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Characterization of the UGT1 gene complex locus encoding both multiple bilirubin and phenol UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (transferases) has been critical in identifying mutations in the bilirubin isoforms. This study utilizes this information to identify the bases of deficient bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity encoded by the UGT1A gene for the major bilirubin isozyme, HUG-Br1, in 3 Crigler-Najjar type I individuals and the genotype of an at-risk unborn sibling of one patient. A homozygous and heterozygous two-base mutation (CCC to CGT) created the HUG-Br1P387R mutant of the major bilirubin transferase in 2 different Crigler-Najjar type I patients, B.G. and G.D., respectively. Both parents of B.G. and his unborn sibling, J.G., were determined to be carriers of the P387R mutation. G.D. also contains the CAA to TAA nonsense mutation (G1n357st). Y.A. has a homozygous CT deletion in codons 40/41. The HUG-Br1P387R mutant protein was totally inactive at the major pH optimum (6.4), but retained 26% normal activity at the minor pH optimum (7.6), which was 5.4% of the combined activities measured at the two pH values. Am. J. Med. Genet. 68:173–178, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Crigler-Najjar syndrome type I is a severe form of hereditary unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations of the bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase gene (UGT1A1). We analyzed the bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase gene in a female Chinese patient with Crigler-Najjar syndrome type I. Relatives of the patient were also analyzed. The patient was homozygous for a nonsense mutation of R341X. The patient's father, sister and brother, all diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome, were compound heterozygotes of R341X, P229Q, and an insertion mutation of the TATA box [A(TA)7TAA]. Heterozygotes of nonsense mutations (Q331X and C280X) in our previous study had either Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II or Gilbert's syndrome, but heterozygotes of R341X (mother and grandmothers) were normal. An in vitro expression study of homozygous and heterozygous models of R341X showed 0 and 58%, respectively, of normal enzyme activity. Therefore, the present results indicate that carriers of the nonsense mutation could be normal for plasma bilirubin concentration, Gilbert's syndrome and Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II. The results also suggest the importance of the accumulation of prevalent or polymorphic mutation in the etiology of Gilbert's syndrome and Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II.  相似文献   

Multiple lentigines (LEOPARD) syndrome has been delineated as an autosomal dominant disorder with lentigines, cardiac abnormalities, variable mental retardation, and typical craniofacial features as the most characteristic findings. LEOPARD syndrome shows a great clinical overlap with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). In this report we describe a de novo missense mutation (M 1035R) in exon 18 of the NF1 gene in a young woman with a prior diagnosis of LEOPARD syndrome. We hypothesize that some patients now diagnosed with LEOPARD syndrome have in fact a mutation in the NF1 gene, whereas in other patients with LEOPARD syndrome, a different gene might be involved. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mutations in the four-and-a-half LIM domain 1 (FHL1) gene, which encodes a 280-amino-acid protein containing four LIM domains and a single zinc-finger domain in the N-terminal region, have been associated with a broad clinical spectrum of X-linked muscle diseases encompassing a variety of different phenotypes. Patients might present with a scapuloperoneal myopathy, a myopathy with postural muscle atrophy and generalized hypertrophy, an Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, or an early onset myopathy with reducing bodies. It has been proposed that the phenotypic variability is related to the position of the mutation within the FHL1 gene. Here, we report on three British families with a heterogeneous clinical presentation segregating a single FHL1 gene mutation and haplotype, suggesting that this represents a founder mutation. The underlying FHL1 gene mutation was detected by direct sequencing and the founder effect was verified by haplotype analysis of the FHL1 gene locus. A 3-bp insertion mutation (p.Phe127_Thr128insIle) within the second LIM domain of the FHL1 gene was identified in all available affected family members of the three families. Haplotype analysis of the FHL1 region on Xq26 revealed that the families shared a common haplotype. The p.Phe127_Thr128insIle mutation in the FHL1 gene therefore appears to be a British founder mutation and FHL1 gene screening, in particular of exon 6, should therefore be indicated in British patients with a broad phenotypic spectrum of X-linked muscle diseases.  相似文献   

Known genetic defects currently account for only a small proportion of patients meeting criteria for 'probable' or 'possible' common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). A 59-year-old male with a 12-year history of CVID on intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is presented who developed bronchiectasis, cytopenias and malabsorption that are recognized complications of CVID. Work-up for his malabsorption suggested the possibility of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, confirmed by mutation testing. With the identification of the molecular defect in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS), it is becoming clear that not all SDS patients have the prominent features of neutropenia or pancreatic malabsorption. A meta-analysis of published immunological defects in SDS suggests that four of 14 hypogammaglobulinaemic SDS patients meet criteria for 'possible' CVID. Mutations in the SBDS gene may therefore be the fifth identified molecular defect in CVID.  相似文献   

