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The diagnostic performance of two systems for chest radiography was studied. One system was based on a large image intensifier, the other was a conventional film-screen system. The images from the image intensifier were studied either on a digital TV screen or on 100 mm photofluorograms. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed on images of an anthropomorphic chest phantom. Low-contrast MMAP (methyl methacrylate polymer) nodules and simulated vessels were positioned over the parenchymal and the mediastinal region of the phantom. Five observers assessed the digital monitor images, photofluorograms, and conventional full-size radiograms. The results showed a significantly superior detectability for the full-size radiograms over the digital monitor images both in the parenchyma and in the mediastinum. No significant difference was found between photofluorograms and digital images.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the image quality for one conventional and four digital chest radiography techniques. Three storage phosphor systems, one selenium drum system, and one film-screen system were compared using a modified receiver-operating-characteristics method. Simulated pathology was randomly positioned over the parenchymal regions and the mediastinum of an anthropomorphic phantom. Eight observers (four chest radiologists, one specialist in general radiology, one hospital physicist, and two radiographers) evaluated 60 images for each technique. The selenium drum system (Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) rated best for the detection of parenchymal nodules. Together with the storage phosphor system of generation IIIN (Philips/Fuji), the selenium drum system also rated best for detection of thin linear structures. The storage phosphor system of generation V (Fuji) rated best for the detection of mediastinal nodules. The first generation of the storage phosphor system from Agfa (Mortsel, Belgium) rated worst for the detection of parenchymal nodules and thin linear structures. These differences were significant (p < 0.0001). Averaging the results for all test objects, the selenium drum system and the storage phosphor system of generation V were significantly better than the other systems tested. The film/screen system performed significantly better than the first-generation storage phosphor system from Agfa, equal to the generation IIIN storage phosphor system (Philips/Fuji) and significantly worse than the selenium drum system (Philips) and the generation-V storage phosphor system (Fuji). The conclusion is therefore that the image quality of selenium-based digital technique and of the more recent generations of storage phosphor systems is superior to both conventional technique and storage phosphor systems using image plates of older types. Received: 11 September 1997; Revised: 25 June 1998; Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of chest radiography (CXR), chest digital tomosynthesis (DT) and low dose multidetector computed tomography (LDCT) for the detection of small pulmonary ground-glass opacity (GGO) nodules, using an anthropomorphic chest phantom.


Artificial pulmonary nodules were placed in a phantom and a total of 40 samples of different nodule settings underwent CXR, DT and LDCT. The images were randomly read by three experienced chest radiologists. Free-response receiver-operating characteristics (FROC) were used.


The figures of merit for the FROC curves averaged for the three observers were 0.41, 0.37 and 0.76 for CXR, DT and LDCT, respectively. FROC analyses revealed significantly better performance of LDCT over CXR or DT for the detection of GGO nodules (P?P?=?0.73).


The diagnostic performance of DT for the detection of pulmonary small GGO nodules was not significantly different from that of CXR, but LDCT performed significantly better than both CXR and DT. DT is not a suitable alternative to CT for small GGO nodule detection, and LDCT remains the method of choice for this purpose.

Key Points

? For GGO nodule detection, DT was not significantly different from CXR. ? DT is not a suitable alternative to CT for GGO nodule detection. ? LDCT is the method of choice for GGO nodule detection.  相似文献   

