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The Institute of Medicine and American Association of Colleges of Nursing are calling for curriculum redesign that prepares nursing students with the requisite knowledge and skills to provide safe, high quality care. The purpose of this project was to improve nursing students' knowledge of quality and safety by integrating Quality and Safety Education for Nurses into clinical nursing education through development of a dedicated education unit. This model, which pairs nursing students with front-line nursing staff for clinical experiences, was implemented on a medical floor in an acute care hospital. Prior to implementation, nurses and students were educated about the dedicated education unit and quality and safety competencies. During each clinical rotation, students collaborated with their nurses on projects related to these competencies.Students' knowledge was assessed using questions related to quality and safety. Students who participated in the dedicated education unit had higher scores than those with traditional clinical rotations. Focus groups were held mid-semester to assess nurses' perceptions of the experience. Five themes emerged from the qualitative data including thirsting for knowledge, building teamwork and collaboration, establishing trust and decreasing anxiety, mirroring organization and time management skills, and evolving confidence in the nursing role.  相似文献   

Preparation of the public health nursing (PHN) workforce requires public health nurses from academia and practice to collaborate. However, a shortage of PHN clinical sites may lead to competition between schools of nursing for student placements. The Henry Street Consortium, a group of 5 baccalaureate schools of nursing and 13 local health departments in the state of Minnesota, developed a model for collaboration between PHN education and practice. This paper describes the development process--the forming, storming, norming, and performing stages--experienced by the Henry Street Consortium members. The consortium developed a set of entry-level core PHN competencies that are utilized by both education and practice. It developed menus of learning opportunities that were used to design population-based PHN clinical experiences. In addition, the consortium created a model for training and sustaining a preceptor network. The members of the Henry Street Consortium collaborated rather than competed, used consensus for decision making, and respected and accepted different points of view. This collaboration significantly impacted how schools of nursing and local health departments work together. The consortium's ability to retain its relevance, energy, and momentum for both academic and agency partners sustains the collaboration.  相似文献   

This article describes a novel approach to nursing education, designed to improve the experience of both students in public health nursing, and the local public health unit where they affiliate. Students, faculty, and public health department staff developed a method for matching programs and needs of the local public health unit to the skills and learning needs of nursing students. We describe our experience articulating student competencies, program-specific functions, and an approach to matching student interests and learning opportunities to agency needs. Students, faculty, and staff rated the program moderately to very high in feasibility, satisfaction, and acceptability. Data suggest the novel program served to improve the quality of the practicum affiliation, to the satisfaction of both the school and agency, while contributing to a robust public health learning experience for emerging professional nurses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper reports recommendations for improving public health nursing (PHN) undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education (CE) made by staff-level public health nurses working in local health departments (LHDs). Implications for academia and practice are discussed. DESIGN: A cross-sectional written survey was used to collect data from 424 public health nurses in 76 LHDs in Wisconsin (68% response rate) in 2003. Recommendations for improving undergraduate, graduate, and CE were made through responses to open-ended survey questions. Content analysis was conducted to identify major themes among responses. RESULTS: Major themes emerging from the recommendations for undergraduate education included the need for more clinical public health experiences and population-focused practice content. Graduate education improvement recommendations included addressing access barriers and increasing organizational incentives. Improved access and more public health content were the major recommendations for improving CE. CONCLUSIONS: Implications for academia focus on increasing opportunities for students to experience population-focused PHN and to learn organizational and collaborative practice skills, supporting PHN preceptors and building evidence for PHN intervention through research. Implications for practice include the need to expand opportunities for students with LHDs and to collaborate with academic partners for education and research.  相似文献   

The Henry Street Consortium, a collaboration of nurse educators from universities and colleges and public health nurses (PHNs) from government, school, and community agencies, developed 11 population-based competencies for educating nursing students and the novice PHN. Although many organizations have developed competency lists for experts, the Consortium developed a set of competencies that clearly define expectations for the beginning PHN. The competencies are utilized by both education and practice. They guide nurse educators and PHNs in the creation of learning experiences that develop population-based knowledge and skills for baccalaureate nursing students. Public health nursing leaders use the competencies to frame their expectations and orientations for nurses who are new to public health nursing. This paper explains the meaning of each of the 11 population-based competencies and provides examples of student projects that demonstrate competency development. Strategies are suggested for nurse educators and PHNs to promote effective population-based student projects in public health agencies.  相似文献   