PurposeAutoimmune polyendocrine type 1 (APS-1) is a complex inherited autosomal recessive disorder. Classically, it appears within the first decade of life followed by adrenocortical insufficiency, mucocutaneous candidiasis, Addison's disease, and hypoparathyroidism. The clinical phenotype of APS-1 varies depending upon mutations in the autoimmune regulator gene (AIRE) on chromosome 21q22.3.MethodsIn this study, we performed Sanger sequencing ofAIRE in Iranian patients to identify different variants and probable new mutations corresponding to a clinical diagnosis of APS-1.ResultsAfter analyzing 14AIRE exons, we detected a novel insertion mutation in exon 2 in a patient who presented with severe APS-1, Lys50AsnfsX168. Furthermore, the known mutations in AIRE, including Arg139X, Arg257X, and Leu323SerfsX51, were detected in enrolled patients.DiscussionAccording to our results, sequencing analysis ofAIRE provides a useful screening method to diagnose patients with incomplete or unusual clinical presentations of APS-1.  相似文献   

The hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS) is an autosomal recessively inherited autoinflammatory disease caused by mutations in the mevalonate kinase (MVK) gene on chromosome 12q24, which lead to a depressed enzymatic activity of mevalonate kinase (MK). TNF-receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), on the other hand, is the most frequent autosomal dominantly inherited periodic fever syndrome due to mutations in exons 2-4 and 6 of the TNFRSF1A gene on chromosome 12p13.2. We describe a girl with heterozygosity for the common MVK V377I mutation and for a novel T(1132) --> C transition, leading to the exchange of serine (TCC) by proline (CCC) at amino-acid position 378. Interestingly, our patient presented only with mild clinical features typical of HIDS and slightly increased immunoglobulin D levels, but a distinctly diminished MK activity. The girl was also heterozygous for the TNFRSF1A R92Q low-penetrance mutation, which may have significant proinflammatory effects. However, at the time of presentation, the patient had no TRAPS-associated symptoms.  相似文献   

Pathogenic point mutations in the mitochondrial MTND1 gene have previously been described in association with two distinct clinical phenotypes -- Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). Here we report the first heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) point mutation (3376G>A) in the MTND1 gene associated with an overlap syndrome comprising the clinical features of both LHON and MELAS. Muscle histochemistry revealed subtle mitochondrial abnormalities, while biochemical analysis showed an isolated complex I deficiency. Our findings serve to highlight the growing importance of mutations in mitochondrial complex I structural genes in MELAS and its associated overlap syndromes.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS-I) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by a deficiency of the glycosidase alpha-L-iduronidase which is required for the lysosomal degradation of the glycosaminoglycans heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate. Patients with MPS-I store these partially degraded glycosaminoglycans in their lysosomes. MPS-I patients have a wide range of clinical presentations, that makes it difficult to predict patient phenotype which is needed for genetic counselling and also impedes the selection and evaluation of patients undergoing therapy such as bone marrow transplantation. We report the presence of a common mutation accounting for 31% of MPS-I alleles in a study of 64 MPS-I patients. The mutation was originally detected by chemical cleavage and then direct PCR sequencing. The mutation is a single base substitution that introduces a stop codon at position 402 (W402X) of the alpha-L-iduronidase protein and is associated with an extremely severe clinical phenotype in homozygotes. Patients who are compound heterozygotes having one allele carrying the W402X mutation have a wide range of clinical phenotypes. Based on polymorphisms within the alpha-L-iduronidase gene, W402X is associated with three different haplotypes, implying that there is more than one origin for the mutation or that intragenic recombination has occurred. W402X introduces a MaeI restriction endonuclease site into MPS-I alleles enabling its simple detection, which should make possible the assessment of the efficacy of bone marrow transplantation in MPS-I patients homozygous for W402X.  相似文献   

Noonan syndrome (NS) and neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) belong to a group of clinically related disorders that share a common pathogenesis, dysregulation of the RAS‐MAPK pathway. NS is characterized by short stature, heart defect, pectus deformity and facial dysmorphism, whereas skin manifestations, skeletal defects, Lisch nodules and neurofibromas are characteristic of NF1. Both disorders display considerable clinical variability. Features of NS have been observed in individuals with NF1 –a condition known as neurofibromatosis–Noonan syndrome (NFNS). The major gene causing NFNS is NF1. Rarely, a mutation in PTPN11 in addition to an NF1 mutation is present. We present the clinical and molecular characterization of a family displaying features of both NS and NF1, with complete absence of neurofibromas. To investigate the etiology of the phenotype, mutational analysis of NF1 was conducted, revealing a novel missense mutation in exon 24, p.L1390F, affecting the GAP‐domain. Additional RAS‐MAPK pathway genes were examined, but no additional mutations were identified. We confirm that NF1 mutations are involved in the etiology of NFNS. Furthermore, based on our results and previous studies we suggest that evaluation of the GAP‐domain of NF1 should be prioritized in NFNS.  相似文献   

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