目的 探讨数字化X线胸部摄影参数的优化,以确保影像质量和降低X线曝光量.方法 用碘化色-非晶硅平板探测器数字化X线摄影系统对30例患者(志愿者)用90 kV和125 kV行胸部后前站立位数字化X线摄影,评价影像质量和X线曝光量的大小.结果 胸部125 kV数字化X线摄影比90 kV数字化X线摄影可减少X线曝光量约68%,影像层次更丰富.结论 数字化X线胸部摄影应以高千伏(125 kV)摄影为宜.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tube potential and scatter rejection techniques on image quality of digital posteroanterior (PA) chest radiographs.Methods: An anthropomorphic phantom was imaged using a range of tube potentials (81–125 kVp) without scatter rejection, with an anti-scatter grid, and using a 10 cm air gap. Images were anonymised and randomised before being evaluated using a visual graded analysis (VGA) method.ResultsThe effects of tube potential on image quality were found to be negligible (p > 0.63) for the flat panel detector (FPD). Decreased image quality (p = 0.031) was noted for 125 kVp relative to 109 kVp, though no difference was noted for any of the other potentials (p > 0.398) for computed radiography (CR). Both scatter rejection techniques improved image quality (p < 0.01). For FPD imaging the anti-scatter grid offered slightly improved image quality relative to the air gap (p = 0.038) but this was not seen for CR (p = 0.404).ConclusionsFor FPD chest imaging of the anthropomorphic phantom there was no dependence of image quality on tube potential. Scatter rejection improved image quality, with the anti-scatter grid giving greater improvements than an air-gap, but at the expense of increased effective dose.CR imaging of the chest phantom demonstrated negligible dependence on tube potential except at 125 kVp. Scatter rejection improved image quality, but with no difference found between techniques. The air-gap resulted in a smaller increase in effective dose than the anti-scatter grid and would be the preferred scatter rejection technique.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential for radiation dose reduction by using other beam qualities in full-field digital mammography (FFDM) compared with screen-film mammography (SFM). FFDM was performed using an amorphous silicon detector with a caesium iodide scintillator layer (Senographe 2000D, GE, Milwaukee, USA). SFM was performed using a state-of-the-art conventional system (Senographe DMR, GE, Milwaukee, USA) with a dedicated screen-film combination. An anthropomorphic breast phantom with superimposed microcalcifications (50-200 microm) was used to evaluate the detectability of microcalcifications. Contact mammograms and magnification views (m=1.8) performed with both the digital and the screen-film system were compared. Images were exposed automatically. Molybdenum/Molybdenum (Mo/Mo) anode-filter combination, 28 kVp and 63 mAs were selected by the automatic optimization of parameters (AOP) of the conventional system. This exposure protocol (protocol A) was also used as baseline for the digital system. Dose reduction in digital mammography was achieved by using protocol B with Mo/Rh and 31 kVp and protocol C with Rh/Rh and 32 kVp. The detectability of microcalcifications was assessed by 3 experienced readers with a confidence level ranging from 1 to 5. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed. In protocol A the area under the ROC-curve (A(z)) for contact views performed by the screen-film system was 0.64 and for those performed with the FFDM system 0.68. The A(z) values were 0.74 in protocol B and 0.65 in protocol C for the digital system. For the conventional and digital magnification views A(z) values were 0.71 and 0.79, respectively. For protocol B the A(z) value was 0.81 and for protocol C it was 0.76. There is no statistically significant difference in the A(z) values for the different protocols in digital mammography and no significant difference from the screen-film system. A potential for dose reduction by using other beam qualities seems to be possible with this digital system.  相似文献   

A phantom for dose-image quality optimization in chest radiography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optimization in chest radiography requires evaluation of patient dose and image quality. This study is aimed at proposing a simple geometrical phantom that realistically simulates the important anatomical regions of the thorax. For this purpose, the standard LucAl chest phantom is modified by adding an "anthropomorphic" insert and image quality test plate. Different test objects are arranged on the plate in three important anatomical areas; lung, cardiac, and subdiaphragmal regions. The aim is to simultaneously find two types of image quality index, objective and subjective, which can be used to compare different images in order to select the better image. Two objective indices are proposed, areal contrast index DeltaC(a) and scatter fraction P(s) and two subjectively estimated, a low contrast visualization index P(low) and a high contrast visualization index P(high). To demonstrate the potential of this phantom method it was applied to an X-ray unit to find the optical film density that ensures optimal visualization in different anatomical areas. It was found for the X-ray system under investigation that the automatic exposure control could be set to produce an optical density of about 1.8 in the lung field. The reported method is easily implemented in any clinical situation where optimization of chest radiography is needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine soft-copy image display preferences of brightness, latitude, and detail contrast for neonatal chest computed radiography to establish a baseline for future work on low-dose imaging. CONCLUSION: Observers preferred brighter images with higher detail contrast and narrow to middle latitude for soft-copy display compared with the typical screen-film hard-copy appearance. Future research on low-dose neonatal chest imaging will be facilitated by an understanding of optimal soft-copy image display.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of image processing in digitized chest radiographs when high-resolution images are used, an examination was done in which the detection of pulmonary nodules in unprocessed digitized chest radiographs was compared with that in images that had undergone processing with two methods, adaptive filtration and histogram equalization. The processing techniques have been optimized in previous work to selectively enhance the retrocardiac and subdiaphragmatic areas without significant alteration of detail in the lung. Eight observers were shown 150 test radiographs (50 unprocessed, 50 processed with adaptive filtration, 50 processed with histogram equalization) containing 150 nodules. The results indicate a statistically significant (P less than .03) difference, with highest observer performance in the chest radiographs processed with adaptive filtration (median area under ROC curve = 0.78), compared with unprocessed images (median = 0.68) and chest radiographs processed with histogram equalization (median = 0.62). Performance in the lung was not significantly different. Adaptive filtration applied to selectively enhance underexposed areas of film images may improve nodule detection. Histogram equalization provided no improvement in performance.  相似文献   

