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While it is generally accepted that foveal visual acuity in the adult has reached an optimal value, claims for improvement of peripheral acuity with training in the adult persist in the literature. Practice effects in peripheral hyperacuity have been amply documented. A carefully controlled test is here reported to examine the influence of training on the resolution thresholds for two lines and on Landolt C acuity measurements in the retinal periphery in eight normal adults. It involved 11-30 daily sessions of 300 responses with feedback. In some observers the first day's results were somewhat poorer, but otherwise the threshold curves were essential flat. Yet in the same location vernier acuity could be improved by 50% in six training sessions. Sustained and lasting neural modifications in peripheral vision can take place in stereoscopic, orientation, vernier, bisection and time discriminations, but not in resolution and Landolt C acuities.  相似文献   

The visual benefit of correcting high-order aberrations may not be fully realized due to neural mechanisms that compensate for the aberrations of the eye. We examined the extent to which these neural mechanisms might be susceptible to perceptual learning in an adaptive optics (AO)-corrected test of visual resolution. Visual resolution was measured in an adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) in 3 conditions: (1) low-order correction (defocus and astigmatism) without AO, (2) 3-mm pupil with AO correction, and (3) 5.81-mm pupil with AO correction. Measurements were made on both eyes in all three conditions before training. Subjects underwent 5 days of monocular training in both AO-corrected conditions and were retested in all three conditions in both eyes after training. The range of minimum angle of resolution (MAR) for each condition was: (1) without AO: 0.53-0.95 arcmin, (2) AO 3-mm pupil: 0.33-0.6 arcmin, and (3) AO 5.81-mm pupil: 0.36-0.56 arcmin. AO correction provided an immediate and significant improvement in visual resolution. There was no significant difference in resolution when correcting aberrations over a 5.81-mm pupil versus a 3-mm pupil. Training on this task provided a minimal improvement in performance. Adaptation to aberrations did not hinder AO correction from providing an immediate visual benefit.  相似文献   

Enhancing reading ability in peripheral vision is important for the rehabilitation of people with central-visual-field loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Previous research has shown that perceptual learning, based on a trigram letter-recognition task, improved peripheral reading speed among normally-sighted young adults (Chung, Legge, & Cheung, 2004). Here we ask whether the same happens in older adults in an age range more typical of the onset of AMD. Eighteen normally-sighted subjects, aged 55-76 years, were randomly assigned to training or control groups. Visual-span profiles (plots of letter-recognition accuracy as a function of horizontal letter position) and RSVP reading speeds were measured at 10° above and below fixation during pre- and post-tests for all subjects. Training consisted of repeated measurements of visual-span profiles at 10° below fixation, in four daily sessions. The control subjects did not receive any training. Perceptual learning enlarged the visual spans in both trained (lower) and untrained (upper) visual fields. Reading speed improved in the trained field by 60% when the trained print size was used. The training benefits for these older subjects were weaker than the training benefits for young adults found by Chung et al. Despite the weaker training benefits, perceptual learning remains a potential option for low-vision reading rehabilitation among older adults.  相似文献   

Segregated objects can be sought simultaneously, i.e., mentally "re-grouped." Although the mechanisms underlying such "re-grouping" clearly differ from automatic grouping, it is unclear whether or not the end products of "re-grouping" and automatic grouping are the same. If they are, they would have similar impact on visual organization but would be in conflict. We compared the consequences of grouping and re-grouping on the performance cost induced by stimuli presented across hemifields. Two identical and contiguous target figures had to be identified within a display of circles and squares alternating around a fixation point. Eye tracking was used to check central fixation. The target pair could be located in the same or separate hemifields. A large cost of presenting targets across hemifields was observed. Grouping by connectedness yielded two types of target pair, connected and unconnected. Subjects prioritized unconnected pairs efficiently when prompted to do so, suggesting "re-grouping." However, unlike automatic grouping, this did not affect the cost of across-hemifield presentation. The suggestion is that re-grouping yields different outputs to automatic grouping, such that a fresh representation resulting from re-grouping complements the one resulting from automatic grouping but does not replace it. This is one step toward understanding how our mental exploration of the world ties in and coexists with ongoing perception.  相似文献   

