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再生医学与干细胞在美容整形外科的研究与应用 总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2
高景恒 《中国美容整形外科杂志》2009,20(2)
笔者于2008年报道了"无创或微创美容医学技术的最新进展"[1],其中主要包括物理方面、化学方面和生物学方面.笔者现将生物学方面再生医学--脂肪来源干细胞这一项微创技术的研究与应用进展进行报道.再生医学即再生一个有生命力的组织、器官以修复各种原因引起的受损组织和器官,继而延续生命的医学,是当今新兴的一门跨学科领域的医学. 相似文献
目的探讨微囊化人头皮毛乳头细胞体外培养及异种移植的可行性,并对海藻酸钠-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸钠(alginate-polylysine-alginate,APA)微囊与海藻酸钠-BaCi2(barium-alginate,BA)微囊的物理、生物性能进行评价.方法采用“一步酶消化法”分离、培养人头皮毛乳头细胞,分别用APA微囊与BA微囊包裹.对两种微囊的生物相容性、机械强度、免疫隔离效果及微囊内细胞活性进行比较.结果APA微囊生物相容性优于BA微囊(P<0.01),但机械强度低于BA微囊(P<0.01);成囊后短期BA微囊内细胞活性高于APA微囊(P<0.01),但APA微囊内细胞活性增高较快(P<0.05).在微囊完整、表面无纤维化时,两种微囊均可起到良好的免疫隔离作用.结论微囊化人头皮毛乳头细胞可在体外及异种体内培养.综合评价APA微囊与BA微囊的利弊,在不同情况下选择不同的成囊方式是必要的. 相似文献
目的 采用一步固化法制作用于胰岛移植的海藻酸钠—氯化钡微囊,研究这种微囊的牢固度及生物相容性。方法 用海藻酸钠和氯化钡为材料,采用一步固化法制成微囊,观察这种微囊的形态和大小。将其置于生理盐水中37℃孵育2个月或置于生理盐水中37℃、150r/min水浴振荡1h,观察微囊的破损率及形态改变。将5000个空微囊分别注射于12只大鼠腹腔内,于2、6、10周各取4只大鼠处死后用生理盐水灌洗腹腔,将灌洗液离心后计算其中空微囊数并观察微囊的形态改变。结果 一步固化法制作的海藻酸钠—氯化钡微囊在37℃培养箱孵育2个月后破损率为10%;于37℃、150r/min水浴振荡1h后破损率为18%;植入空微囊后第2周每只大鼠可灌洗出空微囊约3000个,微囊均呈圆形,完整,无纤维化;6—10周每只大鼠可洗出空微囊约1000—1500个,其中10%—15%微囊变形或有裂口,部分微囊有明显纤维化。结论 一步固化法制作的海藻酸钠—氯化钡微囊具有较好的牢固度及生物相容性。 相似文献
微囊化人头皮毛乳头细胞诱导小鼠耳毛囊再生的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的 观察人头皮毛乳头细胞海藻酸钠-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸钠(alginate-polylysine-alginate,APA)微囊是否具备诱导小鼠耳部毛囊再生的功能;寻找理想的微囊直径。方法 以APA微囊包裹体外分离培养的人头皮毛乳头细胞;将毛乳头细胞微囊移植至小鼠耳部皮下,6周后局部取材行组织学检查;共聚焦显微镜下观察葡聚糖-荧光素在APA微囊中的扩散速度和扩散方式,并对比相同时间、不同直径的APA微囊中葡聚糖-荧光素的强度,综合分析确定最佳的微囊直径。结果 组织学检查显示:移植部位皮下有密集的同心圆状毛囊结构形成,其数量、大小、分化程度等与对照组明显不同。荧光素以同心圆状、逐层渗透的方式向APA微囊中扩散;相同时间内荧光强度比较:小囊组〉中囊组〉大囊组。结论 微囊化毛乳头细胞具备诱导毛囊再生的生理功能;微囊理想的直径是400μm。 相似文献
BPA微囊与APA微囊机械强度和生物相容性的比较研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的 比较海藻酸钡-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸(BPA)微囊与海藻酸-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸(APA)微囊的生物相容性和机械强度的生物物理特性.方法 用静电微囊发生仪制备BPA和APA微囊,通过机械振荡法和肌肉下移植来检测微囊的机械强度.通过微囊大鼠腹腔移植来观察BPA和APA微囊的生物相容性.结果 机械振荡48h后APA微囊的破损率为4.3%,BPA微囊仅为1.5%;肌肉下移植1个月后,组织切片H&E染色显示,APA和BPA微囊均保持完整,仅有轻度纤维化包裹;腹腔移植4、8和10周后,从大鼠腹腔内取出的微囊中95%~98%为结构完整,呈圆形,表面光滑,光镜下无明显的结缔组织包绕.结论 所制备的BPA微囊的生物相容性河机械强度优于APA微囊. 相似文献
In the recent 30 years,regenerative medicine has become a discipline with full vitality and hope owing to its tremendous demands in China.Chinese scientists in these ar eas have been making remarkable ... 相似文献
毛囊(hair follicle,HF)中的干细胞是决定再生的启动因子和关键因素.目前HF再生技术仍然面临诸多挑战.现通过对HF干细胞谱系的研究进展作一综述,试图寻找HF再生未来的发展方向,对HF中丰富且功能交错的干细胞谱系的机制研究,有助于理解HF的内稳态,找到HF再生技术的解决方法. 相似文献
海藻酸钠纯度对微囊化肝细胞腹腔移植中微囊纤维化的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 研究海藻酸钠纯度对微囊纤维化的影响。 方法 采用逐步过滤和氯仿 /丁醇萃取的方法纯化海藻酸钠 ,用纯化和未纯化的海藻酸钠制作两种微囊化肝细胞分别给两组大鼠 (各2 0只 )腹腔移植 ,观察不同时期微囊的回收率、微囊纤维化、囊内肝细胞的功能和结构。用3 H TdR掺入法测定纯度对淋巴细胞转化率的影响。 结果 纯化组的微囊回收率较未纯化组明显增高 (P <0 0 1)。纯化组移植 1个月后大部分肝细胞形态及酶组化染色正常。未纯化组移植后 1个月内肝细胞破坏。移植 6个月时 ,纯化组微囊仍保持完整光滑 ;而未纯化组移植 1个月后微囊全部纤维化。纯化的海藻酸钠对人类淋巴细胞转化率明显低于未纯化组。 结论 纯化的海藻酸钠能明显降低微囊的纤维化程度 相似文献
Since the new century,stem cell research has become a hot field in medicine and life science.Scientists in Harvard Plans Stem Cell Center in 2004 have dreamed that one day they can lead stem cells to grow into tissues and even organs in the lab,which can be used to replace the damaged tissues or organs in severe injuries or applied in diseases at the end stage(incurable diseases)in order to prolong the life time and improve the life quality of patients.But this is a long way full of difficulties! Nevertheless,the stem cell research has helped our mankind to understand how single cells grow and develop into tissues as well as organs,and how healthy cells replace the damaged cells in adult body and so on,which induces us to explore the way of treating diseases on cell levels(repairing or regeneration medicine as we usually say)because gene therapies have many unsolved problems. 相似文献
随着转化医学研究的发展和深入,细胞治疗已应用于临床,特别在严重肝脏疾病的再生治疗方面取得了一定的进展和突破。在细胞治疗的转化医学研究中成绩与问题并存,需要规范技术,加大研究力度,保持良性发展,通过临床与基础研究的密切结合解决实际问题。 相似文献
付小兵 《感染、炎症、修复》2010,11(1):4-5
