the data found that students who experienced PBL with a short case segmentation scheme were better able to solve problems highly similar to the problems in the teaching cases than students who experienced PBL with a long case segmentation scheme. No significant differences were found for self-directedness, technical knowledge, or ability to solve problems distinctly different from the teaching cases. Explanations of these findings and their implications for research and practice in PBL are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the problems of assessment for students on an undergraduate orthodontic course which is using problem-based learning to encourage active self-learning, deep learning and give students the skills to become effective lifelong learners in the future. Traditional assessment does little to encourage a range of behaviours and skills which are encouraged through problem-based learning but which must be rewarded, in the minds of the students, by the chosen method of assessment. This is because learner behaviour is driven by assessment. Details of the range of assessment methods available and those chosen on the orthodontic undergraduate course at the University of Manchester Dental School are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

As part of a revised dental curriculum, a 3(rd) year module on medical subjects was developed based on a mixture of self-study and problem-oriented approach using cases. Pairs of students had to select a specific medical problem and solve a paper patient case using a problem-solving cycle. Results were presented in working groups and by writing an essay. The quality of the presentations was assessed by colleague students and by the teacher supervisor; the expert teacher in the field graded the essay. The results contributed for 40% to the overall grade of the module. A questionnaire filled out by 94% of the participating students showed that 85% of the students agreed in preferring this way of handling medical problems as compared with conventional, lecture-based education. Almost all of them enjoyed the provided opportunity to give a case presentation. The problem-oriented model was assessed as useful by 73% of the students. Knowledge concerning the topic chosen turned out to be higher than knowledge of other topics. Although this study cannot prove that this mode of education actually results in a better ability to cope with medical problems, it may contribute in several ways to the final competences in the area of general medicine in the undergraduate dental curriculum.  相似文献   

目的:探讨CBL(case-based learning)教学法指导牙体牙髓病学临床实习的教学效果。方法:将41名学生随机分为CBL教学指导组和传统带教组,经11周牙体牙髓病学的临床实习,出科前对2组同学进行病历书写、病例分析、专业理论、专业技能操作、争得患者合作能力5方面考核和考试,采用SPSS13.0软件包对成绩差异进行独立样本t检验。结果:2组学生的理论考试和专业技能操作考试成绩无显著差异(P>0.05);在病历书写考核、病例分析测评及争得患者合作能力3方面,CBL教学组显著高于传统带教组 (P<0.05)。结论:在牙体牙髓病学的临床实习中恰当引入CBL教学法,有助于提高学生的临床思维能力、综合分析能力和处理病例的应变能力。  相似文献   

AIM: The present study was designed to investigate whether a logbook helps undergraduate students to develop the ability to self-reflect and to increase their self-awareness. METHODS: A logbook was introduced to 54 dental students in their fourth year of education at the beginning of the paediatric dentistry course. The students filled in a questionnaire on learning styles at the start of the course and after 12 months. RESULTS: The results showed that at the end of the course significantly fewer students wished to be given detailed instructions to solve problems. Significantly more students felt able to expose both their weaknesses and strengths in clinical competence in the presence of their teachers. Students who reported a good knowledge of their own clinical skills found feedback from instructors more constructive compared with those who reported less good knowledge. CONCLUSION: For a large group of students, the logbook stimulated self-reflection, learning from personal clinical experience, and an increase in knowledge about their weaknesses and strengths in clinical competence.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to identify an effective methodology of approaching and implementing evidence-based principles in undergraduate teaching clinics to promote evidence-based dentistry in future clinical practice. A systematic review was undertaken to examine evidence-based clinical teaching and faculty continuing education. Research published from 1996 to 2002 was retrieved by searching several databases and the Internet, along with conducting hand searches and reviewing bibliographies maintained by faculty experts. Qualitative checklists for different types of studies were created to evaluate the literature. Relevant studies were selected if they met all four predetermined essential criteria and a minimum of two out of three desirable criteria. Systematic reviews were chosen if they met all five essential criteria. Data from selected articles were extracted, and study quality was assessed. We found that three systematic reviews and nine original research articles were deemed methodologically acceptable. Problem-based learning and evidence-based health care interventions increased student knowledge of medical topics and their ability to search, evaluate, and appraise medical literature. Dental students in a problem-based learning curriculum, emphasizing evidence-based practices, scored higher on the NDB I (National Dentistry Boards, Part I) than students in traditional curricula. While effective modules in implementing theoretical evidence-based principles exist, very few high-quality studies are available that examine these principles in dental undergraduate teaching clinics. No methodologically appropriate studies on the education of faculty in the implementation of evidence-based principles are available. Some studies promote promising theories and methodologies of teaching evidence-based care; based on these theories, a comprehensive model is proposed in this article. Considering the strength of evidence in the reviewed literature, we concluded that an evidence-based approach to clinical care is effective.  相似文献   

A new undergraduate dental curriculum was introduced in Malmö in 1990 which is based on problem-based learning (PBL). The principles of PBL are strongly influenced by evidence from cognitive psychology and they form the educational strategy throughout the whole curriculum. Two further essential principles underpin the curriculum: a holistic attitude to patient care, and the promotion of oral health. Basic sciences and clinical dentistry are integrated within a structure based on oral conditions prevalent in the community. Students are encouraged to build their new knowledge, understanding and skills into the context of what they have already learned. This approach is facilitated by the presentation of conceptual models, one of which, The Oral Ecosystem is described in detail. The educational programme also gives students opportunities to learn in the clinical context from an early stage, and we endeavour to promote a scientific attitude from the very beginning of the programme. This paper describes the curriculum at three organisational levels (whole curriculum, single course, individual week).  相似文献   

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