The following paper extracts some highlights from a conference on nursing education for public health, convened by the Division of Nursing, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources Administration, of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare in May 1973. This brief examination of selected discussions among participants about trends in health care, the challenges they believed they would face in improving health status, and the inferences they drew for planning public health nursing education may provide a partial foundation for examining current issues in the education of public health nurses. Although public health nursing roles have evolved dramatically over the last 34 years, the issues raised during the conference have not been completely or adequately resolved. The difficulty of predicting or prophesying the future during a period of rapidly changing social and political conditions, and the importance placed by these leaders of public health nursing on participating in the formation of goal-directed public policy remain salient lessons for the contemporary reader.  相似文献   

Public health and other community health nurses frequently serve as preceptors to undergraduate student nurses learning population-based nursing in community/public health practicum courses. The extent of preparation and support for the preceptor role provided by schools of nursing is often limited. One strategy to address this problem is to provide targeted, Web-delivered continuing education (CE) to preceptors. A Web-delivered CE course entitled, "Partnerships for Learning Community Health Nursing," was created and pilot tested. Course content includes preceptor roles; assisting students in learning population-based public health nursing, critical thinking, and cultural competence; learning styles and teaching strategies; what to do in challenging situations; evaluation and feedback; and specific information about school policies, procedures, and course assignments. Precourse knowledge was assessed using a mailed survey. Postcourse knowledge and satisfaction were assessed using questions embedded in the course. Postsemester knowledge and satisfaction were evaluated through a postsemester survey. Knowledge gain was tested using repeated measures ANOVA and paired t tests. Thirteen preceptors participated in the pilot test. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated that knowledge gain occurred (multivariate F=55.603, df=2, error df=11, p<.0001). Participants increased knowledge from pretest to posttest (t=-10.25, p<.00001) and from pretest to end of the semester (t=-4.95, p<.0003). Knowledge decline from end of course to end of semester was not significant (t=1.94, p=.08). Participants reported satisfaction with the course. Web-delivered CE for community/public health nurse preceptors can support preceptor learning and is an acceptable method for receiving this type of education. Further research is needed on the impact of preceptor education on student learning.  相似文献   

Partnerships are fundamental to successful public health practice, and collaborations between academia and public health practice, as recommended by the Institute of Medicine and the Council on Linkages between academia and public health practice, are vital to ensuring a competent public health workforce. During times of economic crisis, graduate public health nursing students with clinical expertise, people and communication skills, and critical thinking capabilities are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between academia and public health practice. In 2009, 5 registered nurses enrolled in a master of science in nursing program with a focus on public health partnered with public health professionals from the state Department of Public Health to conduct an active surveillance study to understand the increase in vancomycin-resistant enterococci incidences that occurred since 2005. The purpose of this paper is to describe the successes and challenges of the collaboration to provide an insight for those who wish to build similar collaborations. Even in light of the challenges that occurred during this collaboration, faculty should strongly consider developing partnerships with public health practice in order to contribute to important public health surveillance and other functions, and to provide relevant experiences for students.  相似文献   

