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Oversensing of intracardiac signals or myopotentials may cause inappropriate ICD therapy. Reports on far-field sensing of atrial signals are rare, and inappropriate ICD therapy due to oversensing of atrial fibrillation has not yet been described. This report presents a patient with a triple chamber ICD and a history of His-bundle ablation who experienced asystolic ventricular pauses and inappropriate detection of ventricular fibrillation due to far-field oversensing of atrial fibrillation. Several factors contributed to the complication, which resolved after reduction of the ventricular sensitivity.  相似文献   

INAMA, G., et al.: Far-Field R Wave Oversensing in Dual Chamber Pacemakers Designed for Atrial Arrhythmia Management: Effect of Pacing Site and Lead Tip to Ring Distance. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence and practical implications of far-field R wave oversensing (FFRWO) and its association with pacing site and lead tip to ring spacing (TTRS) in implantable devices designed to diagnose and treat atrial tachyarrhythmias and programmed with a fixed and short postventricular blanking period. The study included 395 patients who were implanted with a DDDRP pacemaker and prospectively followed. At implant and follow-up visits FFRWO was assessed by analyzing lead electrical measures and atrial tachyarrhythmic episodes collected in the device diagnostics. During a median follow-up of 12 months 11 (2.8%) of 395 patients showed a clinically significant FFRWO that induced inappropriate detection or pacemaker malfunctioning. The atrial pacing site of these 11 patients was right atrium appendage (RAA) for 3 patients, representing 1.1% of 254 RAA patients, coronary sinus ostium (CSO) for 7 patients, representing 7.4% of 94 CSO patients (P < 0.005 vs RAA), and lateral wall (LW) for 1 (2.9%) of 34 LW patients. The minimal value of the FFRWO to P wave ratio, measured at implant, associated with a clinically significant FFRWO was 0.6; therefore, a value of 0.5 was used as a cutoff to identify patients at risk of undesirable device behavior induced by FFRWO: there were 11 (9.6%) of 114 of RAA patients with short (< or = 10 mm) TTRS, 22 (18.8%) of 117 of RAA patients with long (> or = 17 mm) TTRS (P < 0.05 vs short TTRS), 21 (30.6%) of 64 of CSO patients short TTRS (P < 0.001 vs RAA patients with short TTRS) and 3 (30%) of 10 of CSO patients with long TTRS. The analysis showed that, despite the short postventricular blanking time, FFRWO inducing undesired functioning in AT500 pacemakers is infrequent (2.8% of patients). Compared to RAA, the CSO lead position was more frequently associated with FFRWO.TTRS < 10 mm was associated with lower risk of clinically significant FFRWO in RAA. (PACE 2004; 27:1221-1230).  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the effects of DDD pacing with optimal AV delay and AAI pacing on the systolic and diastolic performance at rest in patients with prolonged intrinsic AV conduction (first-degree AV block). We studied 17 patients (8 men, aged 69 +/- 9 years) with dual chamber pacemakers implanted for sick sinus syndrome in 15 patients and paroxysmal high degree AV block in 2 patients. Aortic flow and mitral flow were evaluated using Doppler echocardiography. Study protocol included the determination of the optimal AV delay in the DDD mode and comparison between AAI and DDD with optimal AV delay for pacing rate 70/min and 90/min. Stimulus-R interval during AAI (ARI) was 282 +/- 68 ms for rate 70/min and 330 +/- 98 ms for rate 90/min (P < 0.01). The optimal AV delay was 159 +/- 22 ms. AV delay optimization resulted in an increase of an aortic flow time velocity integral (AFTVI) of 16% +/- 9%. At rate 70/min the patients with ARI < or = 270 ms had higher AFTVI in AAI than in DDD (0.214 +/- 0.05 m vs 0.196 +/- 0.05 m, P < 0.01), while the patients with ARI > 270 ms demonstrated greater AFTVI under DDD compared to AAI (0.192 +/- 0.03 m vs 0.166 +/- 0.02 m, P < 0.01). At rate 90/min AFTVI was higher during DDD than AAI (0.183 +/- 0.03 m vs 0.162 +/- 0.03 m, P < 0.01). Mitral flow time velocity integral (MFTVI) at rate 70/min was higher in DDD than in AAI (0.189 +/- 0.05 m vs 0.173 +/- 0.05 m, P < 0.01), while at rate 90/min the difference was not significant in favor of DDD (0.149 +/- 0.05 m vs 0.158 +/- 0.04 m). The results suggest that in patients with first-degree AV block the relative impact of DDD and AAI pacing modes on the systolic performance depends on the intrinsic AV conduction time and on pacing rate.  相似文献   