组织再生及其相关领域的研究近年来在我国发展十分迅速,许多大学、医院、研究机构以及公司等都涉足于这个领域,标志着一个多学科、跨专业和产学研相结合的再生医学研究正在逐步形成。从学术层面来看,我国科学家在再生医学基础研究的某些领域已有明显突破,如证明诱导性多能干细胞(iPS)具有发育的全能性,利用维生素C提高iPS产生率以及有关表皮细胞通过去分化途径转变为表皮干细胞现象的发现等都在国际重要杂志发表了相关结果,引起了较大的反响。 相似文献
对组织再生和再生医学发展的再思考 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Research in the field of tissue regeneration is a new focus in life science and medicine in the 21st century,hereby I express my personal expectations of its research and translational application in the future. 相似文献
Craniosynostosis occurs in one of 2500 live human births and may manifest as craniofacial disfiguration, seizure, and blindness. Craniotomy is performed to reshape skull bones and resect synostosed cranial sutures. We demonstrate for the first time that autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and controlled-released TGFbeta3 reduced surgical trauma to localized osteotomy and minimized osteogenesis in a rat craniosynostosis model. Approximately 0.5 mL tibial marrow content was aspirated to isolate mononucleated and adherent cells that were characterized as MSCs. Upon resecting the synostosed suture, autologous MSCs in collagen carriers with microencapsulated TGFbeta3 (1 ng/mL) generated cranial suture analogs characterized as bone-soft tissue-bone interface by quantitative histomorphometric and microCT analyses. Thus, surgical trauma in craniosynostosis can be minimized by a biologically viable implant. We speculate that proportionally larger amounts of human marrow aspirates participate in the healing of craniosynostosis defects in patients. The engineered soft tissue-bone interface may have implications in the repair of tendons, ligaments, periosteum and periodontal ligament. 相似文献
本文评述了中医药在生殖疾病的现代治疗中的状况,首先综述了中医药在治疗男性不育、精液异常和女性排卵异常、输卵管性不孕、子宫内膜异位症不孕、改善子宫内膜容受性等方面经验和成果,其次分析了中医药在辅助生殖技术中的应用现状。本文展示了中医药在不孕不育的治疗中发挥的重要作用和广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
Articular cartilage covers the ends of bone and provides shock absorption and lubrication to the diarthrodial joints. Cartilage has a limited capacity for repair when injured, and there is a need for cell sources for chondrocytes that can be transplanted as part of a regenerative medicine approach. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have pluripotency and the potential for self-renewal similar to embryonic stem cells (ESCs), but are not associated with the ethical issues that have plagued ESCs. Recent progress has made it possible to generate integration-free iPSCs and to differentiate iPSCs toward chondrocytes. An iPSC library prepared from donors homozygous for common HLA types is being developed, and will be able to provide allogeneic iPSC-derived chondrocytes at low cost that can cover the majority of the population. As an alternative approach, chondrocytic cells can be induced directly from dermal fibroblasts without going through the iPSC stage. Another important application of the iPSC technology is modeling cartilage diseases, such as skeletal dysplasia. Chondrogenically differentiated iPSCs generated from patients would recapitulate the pathology, and may serve as a useful platform both for exploring the disease mechanisms and for drug screening. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled “Stem Cells and Bone”. 相似文献
Sakai D 《The Orthopedic clinics of North America》2011,42(4):555-562
The use of stem cell applications has been explored and aimed at regenerating the intervertebral disk. The microenvironment in which cells of the intervertebral disk reside is harsh; however, researchers have reported on many applications for stem cells, including research aimed at defining and stimulating endogenous stem cell populations, methods to induce stem cell differentiation toward intervertebral disk cell phenotype in vivo, and direct transplantation of stem cells into damaged intervertebral disk to promote transplanted site-dependant differentiation. Successful results have been reported, although limitations remain. This article reviews the current status of stem cell research as applied to the intervertebral disk. 相似文献