Within long-term care, the transitional care setting provides post-acute and short-stay rehabilitation to older adults, easing the transition between the acute care hospital and home or long-term care. The current nursing shortage makes it difficult for these facilities to attract and retain qualified nursing staff. In order to meet the rehabilitation needs for this patient population while at the same time addressing the challenge in nursing education of limited clinical placements and severe nurse faculty shortages, an academic-practice partnership was developed to establish a Dedicated Education Unit (DEU). The DEU is an innovative clinical education model in which experienced staff nurses serve as clinical teachers to nursing students. This paper describes the process of developing a DEU using the Partners in Caring Model as the framework. Formative and summative evaluation results and recommendations for program improvement of this pilot project are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Objective: Preceptors are an essential component in preparing student nurses to become practicing public health nurses. Preparation for the preceptor role is important for achieving a quality learning experience for students. This study was conducted to explore the relationship between completion of a Web‐delivered preceptor education program and both knowledge of the preceptor role and self‐efficacy to perform in the preceptor role. Design and Sample: This study used a pretest‐posttest, quasi‐experimental design. The participants were experienced public health nurses (n=31) working in one state in the United States. Measures: Pretest and posttest Web‐delivered survey using the preceptor self‐efficacy questionnaire and an instrument assessing knowledge gain. Intervention: A Web‐delivered preceptor education program tailored for public health nurses. Results: The program was associated with improved self‐efficacy scores at both the immediate and the 3‐month posttest, and with increased knowledge of the preceptor role evident at the immediate posttest only. Self‐efficacy scores were independent of knowledge scores. Preceptor age was not correlated with self‐efficacy or knowledge scores. Nurses with higher levels of education demonstrated higher self‐efficacy scores in all 3 measurements. Conclusions: Web‐delivered continuing education targeted to public health nurse preceptors is an effective method to increase confidence and knowledge for the preceptor role.  相似文献   

The Omaha System is the hallmark evidence‐based clinical information management system used in nursing education, research, and practice. Multiple education documents guide public health workforce preparation. This qualitative study identified similarities and gaps between the Omaha System and seven guiding documents commonly used by nurse educators. A crosswalk design was employed. The setting was virtually based using online technology. Recommendations are for public health nurse educators to update their teaching practices using evidence‐based approaches.  相似文献   

Public health nursing practice is rooted in the core value of social justice. Nursing faculty whose expertise is in public health are often the content experts responsible for teaching this essential, yet potentially controversial, value. Contemporary threats to academic freedom remind us that the disciplinary autonomy and academic duty to teach social justice may be construed as politically ideological. These threats are of particular concern when faculty members guide students through a scientific exploration of sociopolitical factors that lead to health-related social injustices and encourage students to improve and transform injustices in their professional careers. This article (a) reviews recent challenges to academic freedom that influence social justice education, (b) explores academic freedom and duty to teach social justice within the discipline of nursing, and (c) proposes a praxis-based approach to social justice education, which is grounded in transformative pedagogy.  相似文献   

New public health nurses (PHNs) move from novice to expert status with enormous expectations from their organization, their peers, and themselves. These expectations lead to stress that may be beyond the level of endurance. Mentoring is an important answer to this problem. Mentoring is the greatest gift PHNs can give to each other, especially for PHNs who self-identified themselves as minority cultural group members. This article describes definitions, roles, benefits, and responsibilities of mentors and mentees and includes mentoring concerns, current and proposed mentoring programs, and mentoring issues for gender and race. Organizational mentoring programs can be created that will facilitate the development of mentoring relationships. These programs help experienced PHNs bridge the gap between the theory and reality of nursing for themselves and inexperienced colleagues.  相似文献   

The complexity of public health problems and advancement of science framing public health demand an expansion of traditional educational approaches and curriculum to prepare a futuristic advanced practice public health nursing (APPHN) workforce. This position paper sponsored by the Association of Community Health Nursing Educators challenges nurse educators to apply innovative strategies in preparing public health nursing (PHN) professionals and to expand curriculum paradigms to promote PHN's ecological approach to solving problems. To meet the challenges of ensuring public health in the 21st century, advanced practice public health nurses must have greater foundational knowledge in critical content areas discussed in this document. Competence in these areas will enable advanced practice public health nurses to address future health care challenges such as rapidly changing social structures, escalating knowledge explosion, globalization, and growth of new technologies. This education will prepare nurses to forge new knowledge and establish health care teams to create effective solutions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this clinical concepts paper is to describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of a formal academic‐practice partnership between a large, urban, public school system and a college of nursing, based on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing's Guiding Principles to Academic‐Practice Partnerships. The overarching goal of the partnership was to increase the school district's capacity to meet sexual health education policy requirements while providing graduate nursing students with an opportunity to work with a diverse population of youth during a public health nursing practicum course. As a result of the partnership, over 2,000 public school students (grades 5–12) have received comprehensive sexual health education and increased their knowledge by an average of 19.7–32.7%. In addition, 79 prelicensure, graduate nursing students have been placed at the public school system for public health nursing practicum and 100% have met all clinical objectives. As with any partnership, successes and lessons learned were identified. Discussion of both is included in this paper and may benefit other organizations considering entering into similar partnerships. Ultimately, academic‐practice partnerships are an important mechanism to simultaneously meet the growing needs of community practice partners and nursing education programs, while strengthening public health nursing practice.  相似文献   