Bidirectional isthmus block is associated with successful atrial flutter ablation, whereas creation of increased isthmus conduction delay without block can be proarrhythmic. Often, halo catheter electrodes fail to provide adequate sub-Eustachian isthmus recordings. The aim of this study was to determine if progressive isthmus conduction delay results in the false appearance of block during atrialflutter ablation. A 20-pole deflectable catheter was prospectively positioned across the sub-Eustachian isthmus (from the coronary sinus os [CSO] to 7:00 on the tricuspid valve annulus [TVA] clock face in the left anterior oblique [LAO] projection) in nine patients undergoing atrial flutter ablation. During sinus rhythm, conduction time was measured from the CSO to the 7:00 position while pacing the CSO. Measurements were repeated after each linear lesion and after conduction block was achieved. Transisthmus conduction time at baseline, just prior to success, and after the presence of complete block was 54 +/- 9, 123 +/- 39, and 155 +/- 30 ms, respectively (P < or = 0.01). The marked delay prior to complete block resulted in reversal of the activation sequence in electrodes at TVA 7:00, creating the false appearance of isthmus block; the isthmus electrodes clearly distinguished delay from block. Catheter ablation results in progressive isthmus conduction delay prior to the creation of complete block. Electrodes spanning the isthmus and line of block are critical for distinguishing conduction delay (and pseudoisthmus block) from block.  相似文献   

This case report describes abrupt heart rate fallings below the lower pacing rate limit in a patient with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Interrogated information including stored episodes or data regarding the lead did not show any device problems and only simultaneous intracardiac electrogram revealed the cause, T‐wave oversensing during biventricular pacing. At this moment, CRT has become an established modality for patients with severe heart failure. However, bradycardia below the lower rate limit during biventricular pacing due to T‐wave oversensing would exacerbate heart failure in patients with CRT. We should notice this latent risk and correct the malfunction immediately. (PACE 2010; 1–4)  相似文献   

We report three patients with cardiomyopathy and pronounced stimulus to QRS latency during left ventricular (LV) pacing from an epicardial cardiac vein. Delayed LV activation during simultaneous biventricular pacing produced an electrocardiographic pattern dominated by right ventricular stimulation. Hemodynamic parameters improved immediately after advancing LV stimulation (in one patient) or pacing the LV only (in two patients) coupled with dramatic improvement of heart failure symptoms.  相似文献   

We report a case of postoperative acquired atrioventricular (AV) block and successful ablation of isthmus-dependent atrial flutter using "cryomapping" in combination with a mapping system preserving AV conduction via right infero-septal accessory pathway.  相似文献   

Introduction: The incidence, mechanisms, clinical associations, and outcomes in patients with late‐onset (>3 months) atrioventricular (AV) block following heart transplantation are not well known. This study will characterize late‐onset AV block following cardiac transplantation. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our databases to identify patients who required pacemakers for late‐onset AV block postheart and heart‐lung transplantation from January 1990 to December 2007. Orthotopic heart and heart‐lung transplantation were separately analyzed. Results: This study included 588 adults who received cardiac transplants over a 17‐year period at our center (519 orthotopic, 64 heart‐lung transplants, and five heterotopic heart transplants). Of the 519 patients with orthotopic heart transplant, 39 required pacing (7.5%), 17 (3.3%) within 3 months posttransplant, 11 (2.1%) for late‐onset sinus node dysfunction (SND), 11 (2.1%) for late‐onset AV block. Also, five patients (7.8%) out of 64 heart‐lung transplants required pacemakers, two (3.1%) for late‐onset SND, three (4.7%) for late‐onset AV block. None of the five patients who underwent heterotopic transplant required cardiac pacing prior to or posttransplant. Conclusions: Late‐onset AV block occurs in 2.4% of patients with orthotopic heart transplant or heart‐lung transplant. AV block is predominantly intermittent and, often, does not progress to permanent AV block. There are no predictable factors for its onset. (PACE 2011; 72–75)  相似文献   

The benefit of a dual chamber pacemaker and the atrial and ventricular synchronization in patients with two ventricles is widely accepted. The purpose of this study was to choose the optimal AV interval in patients with congenital heart disease after definitive palliation of univentricular hearts. Therefore, different AV intervals were programmed and hemodynamic aspects were examined by Doppler echocardiography. The interval found was different from normal heart morphology and two ventricular hemodynamics.  相似文献   