In 74 normal subjects (62 children aged 5-8 years and 12 adults), we tested the widely-held belief that visual sensitivity improves substantially during childhood. Maturation of the retino-striate pathways is generally invoked to account for age-related changes in visual sensitivity. We evaluated the extent to which attentional factors unduly emphasized the effect of age on the purely physiological mechanisms. After a specially-designed familiarization procedure, sensitivity was fully evaluated at two locations in the superior temporal field using a bracketing technique (Octopus 2000R). False-positive (FP) and false-negative (FN) catch-trials were interspersed with the sequence of stimuli. Analyses demonstrated that: (1) age affected sensitivity; and (2) the general level of attentiveness varied not only with age, but also among subjects in the same age group. We then estimated the extent to which improved visual sensitivity may reflect a concomitant evolution of vigilance. Firstly, controlled variance analyses indicated that factors for evaluating attentiveness (rate of FN responses, slope of the psychometric function at the median, and goodness of fit) were indeed much better predictors than age of the sensitivity measured. Secondly and more significantly, the grouping of subjects into homogeneous subgroups, on the basis of their attentional performance, showed that children as young as 5 years may have a visual sensitivity that is only marginally lower than that of adults.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine whether visual restitution training (VRT) is able to change absolute homonymous field defect, assessed with fundus controlled microperimetry, in patients with hemianopia. METHODS: 17 patients with stable homonymous visual field defects before and after a 6 month VRT period were investigated with a specialised microperimetric method using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO). Fixation was controlled by SLO fundus monitoring. The size of the field defect was quantified by calculating the ratio of the number of absolute defects and the number of test points; the training effect E was defined as the difference between these two ratios before and after training. A shift of the entire vertical visual field border by 1 degrees would result in an E value of 0.14. RESULTS: The mean training effect of all right eyes was E = 0.025 (SD 0.052) and all left eyes E = 0.008 (SD 0.034). In one eye, a slight non-homonymous improvement along the horizontal meridian occurred. CONCLUSIONS: In one patient, a slight improvement along the horizontal meridian was found in one eye. In none of the patients was an explicit homonymous change of the absolute field defect border observed after training.  相似文献   

Oscillatory synchronization of neuronal populations has been proposed to play a role in perceptual integration and attentional processing. However, some conflicting evidence has been found with respect to its causal relevance for sensory processing, particularly when using flickering visual stimuli with the aim of driving oscillations. We tested psychophysically whether the relative phase of gamma frequency flicker (60 Hz) between stimuli modulates well-known facilitatory lateral interactions between collinear Gabor patches (Experiment 1) or crowding of a peripheral target by irrelevant distractors (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 assessed the impact of suprathreshold Gabor flankers on detection of a near-threshold central Gabor target (“Lateral interactions paradigm”). The flanking stimuli could flicker either in phase or in anti-phase with each other. The typical facilitation of target detection was found with collinear flankers, but this was unaffected by flicker phase. Experiment 2 employed a “crowding” paradigm, where orientation discrimination of a peripheral target Gabor patch is disrupted when surrounded by irrelevant distractors. We found the usual crowding effect, which declined with spatial separation, but this was unaffected by relative flicker phase between target and distractors at all separations. These results imply that externally driven manipulations of gamma frequency phase cannot modulate perceptual integration in vision.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of stimulus presentation rate on the measurement of visual field extent in infants and toddlers. METHODS: Visual field extent was measured for 300 children (N = 60 at 3.5, 7, 11, 17, and 30 months) and 24 adults using hybrid static-kinetic perimetry. Flickering light-emitting diode (LED) stimuli were illuminated sequentially, peripherally to centrally at 10.2 degrees intervals, along 4 diagonal meridia at 2 stimulus presentation rates: 2 s/stimulus (equivalent to 5 degrees/s) and 3 s/stimulus (equivalent to 3 degrees/s). Rate of presentation was a between-subjects variable. RESULTS: No effect of stimulus presentation rate was found for adults. The faster rate of stimulus presentation yielded smaller measured visual field extent for children between the ages of 7 and 30 months. The apparent difference seen with 3.5-month-olds did not reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: Faster rates of stimulus presentation may result in underestimation of visual field extent in children between the ages of 7 and 30 months.  相似文献   