The need and expectation for advocacy is central to public health nursing practice. Advocacy efforts that effectively call attention to population health threats and promote the well‐being of communities rely on strategies that deliver influential messaging. The digital story is a lay method to capture meaningful, impactful stories that can be used to advocate for public health concerns. Readily available, user‐friendly digital technologies allow engagement in digital media production to create digital stories. This paper describes how digital story making can be utilized as an academic assignment to teach public health advocacy within an undergraduate nursing curriculum. Providing nursing students this artistic outlet can facilitate meeting academic learning goals, while also equipping them with creative skills that can be applied in future professional practice. Nursing educators can take advantage of institutional resources and campus culture to support the use of novel digital media assignments that facilitate application of advocacy concepts.  相似文献   

We describe a conference initiative that is distinguished by the use of a "community case study" to increase the knowledge and skills of nursing faculty and public health nurses in environmental health and to provide networking support to facilitate infusion of environmental health into nursing curricula and public health nursing practice. The Institute of Medicine's (1995) general environmental health competencies for nurses provided the conference framework. Woburn, Massachusetts, a Superfund site, served as the community case study to illustrate a complex environmental health problem. Over an extended period of time, Woburn was contaminated with multiple chemicals that eventually contaminated the drinking water supply; a cluster of childhood leukemia cases was linked subsequently to the Superfund site contaminants. A 6-hr interpreted walking and bus tour of the Superfund site enabled us to visit the premises of responsible parties, the vapor extraction fields, the capped Well H in the wooded wetlands, and to tour the affected neighborhood. This intensive, hands-on approach to learning environmental health content and skills that incorporated multiple learning strategies serves as a model for developing future conferences for public health nurses and nursing faculty.  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle, public health, and public health nursing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT The Precautionary Principle posits that, in the absence of certainty, the appropriate course of action is to err on the side of caution. The Principle has been applied to decision making and policy development related to environmental health issues both internationally and in the United States. The American Public Health Association and the American Nurses Association (ANA) have issued policy statements that invoke the Precautionary Principle, and the Principle has been incorporated into statements that describe the practice of public health nursing. Nursing has always recognized the relationship of the environment with the health of humans—individuals, families, populations, and communities (ANA). The increasing attention to the Precautionary Principle comes at a time of redefinition of the field of public health, environmental public health, and the practice of public health nursing. Thus, it is crucial that practicing public health nurses understand the Precautionary Principle and its relevance to the practice of public health, public health nursing, and the current and future health individuals, families, populations, and communities.  相似文献   

Public Health has been a key contributor in the Interprofessional Education Collaborative expert panel for Interprofessional Education (IPE) programs; however, limited programs have directly addressed population health concepts such as social determinants of health and health disparities in healthcare, which directly impact the health and well-being of patients. Thus, this study presents the development and implementation of population health concepts within a traditional, clinically focused IPE program. Within the IPE program conducted in 2016, more than 575 students from 12 health-related disciplines participated in a 4-month academic course. A new curriculum was developed that included a new module on social determinants of health. Previously developed sessions on roles and responsibilities, standardized patient interviewing, patient care planning, and patient safety were re-examined to incorporate the concepts of social determinants of health and health disparities. Course evaluations reported higher mean scores for each new session when compared to scores from previous years evaluation, when social determinants of health had not been addressed. Findings from this evaluation highlight the importance of developing innovative experiential learning experiences that include public health concepts within IPE in order to create a more fulfilling and enriched curriculum to better prepare healthcare students to address the social determinants of health that they will be encountering in their future practice.  相似文献   

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