目的 通过仿真胸部体模研究胸部能谱CT不同方案成像模式与常规胸部CT扫描的辐射剂量、图像质量、对比噪声比及主观评分对比,获得最佳能谱扫描参数。方法 对仿真胸部体模分别进行常规胸部CT扫描以及3种不同扫描方式的能谱CT成像。3种能谱模式为宝石能谱CT (GSI)Assist模式(方案A)、管电流平均值时的GSI模式(方案B)及管电流最大值时的GSI模式(方案C)。所有扫描方式分别在噪声指数(NI)=9和11时,螺距0.984∶1,依次扫描。记录辐射剂量,同时测量感兴趣区(ROIs)5个不同层面水平的脂肪和肌肉组织的图像噪声值(SD)以评价图像质量。所有扫描序列由两位资深放射医师对肺窗肺纹理及分支5分制主观评分。结果 NI=9和11时,常规CT平扫与方案A、B、C的有效剂量(E)值分别为(8.0、8.5、6.2、10.4)和(5.3、5.1、4.3、6.2)mSv。NI=9时,常规胸部CT平扫与方案A、C的SD值差异有统计学意义(F=4.496,P<0.05);NI=11时,方案A、B、C与常规胸部CT平扫SD值差异有统计学意义(F=8.425,P<0.05);常规胸部CT扫描中,NI分别为9和11时SD值差异有统计学意义(t=-2.570,P<0.05);在相同能谱扫描模式中,NI不同,SD值差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。NI相同扫描模式不同及扫描模式相同NI不同时,CNR及主观评分差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 合理的能谱扫描模式与常规扫描的辐射剂量没有明显差异,但能谱扫描模式可以获得较高的图像质量。此外,选择合适的噪声指数在图像质量相仿的同时可以明显降低辐射剂量。综合辐射剂量及图像质量,能谱CT智能模式可以达到辐射剂量及图像质量的双向平衡。  相似文献   

The usefulness of digital image processing of chest radiographs was evaluated in a clinical study. In 54 patients, chest radiographs in the posteroanterior projection were obtained by both 14 inch digital image intensifier equipment and the conventional screen-film technique. The digital radiographs (512 x 512 image format) viewed on a 625 line monitor were processed in three different ways: (1) standard display; (2) digital edge enhancement for the standard display; and (3) inverse intensity display. The radiographs were interpreted independently by three radiologists. The diagnoses were confirmed by CT, follow-up radiographs and clinical records. Chest abnormalities of the films analyzed included 21 primary lung tumors, 44 pulmonary nodules, 16 cases with mediastinal disease and 17 cases with pneumonia/atelectasis. Interstitial lung disease, pleural plaques, and pulmonary emphysema were found in 30, 18 and 19 cases, respectively. The sensitivity of conventional radiography when averaged overall findings was better than that of the digital techniques (P less than 0.001). The differences in diagnostic accuracy measured by sensitivity and specificity between the three digital display modes were small. Standard image display showed better sensitivity for pulmonary nodules (0.74 vs 0.66; P less than 0.05) but poorer specificity for pulmonary emphysema (0.85 vs. 0.93; P less than 0.05) compared with inverse intensity display. We conclude that when using 512 x 512 image format, the routine use of digital edge enhancement and tone reversal at digital chest radiographs is not warranted.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine optimal detector collimation, section thickness, and tube current for multi-detector row computed tomography (CT) colonography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anthropomorphic colon phantom with simulated polyps of varying size (2, 6, 8, 10, and 12 mm) was examined by using multi-detector row CT with varying combinations of detector collimation (4 x 1.0 mm and 4 x 2.5 mm), dose per section (10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 140 mAs), and section thickness/reconstruction interval (1.25/0.6, 2.0/1.0, 3.0/1.0, and 5.0/2.0 mm). Polyp depiction, longitudinal polyp distortion, and presence of rippling artifacts were assessed on reformatted three-dimensional endoluminal images by three reviewers. RESULTS: Longitudinal distortion and rippling artifacts increased with increasing section thickness and use of broader detector collimation. Polyps 8 mm or larger were depicted with any combination of section thickness, detector collimation, and tube current. Depiction of polyps 6 mm or smaller depended on the detector collimation/reconstructed section thickness and was rated optimal for the 4 x 1.0-mm detector collimation with a section thickness of 1.25 mm. This was also observed for low-dose protocols. Polyps 6 mm or smaller that were not detected with 3-mm section thickness and 4 x 2.5-mm detector collimation were detected with 1.25-mm section thickness and 10 mAs. CONCLUSION: A narrow detector collimation with thin-section imaging (4 x 1.0-mm detector collimation, 1.25-mm section thickness) is a prerequisite for low-dose (10-mAs) multi-detector row CT colonography.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate whether radiologists can rank the image quality of digital radiographs with different doses; a preliminary study investigated whether reduced dose images provide sufficient diagnostic quality. Raw data of 40 chest radiographs (posteroanterior (PA) and lateral) obtained with a full-field slot-scan charge-coupled device system in 20 patients with chest pathology were used. Noise was added to simulate reduced dose levels to 50%, 25% and 12%. Four observers ranked the quality of the corresponding images and judged the diagnostic quality. Linear regression analysis was performed. Differences were found in image quality at the different dose levels for both PA (p相似文献   

Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   

Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   

Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   

Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   

Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   

Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   

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