Slow pathway ablation in common AVNRT can be complicated by total AV block. When radiofrequency energy is delivered to the posterior aspect of the triangle of Koch, total AV block may be the consequence of the absence of anterograde conduction along the fast pathway or of inadvertent damage to a fast pathway abnormally located close to the slow pathway. To localize the anterogradely conducting fast pathway, the triangle of Koch was pacemapped in 72 patients who underwent the ablation of common AVNRT. In all cases, before ablation the St-H interval was calculated by stimulating the anteroseptal (AS), mid-septal (MS), and posteroseptal (PS) aspect of the triangle of Koch at a rate slightly faster than the sinus rate. In all patients, common AVNRT was induced. In 64 (89%) of 72 patients (group A) the shortest St-H interval was recorded on stimulating the AS region. In six (8%) patients (group B) the shortest St-H interval was recorded on stimulating the MS region. Finally, in two (3%) patients (group C) the shortest St-H interval was recorded stimulating in the PS region. In group C, AH interval, calculated on stimulating in the AS region, was significantly longer than in patients of groups A and B (200 +/- 99 ms vs 64 +/- 18 and 62 +/- 3, respectively). In group A, on stimulating in the AS, MS, and PS regions, the AH interval remained constant in all patients. In contrast, in groups B and C on stimulation in the MS and PS regions, AH interval shortened (in group B from 56 +/- 8 to 27 +/- 37 and 37 +/- 14, respectively; in group C from 200 +/- 99 to 170 +/- 100 and to 137 +/- 109, respectively). In groups A and B, a posteroseptal slow pathway, and in group C, an anteroseptal retrograde fast pathway were successfully ablated without AV block. Pacemapping of the triangle of Koch can help to recognize patients in whom the anterograde conducting fast pathway is abnormally located far from the anteroseptal region or in whom anterograde conduction of the fast pathway is absent. In these cases the risk of AV block can be reduced by performing slow pathway ablation in a site sufficiently far from the site of the anterograde fast pathway or ablating the retrogradely conducting fast pathway.  相似文献   

A prospective double-blind randomized crossover study was done in 15 patients with complete heart block and intermittent ATs. The pacemaker was randomly programmed to dual chamber inhibited rate responsive pacing (DDIR) and to DDDR with mode switch, for 1 month each. An event recorder was given to the patients and after each period, a QOL questionnaire was obtained. Based on telemetric data, all but two patients had AT during follow-up. The duration and frequency of these episodes were not related to mode settings. AV synchrony was better preserved in DDDR (P < 0.05). Most symptom-related event recordings during DDIR showed loss of AV synchrony; DDDR with mode switch caused symptoms due to tracking of ST. Overall the QOL score was not different between the modes. Fewer somatic complaints were noted during DDDR pacing than during baseline. DDIR stimulation showed no difference. Twelve patients preferred the period of DDDR pacing; one experienced severe symptoms during DDIR. In conclusion, patients with paroxysmal A, DDDR with mode switch, and DDIR had no influence on the occurrence, nor on the duration of AT episodes. AV synchrony was better preserved in DDDR, which was also associated with fewer somatic complaints compared to the baseline. In DDDR, symptoms were observed when ST was tracked. QOL was comparable, although more patients preferred DDDR.  相似文献   

The dromotropic pacemaker concept needs a rate responsive algorithm in which the pacing rate is controlled by the atrioventricular conduction time (AVCT). To develop basic concepts for such a rate responsive algorithm, the influence of the pacing rate on the AVCT was investigated. Seven patients (62 +/- 7.8 years) with sick sinus syndrome and intact atrioventricular conduction underwent two cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPX) on a treadmill. According to the determination of the anaerobic threshold (AT) and the patients maximum capacity in the first incremental CPX the work rate for two exercise levels below and above the AT were chosen for the second constant workload CPX. The calculation of the optimal pacing rate (HRopt) was based on the oxygen uptake (VO2) during exercise after reaching steady-state conditions. According to the increase of the VO2 from 14.8 +/- 2.3 mL/min per kilogram during aerobic work (38.3 +/- 16.0 W) to 19.4 +/- 4.7 mL/min per kilogram during anaerobic work (80.6 +/- 32.3 W), the HRopt was calculated to be 98.6 +/- 6.9 beats/min and 116.4 +/- 4.7 beats/min. Starting from HRopt, the pacing rate was increased (overpacing) and decreased (underpacing) by about 5 beats/min every minute. At optimal pacing rate the AVCT decreased significantly from 233.0 +/- 30.5 ms during aerobic work and to 226.4 +/- 27.3 ms during anaerobic work (P < 0.05). Whereas overpacing induced a significant prolongation of the AVCT during aerobic work (4.17 +/- 1.78 ms per 10 beats/min) and anaerobic work (3.84 +/- 1.60 ms per 10 beats/min), underpacing yielded a significant shortening of the AVCT by about 4.49 +/- 2.64 ms per 10 beats/min during aerobic work and 4.75 +/- 1.87 ms per 10 beats/min during anaerobic work (P < 0.01). The slopes of the regression lines of the relationship between AVCT and pacing rate were not significantly. different. Based on the reciprocal relationship of heart rate (HR) and AVCT, basic concepts may be established for a dromotropic rate responsive algorithm.  相似文献   

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