In a previous study, Chung, Legge, and Cheung (2004) showed that training using repeated presentation of trigrams (sequences of three random letters) resulted in an increase in the size of the visual span (number of letters recognized in a glance) and reading speed in the normal periphery. In this study, we asked whether we could optimize the benefit of trigram training on reading speed by using trigrams more specific to the reading task (i.e., trigrams frequently used in the English language) and presenting them according to their frequencies of occurrence in normal English usage and observers’ performance. Averaged across seven observers, our training paradigm (4 days of training) increased the size of the visual span by 6.44 bits, with an accompanied 63.6% increase in the maximum reading speed, compared with the values before training. However, these benefits were not statistically different from those of Chung, Legge, and Cheung (2004) using a random-trigram training paradigm. Our findings confirm the possibility of increasing the size of the visual span and reading speed in the normal periphery with perceptual learning, and suggest that the benefits of training on letter recognition and maximum reading speed may not be linked to the types of letter strings presented during training.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the ability of frequency doubling technology (FDT) perimetry to detect visual field defects of neurological origin. METHODS: A total of 15 eyes of nine patients who all had complete hemianopias or quadrantanopias underwent the FDT 20-5 screening mode test and Humphrey 24-2 SITA Fast visual field test (HFA). The FDT results were scored according to the number of abnormal test locations (out of a maximum of 4) in each affected quadrant. FDT locations showing a defect of P< 2% were considered abnormal. RESULTS: Of the 15 eyes, six showed complete superior quadrantanopic and nine complete hemianopic field defects on HFA. Of 96 FDT test locations in these quadrants or hemifields only 38 were abnormal on FDT testing (40%). For the quadrantanopic field defects, five out of 24 locations were abnormal (21%). For the hemianopic field defects, 33 out of 72 locations were abnormal (49%). In three eyes (two with quadrantanopias and one with complete hemianopia), FDT perimetry failed to demonstrate any corresponding abnormality. CONCLUSIONS: The FDT screening test can fail to demonstrate complete hemianopic and quadrantanopic field defects. Users should be aware of this deficiency when using FDT to screen for field defects.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that there exists a level i the nervous system where a kind of photographic representation of our visual environment is constructed from "snapshots" taken by successive eye fixations. An experiment is presented that argues against this view, and an alternative explanation is put forward to explain why we see the environment as being stable and continuous despite eye movements.  相似文献   

Background: To document the occurrence of postoperative macular translocation after retinal detachment repair and discuss its influence on visual outcome. Design: Retrospective case series in a tertiary care setting. Participants: Five eyes of five patients presenting to our clinic with macula‐off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Methods: All patients underwent surgical repair of the retinal detachment, with regular postoperative follow‐up, including macular optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence. Main Outcome Measures: Visual acuity and subjective visual symptoms in patients with anatomically successful retinal detachment repair, in whom inadvertent macular translocation was noted. Results: Our series demonstrates the presence of unintentional macular translocation after retinal detachment repair, detected by fundus autofluorescence imaging. In contrast to previous reports, we document inadvertent macular translocation in one patient after scleral buckling surgery. In each case, the retina was fully reattached postoperatively and no other complications were identified. There was variability in the symptoms and objective visual outcomes after surgery. Conclusions: Inadvertent macular translocation can occur following repair of macula‐off retinal detachment, and may be a significant contributor to poorer visual outcome after retinal detachment, despite objective surgical success.  相似文献   

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